The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 15: ①⑤ miserly


The Queen Mother was as eccentric as ever.

She didn't pay much attention to those low-ranking concubines at all. Only the concubines of the fourth rank could go to greet the queen, but some conditions could be relaxed for the queen mother. Firstly, it was to make the palace appear lively, so that the queen mother would not feel lonely and deserted in the deep palace, and secondly, it was also to take care of some princes and princesses from humble backgrounds.

These princes and princesses will be brought up by high-ranking concubines, but after all, they cannot ignore their kindness, so when they go to pay their respects to the queen mother, their biological mothers can also go with them. However, if you ask Grace alone, you think highly of them, so you can simply lower the requirements, from sixth-grade talents to the top, you can go to pay respects to the Queen Mother. The ranks of the left and right birth mothers will not be lower, and if there are too many people, those low-ranking concubines will stay outside to kowtow to the queen mother, and it will not hinder anything.

Nowadays, there are actually not many concubines from the sixth grade up in the emperor's palace, and the Shoukang Palace is too big to sit down. There are less than 20 people, basically all have a place to sit. But the Empress Dowager didn't even look at those concubines, she just focused on talking to Empress Shen Guifei.

Besides, the only one who can talk to her is Mrs. Wan. But she relied on her eldest princess, Hanxi. When the queen mother chatted with her, she only talked about the princess.

"Hanxi's health has improved a lot recently, thank you Queen Mother for your concern." Mrs. Wan is an insignificant person, as the emperor's teaching maid, she is the emperor's first woman.

The prince will always have a maid who teaches personnel affairs, but whether he can stay with the prince as a concubine in the future depends on his own ability.

Mrs. Wan said she was incompetent, but she managed to stay with the emperor and gave birth to a daughter. Let’s talk about ability, she is indeed too non-existent, even the Yong’an Palace where she lives is in the corner of the West Palace, the farthest away from the emperor’s Zichen Palace, if not for the princess, she might not see the emperor all year round Several times.

Such a person who stands aloof from the world is the only one who has not been bullied by Concubine Shen Gui.

His Majesty the Emperor is over twenty now, but there is only one five-year-old princess, who was conceived by Mrs. Wan when the Emperor was the prince. At that time, there were no other women around the emperor, so it was miserable enough that Mrs. Wan hadn't won the chance to give birth to a son.

But the eldest princess is very well-behaved, but Madam Wan doesn't let her come out often because she heard that she is weak, so Shen Yuqing only saw her a few times. But she quite likes the eldest princess, that girl is gentle and quiet, good-looking, and she will definitely be a woman of all kinds when she grows up.

The Queen Mother asked about Princess Hanxi's health for a while, and then stopped asking, as if she didn't care about the only granddaughter. But the emperor didn't care too much, and everyone has long been used to it.

She carefully asked about the Queen and Shen Yuqing's recent situation, then changed the subject and mentioned what happened yesterday.

"I heard that girl Yuqing got into an argument with someone in the Imperial Garden yesterday?" She spoke softly, without any intention of blaming her, instead she called Shen Yuqing's name affectionately.

Concubine Shen Gui said politely: "It's not a big deal, Your Majesty has already decided for the concubine."

The queen mother nodded slightly: "That's good. Yuqing doesn't have to wrong herself in the future, even you can let people take care of those things that don't look good."

This allowed Shen Yuqing to deal with those who disrespected her directly, without having to ask the queen and the emperor at all. Although Shen Yuqing usually did the same thing, she just beat the concubine first, and then went to the queen to make decisions. Now, the step of calling the shots seems to be saved.

Everyone couldn't help frowning, this kind of privilege was given to Concubine Shen, and the Empress Dowager is too partial! It is said that the empress is the empress dowager's direct niece and Xue Xiurong is the empress dowager's distant cousin, why is the empress dowager so nice to concubine Shen

Could it be...

Everyone glanced at the queen who didn't show any jealousy, and immediately understood.

It is impossible for the empress to be so magnanimous, and she doesn't even care about it, unless the empress dowager is deliberately supporting Concubine Shen and letting Concubine Shen come out as a target.

But even if they understood the Queen Mother's intentions, they couldn't help being jealous of Shen Yuqing. From now on, the imperial concubine might become even more arrogant.

Shen Yuqing has long been used to the fact that the mother and son always attract hatred to her. She will not be vague about work, and she accepts the target openly and stands up to take the knife for the queen. It is right to protect the daughter-in-law, no complaints.

Moreover, the queen has never stabbed her. Even though she had many opportunities to push her hatred on Shen Yuqing, she never did.

Sure enough, her daughter-in-law loves her dearly!

The imperial concubine decided to work harder and catch up with the man quickly.

After coming out from the Queen Mother, the concubines who were on the way left together. There is only one gate to enter the Eastern Harem, and the rest is only a small corner gate, which is for the maids and eunuchs to go through, so the concubines of the Eastern Harem actually all drop by.

This gate is at the end of the palace road between Jianjia Palace and Xianxu Palace, Shen Yuqing must be on the same road with everyone. But usually she has a sedan chair, and other high-ranking concubines also have sedan chairs, so they won't go back together. But today is different, the imperial concubine is full of food in the morning, and she plans to take a walk as a way to digest food.

