The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 143: A side story of Fu Da Niu


When Fu Qiushui was young, his family was very poor.

Especially after her father died, it was almost impossible for the family to open the pot.

But it doesn't matter. She thought, anyway, she still has a younger brother, if she really can't sell this stupid brother who will only hinder her, she can still have some money to live on.

This boy has red lips and white teeth, he doesn't look like a child from a poor family at all. The old man in the town has always wanted a son, but several son sellers came to his door and they didn't take a fancy to him. Fu Qiushui thought, her brother should be fine.

The elder is a well-known benevolent person. He actually had an adopted son in the past, and he was so spoiled by heaven. It's a pity that my life was not good. When I went out to play, the servants didn't watch me. I fell and knocked my head, so I died. If her younger brother was to be the son of the elder, he should be able to live such a good life.

Anyway, this kid has a sweet mouth.

The innocent and kind brother didn't know his sister's intention to get rid of the oil bottle, so he sat obediently at the table and drank wild vegetable soup.

After drinking every drop, he put down the bowl and touched his swollen belly. He showed a sweet smile to his sister with complicated complexion: "Sister, I'm done drinking!"

Seeing him like this, Fu Qiushui thought about it. Such a silly and cute brother, she should keep it for herself, it would be a pity to sell it.

"Damn, are you still hungry?" Fu Qiushui, who was called Da Niu at that time, asked.

Fu Erdan shook his head obediently: "I'm not hungry anymore, I, I drank a lot of soup."

It is said to be soup, but it is actually no different from clear water. Put a handful of wild vegetables, sprinkle a little salt, and then a large pot of water, without any other seasoning. The soup was dyed a light green color by the wild vegetables, which can't be seen unless you look carefully.

In fact, the taste of wild vegetables is not good. The wild vegetables that can be dug up at this time are basically astringent. Moreover, he is a bit old, and Erdan's small teeth can't be clenching very well.

After drinking a lot of water, I am full now, but I am still hungry after going to the toilet twice. But what can be done? Who made their family poor? There is not much food in the house, and they can only eat wild vegetables because there are still wild vegetables. Otherwise, when there is nothing to eat in winter, it will be miserable.

The Fu family has no land. They used to have it, but now they don't. Even if there is, they can't grow anything with a little bean and a girl's house.

Fu Qiushui opened a small plot in the yard and planted some vegetables, but it was not enough to eat.

She used the wild vegetables she picked before to make dried vegetables, so that she could save them for food when there was no food.

In the area where Fu's old house is located, it is bound to snow in winter, and it is cold and humid in the south. Going out to find food in winter, let alone whether they can find it, they will definitely not be able to hold on to the temperature outside.

In previous winters, Fu Qiushui and his younger brother huddled under the quilt and survived together.

Although Fu Erdan is a child, his body is warm. It is like a small stove in winter and summer, and it is much easier to be next to him.

Fu Qiushui thought about getting more firewood, so that he could burn charcoal when cooking, and when it was very cold, he could light charcoal for warmth. And if you spend the winter, you will definitely need a lot of firewood. It is too painful to go out to get firewood in winter.

Although, winter is still several months away.

"Okay, it's fine if you're not hungry." Fu Qiushui rubbed Erdan's head, "Go and play, see if any fruits are ripe, and bring back more."

The fruit cannot be kept for a long time, so it can only be eaten as soon as possible. The season of fruit ripening is approaching, and there are wild fruit trees all over the mountains and fields. Autumn is the time when they don't have to starve.

Er Dan ran out to find his friends to play, Fu Qiushui took the dirty clothes and went to the river to wash them.

Fu Erdan still has some friends in the village. Because he is good-looking, children of the same age are also willing to take him to play. Children of this age are not so immature, and they will not discriminate against Fu Erdan just because his family is the poorest in the village.

But Fu Qiushui's social circle is different. Girls at this age already know how to love beauty. Moreover, girls seem to have a natural talent for forming small groups to isolate themselves.

In short, Fu Qiushui was rejected by the girls' circle. There were several girls' cliques in the village, but Fu Qiushui was not included in any of them.

