The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 26: ②⑥Deliver medicine


Back in the palace, Concubine Shen stayed in Fengyi Palace for one night. Originally, he wanted to have breakfast early the next morning, but he never thought that Emperor Dog would eat with Fu Qiushui.

Empress Fu ignored Shen Guifei's dissatisfied eyes, raised her chin, and told her to go back to the palace quickly.

There was no other way, Shen Guifei had no choice but to go back to Jianjia Palace.

In the morning, the queen dined with the emperor. But when the concubines came to pay their respects, the emperor hadn't left yet.

There is no need to go to court today, the emperor would rather be lazy, dawdling in Fengyi Palace for a while. After all, as soon as he went to the front palace, he had to continue to deal with government affairs, so he didn't have much free time to rest.

Concubine Shen Guifei sat on the left and drank tea silently, listening to the concubines around her chatting with each other and talking about the emperor from time to time, which felt very boring.

The emperor sat at the top, next to the empress. He listened with relish, as if he didn't notice the smell of gunpowder between concubines, Shen Yuqing felt that this guy should be watching a good show.

The empress took a sip of tea: "It's already this time, doesn't Your Majesty need to deal with government affairs?"

Even the queen dared to drive people away tactfully, but the emperor couldn't say anything.

He looked at Empress Fu who suspected him of staying here to make trouble, and then at Concubine Shen Guifei who had "Get lost, get lost" written all over her eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

It's terrible for an emperor to mix like this. The empress and imperial concubine wish him to leave quickly, and he can only find a little confidence from other concubines.

It's a pity that there are so many women in them, and it's not as effective as the queen's words.

The concubines looked at the emperor reluctantly, but they dared not ask to keep him. The emperor waited for a long time, but no one gave him a step down, so that he could say "it's still early", so he had to reluctantly say "I should go", then got up and left.

It's so frustrating.

People are not allowed to be a little lazy, queen, you were not like this before!

In the past, the empress cared about him so much that she would send someone to ask him about his health and advise him to take care of his health if he took a little longer to deal with government affairs. It's a good thing now, but drive him to work instead.

His Majesty the Emperor left Fengyi Palace with a sullen face, and decided to go to Jianjia Palace to meet Shen Guifei tonight.

He is an emperor, not a local dog. Shen Yuqing went too far, and even told him to go away with a scolding look. If the tiger doesn't show off his power, he will treat him as a sick cat

After seeing off the emperor, Concubine Shen felt at ease immediately. She winked at the empress, although she was ignored by the empress, she was still very happy.

In fact, she just couldn't see anyone sitting with the queen.

Fu Qiushui ignored the imperial concubine who kept making petty gestures at her, and concentrated on dealing with the other concubines. Although Shen Yuqing has a lot of dramas, she really won't cause trouble for herself, other women are different.

"The palace is getting hotter and hotter. I will go to the palace to escape the summer heat in late June, but the person who will accompany me has not yet been decided." Every time the queen empress doesn't want to hear these women making a fuss, she likes to smash deep-water fish-thunders. Good news also has bad news, such as this time, it is good news for many people.

The emperor was going to the palace to escape the summer heat, so he chose some concubines to accompany him, and the chances of the chosen ones to be favored would rise sharply. After all, the emperor was going to escape the summer heat, and the general ministers would not be so blind-eyed, and even tossed a lot of things to make the emperor feel uneasy during the summer, so the emperor would have more free time during this period.

And what to do in your spare time? To do something fun, of course.

For example, walking birds to enjoy flowers, riding horses to shoot and hunt, and finding concubines to play, eat and sleep with. Maybe if you are lucky, you can go with the emperor to do some things like walking birds and enjoying flowers, riding horses and hunting.

Concubine Shen still had some thoughts about the qualifications to go to the palace. She waited for the crowd to leave, and stayed on with a stern face, pestering the queen to ask her if she would go.

Fu Qiushui put the lord into her arms: "Of course I want to go."

The emperor himself was not very afraid of the heat. The reason why he chose to escape the summer heat was actually for the empress.

