The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 27: ②⑦Pet banquet


In the middle of June, Concubine Shu hosted a banquet in Feiyue Palace.

The layout of Feiyue Palace is not as grand as Fengyi Palace, and there are many rockery and flowing water, which is suitable for viewing. Concubine Shu ordered people to place a small case in a cool place, and had a banquet with all the concubines.

It is said that she even specially sent someone to invite the emperor.

In the evening, the emperor was still at leisure, so he might not really come. The concubines are gearing up and ready to perform well.

If they lure the emperor to stay in their own palace, surely Concubine Shu will look very pretty, right

Although the possibility of success is a bit small, it does not affect their high morale.

Shen Guifei was still the last one to arrive.

When she arrived, Concubine Shu was playing with her little pet.

The colorful-feathered parrot cage was hung under the tree, and everyone was sitting not far from each other, so they could see the bird clearly, and it was strange that they were all staring at it at the moment.

Concubine Shu smiled slightly, very proud in her heart: "This parrot is a rare species, and my elder brother specially asked someone to find it."

"I didn't expect that there are birds that can speak human language!" It was Liu Shuyuan who spoke.

At the beginning, Liu Shuyuan deliberately flattered Concubine Rong, but she offended Concubine Rong because she couldn't speak, and was suppressed instead. It has been silent for more than a month, and now the target is to blow Concubine Shu.

As the daughter of Dali Temple Minister, even if she has never seen a parrot, she has heard of it. She said this on purpose, just to support Concubine Shu, but this move made other people couldn't help showing contemptuous glances.

Concubine Shen came with the cat in her arms, and as soon as she approached, she heard the parrot open its mouth and say: "Your Majesty is even more beautiful! Your Majesty is even more beautiful!"

Shen Yuqing paused, then turned to look at the parrot not far away. Was it addressed to her

The concubines were shocked, the parrot said this to Concubine Shu just now, then turned around and said it to someone else, and it was still directed at Concubine Shen, this...

Glancing quietly at Concubine Shu's livid face, everyone couldn't help being happy.

Of course a parrot doesn't know who is who, so it will just say this, and it doesn't matter who it is facing when it comes to interest, it just loves to nag like this.

Concubine Shen accepted its praise without any guilt, and sat down in her seat.

The lord got out of her arms, squinted at the stupid bird, and let out a "meow" in disdain. What's so good about this broken bird, isn't it that it has a little more color.

It tilted its head and thought for a while, then suddenly jumped onto the small case, jumped off the ground two or three times, and ran towards the parrot.

Except for Shen Yuqing who was staring intently at her little ancestor, no one else noticed this scene. They are busy running on Concubine Shu, didn't they see Concubine Shu's face getting uglier

Coincidentally at this time, the parrot said to Concubine Shu: "Your Majesty is even more beautiful!"

"Pfft." Shen Guifei couldn't help laughing.

Concubine Shu took a deep breath, maintained her delicate personality, and asked softly, "What is Sister Guifei laughing at?"

"Nothing." Concubine Shen raised her eyes and glanced at her, "I just don't understand why sister Concubine Shu deceives herself to a bird every day. I heard that although a parrot can learn to speak from a human, it doesn't mean it doesn't understand it. It's all taught by humans. It repeats what it says, so it’s hard for my sister to talk to a bird every day.”

Concubine Shu's face became even uglier.

Who doesn't know that teaching birds to speak is the job of eunuchs, yet Shen Yuqing insists that she taught them. How could she teach such shameful words? She is not as thick-skinned as Shen's!

Seeing that the other concubines also started to hold back their laughter, and some even burst into laughter, Concubine Shu suddenly wanted to pull the eunuch who taught the parrot out to beat him up.

Shen Yuqing didn't talk to Concubine Shu anymore, her adults had already climbed up the tree trunk. Climbed all the way to the branch where the bird cage was hanging, slid down the cloth strips, and landed firmly on top of the cage.

"Eh? Isn't that my lord?" Yu Zhaoyi's exclamation woke Concubine Shu who was still immersed in the anger before.

She hurriedly looked over and saw a very clever cat opened the bird cage and stretched out its paws to reach her beloved bird.

