The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 150: Second World 2


After reading it, Shen Yuqing was very surprised that there was another existence that could "immortally live" like Datang.

If he had known earlier, Tang Huan might not have to work so hard to turn Datang into a world of immortality. Just leave the control of the game company and join the world of immortality.

It's a pity that because Tang Huan didn't know earlier, Tang Huan was tossing for a long time.

What Shen Yuqing thought was right, Tang Huan regretted it so much that his stomach turned green when he heard the news.

When Datang broke away from the game company and became independent, it was a waste of her old nose. I also took a lot of detours along the way, wasting a lot of time and merit.

But there is no way, the power of merit has been used up, and there is no point in regretting it, so I can only admit it with my nose pinched.

Ten days later, the terms of cooperation between the two sides were completely settled, and the two worlds have been inseparable sisters ever since.

It is said to be cooperation, but it is actually more like integration. And the name has also been changed, and now the two worlds are merged into one, simply called "Second World".

At first, Shen Yuqing thought that Li Tang would not like it. After all, she was the boss here, and it would be hard to say after merging with others. But never expected that the masterminds on both sides are actually unwilling to be the boss.

During the negotiation, both sides were very much in favor of integration, but after the integration, neither of the two masterminds was willing to be the boss. In the end, each took a step back and became the deputy mastermind, and took the heir trained by the immortal mastermind to be the boss.

Immortal mastermind his son: Haw

I forgot to mention that this perfect heir is a panda cub created by Mastermind and his lover in a certain orc world by fusing their source codes. The prototype is very cute, especially cute when I was young, but I don’t know why it turned into a black belly when I grew up.

In order to retaliate against the hole Li Tang dug for him, the newly appointed mastermind quietly threw Li Tang into a world specially customized for him, under the guise of helping him get out of singleness.

Li Tang: ... No, no, no, I refuse!

Refusal is invalid.

As for his own father, the mastermind threw him to another father. His father knows how to deal with his father better than him, so he doesn't need to bother.

After tossing about all this, the new mastermind met with the top executives of Datang World. In particular, he visited the space-time bureau and put forward suggestions for improvement. He successfully concluded the inspection and expressed his satisfaction with the space-time bureau.

With the space-time bureau, the workload of the main brain is greatly reduced.

Shen Yuqing was not happy, as the number of worlds increased, so did their department's work.

Fortunately, the world of immortality not only brought a large number of authors, but also a large number of laborers. Before the labor force was snatched away by other departments, Shen Yuqing hurriedly dragged Fu Qiushui to snatch it away.

It was too late, and the good seedlings were about to be taken away by people from other departments.

Fu Qiushui was very helpless, because she felt that there might not be many good seedlings suitable for the demolition department.

How many normal people can there be in a department that plays the big boss of mourning disease or blackens and distorts the protagonist, thereby destroying the world? Anyway, Fu Qiushui felt that most of the guys in their department were crazy after acting for a long time, and they really became crazy.

The world over there is relatively peaceful, and the laborers are very comfortable every day. It is estimated that there are not many psychopaths who meet the requirements.

"How do you know if you don't go and have a look?" Shen Yuqing retorted, "There must be something suitable, Haoqi League is still under so many lights! Are there no lunatics in the comfortable world?"

Fu Qiushui was speechless.

I just don't know if Qinniang, the former deputy leader of Haoqi, would want to hit someone after hearing Shen Yuqing's words.

The Immortal World is top-notch in terms of enjoyment. World decoration, world supplies, etc., are all about the best, and they are not afraid of wasting energy. Shen Yuqing went to rob someone, but before she had time to rob, she was dragged away by enthusiastic residents of the Immortal World to have a meal.

"Madam Mastermind likes to enjoy." The resident explained, "so everything here is the best, such as ingredients."

In order to please the sweetheart, the original master really put in a lot of effort.

Shen Yuqing is a little envious, this is really cool, the mastermind's way of coaxing people is different from their ordinary little farts.

The two of them ate to their satisfaction, and Shen Yuqing decided to come to the world of eternal life to eat food if she had nothing to do in the future, unless Datang could also reach this level.

"Why do you have to make such a fuss?" Fu Qiushui laughed, "Speak to the new mastermind and ask him to improve the food level of the management bureau."

As for the other worlds, who cares :) as long as they eat and enjoy themselves.

Shen Yuqing took it for granted, and left the world of the Tang Dynasty to Li Tang to have a headache. As a shared resource, the space-time bureau must have the best.

The mastermind is indeed very face-saving and very cooperative. The suggestions put forward by Shen Yuqing and the others were immediately adopted, which showed that they really cared about the space-time bureau here.

The mastermind also said that if you have other questions, you can go to him at any time, as long as they work hard.

"Big sticks and sweet dates are really the means of the superiors." Shen Yuqing lazily nestled on the sofa in the office.

They really found a lot of good seedlings in the world of eternal life, and before others came to grab them, they were fooled into the demolition bureau first. The most unexpected and surprising thing is that the wife of the Immortal Mastermind also came.

I heard that Madam destroyed thousands of sub-worlds of the mastermind back then, so she is obviously a fellow worker and very proficient in her business. He himself was also very interested in the demolition department, and refused to leave once he came.

The mastermind had no choice but to accompany his lover to do the task, treating it as a vacation.

And he was really afraid that his family would suffer if he held it in for a long time, so it would be good to find something to do.

With the full support of these two big shots, Shen Yuqing suddenly became more relaxed. The boss is very efficient at work, there are no piles of worlds waiting for them to dismantle in the task system, and the work pressure is suddenly relieved.

While enjoying her daughter-in-law's feeding, Shen Yuqing lamented how comfortable these days are. Compared with her colleagues who are so busy every day, Shen Yuqing showed a satisfied smile.

It was her daughter-in-law who was smart, and she went straight to Mrs. Master Brain and abducted her.

"If you are free, you might as well come and help me." After Gu Lian heard the news, her ghost haunted her, sending a message to Shen Yuqing every day, and letting her take the initiative to do the rest.

Shen Yuqing: "Bah! Don't even think about it!"

Gu Lian raised her eyebrows slightly as she watched the news of the return from the other side, noncommittal.

The author has something to say: All the episodes are over, thank you for your support over the past few months! mwah!

The second world is to pave the way for the quick time travel articles I will write in the future, hehehe

Thanks to Landmine: Gogo Yi, Liuyao x2

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Ling+160, can143+15, serious crime team also anti-pornography+5, Youyouling+30, ""+10, Chichichichihuo+20, sunJOJO+150

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