The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 41: ④① Injured


His Majesty the emperor thought very well, he left the palace affairs to Shen Yuqing, so that the queen could relax a lot, and she didn't have to worry about other concubines taking power and making the harem a mess. Moreover, Shen Guifei is busy with palace affairs, so she has no time to harass the queen.

It's a pity that he underestimated Shen Yuqing's thick skin.

Concubine Shen felt that the timing of this palace affairs was too good, she had more excuses to stay in Fengyi Palace, the emperor is really a caring little angel.

His Majesty the Emperor, who didn't know what she thought, was very happy. After announcing the news, Shi Shiran left, and went back to plan to change his daughter to the queen's name and become the first princess. The remaining concubines congratulated the two concubines with stiff smiles, but no one knew what was going on in their hearts.

After sending off the concubine, Concubine Shen happily took the empress to discuss the division of labor.

"Half of the Sixth Palace will be given to you, you can choose which one you want to manage." Empress Fu doesn't care, some things in the Sixth Palace are rich, and some things are busy, but it doesn't make any difference to her whichever Shen Yuqing chooses. After all, when Shen Yuqing came to help last time, she didn't help much.

At that time, Empress Fu knew that Shen Yuqing didn't know how to manage these things at all. She and Manchen pointed out the problems in the account book, or else Shen Yuqing could see that there was a problem in the account book? nonexistent.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is basically in charge of purchasing, and there is a lot of oil and water. Concubine Shen's people have already occupied the position of a deputy manager, which is actually equivalent to intervening. Now the emperor asked her to take full responsibility, but she really didn't understand these things, so she directly threw it to Manchen.

Anyway, Miss Manchen has been very free lately, all things are done by the little maid, so she just keeps an eye on it every day. On the contrary, Manxing is relatively busy, and has to manage the warehouse, manage the exchange of gifts.

As for the Six Shang Palaces, Shanggong Bureau, Shangyi Bureau, and Shang’s Sleeping Bureau are relatively boring, and there is not much oil and water, while Shangshan Bureau, Shanggong Bureau, and Shangfu Bureau are not only full of oil and water, but also have many disputes, and they are responsible for distributing the concubines. Things often cause disputes, and it is really troublesome to manage them.

Concubine Shen has a headache when she thinks about these situations, she still hasn't figured out which one is for what. Just let the queen see the score, she can do whatever she wants.

Thinking of the imperial concubine's violent temper, the empress concubine threw the next three rounds to the imperial concubine viciously. These three rounds are also the places where the palaces have the most nails. If someone dares to make trouble later, the imperial concubine directly crushes it violently, and the effect must be very good.

Needless to say, the Shangshan Bureau is in charge of medicine and food; the Shangfu Bureau is in charge of clothing, soup, etc.; the Shanggong Bureau is in charge of tailoring, weaving and dyeing, as well as gold, jade, pearls and money. Dayan's Shanggong Bureau is also in charge of distributing the moon tribute to the palace staff, so if there is a nail here, it is very easy to find an excuse to deduct the moon tribute.

Clothes and medicinal food are also the easiest places to mess around. Although the meals of the high-ranking ladies in each palace are cooked by themselves, the meals of the low-ranking concubines are received from the Shangshan Palace, and even if they are cooked by themselves, the ingredients are also received from the Shangshan Palace.

The empress gave three lifelines to the imperial concubine at once, causing all the women in the harem to secretly hate the empress for being too "generous".

In the past under the Queen's hand, she turned a blind eye and ignored many things. But the imperial concubine has a violent temper, and she doesn't like anyone taking advantage of her. It’s fine if you get less, but if you get more, you don’t listen to any explanation and beg for mercy, and just let it go.

It has only been ten days since the imperial concubine took over the Sanshang Palace, and she has already changed many positions in the palace. The newly promoted ones were all the empress, the emperor and her own people.

What can people say? I can only lament that the imperial concubine really knows how to flatter, so flattering the empress, no wonder the empress is willing to give her the three palaces.