The parrot was so frightened that its feathers were about to explode, and it was thumping desperately in the cage. The adult got into the cage lightly, and quickly caught the stupid parrot.

The parrot's wings are almost degraded, and it can't fly, it can only jump up and down. When caught, it will only scream heart-piercingly in a bird language that people can't understand, but the adults have no intention of letting it go, pawing with one paw on the left and the other on the right, having a great time.

Concubine Shu was so angry that she broke her beloved beauty fan: "Shen! Gui! Concubine! Take your cat away!"

"I'm really sorry." Shen Yuqing said insincerely, and carefully carried her adult out, and found that there were several pieces of bird feathers on her body.

Concubine Shen took off the bird feathers and threw it away in distaste, and pretended to say to the adults: "The cage is so dirty, why did you get in?"

Concubine Shu heard the veins on her forehead twitch.

"Why is it so lively?" Suddenly a majestic male voice dispelled the smell of gunpowder, and followed the prestige, only to see the emperor and empress coming together, which was extremely harmonious.

It was not the first time I saw this kind of scene, every time I saw Concubine Shen Gui, I felt a toothache. She resisted the desire to beat up the emperor, and saluted meaningfully, and as expected, she saw the dog emperor coming to her with a concerned expression on his face.

"What's wrong with Aifei?" But being bullied

Concubine Shen took the lead and immediately said: "My lord just went to play with Sister Concubine Shu's little pet for a while, and my concubine was criticizing it for being naughty. It is not willing to listen, and is playing petty with my concubine."

After she said this, Concubine Shu could no longer complain. What's more, as soon as she finished speaking, the emperor immediately took the cat and stroked it lovingly: "Your Excellency, let him play if he likes to play. Don't be too harsh on my concubine."

He touched it twice, and seeing that the adult was struggling to leave, he decided to return it to Shen Yuqing. Unexpectedly, the lord quickly threw himself into Fu Qiushui's arms, and became quiet after being hugged by the queen.

Emperor: "..." Both the owner and the pet are annoying!

What's wrong with him, this pair of masters dislike him so much

With the support of the emperor, the adults became more and more arrogant. Concubine Shu smiled with a stiff face, and she couldn't "criticize" the cat anymore, so she had to swallow the loss herself.

"This is Shu'er's parrot?" When the emperor saw it, he became very interested and took a second look.

It had only been a few months since the parrot was delivered, and Concubine Shu's natal family happened to offend the emperor before, so in such a long time, the emperor never came to favor Concubine Shu. Later, on the Wanshou Festival, the Hou's Mansion showed his favor. Although he forgave the family, he never came to see Concubine Shu, so naturally he had never seen this parrot.

Concubine Shu regained her spirits, and quickly asked someone to take down the parrot cage and show it to the emperor.

"This concubine's elder brother found it for my concubine." She said softly, "I am afraid that my concubine will be lonely, so I let my concubine keep it for entertainment, and it is better to have a small animal to accompany me."

There was no moving expression on the emperor's face, but Concubine Rong, who had been watching coldly, chuckled immediately after she finished speaking: "Sister Concubine Shu, what are you talking about? How can you be lonely with so many palace people around you? Acting like a baby to His Majesty, complaining that His Majesty doesn't come to see you often."

Concubine Shu really meant that.

The subtext is to complain to the emperor about the pain of lovesickness, and also to hope that the emperor will take pity on her and see more in the future.

But after the subtext is stated outright, the meaning is different. It used to be a little love between lovers, but now it has become Concubine Shu who doesn't understand the rules and complains about the emperor.

If she's the queen, complaining is complaining. If the wife complains about her husband, it means that the husband and wife are deeply affectionate. But the problem is, Concubine Shu is just a concubine. When she complained, she seemed particularly ignorant.

The fact that someone in Feiyue Palace is pregnant has always been a thorn in Concubine Rong's heart, and whenever she gets the chance, she will say something to Concubine Shu. Everyone was not surprised, they just drank tea and laughed watching the dog bite the dog.

"Sister Concubine Rong has only been in the palace for a short time, so she naturally doesn't understand the loneliness of the deep palace." Concubine Shu immediately grabbed a point and turned back, "Concubine is infatuated with Your Majesty, and seeing each other every day is like three autumns. What about?"

