The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 29: ②⑨Attribution


So from this day on, the eldest princess shared three meals a day with the imperial concubine and empress.

At first the little girl was a little shy, but after she got to know her better, she never reprimanded her mother and concubine for not being good enough, and even encouraged her to play and move more, so she was no longer restrained.

She liked the two concubines very much, but she didn't dare to tell the nanny, because the nanny would tell Mrs. Wan.

I remember that a little maid once caught a beautiful butterfly for her and kept it in a glass bottle. The nurse told Mrs. Wan, and then Mrs. Wan smashed the bottle and the butterfly died.

Mrs. Wan said that she is a princess, and she can't play around with things.

But Concubine Shen said that it is the prince who can't play with things and lose his mind, and the princess can play as she pleases.

"Then do you like little butterflies?" Shen Yuqing rubbed the little girl's head, and pointed to the glass bottle on the small case, which contained several colorful butterflies, which Shen Yuqing personally caught.

Qingxi sat obediently on Concubine Shen's lap, nodded slightly: "Qingxi likes it."

"What else do you like?"

"I also like little rabbits, adults, and Concubine Shen and the Empress. And..." She thought for a long time, "And Father!"

The corner of Shen Yuqing's mouth twitched: "Father doesn't have to like it, he will have many daughters in the future, and it is impossible to only love you."

Qingxi was confused.

His Majesty the Emperor, who was standing outside the door and eavesdropping, almost stumbled and fell into the mud.

The chief eunuch who was following him silently lowered his head, he didn't hear anything, he didn't hear anything...

"Really?" In the room, Qingxi asked sadly.

His Majesty the Emperor was refreshed, and hurriedly stepped forward, intending to enter the door to restore his image, but the next moment he heard the empress say to his daughter: "It's true, Qingxi will have younger brothers and sisters in the future, and your father is busy with government affairs. I can't keep my mind on you."

His Majesty the Emperor: "..."

The empress and imperial concubine were also kind. They were afraid that the little girl would rely too much on her father. After her father had younger siblings, he would no longer care about her so much and would be sad, so they told her in advance.

Qingxi was still a little disappointed after hearing this, but it wasn't too serious.

In the past, her father could only visit her occasionally, but she was used to it. But during the period of living in the palace, her father often accompanied her, making her think that her father would always love her so much in the future.

First of all, I told her father that he would change back to his original form after returning to the palace. Although she was not very happy, she could accept it.

As for how unhappy His Majesty the Emperor outside the door was, it didn't matter to the few people in the room.

"As soon as I came, I heard you making arrangements for me." The emperor entered the door with an unhappy expression on his face.

Surrounded by her own people, Shen Yuqing didn't even bother to salute, and sat there lazily saying "Join Your Majesty" without raising her eyelids.

Empress Fu is still more face-saving, and she got up to greet her.

The emperor took a deep breath and told himself not to argue with the shrew from the Western Regions.

"Father!" Xiao Qingxi happily stretched out her arms, wanting to hug her.

She used to be unable to do such unruly things, but these days she was led badly by Concubine Shen. The concubine mother said that if she didn't ask for a hug, she wouldn't hug her.

But today he was happy, he forgot that the other party was the emperor father and not the concubine mother, so he begged her for a hug. Recalling this after stretching out her hand, Qingxi put down her arm embarrassingly, and quietly looked at her father, fearing that he would be angry.

His Majesty the Emperor suddenly felt that he was not a good father, even his daughter was afraid of him.

He walked over and hugged Qingxi in two or three steps: "Qingxi likes little butterflies and little rabbits? Then Father, let someone catch you, okay?"

Qingxi timidly shook her head: "No more..."

"Why?" The emperor was a little puzzled. He had tried his best to express his kindness. Could it be that his daughter was still afraid of him

Qingxi hesitated for a moment: "Because... because Father is not good to be caught."

His Majesty the Emperor is not convinced now: "Nonsense, father, let people catch the best-looking one."

"Father is a liar!" Qing Xi's eyes widened, "Mother and Concubine Shen are the best catchers!"