The queen is afraid of heat and cold, which is the root cause of her illness when she was a child. Over the years, she has recuperated much better, but she is still uncomfortable in winter and summer. The emperor himself didn't care, but thinking of Fu Qiushui, he finally decided to go to the palace every winter and summer to escape the heat and cold.

As it happens, Huaijing has an excellent geographical location. There are not only locations suitable for summer vacation, but also locations that include hot springs. Moreover, the two palaces were built when the first emperor was still there, and he didn't need to waste money and money to build them, he only needed to spend some silver taels every year to maintain and repair them.

The imperial concubine didn't know the way inside, but she asked someone to inquire as soon as she returned to the palace.

Nowadays, several first-class and second-class palace maids from Fengyi Palace are very familiar with those from Jianjia Palace. They are like brothers and sisters. Immediately, he poured out all the beans.

"My mother is afraid of the cold and heat, so staying in the palace in winter and summer will be a pain." Dong Xiao doesn't think this is a secret thing, she likes to catch the maids and eunuchs of Fengyi Palace and chatter about these trivial matters when she has nothing to do. However, the water in Fengyi Palace can't be poured in, and I don't worry about it spreading out.

Dong Xiao looked at Que Ri, this one was carefully selected by the emperor and sent to Jianjia Palace, and he was essentially his own, so there was nothing to hide.

"Hey, you don't know." Dong Xiao sighed, "In the past, the empress had to suffer. She was afraid that His Majesty would be criticized and said that she was indulging in pleasure. She refused to nod and agree to go to the palace to escape the summer heat until the hottest time."

Que Ri was very polite, and immediately followed her words and said: "The empress is indeed virtuous, but she should pay more attention to her body."

Dong Xiao's eyes lit up, and he patted the arm of the person opposite: "That's not true! The empress is too considerate, and always wrongs herself."

"Yes yes yes." Que Ri grinned quietly and rubbed his arms, Miss Dongxiao's hands are really strong.

"But this year is good. The materials sent by the imperial concubine are very good, and they are cool in summer. My mother wears them every day, and she doesn't feel stuffy and uncomfortable." As she spoke, she changed the subject, "But your empress It's true, you actually used this as an excuse to postpone your trip to the summer palace for a month. If you want me to say, you should go earlier, so you don't have to burn yourself out."

Que Ri got the news he wanted, and patiently listened to Dong Xiao nagging about many miscellaneous and useless things, and finally found a chance to escape, and went back to report to his mother.

Shen Yuqing lay lazily on the couch drinking an iced drink, and looked up at him after listening: "Good job."

Said and waved, let him go down to receive the reward.

Empress Fu's physical problems, she really didn't know before. Shen Yuqing suddenly felt that she was not qualified enough and had to make persistent efforts. She asked Que Ri and Qing Qiu to pay more attention to the situation of the empress, and to report as soon as there was news, and then lay on the couch thinking about how to solve the problem of Fu Qiushui's frailty.

It's a pity that she doesn't know much about these medical problems. If she is here, she doesn't have to worry about it. However, they are not here, and I am a person who has opened up all eight orifices, and I have a headache just thinking about it.

She only knows a little bit about the use of poison, and she was contacted for the assassination mission before. But she can poison but can't detoxify. Mingjiao disciples accept assassination missions, but they don't like to take other missions. Unlike some Tangmen who also accept missions such as bodyguards, if the employer is poisoned, they will The first time to help detoxification.

Shen Yuqing thought she was only responsible for poisoning people to death. If she had to detoxify, she had the elixir she won from a bet from Miss Hualuo in her backpack. This elixir can suppress most of the strange poisons, but it can't cure the commonly used poisons, but it is enough to suppress them. During this period, enough people who are poisoned can find someone who can detoxify them to save their lives.

I heard that this elixir was used by Sister Hua's friends for self-defense for her junior sisters. It is estimated that Sister Hua did not expect to be cheated by Shen Yuqing's bet.

That's right, it was a lie. Because of Shen Yuqing, she cheated...

Although Miss Hualuo is smart, she is small and tender, and she is fine when facing others, but she suffered a disadvantage when facing Shen Yuqing and lost the elixir. But later, when Sister Hua heard about it, she also troubled Shen Yuqing, and also cheated Shen Yuqing of the two life flowers of the desert that Shen Yuqing had finally picked, and used them to make three life-saving pills for her junior sister.