The one with the most broken nails was Empress Defei, who lost 30% of the connections she managed carefully before entering the palace, and she was so angry that she couldn't eat well or sleep well these days.

"Hongxiu." Concubine De woke up again that night, and she called the big palace maid who was watching the night, "When does Concubine Shu plan to act?"

She frowned irritably, things are not going well recently, Concubine Shen is obviously on the same side as the empress, so she is restrained in everything she does.

She couldn't figure it out, Shen Yuqing had already climbed to the imperial concubine, why didn't she try her best to squeeze the queen down? What's the point of hanging out with the queen every day? This Shen family is really interesting. The loyal officials follow the emperor's wishes, and the loyal concubines the queen does whatever she wants.

A noble concubine, didn't she come to the palace to be a queen, a queen mother? What kind of loyalty did you come to the palace to show!

Concubine De didn't believe that the empress would not bear a grudge against Shen Yuqing for stealing her husband's favor.

Hongxiu hurriedly comforted her mother: "Your Majesty and Empress Dowager may not be of the same mind, Ming Guifei is now only looking after the Empress, Your Majesty may not be happy!"

Since ancient times, the emperor has been afraid of foreign relatives intervening in the government. Now that the Fu family has a queen mother and a queen, isn't it because they are too rich? The emperor must let the Fu family go! On the surface, he looked respected and favored, but inside, his family knew about his own family affairs, and it was not a good life for the empress to live behind her back.

After entering the palace for three years, not a single child was born in the palace. It has long been secretly rumored that the queen is jealous, and that she can't give birth to herself and won't let other concubines have children.

When Concubine De heard it, she felt that it made sense, and she was a little relieved.

It's the same for Shen Shi, being so favored, isn't it that she can't even conceive? She doesn't have to worry too much, this day is still long.

"Concubine Shu's side..."

"Concubine Shu will do it in a few days." Hongxiu hurriedly gave her the news she wanted to hear.

Concubine De smiled with satisfaction, and could finally sleep soundly.

In late September, the weather has become much cooler.

Concubine Shen Gui stayed in Fengyi Palace to "handle palace affairs" during the day, and sneaked into Fengyi Palace at night to share the bed with the empress. Such days were more comfortable than the days of gods. Although the queen empress couldn't bear the disturbance, she wanted to drive people back every day.

But after a long time, she got used to it...

Unexpectedly, one day Shen Yuqing went back to Jianjia Palace after having breakfast, she was stunned for a moment, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Empress? Empress!" Hanqiu woke up the empress empress who suddenly started to daze for the third time, feeling very helpless.

Fu Qiushui returned to his senses silently: "Continue."

Han Qiu didn't dare to talk too much, so he had to continue to report the news.

After finally finishing the matter at hand, Empress Fu frowned slightly: "What is Concubine Ming doing today?"

The corner of Hanqiu's mouth twitched: "The imperial concubine said she has business to do."

He didn't say anything specific, only that it was not easy to work freely in Fengyi Palace, so he simply went back to Jianjia Palace. But according to Dong Xiao, she didn't stay idle after she went back, and went out to visit Lilin and Yuhuayuan again.

This acts like... fishing

It was as if she was waiting for someone to come and trouble her.

Concubine Shen is indeed sitting and waiting to touch porcelain, or her behavior can also be said to be "fishing law enforcement". Wait for people to rush up to do bad things, and then catch them.

In order to facilitate Yu Xiurong's actions, she also went to the Imperial Garden on purpose, so that Yu Xiurong would not be embarrassed to do anything.

Ever since Yinrui, a palace maid, died last time, Yu Xiurong has been a little dazed.

A few days later, a little maid next to her was severely punished again for offending Concubine Mi. Afterwards, although the maid was not in danger of her life, she also suffered from the root cause of her illness, and was unable to get out of bed for several days.

Yu Xiurong suddenly realized that she was just a little girl in the palace. Without the emperor's favor, anyone could step on her. Even a high-ranking concubine can kill the people around her at will.

Even, herself.

Yu Xiurong was a little scared, but she was not reconciled.