His Majesty the Emperor was silent for a while, then stuffed his daughter into the empress' arms, and dragged Shen Yuqing to the back room to talk.

His daughter is about to be abducted by Shen Yuqing, can this be tolerated

Facing His Majesty's accusation, the imperial concubine was arrogant: "Who made you not care about your daughter, you deserve it!"

His majesty's fighting power is too weak, and he was instantly KO

In the end, she failed to stop her daughter from turning her elbow to the imperial concubine, and even became the fifth in her daughter's heart.

It is worth mentioning that, apart from the first and second concubines and queens, the third is the adult, and the fourth is the little butterfly.

—It’s fine if you can’t compare to an adult, but you can’t compare to a butterfly...

Qingxi treasures her butterflies very much, but sooner or later the butterflies will die if they are kept in a bottle. Concubine Shen Gui, who is very skilled in pushing flowers, doesn't know what it means to cherish life, especially the life of pests, so she made butterflies into specimens and put them in glass boxes.

This hand completely won Qingxi's heart, not to mention that there was an adult beside her who could play with Qingxi.

Occasionally, when the adults get tired of playing outside, they come to play with this human cub. One person and one cat were playing with butterflies, catching small fishes and playing tricks on rabbits in the yard. They had so much fun that they didn't even want to eat.

At first the nanny would step forward to stop her, but after Shen Yuqing told the emperor, the nanny was immediately dragged away and replaced by two kind and kind nuns.

The two nuns used to serve the emperor, and they loved the little princess very much. Not to mention stopping her from playing, if it wasn't for her lack of physical strength, she would have wished to end up playing with her in person.

Because of this incident, the palace people around the eldest princess also changed a group.

But Qingxi didn't care, the new palace maid was much better than the previous one. There is a gentle elder sister, there is also a beautiful elder brother, there is also a bun-faced little girl about her age, and a nanny who dotes on her very much.

Qingxi felt that these people were the best palace servants she had ever met. She knew that Concubine Shen had helped her fight for these things, so Concubine Shen treated her best.

Standing under the shadow of the eaves, Shen Yuqing looked at the little girl who was having fun in the yard, and said to the queen beside her: "The palace staff have all changed, it seems that His Majesty is not going to let the princess return to Mrs. Wan's side."

Maybe it's because he didn't have a happy childhood when he was a child. The emperor hated Mrs. Wan who prevented his daughter from being carefree.

Fu Qiushui nodded slightly as he remembered what the emperor had quietly mentioned to her before he left.

The emperor wanted to send the eldest princess to her, and was worried that Mrs. Wan would hate her because of this, so he was a little undecided.

If it was before, Empress Fu might be bored in her heart and weigh herself. But it's different now, she simply told Shen Yuqing directly.

Shen Yuqing frowned: "Where can I send you there? Mrs. Wan's stomach is full of bad taste when she sees it. What if she wants to deal with you?"

It took the emperor a lot of effort to persuade Shen Yuqing to become a noble concubine as a shield for the queen, and sending Qingxi there now, wouldn't it be a waste of effort before that

She thought for a while: "Send it to Jianjia Palace. After I stabilize Mrs. Wan's hatred, we can discuss whether to send it to Fengyi Palace or take it with me."

However, Shen Yuqing felt that it would be better to send Fengyi Palace in the end. After all, it was recorded under the queen's name, that is, she was born in the first place, and her status was more than a star and a half. The eldest princess is the most honorable among princesses.

Although Fu Qiushui didn't understand what it meant to "stabilize the hatred", she also understood what Shen Yuqing meant, and knew in her heart that this was the best decision, but emotionally she didn't want to accept it.

She was unwilling to transfer the danger to Shen Yuqing.

"You can send it to the queen mother for a while, Madam Wan dare not do anything to the queen mother." Empress Fu suggested.

"Then don't you want to pick it up later? It's no different from sending it to you directly." Shen Yuqing disagreed.

Shen Yuqing didn't care about taking risks for the queen. It is not the first time, and the business is very skilled. What's more, as a good partner, of course you have to protect your daughter-in-law.