Thinking of her bad deeds in the past, Shen Yuqing certainly didn't have any sense of shame.

She took out the elixir that she hadn't used up, put it on her nose and smelled it, it should not have deteriorated. This kind of elixir can be stored for a long time, and there are just two left. She keeps one for herself and the other for Fu Qiushui. It can save her life at critical times. After all, the women in the palace love to play the trick of poisoning, and they also like to find some colorless and odorless strange poison to inject.

Putting away the pill, Shen Yuqing planned to use an excuse to climb into bed tonight and send the pill out by the way.

She was so resourceful and had another excuse to climb the bed.

Concubine Shen happily picked up the bowl, and downed the remaining half of the iced drink in one gulp.

The adult came over and licked the rim of the bowl, then raised his head and asked Shen Yuqing for an iced drink.

"It's too cold, you can't drink it." Shen Yuqing reasoned with it nicely.

And received a slap from an adult.

Do not listen.

In the end, the concubine concubine compromised and offered the small dried fish taken from the ice cellar. Although you can't drink iced drinks, you can eat some cold snacks.

While Concubine Shen was teasing the cat, Man Xing came in with a gift list.

"Mother, An Zhaoyi is pregnant, and you haven't sent the congratulatory gift yet." Man Xing handed over the gift list, "I was busy with the thousand-year-old banquet yesterday, and all the palaces forgot about it. I just heard that the empress empress sent some things over. According to the gift list of Fengyi Palace, it has been weakened by two layers, do you think?"

Shen Yuqing took it and glanced at it.

To be honest, she doesn't have much idea of the value of treasures in this world, after all, it is different from the Tang Dynasty she lives in. She knew what was valuable in Datang, but in Dayan, she didn't even glance at many things.

For example, glass, there is no glass in Datang, only colored glaze. Glass-like colored glaze is absolutely priceless. But Dayan's glass is not too expensive because of the advanced shipping.

"You can figure it out." She felt that so many words gave her a headache.

If it's a book, forget it, but it's a bunch of complicated gift lists. What glass, pearl, agate and jade, there are often several such words on the same thing, such as silver-plated gold-plated gemstone tourmaline dot emerald flower hairpin, it is impossible to imagine what it is.

Are so many treasures named together? Who can tell which is valuable and which is not, and whoever stipulates the naming method.

Man Xing also knew that his mother was impatient to watch this, so he just wanted to show her a look, so he went down to toss.

Not long after, concubine Shu's invitation was also sent.

This time, Qiao'er was caught up, Concubine Shu's banquet happened to be the last event before going to the palace, so this banquet must not be peaceful. Maybe the emperor will also refer to their performance at the banquet, so as to choose who to take to the summer palace.

Concubine Shen is not worried about these, she will definitely be able to go. While the other concubines were gearing up, she was thinking about how to go one step further with the empress.

She had done so much last night, yet the queen hadn't taken the initiative to throw herself into her arms. She made a mistake, and it seemed that she was going to try harder.

Chasing a daughter-in-law is really difficult. I have only heard of men chasing women across a mountain and women chasing men through a layer of gauze. After all, it is not Datang where the atmosphere is developed and homosexuality is everywhere. People here may find it difficult to accept same-sex love.

The imperial concubine threw away the book she had just brought to pass the time in distress, and sighed long.

In the evening, Concubine Shen hadn't figured out a solution yet, except for giving gifts and climbing on the bed every day, she had no other ideas for solving the problem for the time being. She didn't think about it at all, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, so just play it by ear.

And at this time, the little eunuch brought the news that she would serve her bed tonight.

"What?" Shen Yuqing reached out and grabbed the eunuch's collar.

The little eunuch in the respect room was about to cry, and repeated tremblingly: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty turned over your signboard today..."

Shen Yuqing let him go: "Understood."

What medicine is sold in the dog emperor's gourd? After going to Fengyi Palace and coming back to her Jianjia Palace, it is really annoying. She is still waiting to go to Fengyi Palace to rub the bed tonight, and she has no time to toss with him.

