The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 146: Yun Wei from the episode


Qin Yun was lazily lying on the sofa of the suspension car, holding Qin Wei who was fidgeting next to her with one arm.

Concubine Yun's real name is Qin Yun, she was from the interstellar era before time travel, and coincidentally, she came from the world where the game Datang is located. So after returning to Datang, Qin Yun, who practiced hard, condensed his body, stuck at the point where he had a car accident and replaced himself at the beginning, pretending nothing happened.

Right now.

In addition to her, there were also Wei Wei and He Man who had also condensed into entities in the car. He Man was sitting in the driver's cab, not bothering to care about the two loving people behind.

"Xiaoyun, are you really going to meet your parents today?" Qin Wei was very nervous when meeting her parents for the first time.

Qin Yun got up and leaned close to her: "What are you afraid of? They really like you, a cute little girl."

Qin Wei, who was no longer a little girl, suddenly became less nervous when she said this, and felt a little shy instead.

"What are you talking about? How old are you?" She really had nothing to do with Qin Yun.

Qin Yun smiled triumphantly, without any remorse.

The speed of the levitation car is very fast, and it will be able to arrive at Qin's house in no time.

The Qin family is considered one of the best business families in the Milky Way. In addition to the Qin family, there is a Tang family in the top three. The Tang family is said to be somewhat related to Sister Pao, the deputy director of the bureau, and Junluo, Shen Yuqing's gay friend.

However, Qin Yun was not very clear about these things, and she only heard about them from the boy Qiuqiu later, because Qiao Ancheng, the object of Qiuqiu, had been in Tang Dynasty for a long time and knew a lot of gossip.

This time Qin Yun was in a hurry to go home because she had something to do with the Tang family. Or should I put it this way, the Tang family and the Qin family took the lead in holding a charity auction, so the family asked her to rush back from the previous resident planet to participate in the auction and support the family.

After all, Qin Yun can be regarded as a leader among the younger generation of painters in the Federation. Her paintings can be auctioned for tens of millions of Federation credits, and she has always been regarded as the pride of the Qin family. With her supporting the venue, and offering some of her paintings as auction items, in the eyes of the outside world, the Qin family, the organizer, is very dedicated.

Commercial groups want to hold charity auctions, of course, not purely for charity, but more to build momentum and earn a good reputation.

For this point, Qin Yun has nothing against it. Anyway, their family didn't intend to hide the donations privately, and they would do everything that should be done properly, at least to ensure that the donations would be implemented and not wasted.

For this reason, Qin Yun was quite happy to come back to help. It's just a little rush on the way, because she has to come back to measure the size and modify the dress so that it doesn't fit.

Originally, Qin Yun meant to scan the body data directly with intelligent software, but the designer over there insisted that the data scan was not enough, and she wanted to see a real person. Qin Yun had no choice but to speed up, and ended up in a car accident.

Now that they are all immortals, they are not afraid of another car accident. However, Qin Yun still has a bit of a headache about how to make her family accept her sudden lover.

It's not that the family's demanding family will look down on Weiwei, she simply has a headache because the group of animals in the family took Weiwei's hand and persuaded Weiwei to "abandon the dark and turn to the bright". What's so good about people who are obsessed with painting all day long, don't you think about them, business elites

Although it was all a joke, it was also difficult to deal with. Speaking of it, it's the bad taste of the family, insisting on seeing the loving dog burnt out, obviously they are not single dogs themselves.

After thinking about it, Qin Yun decided to let her Weiwei know first, so that she would not be frightened by them.

Qin Wei was not frightened after hearing this, but laughed instead: "Your family is so cute."

"Hehe." Qin Yunsheng spread out on the back of the sofa unrequitedly, "You don't know how hateful they are. I used to be the only single dog in the family, showing affection in front of me every day. When it's my turn to show affection, I can guess to their faces."

"What face?" Qin Wei asked curiously.

Qin Yun sat up and imitated her sister-in-law's tone: "You damn loving dogs, it's amazing to have a partner! It's amazing to have a beautiful little sister! Do you have a baby? Don't you? Come on Come, look at my cub, he can already call mother!"

——It's just a show baby madman wearing the FFFF team's single dog skin.

By the way, she also has other siblings who show cats, dogs, and abs :)

Qin Wei: "..."

That is really, lively.

Soon, the hover car stopped at the gate of Qin's house. After scanning the ID chip, the hover car drove directly into the manor. It took another ten minutes before finally stopping in front of the villa. At this time, there were already two maids waiting outside the villa.

"Miss San is back." They helped carry the luggage, but they didn't really salute.

A large family is in the villa at the moment, and there are not many people in the hall after entering the house. When Qin Yun was about to arrive, she sent them a text message, but no one seemed to take the text message to heart, and she still tossed about her own affairs heartlessly.

For example, this mother Qin, who was watching a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law drama in the living room, slapped the coffee table angrily: "How can there be such an annoying mother-in-law! Daughter-in-law should be her own daughter-in-law! How can a son be as caring as a daughter-in-law?" A daughter is not as caring as a daughter-in-law!"

Qin Yun who was lying on the ground suddenly: "..."

Beside her is the twenty-four filial daughter-in-law who reads novels to accompany her. Although the daughter-in-law doesn't like to watch mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dramas, she is willing to accompany her mother-in-law quietly. At this moment, the mother-in-law was upset, and the sister-in-law of the Qin family immediately handed the mother-in-law a glass of watermelon juice.

"Mom, let's drink some watermelon juice, it's chilled, it's hot right now."

Qin's mother was very happy to hold it and drank it all. Only after drinking did she find that her daughter had returned. Still angry, she squinted at her daughter and snorted coldly: "I picked it up."

I haven't seen him home several times in a year!

Qin Wei chuckled.

Sister-in-law Qin also looked over: "Hey, Yunyun is back? This is the girlfriend you mentioned in the text message? Do you have a baby? Come, come, look at my baby, he can already call mom!" So I clicked on my brain and wanted to show them the cute video of my baby.

Dazzling baby crazy devil, well-deserved reputation.

"It's coming soon." Qin Yun pulled Qin Wei upstairs with a cold face, not forgetting to remind Weiwei, "Don't talk to them, be careful not to be led astray."

Qin Wei looked at her helplessly, speechless.

The author has something to say: Come on for the college entrance examination!

End countdown 5!

Make up five short episodes, mainly because the number of words required by the list has not been completed_(:з」∠)_