How can I put my daughter-in-law at risk when I have the ability.

Empress Fu still disagreed, she frowned and interrupted Shen Yuqing's attempt to persuade her: "We'll talk about this later."

The imperial concubine silently kept her mouth shut, but she was very happy in her heart. Her daughter-in-law loves her dearly!

At night, the imperial concubine took advantage of the queen's sleep, and quietly climbed out of the window to spy on the emperor's bedroom next door.

Tonight, the emperor didn't ask his concubine to sleep with him, and slept alone in his own room, dealing with government affairs that had been backlogged for several days. Although there are not many memorials to be processed during the summer vacation, there are still many, not to mention that the emperor has not been doing business for several days, and now he has to work overtime in the middle of the night.

Shen Yuqing went through the window directly.

The emperor raised his head and looked over when he heard the movement, his eyelids twitched violently: "Can you walk through the door?"

"I refuse." Shen Yuqing chose a place to sit down by herself, and poured herself a cup of tea with a very casual gesture.

His Majesty the Emperor tightly squeezed the vermilion pen in his hand, resisting the urge to hit her on the head.

"What are you doing here?"

"Come to talk to you about Qingxi." Shen Yuqing smiled slightly, "I think you will be very happy with my proposal."

After discussing with His Majesty the emperor about the time for a stick of incense, the other party immediately agreed to Shen Yuqing's proposal.

It is indeed better to send Qingxi to her. Firstly, Shen Yuqing really loves Qingxi, and secondly, Shen Yuqing has rough skin and thick flesh... Cough, Shen Yuqing has strong martial arts and magical abilities, and she is not afraid of Madam Wan's revenge.

After sending Shen Yuqing away, His Majesty suddenly felt that this woman was not so annoying. At the very least, it is still very righteous!

But why does she care so much about the Queen

The emperor suddenly thought of this incident, but unfortunately the person has already run away, and if he asks next time, he probably won't be able to find out why.

On the other side, Shen Yuqing had a problem on her mind, pretended nothing happened, and went back to sleep with her daughter-in-law in her arms.

The next day she took Qingxi out to find more beautiful little butterflies. Qingxi hugged the cat and jumped in front of her, very happy. Shen Yuqing followed slowly, only letting the eunuchs watch her carefully.

After a while, Qingxi who had run away suddenly turned around to greet Shen Yuqing: "Mother Concubine Shen, I just saw another concubine over there."

"Oh? Who is it?" Shen Guifei straightened her clothes, walked over quickly, and took Qingxi's hand.

It's not easy for Qingxi to run around if there are other people, if they bump into each other, the other party may find excuses to bully Qingxi. The emperor didn't often visit Qingxi, there were always foolish women who thought that the only little princess in the palace was easy to bully.

Qingxi was obediently led by her, hugged the adult with one arm, and whispered to the adult in a low voice.

"There are bad guys ahead, please don't run around, my lord."

The adult shook the cat's ears, not paying attention. It has seen many big battles, and is still afraid of a little concubine

Qing Yuan took two quick steps, went to the front to investigate, and when he came back, he replied: "It's Madam Mi."

It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia, and I ran into Mrs. Mi again.

Shen Yuqing narrowed her eyes slightly: "It's okay, you don't need to avoid it deliberately."

Madam Mi's status is low, and Shen Yuqing would not suffer even if she confronted her head-on if she wanted to salute her, so there was no need to avoid her.

Let her see if Princess Loulan has behaved after being imprisoned for a month.

Mrs. Mi still took her maid Ayi with her, and the other palace people didn't know where they were sent. She didn't seem to be used to the custom of concubines taking a group of people out, and felt that it was inconvenient if there were too many people.

Seeing Shen Yuqing from a distance, she was a little unhappy and wanted to turn around and leave. But as soon as he stepped up, he remembered the rules in the palace.

It's okay if you don't meet people face to face, you can avoid them. They all saw each other, if the low-ranking ones don't salute the high-ranking concubines, it can be regarded as disrespectful to the high-ranking concubines.