—I adore Your Majesty, so I'm not happy not to see him. You have just entered the palace and have no feelings for the emperor, so of course you don't feel lonely.

While confessing to the emperor, he reminded the emperor that Concubine Rong didn't love him at all, only she loved him. Concubine Shu has only suffered at the hands of Shen Yuqing when it comes to harassing people, while Concubine Rong is not cultivated enough.

As one of the parties involved, His Majesty the Emperor is leisurely, as if he is not the center of the storm.

Seeing this, the empress frowned slightly: "Okay, today is the banquet of Concubine Shu's younger sister, so please don't say a few words."

At any rate, he defended Concubine Shu and maintained Concubine Shu's position.

But in reality, Concubine Shu has the upper hand and does not need the Queen's protection at all. When she said these words, she blocked Concubine Rong's retort, and Concubine Rong had to swallow her words, holding her breath.

In fact, it is no longer necessary to fight against Concubine Shu every day, but Concubine Shen feels that Concubine Shu is easy to bully, so she always likes to tease her. Seeing Fu Qiushui looking at her, she immediately put away her playfulness and said that she and her daughter-in-law would advance and retreat together.

If the daughter-in-law wants to hate Concubine Rong, she will follow suit, and she will hit wherever the daughter-in-law points.

So Concubine Shen also came to push back: "Sister Concubine Rong is always quick to speak, so please don't argue with Concubine Shu. Naturally, the banquet should be peaceful, and Sister Concubine Rong can't be so loud next time. "

Concubine Shu immediately raised her eyebrows, while Concubine Rong's face gradually turned blue.

The other concubines looked at each other carefully and did not dare to intervene. To avoid being affected, it's better for these little fish and shrimps to be more peaceful.

It's just... how do you have the guts to say "the banquet should be peaceful"? You seem to be among the people who do things every time, right? !

Who is Shen Guifei? She has the thickest skin in the world, saying this is just a trivial matter.

Everyone saw that the imperial concubine was pretending to be obedient, and they couldn't help but sigh secretly that they still didn't have enough cultivation.

The next banquet can go on happily. The drinks and dishes provided by Concubine Shu are really delicious, and they said that they specially found a chef from Sichuan cuisine to make them. However, it is not pure Sichuan cuisine, but modified according to the taste of Huaijing. Everyone eats it once in a while, and it is very happy to eat.

Half of the dishes on the table are red dishes, which smell spicy and spicy. Concubine Shen Gui is not very used to spicy food, and it feels good to taste a couple of chopsticks once in a while, but she can't bear it if she eats too much. On the other hand, Fu Qiushui ate very happily, and the adults also meowed and asked for spicy shrimp.

Empress Fu didn't dare to feed it spicy food, so she could only choose lighter dishes for it. It unhappily patted the chopsticks away, sprinted off the table, and disappeared without a trace.

After a while, a fur ball climbed onto Concubine Shen Gui.

"Meow—" I want spicy shrimp.

Concubine Shen quickly picked out a prawn whose flesh hadn't been dipped in the spicy soup, and peeled it for it to eat.

When he ate something he wanted, the adults licked their mouths.

The meat of this shrimp has no spicy taste, only fresh and sweet, and it feels no different from ordinary shrimp. The adults are very disappointed. These red dishes are not as delicious as expected.

So it is not obsessed with trying spicy dishes, but wants to eat other dishes instead.

Not long after the banquet, Concubine Shen was full. She quietly gestured to Qing Yuan who was beside her, Qing Yuan understood it, and took a chance to leave quietly.

By the time the banquet was half over, everyone had almost eaten, and the sky was half dark.

At this time, a young eunuch lit a lantern and attracted several people to approach.

"Who is that?" Everyone whispered.

Everyone who should be here has arrived, no one will be late for so long, right

When people approached, everyone suddenly realized.

It's An Zhaoyi!

An Zhaoyi, who lived in the side hall of Feiyue Palace, found out that she was pregnant on the Wanshou Festival half a month ago, but the emperor came to see her once in such a long time. This time Feiyue Palace held a banquet, Concubine Shu used the excuse that she was afraid of Zhaoyi's sister having an accident, and did not invite An Zhaoyi.

