The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 2: ②Flower banquet


The empress held a banquet in the imperial garden, which happened to be in the afternoon, which was a suitable time for afternoon tea.

After Concubine Shen boldly gnawed the leg of lamb for lunch, she waved her hand to ask the plate to be cleared away. She cleaned her hands, and brought Man Chen, who was carrying a plate of crispy dried fish, into the inner hall.

Master Cat is lying leisurely on the mat, flicking his tail and licking his paws. Smelling the fresh scent at the tip of his nose, he stood up in a jerk and meowed at Man Chen.

Concubine Shen Gui was very jealous, she reached out and took a piece of fish with shaved bones, and fed her adults herself. Only then did the lord reluctantly allocate a little attention to the imperial concubine, raised his head and glanced at her, and opened his mouth to roll the meat into his mouth.

Very delicious.

With a contented "meow", it jumped into the concubine's arms in twos and threes, and sat on the top of its head after a while, waiting for the cat slave to continue to feed her.

Manchen Taishan collapsed without changing his face, and handed the small dried fish without seeing it.

Concubine Shen Gui had already gotten used to it, and quickly finished feeding the cat.

After feeding, I can finally bury my belly. But it can only be buried for a short time, and it will be scratched into a face after a long time.

Time passed quickly in the interaction between the imperial concubine and the adults, and when Man Xing walked in to remind her to get ready to go, Shen Yuqing was playing a paw-to-paw game with the cat.

The adult yelled in dissatisfaction.

Shen Yuqing quickly leaned over and kissed its little chin: "I'll change my clothes first, baby, and I will accompany you to play in the imperial garden later."

Only then was the lord satisfied and let Shen Yuqing go.

Bi Ge, the second-class court lady who came in with Man Xing to change the clothes of the noble concubine, couldn't help but sigh in her heart, the cat raised by the empress is too human, it can understand human language!

Shen Yuqing put on armguards for herself, then quickly changed her clothes, Man Xing and Bi Ge waited on her to change her hairstyle, paired it with hairpins and rings, and slowly walked out of the bedroom with her lord in her arms. In the courtyard outside, there were already young eunuchs guarding the sedan chair and waiting. When Shen Yuqing got on the sedan chair, she immediately lifted up the sedan chair and walked towards the imperial garden.

Walk through Moye Road, Tai'a Road, and then pass through a hanging flower gate, which is the Royal Garden. At this moment, almost all the other empresses have arrived, only Concubine Shen Guifei is the sick one.

The concubines sat in their seats and looked left and right, for some reason the flower banquet hadn't started yet. Even the empress is here, who are you waiting for

"The empress always comes early, so what's so unusual about it?" Concubine Shu held a beauty fan and covered half of her face, and said softly, with a thorn in her tone, "It's Madam Mi who served the emperor yesterday. , I'm afraid I'm not healthy yet."

Mrs. Mi hasn't come yet, but it's already afternoon, no matter how unhealthy she is, it's not the first time she has been favored, and she won't be late for the afternoon flower banquet. Concubine Shu is applying eye drops to Mrs. Mi, and Mrs. Mi will come later, so that everyone can try their best to squeeze her.

After Concubine Shu finished speaking, the faces of all the concubines were really ugly.

There is a row of seats on the left and right sides of the empress, the left head is honored, and now Concubine Shu is sitting, and the right head is empty. Sitting under Concubine Shu is Mrs. Wan, and on the opposite side is Concubine Yu, who is second from the right. Further down, there is Xue Xiurong and Yao Cairen. In the huge palace, there are only a few concubines now.

Including the nobleman in the cold palace, Shen Yuqing who said she was sick, and Mrs. Mi who has not come yet, there are nine people in total.

At this moment Concubine Shu is sitting on the left, and there is no one on the right. Everyone agrees that Shen Yuqing will not come again, and only waits for Mrs. Mi to arrive before starting. Who would have thought that Shen Guifei would actually come.

Even with light makeup on, Concubine Shen Gui still overwhelmed everyone with her domineering aura. Shengxue was dressed in white, but she wore a well-dressed aura, and attracted everyone's attention as soon as she appeared.

Concubine Shu's face changed slightly, she covered her lips with a smile and said hello: "Why is Sister Guifei here?"