However, these small groups were not all hostile to Fu Qiushui. Some are purely because of their good family background, so those who are poor at home are ignored. They not only rejected Fu Qiushui, but also rejected many other people. They didn't specifically target Fu Qiushui. In their eyes, those girls who were poorer were almost the same as Fu Qiushui who was very poor.

Apart from sneering at the few girls who are always thinking of climbing into their circle, this group adopts the same attitude of ignoring everyone else. Fu Qiushui thought this was good, and she didn't want to have any contact with these people.

There are also some small groups who are purely jealous of Fu Qiushui's good looks.

In the past, the Fu family was not very poor, Fu's father was not ugly, and Fu's mother was also a beauty from ten miles and eight villages. It's a pity that the family's life became worse and worse later, and Fu Niang and Fu Dad passed away one after another without leaving much inheritance. So the sister and brother of the Fu family became orphans, and only the head of the village would occasionally help them.

Fu Qiushui came to the river, put down the tub, and took out a piece of clothing to wash.

The clothes in their house are all big patches with small patches stacked on top of each other, so you have to be very careful when you wash them, or you might have another hole. Fu Qiushui sighed, when will this day end.

"Look! Isn't that Miss Fu?"

There was someone's voice from far behind, laughing and laughing. Fu Qiushui was not deaf, so of course he heard it.

But after a while, the sound disappeared again.

Fu Qiushui knew that they didn't leave, so someone must have come quietly to scare her. Fu Qiushui watched them scare a timid boy with this trick yesterday, maybe he thought it was funny and wanted to scare her.

How childish.

Fu Qiushui continued to wash his clothes with his head down.

There were slight footsteps behind him, and Fu Qiushui washed and wrung out the last piece of clothing, and put it in the tub. She stood up with the tub in her arms, which surprised the guilty person behind her.

Fu Qiushui turned to look at her, expressionless: "Is it fun?"

It was a fairly good-looking girl, and she immediately lost her temper after being teased like this.

Because of her good looks, she has many admirers in the village. The family always told her that if she was so good-looking, she would definitely marry a good family.

The family pointed at her to marry a wealthy son-in-law to subsidize her mother's family. She has been doting on her since she was a child, and she has always had a bad temper. Facing Fu Qiushui who was prettier than her, she was filled with anger and jealousy.

She knew that many people in the village thought she was inferior to Fu Qiushui. There are several others who like her, secretly saying that they like Fu Qiushui more.

She couldn't compare to Fu Qiushui, a poor girl. Her family still had several acres of land!

As soon as the girl got angry, she immediately ignored her. When Fu Qiushui saw that she was about to pounce, he immediately walked to the side holding the wooden basin in three or two steps. The girl originally wanted to push Fu Qiushui into the water, but now she fell into it because of inertia.

Fu Qiushui looked at the girl splashing in the river indifferently, knowing that she could swim, so he was not worried. Moreover, it is said to be a river, but it is actually a creek only half a meter deep. Just stand up and it will be fine.

After the girl stood still, she became mad with anger, pointed at Fu Qiushui and began to curse, whatever was unpleasant. The people in the village swear at the street and don't talk about civility and manners at all. All kinds of greetings to the eighteenth generation of ancestors are harsh.

Fu Qiushui laughed after hearing this.

She felt nothing, she and her stupid brother were the only ones left in her family, and the eighteen generations of her ancestors including her parents were all dead. Why is she angry when this person scolds a bunch of dead people? She didn't know those dead people well. If those dead people really had spirits in the sky, and she had revenge at night, she could just strangle this woman to death on the bed.

After thinking about it, Fu Qiushui felt that his logic was really good, so he ignored this silly girl who was scolding dryly, and turned around and left.

Her clothes haven't been dried yet, who has the time to waste time with her. After returning to the yard, she still had to toss the vegetable field and chop firewood, so she was very busy.

After Fu Qiushui left, the girl felt as if she had won a game. She scolded Fu Qiushui so much that she didn't dare to speak back!

The girl climbed up from the river happily, and wanted to tell her friends that she would go home and change clothes, but she saw them laughing at her.