But it's impossible for An Zhaoyi not to know that the emperor came to such a big event. No matter how Concubine Shu sent people to block the news, An Zhaoyi finally got the news.

She couldn't let go of this opportunity to approach the emperor. After all, a pregnant woman cannot be favored. If the emperor didn't take the initiative to visit her, she would have no excuse to call him.

She wanted to pretend to have an upset stomach to attract people, but she didn't dare to bet when she thought that the emperor was not very happy when he found out that she was pregnant. What if the emperor didn't like her even more because of her being a demon

Concubine Shen Gui, who deliberately sent news to An Zhaoyi, hid her merits and fame, pretended to be surprised and suddenly realized, and waited for the development of the incident.

"Concubines see Your Majesty." An Zhaoyi was supported by the little maid to salute.

She is a pregnant woman, whoever dares to make her kneel, the emperor immediately raised his hand to help her: "I don't need to be polite."

Concubine Shu's subordinates hurriedly found a seat cushion and let An Zhaoyi sit on it.

"Why did Concubine Ai come here?" the emperor asked with concern.

Although he didn't like this child, but he planned to take advantage of An Zhaoyi, so he naturally had to put on a show.

The other women really turned red.

An Zhaoyi deliberately stroked her lower abdomen, smiled softly, exuding the brilliance of motherhood: "The concubine and the little prince in her womb miss your majesty. When they heard that your majesty has come to Feiyue Palace, they couldn't help but come to have a look."

"Since you're pregnant, don't run around. If something goes wrong with the emperor's heir, can you afford it?" Concubine Rong snorted softly.

An Zhaoyi didn't argue, but just lowered her head and looked like she was being bullied, which was very pitiful.

As expected, the emperor said: "An'er is pregnant, and I don't often visit her, so she is inevitably a little fragile and wronged. It's my fault, I have neglected her these days, and it is hard for her to come here. Concubine Rong doesn't want it." Harsh."

Concubine Rong was deflated again, she shut her mouth and simply stopped talking.

I'm afraid I didn't read the almanac when I went out today.

Shen Yuqing seized the opportunity and said: "Sister Zhaoyi is also pitiful, Your Majesty should visit her more in the future. She has a hard pregnancy alone, and lives in a side hall, and there are not many people around to serve her. The concubine heard that the fetus In fact, the mother already has perception of the outside world in the womb, if the biological father is more accompanied, the fetus will be close to the biological father after birth, and be a filial son."

She knew the emperor was not good as soon as she said it, and she dug a hole for him to jump. No wonder An Zhaoyi got the news, it must be Shen Yuqing's tricks.

But at this moment, he just played the role of a considerate and considerate husband, and he can't change his mind, so he can only admit it by pinching his nose. Promise to stay overnight in An Zhaoyi Palace tonight, and have a good exchange of feelings with the "Little Prince".

Shen Yuqing was satisfied.

Concubine Shu's face was distorted, she obviously had the best chance to sleep with her today!

Concubine Rong was relieved. Although An Zhaoyi was pregnant and made her jealous, she was very happy to disturb Concubine Shu's bedtime. After all, An Zhaoyi is already pregnant, and she can't do anything at night, but Concubine Shu is not pregnant yet, if she is pregnant, it will be at a disadvantage for her.

Thinking about it this way, it's not bad that the emperor went to An Zhaoyi's place.

After this accident, the concubine who was not full lost her appetite. However, the scheming Concubine Shen Guifei was not affected at all, she had already had enough food and had a round of refreshments after dinner. No way, eat fast and take advantage.

Empress Fu looked at Concubine Shen Gui, then at An Zhaoyi, her expression was indistinguishable, but she didn't say anything to stop her, allowing the emperor to be tricked. As soon as the banquet was over, she saw that the emperor was about to take An Zhaoyi away, so she also got up and said to Concubine Shen: "Yuqing, you can go with me."

The emperor who was about to ask the queen for help: "..."

He watched helplessly as the eldest wife left with the younger wife without any regrets, leaving him here alone to deal with the wolf-like women.