She followed Concubine Shen, hanging from a distance, but she was not sure whether to pay attention or not to rush up.

If she didn't rush up, sooner or later Concubine Mi would find an excuse to kill her, and if she rushed up, she would have Concubine Shen as her backing. She wanted Concubine Shen to also experience the contempt of everyone she has now. Falling down from the lofty concubine, that feeling would definitely drive her crazy, right

Yu Xiurong smiled nervously.

Shen Guifei spared a few laps, and found that Yu Xiurong hadn't come out yet, she was a little impatient. Today she purposely brought fewer people with her so that Yu Xiurong would not dare to do anything, but unfortunately she seems to have overestimated Yu Xiurong's courage.

She glanced at the system map, the little red dot representing Yu Xiurong was not far behind her. Otherwise, she sent away all the maids around her? But in that case, it was too deliberate, and there would be problems at first sight.

Shen Guifei frowned, forget it, let nature take its course. At worst, she would go back and find other ways to stimulate this woman, so she wouldn't waste time today.

Shen Yuqing turned her head and walked towards the exit of the imperial garden.

But she is a road idiot, she walked in the wrong direction or something... The maid of Jianjia Palace didn't know that her mother was going back, so she didn't mention that she was going in the wrong direction.

Therefore, Concubine Shen got closer to the West Empress Palace as she walked, and then she met Concubine De.

Empress Defei just came here for a casual walk today, she didn't know that Shen Yuqing and Yu Xiurong planned to do something today. After all, Shen Yuqing had been staying in Fengyi Palace before, and it was not easy to do anything. In Concubine Shu's plan, someone was arranged to lure Shen Yuqing out tomorrow, so that it would be convenient for Yu Xiurong to do it.

Concubine Shen didn't know the plan for this ring, so she took a step ahead, which caused Yu Xiurong to also go one step ahead. And Empress Defei just ran into her ahead of time.

With one more person, it is estimated that Yu Xiurong will not be able to do anything at all. Concubine Shen frowned, and simply gave up, let's talk about it next time, anyway, Concubine Shu must be more anxious than her.

Thinking about it this way, she doesn't care about that jade repair. Concubine De saluted her, and she didn't want to take Qiao too much, so she talked nonsense with Concubine De.

During this time, Yu Xiurong has changed positions.

She was going to make a move, so she changed Shen Yuqing's position obliquely in front of her, so that it would be easier to rush over and ruin Shen Yuqing's face. Because of this, her sight was blocked by the bushes, and she didn't see Concubine De who was on the other road in front of Shen Yuqing.

Concubine De and Concubine Shen were not close or far away, about five or six steps apart. Shen Yuqing was standing at another fork in the road, and she couldn't see Concubine De from another angle. Although Yu Xiurong was surprised why Shen Yuqing didn't leave suddenly, she didn't think too much about it, and rushed out after pulling out the hairpin from her head.

The place at the fork in the road is a bit narrow, and it is difficult for the palace people to protect Concubine Shen in all directions, so they all stood behind the concubine. The position obliquely in front was revealed, and there was no one blocking it. Most of them also faced the imperial concubine, how could they see Yu Xiurong rushing from behind.

This imperial garden is like a labyrinth, Yu Xiurong chose a good location, from her she can rush towards Shen Yuqing in a straight line, but only Shen Guifei can see her.

But at this moment, who does Shen Guifei seem to be talking to, how can she have time to care about the situation among the green trees diagonally ahead

When Yu Xiurong rushed to the front, Shen Guifei suddenly had sharp eyesight and quick feet, and kicked Yu Xiurong out all at once.

Yu Xiurong didn't expect her to react so quickly, she stretched out her hand and swiped vigorously, but it was a pity that she missed Shen Yuqing, but De Concubine who was running away in panic. Immediately, there was a gash on Empress De Fei's arm, and blood flowed out.

This hairpin was specially polished by Yu Xiurong, and it was very sharp. For the sake of beauty, Concubine De wore thin clothes, and the clothes were torn apart.