But no matter how unwilling she was, she still had to pretend to bathe and burn incense to welcome His Majesty the Emperor.

"My concubine is free." The emperor got off the imperial chariot and gave Shen Yuqing a little support, "Has my concubine eaten dinner yet?"

Shen Guifei non-violent non-cooperation: "It's been used."

"...Then use it with me again."

Sometimes, the comparison in life is who has thicker skin. Today, His Majesty the Emperor was slightly better, so the imperial concubine had to accompany him to have another meal.

However, there was no reward for the winner, and the emperor felt a little regretful when he sat down at the table. He found that the table was full of dishes that noble concubines liked to eat. Moreover, it is also a dish that the emperor does not like to eat very much.

After all, the imperial concubine is not a picky eater, so she likes to eat a lot. And among these things, there are always one, two, three, four, five that the emperor doesn't like to eat.

Thanks to the broken-mouthed girl Dongxiao, the imperial concubine has long mastered the taste of the empress and the emperor in an all-round way.

After a very unsatisfactory dinner, His Majesty the Emperor was a little unhappy.

What was even more displeased was still to come, Shen Guifei looked at the emperor sincerely: "An Zhaoyi is pregnant, has your majesty gone to see sister An?"

Of course not, the emperor was not happy about An Zhaoyi's pregnancy. He didn't think that An Zhaoyi was really pregnant, even if she was, she might not like the child.

Concubine Shen immediately turned into a good wife, and earnestly advised: "When a woman is pregnant, she is at her most vulnerable time. How could Your Majesty not go and have a look? Sister An hasn't had many good sisters to talk to since she entered the palace, so Your Majesty is free. It's better to be with her more."

The emperor's face darkened, and on the surface he still insisted on it: "Aifei is generous and virtuous today."

As if she didn't understand his sarcasm, the imperial concubine smiled gently and virtuously, especially like a good wife and mother.

"I just want to be with Qing'er today, Qing'er don't push me away anymore." As a last resort, the emperor resorted to a killer move.

Very good, if you hurt one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred. Not only did the imperial concubine's face contort and she wanted to vomit, but he himself felt a little nauseous too.

Concubine Shen Gui immediately put away her smile, a smile that was not a smile: "Then I'll wrong Your Majesty to stay next door for one night, my concubine is not feeling well recently, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep with you."

The emperor nodded in satisfaction: "It's okay, I have to deal with government affairs at night, I'm afraid it will affect my concubine's rest."

After sending the emperor to the next door, Shen Guifei, who just euphemistically stated that she was on her period, immediately kicked over the "emperor doll" that the adult had pulled out from under the bed.

This thing was coerced and lured by Shen Yuqing, the little palace maid Bixi, to make it, and after finishing it, Shen Guifei used it as a punching bag. If it weren't for the fact that the life-size doll was not easy to hide, it would be impossible for her to just let someone make such a small one.

But then I don't know where it went to be played by adults, but today it just happened to be pulled out from under the bed by adults again.

Shen Yuqing walked around the room twice, kicked the doll onto the bed again, and then called Manchen and Biran.

"I'm going to Fengyi Palace." Shen Guifei said, "Bi Ran, take care of your lord, Man Chen, keep an eye on the next door, don't let them disturb me."

Although the emperor probably won't send anyone to look for her again, it's better to explain just in case.

After finishing speaking, Concubine Shen Gui jumped through the window and ran away.

As soon as Fu Qiushui got out of the bath, he saw that there were many people in the hall. Not surprised, she pulled her coat over her body.

"Why are you here again?" Empress Fu asked.

Shen Yuqing was playing with the jade bottle in her hand, and from the corner of her eye she quietly looked at the empress's fair and beautiful neck and exposed collarbone, feeling a little pity in her heart. Empress Fu was still taking a bath when she first came, but she was thrown out as a disciple, so Shen Yuqing could only regretfully give up the idea of breaking in.

When she stayed in Fengyi Palace last time, although she bathed here once, she didn't have a chance to have a bath, but the two of them took turns to go. This time, I still didn't have the guts to go in and see...