Concubine Shu was still not reconciled, she twisted the handkerchief in her hand, gritted her teeth, stood up and smiled at the emperor who was leaving the table: "Your Majesty, my concubine has something to say to Your Majesty..."

"If you have anything to say, let's talk about it tomorrow." His Majesty the Emperor, who was in a bad mood, didn't want to listen to her tricks at all.

What else can Concubine Shu do? I can only admit it.

But early the next morning, she still found a chance to have breakfast with the emperor, and seemingly casually mentioned that yesterday was Loulan's festival, and sister Mi originally planned to hold a banquet yesterday.

The emperor immediately knew what she wanted to do, thought for a while, but did not know what to think of, followed her words and released Madam Mi's restraint.

Concubine Shu immediately smiled.

Fortunately, the goal has been achieved, and we can go to negotiate with Mrs. Mi.

Half a day later, along with the news of Mrs. Mi's lifting of the ban, came the list of accompanying concubines who would go to the palace to escape the summer heat at the end of the month.

Empress, Concubine Shen, Concubine Rong, Mrs. Wan and Mrs. Mi are all on the list. Concubine Shu was left behind, and the other concubines also ordered a small part to accompany them.

Concubine Shu was very unconvinced, and jumped up and down for several days, but the emperor did not change his mind. She was so angry that she helped Mrs. Mi regain her favor, but Mrs. Mi was eligible to accompany her, so why couldn't she go

However, Mrs. Mi watched coldly and didn't even say a word for her. Obviously, the cooperation between the two fell apart.

Although it was Concubine Shu who helped her lift the ban, she didn't appreciate it at all, and she didn't think it was Concubine Shu's strategy. Not only that, but on the contrary, she felt that Concubine Shu had a big face, and wanted to take credit for even a small matter.

The two broke up just like that.

A few days later, I thought that the list was decided like this, but unexpectedly, something happened before I left.

News came from Mrs. Wan's Yong'an Palace that the emperor suddenly decided not to let Mrs. Wan accompany her, but her eldest princess wanted to go with her. It is said that they are afraid that the child will not be able to withstand heat due to their young age, and they are also afraid that if they use too much ice, it will be bad for their health.

"Speaking is better than singing." Shen Guifei complained about the emperor to the adults who were playing, "He took his daughter away, but mother didn't take it with him. Who is he going to take care of the little girl?"

The eldest princess is only five years old, so she can't leave her mother. Although she is a well-behaved girl, but without her own mother by her side, it is inevitable that she will not cry and be disturbed.

Standing beside him, Que Ri didn't dare to talk about the emperor, wiped the sweat off his head, and watched helplessly as the noble concubine talked to a cat. After thinking about it, he still made a small defense for the emperor: "Madam Xu Shiwan offended His Majesty."

The emperor went to Yong'an Palace to visit the eldest princess at noon today, and stayed for dinner by the way. After a while, the emperor shook his sleeves angrily and left. With this new order, it was obvious that Mrs. Wan had done something to anger the emperor.

But the emperor still loves the child anyway, and did not anger the eldest princess.

This Mrs. Wan is usually a transparent person in the palace. She is the oldest, the oldest, and the only one with a child, but she is ordinary in appearance and has no sense of presence. It is said that she is not in good health, and the princess she gave birth to is also a little weak. On weekdays, she often excuses herself or the princess to be sick to miss palace activities.

To be honest, Shen Yuqing didn't have a deep impression of her.

But she is good at knowing people, so she doesn't feel that Mrs. Wan is as indifferent to the world as she appears on the surface, but she is very careful and good at protecting herself. But she has no influence behind her, and she doesn't have a son who can't think about the throne, and there is no need to pay attention to her, so Shen Yuqing didn't hate her much, and they just went their own ways, and the two have nothing to do with each other.

"How did she offend the emperor?" Shen Yuqing was curious.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Landmine: An Ran x1, Gu Qing's Sweetheart x1

Thanks to the grenade: Dark Nine x2, Yemu Remnant x1

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Lingqi +70, Wutong +5, Huan Wushang +3, Mei Cai Pork +10, Don’t Smile +10, Dark Nine +30, An Ran +60