"Ah—" Concubine De's eyes darkened from the pain.

The other palace people finally came to their senses, screaming and crowding up: "Your Majesty!"

Shen Guifei was quickly surrounded by well-trained palace people from Jianjia Palace, but everyone was not worried about the injury of the imperial concubine, after all, the imperial concubine was always agile. On the contrary, Concubine De's side was in a mess, the grand lady Hongxiu was stupid for a while before calling out "Doctor", and a shrill little eunuch ran out in a hurry.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yu Xiurong struggled to get up and ran away.

In the panic, no one stopped her, and Concubine Shen not far away quietly stopped her palace servants from chasing her.

No need to chase, Yu Xiurong will definitely go back to find Yao Guiren in a panic right now, and then he can directly capture the two of them together.

It's useless to just catch Yu Xiurong, Yao Gui is an important part of the incident behind it. Yu Xiurong was just being instigated, she didn't even realize that she was being used by others.

However, Concubine Shen still pretended to cover her face, pretending to be hurt when no one was paying attention to her. The palace people she brought out today were all her own people, and they all pretended to be anxious when they saw this, making the people in Yunxiang Palace think that the imperial concubine was really injured.

After all, Yu Xiurong came to deal with Shen Yuqing, if Shen Yuqing hadn't been injured and Concubine De had been injured, Concubine De didn't know how to hate her. Shen Yuqing scratched her face with her nails, and it immediately became red and swollen, but this posture was the same as when her belly was scratched out by an adult, so it didn't matter at all.

Before the imperial physician came, Shoukang Palace, who heard the commotion here, sent someone over to inquire about the situation.

Qing Yuan hurriedly stepped forward and returned to Nanny Fu: "It's just a small matter, my mother doesn't want to bother the empress dowager."

"Old slave heard that someone was injured?" Mommy Fu was not easy to dismiss.

Qing Yuan nodded: "It's just a little accident, I have to report it to the empress."

Nanny Fu felt relieved, it seemed that things were under the control of Concubine Shen, so she didn't have to worry about it.

After Mammy Fu left, Qing Yuan came back to report, pulled up the Shoukang Palace as a banner, and said: "The empress dowager is here to worship the Buddha, so it's not good to get involved in these matters, let us report to the empress dowager."

Shen Guifei covered her left cheek and nodded: "Then let's go to Fengyi Palace, let the imperial doctor go directly to Fengyi Palace."

Concubine De was dizzy from the pain, she couldn't care less about making decisions right now. It was still the big court lady Hongxiu who hurriedly ordered someone to help her mother to Fengyi Palace. It is better to treat her injuries in Fengyi Palace than to go outside. There is nothing in this imperial garden, and it is not convenient at all.

Qingzhou was fast, and ran to Fengyi Palace to report the news.

Fu Qiushui was watering the flowers. Hearing this, his hands stopped and he almost dropped the pot: "Yuqing's face hurt?!"

Qingzhou looked at the empress's pale face, and quickly explained the matter: "Don't worry, my lady, my lady's injury is fake."

"So..." Fu Qiushui breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Shen Yuqing has a thick skin, and that face often looks particularly unbearable, but if there is an extra scar, she still feels distressed.

"Hanqiu, go get ready and let them go to the Nuan Pavilion." Empress Fu ordered.

After speaking, I was still worried, so I went to watch it myself.

"Did the doctor invite you?"

Qing Zhou nodded again and again: "Yes."

"Is she really not injured?" Fu Qiushui was a little worried.

"No injury, no injury." Qingzhou shook his head again and again.

I scratched myself on the face, but it didn't break, so it shouldn't be considered an injury, right

Fu Qiushui calmed down, sat down in the warm pavilion, and waited for Shen Yuqing to come over.

Not long after, the two empresses were helped in. Fu Qiushui got up immediately, took two steps forward subconsciously, and suddenly realized that he had overreacted, so he quickly stopped.

Shen Yuqing winked at her and comforted her. In the end, Fu Qiushui gave her a stare. She was at a loss. How could the daughter-in-law be angry

Qingzhou kept his eyes on his nose, his nose and his heart, pretending that he didn't know anything.

