The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 22: ②② birthday gift


Concubine Shen ate two snacks stuffed with fresh meat and drank a cup of tea. The dancers dancing on the island in the middle of the lake suddenly retreated.

Everyone's spirits were lifted, and the main event came.

Needless to say, the eunuch sang the ceremony and presented everyone's birthday gifts one by one. It starts with the civil and military officials, then nobles and royal relatives, and finally the birthday gifts of the empresses.

It was okay at the beginning, but in the middle of the year, everyone was amazed every time one was presented.

In previous years, it was not that there was no Longevity Festival, but such a big deal like this time is really rare. It seems that the emperor is twenty this year, and he has reached the age for ordinary men to be crowned.

Men are 20 and crowned adults, and the emperor was crowned in advance because he ascended the throne three years ago, but if it really counts, this year's Longevity Festival is the most important thing to do. However, Shen Yuqing felt that the emperor was a bit bored, and had no expectations or joy for this birthday.

Thinking about it, I don't need to work on my birthday today, but that doesn't mean that I don't have work to do today. Instead, move today's work to other days to do it, which is equivalent to working hard for several days, and then make up a rest day. Maybe the emperor hadn't finished his work yet, so it would be strange if he was in a good mood.

Concubine Shen was very happy, she had good hearing, and heard many people "comment" that her clothes were very similar to the empress's. But when she heard it in her ears, the intuitive filter was changed to "matching".

After a while, it was the Shen family's turn to offer a birthday present.

The Shen family's family was upright, and they were already very poor compared to other officials, so the birthday gifts they offered were not very expensive, but they were very thoughtful. The picture of Jiangshan Haiyan hand-painted by Mrs. Shen himself. The Mrs. Shen is the teacher of the late emperor and has a respected status. Although I didn't personally come to celebrate the emperor's birthday today, this birthday gift is enough to represent his heart.

The emperor got up and ordered the chief eunuch beside him to bring the album in person. After admiring it, he praised it a few times, and then asked someone to hang it in the Palace of Qinzheng, where he usually handles government affairs.

With such a high regard, other officials couldn't help sighing, as expected, Zuo Xiang's family was more favored by the emperor.

Then the birthday gift given by the right minister seemed to have no sense of existence. The emperor glanced at it from a distance and didn't care. After that, there is the Guixun family, that is, those families with titles.

As soon as Concubine Shu saw the picture of Jiangshan Haiyan, she knew something was going to go wrong, and she gave Shen Yuqing a hard look. It's really unlucky, the authentic painting of the famous painting of the former dynasty that she is going to present later is a picture of a hundred miles of rivers and mountains, isn't this a collision with the Shen family

The most irritating thing is that her picture of Baili Jiangshan is about the mountains and rivers of the previous dynasty, and the Shen family’s offering is not to mention the current dynasty, but it is mainly a picture of the people living and working in peace, the country is peaceful, and Haiyan and Heqing are of course even more popular with the emperor. like. One is purely a collection of famous paintings, and the other is a tribute to the emperor's achievements, which is simply incomparable.

Shen Yuqing didn't pay attention to Concubine Shu, she was thinking for a while what to say so that it would appear that the gift she gave was not so... unworthy.

A pair of coral screens is indeed a bit shabby.

But the Shen family has always been poor, so it's normal for the imperial concubine to have no money, right

When it was the turn of Concubine Shu's natal Marquis, the congratulatory gifts were expensive but not excessive. They handed over the picture album to Concubine Shu, and let Concubine Shu please the emperor on her behalf. This move is quite wise. While pleasing the emperor, he also helped concubine Shu to keep her favor.

As long as the emperor went to Concubine Shu's Palace at night, it meant that the purpose of the gift had been achieved.

But with the imperial concubine disrupting the situation, they probably won't be able to succeed.

When it was time to eat, it was finally the concubine's turn to present congratulatory gifts.

Including low-ranking concubines, there are less than thirty people in total. The gifts were delivered quickly, from humble sachets to expensive ancient paintings, the value was completely different.

Low-ranking concubines don't have any good things in their hands, so they can barely choose a valuable gift, and it's still embarrassing to take it out. So they simply smashed the jars and gave them sachets and other things made by themselves, just to show their hearts.

Because there are many people who choose this way, it doesn't look ashamed. The emperor also encouraged and praised a few words, and did not dislike the worthlessness of their gifts.

High-ranking concubines disdain to use this method to compete for favor, and it is indeed not suitable to use this method. Otherwise, it will be a joke to outsiders, because they are reluctant to pay.

When Concubine Rong presented a set of Linglong Sculptures of Hundred Sons and Grandchildren, and expressed her wish to the emperor restrainedly and unrestrainedly, it was finally Concubine Shu's turn.

Seeing the jealous or sarcastic smiles of the concubines, Concubine Rong was very calm. So what if she invites pets openly and aboveboard? She dared to express her willingness to bear children for the emperor in front of so many people, it was better than some people hiding it and not daring to say it.

Although some old scholars secretly shook their heads and felt that Su Qiao was ruining the family style of Taishi Su's family, but after all, it was a birthday gift from a woman to her husband, even if it had some meaning, it was hard for others to say anything about it.

Concubine Shu glanced contemptuously at Concubine Rong, raised her chin and proudly waited for her congratulatory gift to win applause from all the halls.

So far, no one's birthday gift is worth more than hers, but from this point, she wins. What's more, what she sent was a famous painting from the previous dynasty, which could win the hearts of literati.

Sure enough, when the birthday gift was presented, everyone gasped.

Authentic works of famous paintings from the former dynasty are not very rare, but there are divisions in this former dynasty. In the previous dynasties, although the things of some dynasties are not the oldest, they are the most valuable for various reasons, such as this gift from Concubine Shu.