"Hey, Xiaomei, why did you get yourself into the river? You are so stupid!"

"Miss Fu ignored you!"

"You look so ugly, don't you know? Turn your head and look at the water, and you can see it."


Miss Xiaomei couldn't hold back her face, she gave them a hard look, and ran home covering her face.

"Why are you tossing yourself like this?" Xiao Meiniang looked at her daughter with disgust, "The clean clothes I just changed for you today are for nothing!"

Xiao Mei cried out angrily, so many people laughed at her, it was not easy for her to sue one by one. So she brought Fu Qiushui out, blaming Fu Qiushui as the culprit.

After listening to her words, Xiao Mei Niang poked her forehead resentfully: "Are you stupid? You still use your own hands to bully her? Go to your grandfather's house and borrow that dog, Da Huang listens to you like that, let Da Huang Just bite her."

Fu Qiushui's family didn't have any elders to speak up for her. As long as they killed her with one bite, she was bitten by provoking a dog herself, and the village chief couldn't care less!

"Mom, you're so smart!" Xiaomei smiled happily, ran to take a bath and changed clothes, and went to her grandfather's house to lead the dog.

But she didn't tell her uncle that she wanted to take it to bite people, because uncle would definitely not agree. My uncle didn't let her bully others. Last time when my uncle found her bullying another girl, my uncle didn't allow her to come in for many days, and he didn't keep any delicious food for her. Instead, he sent it to that girl to make amends.

Xiaomei still remembers this incident, she lost a lot of delicious food.

But now, she is not afraid. What does it matter if uncle brings food to Fu Qiushui? Fu Qiushui was bitten, and it's not something that can make up for it with a little food, so it's not a loss at all for her to do so.

What's more, someone in the next village got mad dog disease after being bitten by a dog, and she was looking forward to Fu Qiushui getting this disease. When Fu Qiushui becomes Fu Qiushui, she wants to see if those men still like Fu Qiushui!

Xiaomei said she wanted to take the dog out for a walk, and ran away with the dog.

After Fu Qiushui cleared the vegetable field, he went up the mountain to cut firewood. She can only cut some thin branches, but she can't cut down the thick trunks, and can't drag them away even after they are cut.

Binding the collected branches with hemp rope and carrying them on his back, Fu Qiushui hurried home with great difficulty.

On the way, I ran into Xiaomei who had been staying for a long time.

Without further ado, Xiaomei pointed at Fu Qiushui and said, "Rhubarb! Come on! Bite her!"

The big yellow dog was very obedient and immediately jumped on it.

Fu Qiushui was startled, immediately put down the firewood, threw it in front of him, and just hit the rhubarb.

Rhubarb is in pain: "Wow!"

Seeing that Rhubarb was being suppressed by the firewood, Xiaomei hurried over to help. But Fu Qiushui tried his best to press the firewood beside him, preventing Rhubarb from breaking free. If she broke free, she would definitely be bitten.

These branches are particularly prickly because they are thin and have forked branches. Although Fu Qiushui had tried his best to cut off the fork, the rhubarb underneath was still very painful from being poked by the fork.

It struggled non-stop, Xiaomei was not very active, and his energy was no match for Fu Qiushui, and he couldn't lift the firewood even during the day. Xiaomei was in a hurry, so she had to pull Rhubarb's two front legs, trying to pull it out.

Pulling like this made it even more painful. On one side was the pain from being pulled on the front leg, and on the other side was the pain on the back. Rhubarb barked a few times, and bit forward hard, forcing Xiaomei, who was not helping her, to let go.

"Ah!" Xiaomei hugged the bitten arm so that tears fell down.

Fu Qiushui had already circled behind Rhubarb. Seeing this, she picked up a branch to block herself. The struggling Rhubarb did not continue to attack Fu Qiushui behind him, but subconsciously rushed forward and attacked Xiaomei who had hurt her leg before.

Xiaomei was bitten by it several times and could only run around. Fu Qiushui watched them run away one by one, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, and sat down slumped down.

When it was getting dark, Fu Qiushui regained his strength and went home with firewood on his back.

