The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 28: ②⑧princess


Que Ri didn't find out exactly how Madam Wan annoyed the emperor, but combined with some bits and pieces of information leaked by the Yong'an Palace servants, it should be about the princess.

In terms of intelligence, Que Ri is still slightly weaker than Dong Xiao from Fengyi Palace. He was very ashamed, and repeatedly promised to ask sister Dongxiao in a while.

Dong Xiao is a good girl who is good at sharing, although the essence is because of her talkativeness (strike out). When Que Ri came to ask, she immediately shared the news enthusiastically. Anyway, we are all on our own, so there is no need to hide it.

Soon, Que Ri brought back accurate information.

It turned out that the emperor didn't say hello before going to Yong'an Palace for dinner today, and he didn't go there for Mrs. Wan, but to see his daughter. So after entering the door unexpectedly, the palace servants didn't have time to inform Mrs. Wan, and let the emperor go to the princess's room directly.

Generally, the princess lives with her biological mother until she is ten years old, and then moves to a separate palace after she is ten years old. If the biological mother is reluctant, she doesn't have to move away, but she will give the princess the side hall in the palace.

The eldest princess is the only daughter in the palace. When she was four years old, the emperor ordered the east side hall of Yong'an Palace to be cleaned up for the princess to live in, while the west side hall was given to the new concubine He Shi a month ago.

A princess with her own territory will have a lot of freedom, and she doesn't have to share the palace staff with her biological mother, she will have her own palace staff. It stands to reason that the princess should live a very happy life. With her biological mother next door helping to beat the palace man, she doesn't need to worry about anything at all.

However, the princess is different.

The emperor quietly came to the Dongpian Hall, but found Mrs. Wan severely reprimanding the eldest princess, because the eldest princess was detained in the room every day, and today she finally couldn't help but want to go out for a stroll. After going out, she went to pick the little flowers herself, and touched the little bird that the palace man had caught to make her happy.

She was very happy, but Mrs. Wan was very angry when she found out. It's so hot outside, what if you suffer from heat stroke? Flowers and birds are so dirty, how can the princess touch them casually? And as a dignified imperial daughter, how could she delay this morning's etiquette study time for fun

For all kinds of reasons, Mrs. Wan reprimanded her daughter.

However, her reasons were just trivial "excuses" in the eyes of the emperor. His daughter is not weak, why can't she pick flowers and play with birds? Why can't I be as innocent as a happy little girl, and have to learn etiquette every day at such a young age

To put it bluntly, as Her Royal Highness the princess, even if she grows into a rough guy, she can live a lifetime of wealth and worry-free, without having to look at other people's faces.

In short, His Majesty the Emperor was very angry, thinking that Mrs. Wan deliberately found fault with her daughter because she was not favored. In a fit of anger, he deprived Mrs. Wan of the qualification to accompany her, and even wanted to change the eldest princess' adoptive mother.

Shen Yuqing sighed slightly after listening, Mrs. Wan was focused on teaching the princess to be a noble daughter. From now on, mothers will be noble according to their daughters. After all, she is not favored and is old, and her appearance is not very good. I guess she will be the only one in this life. daughter. If the daughter cannot become a model noble daughter, get the attention and praise of the emperor, and marry a good husband, her life may not be easy in the future.

But she thought it was wrong, the emperor was not that superficial, he didn't only love dignified and well-behaved daughters. As long as it is his child, if he does not make a big mistake, he will love him very much, so there is no need to worry about it.

"It's not easy for Mrs. Wan." Man Xing sighed, "But the eldest princess is more pitiful."

In her opinion, a childhood without indulgence in play is simply torture.

The Summer Palace is located at one end of the mountain range behind the imperial city, not far from Huaijing, and built on the mountainside, like a fairy palace.

The green trees and the surrounding streams have greatly reduced the temperature here. As soon as you step into the palace, you will feel a cool air rushing towards your face.

Few of the land here are exposed to direct sunlight, and all are covered by dense vegetation. Walking in it, only dots of sunlight leak out from the gaps, forming mottled tree shadows on the ground, which is very interesting.

During this trip, Concubine Shen and the Empress rode in a luxury car with an ice basin inside. I thought it would be unbearably hot when I got out of the carriage, but I didn't expect that the temperature outside was not too high.