People who love calligraphy and painting couldn't sit still. If they were not rational, they would all want to rush up to have a closer look at the painting.

Concubine Shu looked at the emperor triumphantly after enjoying the gazes of everyone, ready to listen to the emperor's praise. Who would have thought that after the emperor listened to the congratulatory speech of "Wish me peace and prosperity" from the eunuch of Feiyue Palace, he would just nod deeply, and instruct the eunuch to put it away properly and put it in the warehouse, and there would be no more to say.

"Pfft." Concubine Rong smiled.

Concubine Shu's face was livid, wishing she could kill Concubine Rong to death.

But on second thought, it's actually pretty good. Your Majesty loves this painting so that people can put it away, instead of hanging it up like the one sent by the Shen family. After all, although hanging outside can be admired from time to time, it is easy to rot and accumulate dust.

After comforting herself, Concubine Shu calmed down.

Concubine Shen Gui who was next to her saw a bright light, she felt that Concubine Shu was a good sister who could help her in need. She waved her hand to ask Que Ri to change the libretto, and then waited for the birthday gift to be presented.

The eunuchs in each palace sang the lyrics for the birthday gifts of the empresses in each palace. Que Ri changed the libretto according to Concubine Shen’s intention. Although he knew that Concubine Shu would probably die of anger, as a slave, he still chose to obey his master. of. So he just heard Que Ri open his mouth and came—

"The imperial concubine presents a screen with clear rivers, mountains and rivers, and congratulates me on the great Yan Haiyan and the clean rivers, and the peace of the world!"

Glancing quietly at Concubine Shu, her face turned dark.

He really can't be blamed for this, the empress decided to ask him to change the name of the screen on the spur of the moment. It just so happens that the pattern on the coral screen is a picture of mountains and rivers. It is not an exaggeration for her to change the name to the screen of Jiangshan Heqing, and it can also echo the Shen family's picture of Jiangshan Haiyan! But the libretto was about to be changed, but the time was too short and he couldn't think of anything else, so he had to bring up the words that everyone had talked about badly, such as Haiyan Heqing, and the peace of the world.

However, Concubine Shu will probably feel that Shen Yuqing is provocative...

Shen Guifei felt that she was very innocent, so she couldn't go up and say that the imperial concubine gave a coral screen, right? How can there be a screen with clear rivers, mountains and rivers that sounds tall

In fact, she really didn't mean to target Concubine Shu, she just borrowed some inspiration from Concubine Shu. But in fact, the most borrowed ones were congratulatory gifts from the Shen family.

The empress and emperor, who had read the gift list and knew the original name of the screen, couldn't help but glance at Concubine Shen Gui after hearing Que Ri's libretto. The empress did not express anything, but she heard the emperor say with a half-smile: "My concubine is so virtuous, I am very happy."

Concubine Shen Gui, who had seen the big wind and waves, pretended not to hear his sarcasm, and took the "appreciation" seriously, and got up to thank him.

All the concubines: "..." Shen is becoming more and more shameless!

After Shen Guifei sat down and continued to eat snacks like a normal person, everyone silently looked away. Shameless people are invincible in the world, no matter how much they stare, they can't make the imperial concubine feel so ashamed that she can't wait to find a crack in the ground.

Finally, there is the birthday gift of the empress and the empress dowager. There is nothing to say about the empress dowager's, although it is expensive, it is not conspicuous. The queen's is very conspicuous. A huge set of sea charts is an overseas map that the Ye family, an imperial merchant engaged in shipping, paid tribute to by the queen. This map is not displayed for everyone to see, but the name alone is enough.

The map is a high-level secret in ancient times and will not be easily leaked. Overseas maps are even more difficult to draw than land maps, but with this map, even if the emperor wants to go overseas, he has some reliance. Even though, this is just a very simple map with a low accuracy rate.

The emperor was overjoyed, and immediately ordered someone to send the chart to the Palace of Qinzheng properly, and praised the queen severely, praising her as a good helper. This is somewhat similar to the "praise" to the imperial concubine, but everyone knows which is more important.

Everyone quietly glanced at Concubine Shen Gui, and found that the other party was not angry or jealous at all, and couldn't help admiring the empress in the palace's ability to control emotions, without showing any signs of it.

In fact, Concubine Shen Gui really has a villain in her heart.

Well, Zha Emperor villain.

I hate it to death, what kind of affection is there! The queen is not your real daughter-in-law!

Of course, Concubine Shu was the most unhappy. The Shen family and Concubine Shen joined hands to stomp on her presents again and again, that's fine, the empress even came with a present to steal the limelight. It's all right now, the hundred miles of mountains and rivers she prepared has no sense of existence at all.

When someone mentions "Jiangshan Map", the Shen family's two are probably the first thing they think of. After all, the two complementary hands have already achieved the effect of 1+1>2. When it comes to "pictures", one must think of sea charts. Land maps are not uncommon, but sea maps are naturally more interesting.

This Longevity, it sucks!

The author has something to say: Enter v on Thursday, three shifts on the same day, and then start at 6,000 days =3=

Push a wave of biscuits from friends (I was fooled into writing Lily):

"I heard that the movie queen loves me secretly" by light ink zhezhi

I heard that you like me, so I like you too, okay

Daily sweeter text, violent lolita x gentle royal sister

Thanks to mine: QAQx1, Leisurely Youran x1, L Si X Xi Yx1

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Yellow Duck Duck +20, Huan Wushang +2, Sorrow +5, Pseudo-Scholar +10, My Song +20, JIE +30, Good at +9, Thirty-Two +90, Jinmo Luoxu+13, QAQ+10, _The old friend does not return+5