Shen Yuqing didn't get angry and pretentious, she just glanced at her casually, and she couldn't help but feel a little trembling, and she couldn't help but curse in her heart, and she didn't know what His Majesty liked about this ferocious woman. She is a woman, even looking at Shen Yuqing feels disgusting, what's the use of being good-looking? It doesn't frighten people when they go to bed.

"Concubine Shu?" Shen Yuqing looked at her inexplicably.

Concubine Shu pretended to be shy and looked at Shen Yuqing pitifully.

Just as Shen Yuqing was about to say something, she suddenly raised her eyes to look at the Empress Empress who was sitting above her watching the show, and smiled at her with squinted eyes.

The queen was so calm, she only nodded slightly, not caring about the rivalry between the concubines.

It's really interesting.

Shen Yuqing raised her eyebrows, looked away, and glanced at Concubine Shu, her tone was gentle but threatening: "Sister Concubine Shu is sitting in the wrong seat? I haven't come to the harem for a long time, I don't know that my sister is even unfamiliar with the rules in the palace. Although the empress is busy with palace affairs all day long and has no time to discipline you, you can't act like this."

Unlike the people in the palace who pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, Shen Yuqing's slander depends entirely on her mood. If you are in a good mood, you will go around a few more circles to hate you, if you are in a bad mood, you will directly poke your heart, without showing mercy at all.

Concubine Shu is at least one of the four concubines of the first rank, only inferior to the concubine, but the concubine does not save face, making it seem that Concubine Shu is not the fourth concubine, but an inconspicuous little concubine, who can be compared at will.

The clay figurine should be angry when Shen Yuqing slapped him like this. What does it mean to "discipline" them? Do you, Shen Yuqing, still want to discipline her as a fourth concubine? When you are a queen

A good man doesn't suffer from immediate disadvantages, and Concubine Shu doesn't take the seat. Shen Yuqing, a tough woman, would directly tear her down, Concubine Shu simply stood up and made way for her. But that doesn't mean she didn't care about Shen Yuqing's offense, the white lotus turned her head and started crying to the empress.

"The concubine didn't know that the concubine's sister was coming today, offended the concubine's sister, and asked the empress to make amends." She touched her eyes with a veil, and she really had eyes watering, "The empress should discipline the concubine, and the concubine is willing to accept it." fine."

It is right for the empress to discipline her, but it is very wrong for the noble concubine to act on her behalf.

After applying the eye drops to the noble concubine, Concubine Shu knelt in front of her and secretly waited for the empress to attack her, how could she have thought of...

"It's good for Concubine Shu to know. After returning to the palace, I will copy the palace rules ten times and think about it behind closed doors for three days."

Concubine Shu immediately turned ugly, why isn't the queen angry? !

It just so happened that at this time, Concubine Shen Gui chuckled, obviously mocking her overthinking her abilities. Concubine Shu bit her lip and agreed, and sat down on the right.

Mistake, the queen and the noble concubine actually joined forces. Could it be because she has been favored too much recently and felt threatened

While thinking about it, Concubine Shu twisted her handkerchief, looking like a little white flower who had been bullied hard. It's a pity that all the people here are women, and no one can appreciate it.

Not right, Concubine Shen Gui likes girls, logically speaking she might be able to appreciate them. It's a pity that what she likes is not this type.

At this time, the concubine Yu sitting on the second from the right made a voice to ease the atmosphere. She looked delicate and naive, and looked like a girl who hadn't fully grown up yet. But she has actually been in the palace for three years, and she is not as pure as she looks.

"Why hasn't Sister Mi come here?" She blinked, "I heard that His Majesty rewarded her with a hairpin a few days ago. It is very beautiful. Sister Mi also said that she will wear it today. I can't wait to see it." gone."

Compared to the rivalry between the noble concubine and the concubine Shu, the concubines naturally paid more attention to this late Mrs. Mi. Mrs. Mi entered the palace in January. She is the princess of Loulan, a small country in the Western Regions. She was sent to be married. She looks very different from Dayan people, and she can dance in the Western Regions. Concubine Shu and Concubine Gui.

I heard that the imperial concubine became ill a month ago because of Mrs. Mi's entry into the palace.

But today, why is it better

Concubine Shen Gui, who was made up by the rumors, teased the cat leisurely and did not pay attention to these women at all. Her only mission here is to hate Concubine Shu. What is Mrs. Mi? unimportant.

