The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 149: Second World 1


The operation of the Space-Time Bureau is quickly on the right track, especially after the management is complete.

While Tang Huan was in the process of finding his friend back, Gu Lian was busy recruiting ordinary employees. Otherwise, there is only management, and there are not enough manpower to do the task.

Fortunately, after the war in the Tang Dynasty ended, all sects were very interested in the new thing of the Space-Time Bureau and provided many conveniences. For example, let your interested disciples join the Space-Time Bureau to help, or let your own sect masters come to the Space-Time Bureau to claim the title of honorary member, and return for free vacations or something.

After all, Shen Yuqing was tricked into becoming the head of the demolition department. The duty of their demolition department is to destroy the world.

This Shen Yuqing is good at it, and she is also very interested. And if they get tired of being ruined, management like them can take the initiative to go to other departments to take on other tasks to help, which is much more free than small employees.

Fu Qiushui followed Shen Yuqing to the demolition department, which happened to need a minister and a deputy minister. Originally, Shen Yuqing said that she asked Fu Qiushui to be her mistress, so that she could have an office romance, but Gu Lian let out a haha and said that messing around in the office is not allowed, and she wants to go to the subworld.

If you don't do it, you don't do it. Shen Yuqing also dislikes the poor decoration of the office.

"That's not what you said before." Fu Qiushui dismantled her platform, "You clearly said that the decoration looks grand."

Shen Yuqing suddenly lost her temper, and her daughter-in-law insisted on tearing things down, what could she do? And you can't choke each other, or you might have to sleep on the floor.

The two of them finished mixing in one world again, and as soon as they returned to the Administration Building, they were called to a meeting.

"Why are you still in the meeting?" Shen Yuqing was surprised.

Their management bureau has never held a meeting, and the immediate boss, the deputy director, does not usually show up, so the deputy director occasionally explains the work. It was the first time for a company to have a meeting, a common activity in the company.

But this doesn't affect Shen Yuqing and the others' abhorrence of meetings. They went to the sub-world for role-playing and had more or less contact with them. They know that most of these meetings are meaningless.

The high-level meeting will be held, and after the meeting, the department will hold a meeting, and then the group will hold a meeting. They drove off one by one, and they didn't have to work all day, and they went to the meeting.

A group of high-level executives gathered in a meeting room that had never been used. The two deputy directors had already sat down, but the director Li Tang hadn't arrived yet.

Shen Yuqing looked around, and basically they were all acquaintances. Those who are not familiar are also the companions of acquaintances, and sooner or later they will become the kind of adults.

"Don't wait for Li Tang." Gu Lian came out to preside over the overall situation, "Li Tang is negotiating with the mastermind of the Immortal World. Let me talk about the matter first, and everyone is prepared."

Everyone listened attentively.

Gu Lian showed something similar to a ppt, briefly introduced the world of immortality, and finally said: "Our Datang intends to cooperate with the world of eternal life to establish a stable diplomatic relationship. The two sub-worlds share common interests and mutual benefits."

"The Immortal World lacks a space-time bureau like ours, and we lack their strong writing team. Li Tang has already decided to cooperate and is discussing the details with the mastermind of the other party."

After Gu Lian finished his brief introduction, he announced the adjournment of the meeting, without any intention of asking for everyone's opinions. Anyway, they can't decide this matter, just wait.

Before leaving, Gu Lian sent a detailed introduction to the world of immortality to everyone, asking everyone to go back and study it. After all, it is a future partner, and we still need to know more about it.

Shen Yuqing returned to the office and read the materials together with Fu Qiushui.

The so-called world of eternal life is a world similar to Datang, using online game world to make people live forever. But the world of eternal life was not established by NPCs spontaneously, but a thing created by the federal government ten years ago.

Things start with the eternal life plan.

More than ten years ago, the government began to implement the immortality plan, wanting to create a virtual world that can accommodate human brain waves, so that dead humans can live forever in the form of online game NPCs. But there is a big technical problem in this, how to ensure that the brain waves remain intact after entering the world of immortality.

The federal laboratory secretly found prisoners on death row for experiments, but no one's brain waves could enter the world of immortality safely and completely. Either it was crushed by the data halfway and turned into a mess of garbled characters, or it was only the incomplete brainwaves that reached the world of immortality in the end, and became a "fool".

Later, the number of death row prisoners was not enough, and the Federation began to secretly arrest people for experiments.

In the end, this incident made a big fuss. The immortal world was deciphered by the victim's friend, and the victim successfully replaced the original mastermind of the world as the new mastermind. And the world of immortality has completely disappeared from the federal database, and it can't be found no matter how hard it is looked for.

After the federal incident was exposed, the people in power changed, and this kind of thing never happened again in the next ten years. But they still couldn't find the world of immortality, and it seemed that it had really disappeared completely.

Not long ago, Li Tang suddenly received a message from the Mastermind of Eternal Life, who wanted to cooperate with Datang.

In fact, the immortal world has been lurking on the star network. They absorb energy to keep the world running, and absorb young people who died unexpectedly to enter the immortal world to become residents.

After ten years of development, the world of eternal life has long been on the right track and has cultivated many authors. The novels written by the author will be used by the main brain to build sub-worlds based on them. Coupled with the difference in time flow in the virtual world, a large number of novels are finished every day, and there are many sub-worlds in the world of immortality.

With so many sub-worlds, there are naturally many disturbances. However, the Mastermind of Eternal Life just tossed some maintenance programs, that is, some "systems", and let them maintain it.

Maintain it if you can, and give up if you can’t. Anyway, there are many worlds. Wait until the deviated world itself collapses, and then rebuild a new one.

This cost is relatively high, but the world of eternal life is rich and powerful and doesn't care. They can not only absorb the energy dissipated when humans die to maintain their operation, but also absorb other energies in the air, like nouveau riche, not short of "money".

But after all, this is not a long-term solution, so after learning that Datang has become the same existence as the world of immortality, and has established a space-time administration in a decent manner, they moved their minds to unite.

They lacked the Time and Space Administration, and the Tang Dynasty lacked a large number of novels created by writers. There are still too few sub-worlds in Datang, and fewer sub-worlds means fewer talents. After all, for a world like theirs, excellent NPCs in sub-worlds are also important human resources.

The two sides hit it off, and the cooperation was settled.

The author has something to say: Countdown to the End 2!