There are few large palaces among the palaces, instead they are all cool bamboo buildings, wooden pavilions, and even stone houses. Some are elegantly dressed, some are gorgeous and beautiful. The main hall is located in the center of all the buildings. It is a stone hall. Due to the structure of the house, it is the coolest. It is the emperor's house.

The two small courtyards on the left and right were originally for the queen and the imperial concubine, but the imperial concubine disliked that her courtyard was not good enough, so she insisted on squeezing in with the empress. There are three buildings in the left and right courtyards, and they can also accommodate them, so the queen did not refuse.

So the imperial concubine's yard was occupied by Concubine Rong and others.

Beyond that, there is a remote yard.

Concubine Shen actually wanted to drag the queen to live in a remote courtyard, but it was unrealistic to think about it, so she could only hold her nose and let the emperor live next door.

Master Mao came to the palace and found a lot of interesting things. There are bird nests on the trees, squirrels in the mountains, fish swimming in the stream, etc., playing like crazy all day long, running all over the mountains and plains with Biran, and never seeing cats until they fall asleep.

Girl Biran was also very helpless, and followed the cat owner everywhere, only daring to take him back to the yard while it was asleep.

Bi Ge brought back a basin of stream water and told her mother to wash her hands first. When it is hot, wash your hands with cold water, which can quickly cool down and dry out.

Today is only the first day, and Shen Yuqing can't find her cat anymore. Fortunately, she was worried that Biran would not be able to take care of it alone, so she specially sent the careful Qing Yuan together, and it should be no problem for two people to handle a cat.

"Your Majesty, Qing Feng learned a new dim sum from the cook in the palace, and said that I will make it for you to try later." Bi Ge said with a smile.

Concubine Shen lay down on the couch in a thin gauze dress: "I don't have any appetite, how about some snacks?"

"I don't know, it seems to be made of crushed ice."

Mentioning this, Shen Yuqing finally became interested. On a hot day, only cold things can be eaten, she nodded: "Let Qingfeng make more, and send it to the queen later. At least they are neighbors, we need to establish a good relationship."

Bi Ge didn't seem to realize how clumsy this excuse was, so she accepted it seriously.

Shen Yuqing's house is also a stone palace, but it is well decorated and cannot be seen from the outside. Even the entire yard is full of such buildings. After all, living in the mountains, there are many combustibles around, and the houses made of stones are much safer than the wooden houses and bamboo houses.

Except here and the emperor's courtyard next door, the courtyard where Shen Yuqing originally lived is this kind of building. The rest of the concubines live in dangerously flammable houses, but they may not be aware of the fire problem themselves.

Stone houses are not as elegant as wooden pavilions and bamboo houses, and many concubines prefer bamboo houses. That's why Mrs. Mi and Concubine Rong like luxury and don't look down on elegant bamboo houses. So the two lived in Shen Yuqing's previous yard, and the remaining bamboo house was picked up by a low-ranking concubine named Du Guiren.

Others don't want to live, but it's cheaper for her.

The room was arranged by the empress after discussing with them. The empress is always easy to talk, and everyone is used to it.

"Du Guiren?" Shen Yuqing thought for a while, there seemed to be only one low-ranking concubine surnamed Du in the palace. She had been unknown before, but some time ago, she suddenly got favored a few times and was promoted to a higher level.

Seeing that her mother was still a little confused, Qingqiu quickly added: "Mr. Du was originally a resident, but she was not promoted when she was favored for the first time. Others only thought that she was not favored by His Majesty. Unexpectedly, after five or six days, His Majesty will be favored again. Click on her, and then directly become a nobleman."

Often it is the seventh rank, and the nobleman's sixth rank is two levels behind, which is regarded as a skip.

Although the promotion of low-ranking concubines is not as eye-catching as high-ranking concubines, Du Guiren still makes many little sisters who are also in low-ranking very jealous. What's more, she also got the qualification to accompany the driver.

Shen Yuqing suddenly remembered who this person was. She had seen this person when she and Fu Qiushui were picking out beautiful girls together. She is a very law-abiding girl, well-behaved and quiet, with a very low family background. She is just the daughter of a petty official outside Beijing, but she has a very good duty and never makes trouble. Compared with Yu Ronghua and others who entered the palace with her, she is simply a good baby.