On the contrary, the Empress heard Concubine Yu's words, and said calmly, "Mrs. Mi has a sudden illness, and it's impossible to come."

From the beginning of the relationship, the location in the imperial garden was fixed. Without Mrs. Mi, the left head was reserved for the noble concubine, but Concubine Shu made her own decision, thinking that the noble concubine would not come, so she took the left head and was slapped in the face.

In fact, there is not much difference between the left and the right, Shen Yuqing is just looking for an excuse to hate Concubine Shu. By the way, the position of the head on the left is slightly higher, closer to the mysterious empress.

It's been a year, and Shen Yuqing hasn't found out the details of this queen, only that the emperor values her very much. But she seemed to be different from herself, not because the transaction helped the emperor occupy the position of queen. But one thing Shen Yuqing can be sure of is that she and the emperor are definitely not husband and wife. Shen Yuqing went out to play at night, passed by Fengyi Palace several times, and found that the emperor was sleeping in the side hall, and her attitude towards the empress... Respect.

However, Shen Yuqing is not a curious person, so she didn't think about searching quietly, so she dragged it off until now.

The empress didn't care about the eyes of the people, she was an unfavored queen in the eyes of the people, the emperor would only stay in Fengyi Palace on the first and fifteenth days of the month when he was required to go to the empress's palace. Although he often visits the empress on weekdays and respects the empress as his official wife, this is nothing.

She was more of a lady-in-waiting than a wife.

In comparison, the imperial concubine, who was stayed by the emperor less often, looked more favored. After all, the imperial concubine is arrogant and slandering people everywhere every day, and the emperor is quite partial to her. Throwing away the bed service is simply the standard configuration for the ultimate concubine.

Maybe, the emperor is more pure-hearted and ascetic? He is a Mingjun, who stayed in his Zichen Palace for more than half a month, correcting memorials overnight.

"The main purpose of holding the flower banquet today is to inform you of one thing." Taking advantage of the tea break, the queen brought everyone a piece of news that almost no one wanted to hear, "Your Majesty has decreed that this year's draft will continue as usual."

In the Great Yan Dynasty, there was a major election every three years, and a small election every year. The selected women entered the palace to serve the emperor, or referred to the royal clan. Except for Shen Yuqing who entered the palace every year and Madam Mi who entered the palace every month, almost all the concubines in the harem entered the palace three years ago. Only Mrs. Wan and Yao Cairen were born as court ladies and had not been drafted.

In the next two years of small elections, the emperor withdrew. Originally, I had hoped that this year's general election would also be withdrawn, but I didn't expect it to be held as scheduled. Doesn't that mean that there will be another group of young and beautiful women entering the palace? !

All the concubines looked at their unlucky stomachs and secretly hated them.

It's been three years, not to mention the prince, there is only one princess, and it was Mrs. Wan's. Coupled with the lack of people in the palace, no wonder there is a general election. It's a pity that they came three years earlier, but they didn't take the opportunity to give birth to a son and a half.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Shen Yuqing, this noble concubine, I'm afraid she is even more angry? No wonder he suddenly recovered from his illness. It turned out that a newcomer was about to enter the palace, and he was gearing up to tidy up the new concubine.

The author has something to say: Concubines: (Thinking too much about the series) The imperial concubine must be blah blah blah, the queen must be blah blah blah, concubine Mi must be blah blah...

Concubine Shen: I'm just here to tease the cat against Concubine Shu, you can do whatever you want.

Empress Fu: The emperor asked me to be the microphone again. There is something like announcing the draft by myself!

What appeared yesterday—the emperor’s palace lady Jinli is the exclusive supporting role of [A Cup of Coke], the noble concubine’s palace lady Manchen is the exclusive supporting role of [Ah Man], and Man Xing is the exclusive supporting role of [A Gu]

What appeared today—Madam Mi from Loulan is the exclusive supporting role of [One Night Loulan], and the top cat food in the imperial concubine palace is the exclusive supporting role of [Xiaoyugan]

Thanks to Di-Lei: Slim x1, a cup of Coke x1, white that dish x1, 25356185x1, Weiran Shengge x1

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Tomi+1, Bei Yuxianqing+1, Wutong+3, jin+10, anthocyanin burning dye. +10, thin +10