"Sister!" As soon as I got home, the little bastard who was like a cannonball rushed over, holding two fruits in his hand, "A lot of fruits! Sister! I picked a lot! You eat! "

Fu Qiushui put down the firewood, took one, and found that it had been washed, and there were still drops of water on it. She paused and asked, "Where did you get the water to wash?"

There is a well in the yard, but this well needs to be fetched by wooden barrels, and Erdan will definitely not be able to fetch water.

Erdan looked at her sister anxiously: "Washed by the river, by the river. I washed two, sister, sister, you eat!"

He shoved the second one in too.

Fu Qiushui saw that his mouth was clean and knew that he must not have eaten. This kid looks ugly when he eats, especially if he eats fruit, it will definitely leave marks on his mouth.

This kid also knows how to respect his sister, so it doesn't hurt in vain.

"Eat it first, sister, go wash your hands, wash the rest of the fruit together, and then eat."

Erdan nodded: "Okay, then, then you go, sister, you are hungry."

Fu Qiushui fetched water to wash his hands and fruit. The siblings didn't enter the main room, but sat in the yard to eat. It's getting dark, and the main room is so dark that you can't see anything, it's better to sit outside.

After eating less than half of the fruit, the siblings will be full. I don't know how this kid picked so many fruits by himself, it's really embarrassing for him.

"Delicious." Erdan happily gnawed on the fruit.

"I threw up the skin, don't eat the skin." Fu Qiushui warned, the skin has hair on it, so it's not good to eat.

Er Dan reluctantly agreed, and vomited the skin.

In fact, the fruit is a bit sour and not very tasty. After all, it is just ripe, and many of them are half sour and half sweet. But for Erdan, this is already delicious.

Compared with wild vegetables and dried vegetables, wild fruits are really delicious.

Neither of them had any meat to eat. Fu Qiushui looked at his younger brother and thought about catching some fish tomorrow. If you fish a little more, you can make one to eat, and the rest is salted and then air-dried. After being made into dried fish, it can be preserved for a long time.

Salt is a relatively expensive thing, so you can save as much as you can when cooking at home. The saved salt is used to make dried fish and meat, and poor people can only save money.

Fu Qiushui packed away the peels and the like, and coaxed Er Dan to take a shower and go to bed. I wiped my body in the dark, lay on the bed, and before I fell asleep, I was still thinking about the needlework that was almost finished tomorrow, so that I could sell some copper coins.

One day passed like this.

After waking up the next day, Fu Qiushui finished the needlework and took the things to the village to sell. Some people in the village collect things, and then sell them in the county town, earning a penny of the difference.

Fu Qiushui didn't have time to travel all the way to the county seat, so he usually sold them directly to the villagers in order to save trouble. And even if she goes to the county town, she may not be able to sell it at a stall, she doesn't have connections like the other party.

The man was sitting in the yard chatting with other people about his family affairs, seeing Fu Qiushui coming, he didn't talk to her much. After entering the room and taking the money, they exchanged with Fu Qiushui, and continued to chat.

After listening for a while, Fu Qiushui realized that they were talking about what happened last evening.

It means that Xiaomei, a girl from the Liu family at the head of the village, provoked the dog for some reason, and was chased down by the dog and ran down the mountain, and was bitten several times. The dog actually belonged to Xiaomei's grandfather's family, and Xiaomei led it out by herself.

After Xiaomei was rescued, she kept crying. She was obviously frightened, and she couldn't tell what happened and why the dog bit her. Because of this matter, Liu's family and Xiaomei's grandparent's family got into a fight, especially Xiaomei Niang, and Xiaomei's uncle even had a fight.

If it wasn't for the fact that Xiaomei had too many injuries and had to go to the doctor quickly, they might still be making trouble.

But the Liu family is not rich, and has no money to go to the county to see the wounded. I had no choice but to find a barefoot doctor in the village, spent a few pennies to buy some medicine, and prescribed it to Xiaomei.

But the people in the village are not optimistic about Xiaomei, and they have also heard about the mad dog in the next village. Xiaomei was bitten so many times, she probably died.