At that time, Empress Fu specially chose a palace for her without the main seat, and there was only one neighbor in the palace, Xue Xiurong, the empress dowager's distant cousin and niece who was very peaceful, so it can be said that it was a very good place.

Suddenly drinking a pot of belated flying vinegar, Concubine Shen decided to visit the queen immediately.

This courtyard is called Qinyuan, and there are three residences in it, namely Qin Living, Qin Yin Living and Qin Luo Living. Shen Yuqing lives in Qinyin Residence, and Empress Fu lives in Qinyin Residence. The distance between the two residences is only a hundred or so steps, and they will arrive within a short walk.

Dong Xiao was putting things away, fearing that her mother would not live comfortably, so she brought a lot of things and had to put them in the designated place one by one. The little eunuch in the palace was busy, and there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

It happened that Chaqu and Chashi brought a large teapot and began to distribute tea to the little eunuchs to quench their thirst. Dong Xiao would be able to rest for a while, and was about to enter the house when she turned her head and saw Concubine Shen.

"Is the imperial concubine here?" She hurried up to greet her.

The imperial concubine is a big money maker, and she always sends good things to her mother. They are either valuable and useful, or they can be used to please her. To be honest, His Majesty the Emperor has never been so careful.

Accompanied by Bi Yan, she immediately stepped forward to greet Dong Xiao on behalf of the master, so that the imperial concubine could enter the room and talk to the queen alone.

In the room, the queen also dressed very coolly.

Shen Yuqing simply took off the coat that Bi Ge had forced on, and then moved close to Fu Qiushui and squeezed together with her.

Fu Qiushui only wore a pajamas made of ice silk, because of the material, even if Shen Yuqing leaned against her, she didn't feel too hot, so she didn't push her away.

"Qiu Shui, what are you reading?" Shen Guifei glanced at the book in her hand curiously.

"A book on planting flowers." She turned to show Shen Yuqing the title of the book, "All the palace affairs in the palace are taken care of by Concubine Shu, and there are also eunuchs in charge in the palace. Some flowers."

There were also many miscellaneous books such as "Qi Min Yao Shu" and "Tian Gong Kai Wu" in the Great Yan Dynasty. Because of the high level of education, many farmers were also literate. Farming books, craftsmen’s books, etc., are not very expensive due to the existence of movable type printing. Basically, there can be a few books in a village for villagers to borrow.

Although what is recorded in the book is very simple knowledge, and there are no unique skills of each family, but for a person who has never grown flowers, this book is enough.

Fu Qiushui watched with relish, and quickly ignored Shen Yuqing.

Fortunately, Concubine Shen didn't mind, and instead read it with her, and occasionally the two of them would discuss parts of the book that were not detailed. They didn't come back to their senses until the sun was setting and the eunuch Mingchun came in and asked if they would pass on the meal.

Fu Qiushui frowned and asked, "Where is Your Majesty?"

"Go back to your mother, Your Majesty ordered Mrs. Du to accompany you today."

In other words, on the first day of the palace, there will be no dinner parties.

In previous years, there were also dinner parties and no dinner parties. The lack of dinner parties at this time may be because the emperor felt tired and did not want to deal with so many women. But if I escaped today, I won’t be able to avoid it tomorrow, and it will come sooner or later.

Empress Fu nodded and asked Mingchun to pass on the meal, then got up and took the coat from the hanger beside her and put it on her body. It's cold in the mountains at night, and it's still cold if you only wear one piece.

Shen Yuqing obviously didn't plan to go back to eat by herself, and Fu Qiushui was used to her eating, so she didn't say anything.

When she came out of the inner room and met Dong Xiao and Tan Mei who were sitting on the threshold chatting, Shen Yuqing raised her eyebrows slightly: "Why are you two alone? Where's Bi Yan?"

The two stood up quickly, and Tan Mei replied: "Miss Bi Yan and Tan Lan went to the hut to rest together, they think it's hot outside."

"That's it." Shen Yuqing glanced outside, "I've been hearing movement outside before, what are you doing?"

Qin Living and Qin Yinju are still very efficient in storing things, and the tossing is basically over in the middle of the afternoon. But there has been noise after that, disturbing their reading.

This Dong Xiao knew: "Someone moved in from Qin Luoju, and their speed was slow, so they made a fuss for a long time."

