The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 16: ①⑥rich and poor


Concubine Shu subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

But Shen Yuqing's expression was too resembling that, and she spoke very sincerely, and she also took the initiative to let Concubine Shu go out to show off. So Concubine Shu believed it, and when she was happy, she followed Shen Yuqing's words and told Shen Yuqing not to be so polite.

No one doesn't like being flattered, Concubine Shu enjoys Shen Yuqing's flattery very much, and even feels that she is indeed much richer than Concubine Shen. Seeing that she had achieved her goal after entering the Eastern Harem, she left the large army proudly and left by herself.

As for whether she really went to Zangshu Pavilion and Zhenbao Pavilion, no one knows.

In the eyes of everyone, it seemed that the imperial concubine was just joking that she had nothing good to give to the queen, and she asked Concubine Shu to give her something, and Concubine Shu agreed as if joking. It stands to reason that this matter has already passed, and no one took it seriously, but I didn't expect that in the afternoon, I heard that the imperial concubine empress sent someone to Feiyue Palace with great fanfare to ask for a birthday gift from Concubine Shu.

Concubine Shu was completely dumbfounded.

She responded casually, but Concubine Shen didn't seem to listen casually. It didn't even matter that she was just out of courtesy, she not only asked Man Xing Que Ri to come to ask for it in person, but also brought a bunch of little eunuchs to carry things.

—Are you planning to evacuate her Flying Moon Palace or something! Bring so many people! Twenty third-class eunuchs are all here!

Concubine Shu's mouth was bitter, she shouldn't give Shen Yuqing her good things. The things to be given at the Thousand Years Banquet must not be too cheap, and they must be given in the name of the imperial concubine, let alone cheap.

Other times are fine, the problem is that she just taunted the imperial concubine and laughed at her for being poor. If the things she gave to the imperial concubine were not valuable, then others would laugh at her in turn.

Another point is that Concubine Shu plans to give the emperor a priceless gift on the Longevity Day, but the Queen's Thousand Years Banquet happens to be the next day. Can't she give something very valuable to the emperor on her own birthday, but give the concubine a less expensive thing for the queen? In the eyes of others, it is because she deliberately ruined the relationship between the queen and the noble concubine!

Therefore, what she gave to the imperial concubine should not only be cheap, but also expensive. It is so expensive that it is not much worse than the things sent by Concubine Shu on the Wanshou Festival, otherwise people in the palace will have something to say.

Lifting a rock and hitting her own foot, Concubine Shu's eyes went dark and she almost fainted.

Where can she get a birthday gift that is not much worse than the picture scroll? The picture scroll is in the collection of the Hou Mansion, not her Concubine Shu's dowry.

Concubine Shu's entanglement, other concubines can't feel it. They only look at the concubine who is shameless to such an extent. When others say that she is stingy, she will cry poor.

Ordinary people are not so thick-skinned, and other concubines can't do this kind of thing, they want face.

Originally, the other concubines wanted to follow suit and mock Concubine Shen Gui, but seeing this posture, all of them shut their mouths. Regardless of whether Shen Yuqing really has no money or fake money, they don't want to lose the good things in their private treasury for no reason.

At the moment, Concubine Shen Gui, who was playing with the cat in Jianjia Palace, didn't care at all that others laughed at her for being poor and thick-skinned. She wasn't really poor, except for the empress, queen mother and emperor, no one in the harem was richer than her.

The last time the emperor sent the South Sea pearl, she used it to make cat litter without blinking an eye, but if this thing was given to Concubine Shu, Concubine Shu would definitely be reluctant to "spoil". Just such a box of pearls is more expensive than ten coral screens.

Thinking of the pearl, Concubine Shen sighed: "It's too little, it's not enough to make cat litter a few times, I'll ask the emperor for some more next time..."

Hearing this, Manchen threw away the lotus whose stem had been pinched by himself expressionlessly, asked someone to clean it up, and then took the rest of the lotus, lotus leaf, lotus pod, etc., and put them into the pool in the hall.

In the middle of the main hall of Jianjia Palace, there is a square indoor pool, which is not deep, and can be used as an indoor swimming pool, or you can put aquatic potted plants in it for decoration. However, Concubine Shen is from the Western Regions, and she has only a landlubber, so she will definitely not go swimming, so it has now become a lotus pond.

Master Mao found a new toy, jumped out of the concubine's arms, and jumped onto a big lotus leaf in twos and threes. It is so light that this big lotus leaf is holding it firmly. But the grown-ups didn't dare to change positions anymore, and if they moved a little, they felt that the lotus leaf was about to fall.

It yelled "meow meow" helplessly, and asked Shen Yuqing for help.

Landlubber Concubine Shen Gui: "..." She can't make it through either!

I can't swim, so I'm so anxious!

The pool of water could probably hide from Shen Yuqing's waist, she looked at it and decided to go into the water to save the cat.