Fu Qiushui walked and listened all the way, people on the road were talking about this. She pretended she didn't know anything, hurried home to hide the money, and then went to fish.

Xiaomei's matter can only be said to be her own karma, Fu Qiushui should not bear the name of harming her. Fu Qiushui even hoped that Xiaomei would not find a chance to drag her out, it would be best if she got mad dog disease.

This girl herself is no different from a lunatic, she bullies men and women every day, and if she is gone, she will be clean.

After a few days, Fu Qiushui really heard that Xiaomei had mad dog disease and was locked up.

There is no better way to deal with this kind of thing these days, and she cannot be killed, and there is no place like a madhouse where she can be locked up. For her sake, Xiao Mei Niang broke up with her natal family completely, and the two families have been very unlucky recently.

Once Fu Qiushui met Xiao Mei Niang on the road, and she gave her a hard look.

Xiao Mei Niang came up with the idea, but she didn't expect to harm her own girl. But she couldn't bring Fu Qiushui into it, because she couldn't say that she let her daughter bring a dog to bite someone, and in the end, her daughter was bitten instead. As an elder, she plotted to frame a little girl like this, how could she be ashamed if she said it

She could only stare, but couldn't do anything else.

Fu Qiushui stared at her back for a while, and probably knew it in his heart. No wonder Xiaomei let the dog bite her. She also said that Xiaomei shouldn't be able to think of this way.

But it doesn't matter, it is Xiaomei who is unlucky now. Xiao Mei Niang also offended her natal family, and she will not even have anyone to rely on in the future, and the head of her family probably doesn't like her very much recently.

The whole family treats Xiaomei as a commodity and expects her to marry someone richer to take care of her natal family. Now that chickens are flying eggs, Xiaomei's father is afraid that he will hate Yue's family to death.

Half a month later, when the fruits were ripe in large quantities, Xiaomei ran away.

They didn't know how they got lost, but the Liu family only said that when they woke up, they found her out of the house.

"Then why didn't you lock her up?" The villagers were very dissatisfied. If such a mad dog was released, they would also get mad dog if bitten by her.

The Liu family said awkwardly: "The house was originally locked, but we saw that she had gotten better recently and she should be fine, so we locked it. Who would have thought that she would run away while sleeping at night, we have searched all over the village, I can't find it..."

I'm afraid I don't even believe what they make up. But the villagers were not easy to expose, they whispered behind their backs that the Liu family must have disliked continuing to raise Xiaomei to waste food, and threw Xiaomei into the forest at night to fend for itself.

But soon, they will forget this talk, because more sensational things happened in the village.

Someone from the Fu family came and took away the unwanted siblings of the Fu family. It is said that the pair of siblings and a cousin have developed recently. Knowing that their parents are dead, they simply took them over to raise them. After all, they are a family.

Everyone in the village knew the Fu family, it was a big family, and they were rich. However, no matter how rich and powerful a family is, there are always down-and-out relatives. So there are many people like Fu Qiushui in the Fu family. In the eyes of the villagers, when they were picked up, it was a stroke of luck. They couldn't help but regret it. They knew that they had treated the siblings better before.

In the past, when Father Fu was alive, others would not dare to bully the Fu family because of their name. Father Fu died, and they guessed that the Fu family would not care about the young orphans, so they dared to spoil them.

Now I can only hope that the siblings will not hold grudges, otherwise the people in their village will not feel better about it.

But they thought too much, Fu Qiushui didn't hate the whole village. She just mentioned a few people who have been bullying her, and the Fu family only targeted these people.

After all, Fu Qiushui will be the eldest daughter of Fu's family in the future, even if she was a counterfeit before, she can't be offended in the future.

The author has something to say: Because I didn’t think of going to any other world for vacation, I wrote a personal episode

The shield next door has already been opened. By the way, the next book is Sister Hua. The pre-collection pit has also been released. I forgot to make the cover. I have to find a time to make the cover...

Thanks to Landmine: The City of Sakura, Gogo for

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Passing by in a hurry +50, kirayamato9 +200, peace +10, grilled dried fish +3, Shi Youying +30