"Qin Luoju?" Shen Yuqing was a little surprised. Before that, she deliberately threw those unsightly women into another courtyard. Why did someone live in Qin Luoju

Empress Fu was not surprised, and asked, "Did the eldest princess move here?"

"Go back to your empress, yes. Your majesty said that he was afraid that the eldest princess would be cautious living with him. It happened that our courtyard was not full, so I asked the two empresses to help take care of it. The eldest princess' nanny also came, so she wouldn't occupy it. No matter how much time the two ladies have, just let them visit her every day."

Shen Yuqing was so sad that she missed a big princess, and now the world of the two of them is over.

But the dog emperor really has a lot of names, why is he afraid of being cautious? She thinks it is because she dislikes her daughter to delay him and his concubine, right

The eldest princess is also pitiful, without her mother by her side, she will be kicked out by her father and go to the aunt and second mother to beg for a living. If she and the queen were more ruthless, the life of the eldest princess would be difficult.

"Then invite the eldest princess to come and have dinner with me." Empress Fu said.

The little girl eats alone, it's deserted, so it's better to go with them.

Concubine Shen has no objection, after all she is also a loafer.

Soon, the eldest princess was brought in by the nanny.

As soon as she entered the house, the eldest princess struggled to get off the ground and walk by herself. She was raised very well by Mrs. Wan, and she could do some small things by herself. She was already weak and pampered in the palace. weak.

Concubine Shen still likes this little girl quite a lot, but it's a pity that Mrs. Wan doesn't like to take her out, and doesn't like others to get in touch with her too much.

Although Mrs. Wan has a lot of thoughts, she really loves her daughter and protects her to death.

The Eldest Princess came to the two empresses and bowed politely: "Qingxi has met the Empress Mother and Concubine Shen Mother." Then she sat quietly in her seat and waited for the meal without making any noise.

This girl is very good-looking, and has completely inherited the advantages of the emperor's appearance. She is not like her biological mother, who is not very beautiful. Because of this, the emperor still loves this daughter very much.

During the meal, she didn't say a word, and her etiquette was very good, which made Shen Yuqing feel sorry for her. Being so sensible at such a young age is not necessarily a good thing for a five-year-old girl.

Shen Yuqing thought about what kind of bears those five-year-old junior sisters in her sect were. After thinking about it, it was better to be Qingxi, such creatures as bears can really drive people crazy.

Qingxi's eating was like eating cat food, she was full without even eating half a bowl of rice. At first, Fu Qiushui thought she was too reserved to eat more, but later he realized that she really had a small appetite.

Concubine Shen frowned, turned her head and said to Chaqu who was serving: "You go to Qingfeng and ask him to make some easy-to-digest snacks, which little girls like to eat."

How about just eating so much? It's better to prepare some snacks for Qingxi, children love to eat snacks, if they really can't eat, it's good to have some snacks.

The nanny hurriedly saluted and thanked her, with a look of panic on her face.

Seeing this, Shen Guifei frowned even tighter.

The nanny looked very petty and trembling, and she didn't know who matched her. Fortunately, Qingxi worked hard on her own, and didn't imitate her cowardly temperament. The princess was accompanied by a nanny who taught her every day, so it was easy to mislead the princess, but Qingxi was too young to invite a lady husband.

Shen Yuqing thought about it, and went back to tell the emperor to arrange for one more nun to take care of Qingxi. Anyway, she is a princess, and it is not too much to learn some knowledge at the age of five.

No matter how much Shen Yuqing's identity is, it's not easy to do it, otherwise Madam Wan will find out, and I'm afraid she will think that she is plotting something wrong.

"Is there any palace servant who is in charge of meals around the princess?" Concubine Shen asked, "Tell him to learn how to make dim sum with Qing Feng, and learn how to make it for the princess."

Qingfeng made it and sent it over, if someone tampered with it, she wouldn't be able to wash it off, it's better to let the people around the princess do it herself.

The nanny breathed a sigh of relief and nodded quickly.

Qingxi watched them quietly all the time, and when she finished speaking, she got up and said goodbye to the two empresses: "It's getting late, Qingxi won't disturb the empress and Concubine Shen are resting."

Empress Fu nodded slightly: "Be careful on the road, go back quickly, be careful not to catch a cold in the wind at night."