Fu Qiushui frowned slightly: "What are you looking at?"

Concubine Shen Gui immediately retracted her gaze, sat upright, and stopped aiming randomly. She presented the jade bottle in a polite manner: "I'll bring you something good."

"This is it?" Fu Qiushui walked over, took the jade bottle and looked at it without seeing anyone.

You can't see anything from the outside, it's just an ordinary jade bottle. Pull out the plug and put it on the nose to smell it. There is a quiet medicinal fragrance, and the elixir inside can be known to be extraordinary without looking.

"My birthday has passed." She looked at Shen Yuqing, "I can no longer take your things casually."

Shen Yuqing immediately looked sad: "Sister Qiushui is not willing to accept? This is my heart."

Fu Qiushui has already pretended to be obedient and immune to her: "Sister Qiushui?"

"Sister Qiushui." Concubine Shen immediately changed her words, "I don't dare to resign, my sister, you can take it. I still have this thing on hand, which can suppress strange poisons. You also know how many people you are sitting on the queen's seat. Treat you like a thorn in my side, take more things to defend yourself, and you will be more safe."

This elixir, even the poison that seals the throat with blood, has a half chance of being suppressed. Shen Yuqing wants Fu Qiushui to accept whatever she says.

Fu Qiushui looked at her quietly for a while, then nodded: "Okay, I accept it."

"Eh?" Shen Yuqing blinked.

I thought it would take a little more talking, but I didn't expect it to be so simple.

"Aren't you chasing me?" Fu Qiushui sat down beside the bed, and put the elixir properly into the dark cabinet next to the bed, "Since that's the case, there's no need for me to refuse what you sent me."

As she said that, she squinted at Shen Yuqing and smiled slightly: "Maybe in the future, all your things will be mine."

Shen Yuqing opened her eyes wide and looked at her in surprise. After a while, he suddenly laughed: "Qiu Shui, you are too bad."

Ah, it really is sesame stuffing!

Feel it! ! !

Shen Yuqing immediately took off her coat and climbed onto the bed, occupying the bed next to the empress within minutes.

I finally got a response from my daughter-in-law. Although it is still in the investigation period, it is already a huge improvement! Don’t take advantage of the advantages, don’t take them for nothing, I feel like I’m occupying the bed, so let’s sleep for one night first!

Fu Qiushui ignored her and lay down by himself, thinking about asking Han Qiu to find a jade pendant tomorrow, so that he could put pills in it. Turn around and hide the elixir sent by Shen Yuqing in it, and carry it close to your body every day, and take it immediately when you need it in the future, which is more convenient.

Also, at the end of the month, I will go to the palace to escape the summer heat, so I have to ask Hanqiu to bring the jade cat with me...

Fu Qiushui pulled the jade cat on the side of the pillow into his arms and hugged him, thinking about what to do, and soon fell asleep.

Although there are more people around, I don't know why, but I feel more at ease.

Concubine Shen Gui next to her did not fall asleep so easily, looking at the empress with her back turned to her, she held down her hand that was about to move. It's not enough now, if you can't go up, hug your waist, and you will be kicked out of the bed.

Anyway, the daughter-in-law has already responded, as long as she behaves well, it will be a matter of time before she embraces the beauty, there is no rush.

The author has something to say: Planning to contact Concubine Shen: I seem to have a lot of good things in my package? I get the same one every day, and I can climb the bed for many days in a row, perfect√

Regarding the matter of attacking and accepting, I will not give an official definition here.

Everyone also knows that the Internet has been cleaned up recently, so you can't write meat. Anyway, it's Qingshuiwen, so it doesn't matter whoever attacks whoever receives it.

Personally, I think both of them can attack, you can choose your favorite cp method according to your taste, as long as you enjoy watching it, it’s fine~ Memoda~!

Thanks to Landmine: Sniff Rose x1, Clear Dream x1, Little Fan No. 13 x2, A Cup of Coke x1

Thanks to the grenade: Beiming fish x1

Thank you for the nutrient solution: Little Fan No. 13+10, Xiu Muxu+30, Eat Candy+2, Filling the Hole in Dreams+3, Yemu Remnant+5, Morning Light +5