It is not enough to reach, the cat jumping ability is very strong, jumping two meters is no problem. Although the adult is small and looks like a kitten, it is indeed an adult.

Seeing this, Manchen covered his eyes helplessly, and grabbed the imperial concubine who was about to take off her clothes and go into the water: "Your Majesty, let Qingyuan go and save your lord!"

How can a dignified concubine go into the water by herself

Shen Yuqing didn't listen, the adults in her family, of course, asked her to save it herself.

There was no other way, so Manchen had to remind: "My lady, don't you know how to do light work? Can you float on water? There seems to be such a saying in the scriptures, right?"

Shen Yuqing was taken aback, almost forgot.

She knows how to do light work, floating on the water is no problem.

Now you don't need to go into the water, but you have to take off your clothes. The hem of the clothes was too long, and it was very troublesome to get wet. She took off her outer skirt, stepped into the pool in her middle clothes, and carried her adults back to the shore.

The adult crawled into her clothes two or three times, shrank into a ball and refused to come out.

The corners of Man Chen's mouth twitched, and the empress moved too fast, and she didn't even give her a chance to close the door. She took the outer skirt and walked over to redress Shen Yuqing. Fortunately, although it was hot, there was an ice basin in the room, so she still had to wear a coat. Otherwise, if the empress only wore a skirt, wouldn't she just take it off just now

Shen Yuqing coaxed the kitten in the clothes happily, and didn't care about whether she took off her clothes or not.

People in Dayan are conservative, and they are very troublesome. The martial arts costumes worn by people in the Tang Dynasty are basically showing a piece here and there, and I haven't seen anyone say anything about it.

"Niang Niang." Man Chen knew that it didn't make sense, so he stopped talking, and instead talked about what he found in the morning, "Bi Ge found out that Bi Yan sent a message to someone at night, and has already found out how Bi Yan contacted outsiders." Way."

Shen Yuqing nodded casually: "Check again, it's best to see if Bi Yan contacted the other party unilaterally. If that side doesn't send Bi Yan a message, and only needs Bi Yan to send them a message, it can be used. "

They can pretend to be Bi Yan to send news to the outside, as long as they pay attention, they will not pass through. If Bi Yan was only responsible for sending messages, she would not get feedback from there.

Man Chen next to Shen Yuqing was cultivated together with Jin Li who was next to the emperor. Both maids of honor are very good at almost everything. However, they each have a unique skill that other people don't know. For example, Jinli's martial arts is comparable to that of a hidden guard, while Manchen can imitate other people's handwriting.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, it's already been arranged." Man Chen was reliable in his work, and had already thought of this move.

Shen Yuqing was very satisfied.

Look at the time, it's time for adults to eat. It eats several meals a day, which is different from ordinary cats. And I eat a lot of meals, people don't know where all the food went, it's so small.

"Go and see if Biran is here? Why hasn't your cat food arrived yet?"

Man Chen nodded slightly, turned around and went to the small kitchen to have a look.

As soon as she left, Que Yue came in.

"If you go back to your mother, your majesty's reward has arrived."

Shen Yuqing frowned: "Why is there another reward?"

Yesterday, the dog emperor used the excuse of "Mrs. Mi is disrespectful to the imperial concubine" to reward her with things, and by the way, arouse a lot of hatred for her, and come today

"It is said that I heard that the empress could not come up with a decent dowry gift, and that she didn't even have a palm-sized warm jade pendant. His Majesty felt sorry for the empress, so he specially asked sister Jinli to send a lot of rewards." He gave Jinli's original I told Shen Yuqing the words, and added, "Sister Jinli said that His Majesty specially added a pair of palm-sized warm jade pendants to the rewards."

Shen Yuqing: "..."

Something is wrong!

She was just talking for fun, don't make it seem like she is deliberately complaining that the emperor only favors concubine Shu and not her! What do you want to send the jade pendant for? People who don't know think they are quarreling between lovers and giving gifts to make amends!

Shen Yuqing felt goosebumps all over her body when she thought about it, she was so tired.

But Shen Yuqing probably also knew what the emperor thought, she shamelessly cried poor and extorted people's things, it was very embarrassing for the emperor. Obviously the emperor sent good things here at every turn, but she still acted poorly, as if the emperor was a miser, and the rewards given to noble concubines in the past were very cheap.

The emperor was not happy, so he wanted to "compensate" the imperial concubine, and publicized what he had given him with great fanfare, lest the imperial concubine cry poorly and hurt his reputation in the future.

Concubine Shen Gui said: Bah, Emperor Dog, the Longevity Festival is waiting! If I don’t cause trouble for you, my surname is not Shen!

The author has something to say: Thanks for the nutrient solution: no +10 for now, +2 for filling holes in the dream, +10 for the other side of the wind mark