Madam Mi reluctantly came over and greeted her dryly.

"Greetings to the concubine sister."

Shen Yuqing squinted at her a few times, and found that she seemed to have learned a lot, and she didn't make things difficult for her, so she nodded slightly: "Sister Mi, don't be too polite."

After greeting each other, the two of them had nothing to say. Mrs. Mi wanted to leave, but felt that she was walking away in despair, and she was not very willing.

It happened that Yu Ronghua and Yao Cairen came here together, they live in Shengxiao Palace together, so they are very close. Seeing the two high-ranking concubines who were notoriously bad-tempered, their expressions changed, but they had no choice but to come over to salute.

Although the two people's etiquette is not in place, there is actually nothing wrong with it. It's a pity that Mrs. Mi happened to be in a bad mood, so she taunted her when she got the chance.

"If you don't know how to salute, go back and tell the empress, find a nanny to teach you well. See what you did just now?"

Concubines from the second rank and above can accept curtsy, which means bowing their heads and kneeling. Generally speaking, you have to bend your knees to a 60-degree angle, and you can't get up without permission.

Yao Cairen is not favored, she behaves well, but Yu Ronghua is favored, so it is inevitable that she will be a little slack. After bending casually for a while, he got up without waiting for anyone to say anything.

If you meet someone with a good temper, you won't argue with her because of the emperor's favor, but unfortunately, both of you have bad tempers. It's just that before Concubine Shen Gui got angry, Madam Mi got angry first.

Shen Guifei blinked: Forget it, I will watch the show first.

Qingxi also blinked: The bad guys are arguing with the bad guys, that's great!

The mother and daughter who eat melons just bring their own invisibility buffs, stand by and watch Mrs. Mi bully the low-ranking concubines, and take away a sleepy cat who is ready to sleep.

Yu Ronghua is not afraid of Mrs. Mi, she has been favored recently, but Mrs Mi is different, although she has a high status, she has just been lifted. She still remembers why Madam Mi was grounded! Because she was sued by a low-ranking concubine!

Although there is a saying in the palace that "Ms. Mi is disrespectful to the imperial concubine", some people think that it is purely because of this reason. The most wronged one was clearly Concubine Yu who was slapped in the face, perhaps the emperor felt sorry for Concubine Yu and was afraid that other people would hate Concubine Yu because of this, so he simply used Concubine Shen as an excuse.

There are not many people who insist on this idea, but there are also many. Yu Ronghua was one of them. When she thought of how wronged she was today, she wanted to go to His Majesty immediately and complain to His Majesty. If this is not true, Mrs. Mi will be in bad luck again.

With such thoughts in mind, Yu Ronghua endured the humiliation and made a pitiful look. She was originally a white lotus of the same model as Concubine Shu, and now she really looks like that.

Yu Ronghua's eyes turned red, and she curtseyed in a proper manner again, and said in a pretentious manner: "Madam Mi's lesson is that it's the concubine who doesn't understand the rules."

Out of the corner of his eye, he left a corner of the purple cloth behind the bushes not far away.

She had inquired about it, and today His Majesty is wearing a purple robe, which looks like a handsome young man. The corners of the clothes were also embroidered with cloud patterns with gold thread, it was not like others would dare to bump into the shirt casually.

Therefore, the one behind the bushes is definitely the emperor.

Yu Ronghua was very proud. His Majesty had witnessed her being wronged with his own eyes, so he would definitely seek justice for her.

Facts have proved that His Majesty the Emperor is indeed the case.

Just now Yu Ronghua saluted casually, but he actually saw it. But for some reason, he decided to ignore it.

—Who made that woman Shen Yuqing always fight against him!

Up to this moment, Yu Ronghua had been kneeling all the time, and Mrs. Mi deliberately kept her in this position, not talking about flat body at all, what does this mean? This shows that his little beauty has been wronged.

Although he didn't love Yu Ronghua much, he hated the domineering Mrs. Mi even more.