When they got to the door, the nanny couldn't help but hug Qingxi up, fearing that she would fall when she went outside. The outside is not as smooth as the inside of the house, if she falls, Mrs. Huihui Wan will never let her go.

Shen Yuqing clearly saw a trace of reluctance flashing across Qingxi's face, but she still obediently let the nanny hold her, and turned her head to look in the direction of her and Empress Fu, showing a small smile.

"Qingxi is a good boy." Fu Qiushui put down the teacup he was rinsing out, "It's a pity that Mr. Yan is busy with government affairs, so he can't visit her often."

Shen Yuqing looked at her with her chin propped up: "If you like children, you can just hug one and raise them. If the emperor stopped taking contraceptive drugs, it's not a problem to hug three children a year. Anyway, low-ranking concubines are not allowed to raise children themselves, let alone there are many in the palace. It must be difficult to give birth and only leave the child."

You can't hide the contraceptive pill in the tea from her. Although the pill is in the tea, you don't need to drink it to take effect. Every time the concubines went to pay their respects, they were careful not to drink tea, and only dipped their lips to express their meaning, but in fact, the medicine only needs to smell the fragrance to take effect. Drink it, but the effect will be stronger.

Fu Qiushui frowned slightly when she heard the words, she didn't expect that she even knew about the contraceptive pill, but she still emphasized: "Now is not the time."

After a pause, he said again: "Don't think I don't know what you're planning. I want Mr. Yan to have more children. Let me realize that Mr. Yan and I are impossible, and then follow you wholeheartedly."

As she said that, she still thought it was funny. Although Shen Yuqing knew that she and the emperor were not husband and wife, she still acted like a thief, for fear that one day she would suddenly "blind" to fall in love with the emperor, making her dumbfounded.

Originally, she planned to simply tell Shen Yuqing about her relationship with the emperor, but now she changed her mind.

Actually, it's quite interesting to see Shen Yuqing jealous.

Concubine Shen Gui didn't think it was interesting at all, she wanted to eunuch the emperor every day.

When will I be able to retire after success and wander the world with my daughter-in-law? The imperial concubine Mochizuki sighed.

Empress Fu who came out of the bath shook her head helplessly when she saw her like this, and walked over to pat her on the shoulder: "Go take a bath quickly, don't pretend to hurt the spring and the autumn."

"I didn't hurt the spring or the autumn." Shen Guifei protested dissatisfied, "I'm thinking about life."

However, to the empress, there is no difference between the two. She is a layman and doesn't know what philosophy of life is.

After driving the imperial concubine to take a bath, he first occupied most of the beds. Before Shen Yuqing came up, she could sleep on the left side if she wanted to, and sleep on the right side if she wanted to.

Maybe because he was tired during the day, Fu Qiushui fell asleep not long after going to bed. When Shen Yuqing entered the room and saw the queen sleeping sideways in the middle of the big bed, she was stunned.

She has shared the bed with the empress for so long, and she has never seen such an irregular sleeping position. Every time, she either lay flat on her back and did not move, or she lay on her side with her back facing her and remained motionless.

Shen Yuqing watched around the bed for a while, and found that Fu Qiushui would turn over and change his sleeping position, as if he had discovered a new continent.

—So, why is the Empress so disciplined when she sleeps with her

It seems that he still treats her as an outsider, and sleeping next to her doesn't feel at ease enough.

Concubine Shen made a self-examination, and gently moved Empress Fu to sleep on the pillow, then went to bed herself, and embraced her in her arms.

The Empress who was being hugged was a bit more obedient, but she would sleep until midnight and turn over in her arms. As soon as she moved, Shen Yuqing woke up, pulled the quilt for her, and fell asleep again.

Fortunately, she is a martial artist and doesn't need much sleep. There is not much difference between sleeping late and sleeping less, otherwise it is estimated that you will have dark circles the next day.

The author has something to say: Oh, I want to spoil it again, the eldest princess will hug each other to be raised by the queen in the future, so she will be the daughter of the queen and the imperial concubine (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Thanks to mine: L Si X Xi Yx2

Thanks for the nutrient solution: azure96+10, Jinyeweiyang+20, FatBear+30, Qianlixunyanhuo+10, filling the pit in the dream+3, ""+2