If she didn't take the sedan chair, some people abandoned the sedan chair and wanted to go with her.

The low-ranking concubines followed behind, as if surrounded by Concubine Shen, the man was not very happy seeing this and insisted on interfering.

"Sister Guifei." Concubine Shu called out from a distance, and then walked over slowly.

Shen Yuqing stopped when she heard the sound, and the others followed suit. She felt very proud of a large group of people waiting for her.

Concubine Shu lives in the Feiyue Palace in the West Palace. The direction is opposite to that of Shen Yuqing, but she just came here. Shen Yuqing raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "Why doesn't Sister Concubine Shu return to the palace, what is the matter with me?"

"Actually, it's nothing. I just have nothing to do. I want to visit the Zhenbao Pavilion and the Library Pavilion." Concubine Shu smiled slightly, "Sister, don't you mind taking my sister and me?"

Shen Yuqing didn't know what her idea was, but there was no need to refuse, so she agreed.

There are Zhenbao Pavilion and Zangshu Pavilion in the East Harem, which are open to concubines. There are some treasures and rare books inside, and concubines can go in and have a look if they have nothing to do. Today's emperor highly respects women's literacy. They don't necessarily have to read the Four Books and Five Classics. He thinks it's good to read those miscellaneous books, so the Library Pavilion, which was originally closed to concubines, was opened.

Shen Yuqing doesn't like reading books, and the Chinese characters in the Central Plains look awkward to her, so she seldom goes there. But I heard that Liu Xiurong and the others often go there, they live close to each other, so it is convenient to go there.

Concubine Shu is not from a scholarly family. What she learned at home is what the mistress of the Hou Mansion should know, such as managing the affairs of the back house, giving gifts, etc. It has many similarities with the handling of the queen's palace affairs, so I haven't read it much. Books, but I have read a lot of ledgers. She is not interested in books, and it is rare for her to read books.

Soon, Concubine Shen Gui discovered that her ulterior motives were not in drinking.

"Your Majesty's birthday is coming soon, and my sister has been unsure of what to give as a birthday gift these days." She said as she walked, looking very distressed.

Shen Yuqing caressed the cat leisurely without talking to her.

This imperial concubine is also very annoying, that is, she doesn't talk to her when she is unhappy, and makes others talk to herself for a long time, which is very embarrassing. Concubine Shu is now talking about a lot of things related to the Longevity Festival, and in the end she directly pointed out that she wanted to talk about the birthday gift, but Shen Yuqing still ignored her.

Really annoying!

But Concubine Shu came to laugh at Shen Yuqing, not to take humiliation.

Seeing that Shen Yuqing didn't speak, she became even more imposing. Thinking of the news she received this morning, she smiled lightly, feeling more and more that Concubine Shen Gui's posture is just a pretense.

"My sister heard that the imperial concubine only prepared a coral screen, which is too shabby." Concubine Shu looked worried, "If the imperial concubine is short of money, you can tell my sister. My sister has a lot of things here, you can buy it." Send it to my sister."

Only then did Shen Yuqing raise her eyes and look directly at her.

After going on for a long time to taunt her for this matter? boring.

Coral screens are actually not cheap, at least this one can cover all the belongings of other low-ranking concubines. But compared to Shen Yuqing's status, it was a bit too stingy for her to just give a coral screen.

Dayan Guotai Minan and Haiyan Heqing are far more prosperous than previous dynasties. Many good things are actually not particularly rare in this dynasty.

Concubine Shu's family is well-off, and she has long ordered a scroll of rare paintings to be given to the emperor. It was an authentic painting by a well-known painter several dynasties ago. The painter was very famous, but unfortunately most of his paintings were destroyed in the war, and there are very few preserved today, and most of them are fakes.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that such a volume of pictures is invaluable.

Concubine Shu's natal family offended the emperor, and specially took advantage of the Longevity Festival to send out the family's treasures. These days, the emperor has never been to Concubine Shu's Palace.

The concubines in the back were speechless when they heard the conversation of the two big men in front.

They don't understand the world of rich people, but this doesn't stop them from being jealous of Concubine Shu.

Shen Yuqing was still very kind to this kind of person who used the pole to attract hatred. The Queen Mother gave her a lot of hatred, but before it took effect, she was cut off by Concubine Shu. Concubine Shu is simply a good sister who is so touching, her affection is so deep and righteous that people can't stand it.

In order to repay Concubine Shu's sister's deep friendship, she decided to be more ruthless when attacking Concubine Shu.

Shen Yuqing sighed: "This palace is indeed not as rich as Concubine Shu's sister. I don't have this palm-sized warm jade pendant in this palace. It's because my sister has a lot of good things. On the Longevity Festival, my sister may not be able to get it out." What a good thing, it’s not good to compete with my sister for the emperor’s attention. But at the thousand-year-old banquet later, I’d like to ask my sister Concubine Shu to help me with some good things.”

The author has something to say: Planning to talk to Concubine Shen: cheating from a stupid opponent, and then using it to please his wife get√

Princess Hanxi who appeared today is the exclusive supporting role of [Gu Qing]

Thanks to the grenade: filling the hole in the dream x1

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Tomi+6, Shoushou+10, Jin Yuanbao+20, Filling the pit in the dream+1