That's right, Mrs. Mi is simply a low-profile version of Concubine Shen, not as "considerate" as Concubine Shen in major matters. The emperor can't move Shen Yuqing, so can't he find a substitute to vent his anger

Then Mrs. Mi suffered a tragedy.

The emperor walked out of the bushes slowly, pretending not to know anything, and asked, "What is Aifei doing?"

As he spoke, he came to Yu Ronghua's side.

Yu Ronghua seized the opportunity, and she was crouching on the verge of falling, but now she just collapsed. But she also knew not to be too deliberate, so she didn't fall in the direction of the emperor, but toward Yao Cairen, which just happened to allow her to face the emperor.

Yao Cairen was forced to bend his knees because of being implicated, so he just took advantage of the situation to stand up and support Yu Ronghua, with an anxious expression on his face: "Sister Yu, are you okay!"

Concubine Shen silently gave a thumbs up to these two for their hard-working acting skills.

Qingxi looked at them curiously, not knowing what kind of game it was.

Seeing the tears in the corners of the little beauty's eyes and her pale face, His Majesty the Emperor cooperatively stretched out his hand to take Yu Ronghua from Yao Cairen's hand, and made him lean into his arms.

A shy blush appeared on Yu Ronghua's face, and she said affectionately, "Your Majesty..."

"Wronged? Huh?" His Majesty the Emperor hugged him tightly, his majestic phoenix eyes narrowed, and he glanced at the two... no, a woman in front of him.

He didn't dare to look at Shen Yuqing with such eyes for no reason, he was afraid that Shen Yuqing would stuff a dead snake into his bed at night.

She really did it!

That was a year ago, when they had just reached an agreement, because he put a few secret guards in Shen Yuqing Palace to watch her, which made her very unhappy. As a result, Concubine Shen directly beat the hidden guards into pig's heads, not only stuffing dead snakes into the emperor's quilt, but also stuffing the naked guards.

Remarks: The gender of the dark guard, male.

That was the first time His Majesty felt that it was not good if the dragon bed was too big.

To be reasonable, as an unmarried woman, is it really good to casually take off the clothes of other healthy adult men? It was really stripped so that there was not even a pair of underwear left!

Almost frightened the emperor who woke up the next morning.

Leaving aside the previous words, Mrs. Mi was swept away by the cold gaze at this moment, and immediately felt bad.

Her complexion changed slightly, and she quickly preemptively said: "See Your Majesty, Your Majesty does not know that Yu Ronghua disrespected Concubine Shen and was lazy when saluting, so the concubine asked her to do the salute again. The concubine did not bully Yu Ronghua, Your Majesty, please be careful!"

Concubine Shen Gui coughed lightly and held back her laugh.

If you can't speak, don't speak. Preemptive strikes have become self-reporting, which is also very powerful.

His Majesty the Emperor is upset, nothing you say is useless. When people like it, you can call black and white. When people don't like it, you can tell the truth that you are wrong.

Yu Ronghua buried her head in the emperor's arms, a glint of complacency flashed in her eyes, which was clearly seen by the short Qingxi.

She tilted her head in doubt, not quite understanding why adults like to put on a show. Master Miao and Concubine Shen have never been like this, happy is happy, unhappy is not happy.

Hmm... Forget it, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it. She will ask her concubine mother and queen mother later.

She quietly lowered her head and rubbed Master Mao's soft and furry head, and leaned against Shen Yuqing.

She had to stay away from the bad guys and let Concubine Shen protect her.

And Father! Actually hugging with the bad guys, my father hates it!

Qingxi decided to demote the status of emperor one more, and put him behind Little Rabbit.

The author has something to say: It suddenly occurred to me that I haven't promoted the readership yet.

A small group for chatting, no need to post subscription screenshots.

Group number: 317111261, stepping stone: Shen Yuqing or Fu Qiushui.

Thanks to mine: L Si X Xi Yx1, Qingmeng, x1, Ye Mu Remnant x1, Destiny in My Hand x1, Sniffing Rose x1

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Pudding +1, Muyan +1, Passerby Bingding +70, Dream Filling +2