The imperial concubine did not communicate with the empress in advance, and pretended to be injured. The empress would of course be angry when she was worried...

The imperial doctor came very quickly, after all, the two ladies were injured and came slowly, but the imperial doctor came in a hurry. When he saw that both concubines were injured, he didn't know which one to treat first, this was an offending matter.

Just when he was struggling, Shen Yuqing put down her hand and showed her face: "The imperial doctor will stop the bleeding of Defei's younger sister first, I don't have any bleeding on my face, so I think it should be fine."

Her tone was a little "uneasy", but she still pretended to be "magnanimous".

Concubine De suddenly felt grateful when she heard it, but the next second she saw the slightly swollen red mark on Shen Yuqing's face, she said, "..."

MMP! Shen Yuqing, you are also injured? ! There is no need to apply the little red and swollen ointment, it will disappear in two days, okay

Concubine De looked at the bloody gash on her arm that was half a slap in length, she wanted to cry but had no tears.

The wound wasn't very deep, but the amount of bleeding was scary. The main reason is that the maids of Yunxiang Palace don't know much about medicine, they don't know how to stop bleeding, and they don't dare to touch the wound casually, and they haven't brought medicine powder. So Concubine De bled for a long time like this, and no one helped her stop the bleeding.

Originally there was not much blood, but after bleeding for such a long time, the accumulation of little blood is scary.

The imperial physician was also taken aback by this battle, but after washing the blood beside the wound, he was speechless for a while.

Looking at the blood on the half of De Concubine before, he thought that De Concubine had injured an artery and lost too much blood, but in the end...

But Concubine De did lose a little blood, she was dizzy and her lips were turning white.

"How is Concubine De?" The empress stared at Concubine Shen's face closely, and only occasionally glanced at Concubine De with charity. Seeing that Concubine De's wound was bandaged, she immediately asked the imperial doctor to show Concubine Shen, "Concubine Ming face, show her."

Fu Qiushui clenched his hands tightly, his nails digging into his palms. This is not injured? They all swelled up with such a big mark!

The imperial doctor didn't dare to speak back, although he also felt that Concubine Ming didn't hurt at all. He said "Excuse me" and leaned over to examine the mark carefully, and then took out a bottle of ointment: "Apply this ointment on your face sooner or later after cleansing your face, and it will be healed in three or two days without leaving any traces." scar."

Seeing that the empress seemed a little dissatisfied, he shook his hand, and quickly added: "The wound must not be stained with dirty things, and you must not smear things indiscriminately, otherwise there will be scars, and even if there are no scars, it may not heal in ten days and a half months. Weichen thinks that the empress should rest for a while, even if the wound is healed, don't walk around casually, it's better to recuperate in Jianjia Palace."

Of course, this is nonsense, in order to please the Empress, he has to say that his condition is serious. Hey, he has seen a lot of quarrels between these harem concubines. The queen and the concubine seem to have a good relationship on weekdays, but now they still can't see the concubine and the concubine. It's really embarrassing!

Who knows, after he said this, the empress's face became even uglier.

"So serious?!" Fu Qiushui clenched his fists even tighter.

The imperial physician was stunned for a moment, and said inwardly, hey, I must have misunderstood it! Quickly remedy: "No, no, no! It's not that serious! I wonder if the empress has 'Niao Zhi Yu Lu San' here? Use that to wipe it, and it will be fine the next day!"

Ningzhiyulusan is the thing that Shen Yuqing usually wipes after being scratched by a cat. The effect is obvious, after all, it is a top-level wound medicine, the quantity is limited, and the price is expensive.

According to the imperial physician, it is really a waste to use top-level wound medicine for such a small mark. However, the Empress and the rich and powerful Concubine Shen Gui didn't seem to think so.

He watched helplessly as the Empress Empress who let out a sigh of relief asked someone to fetch the Jade Dew, and then applied it on Concubine Shen Gui.

"..." The imperial physician covered his chest in pain, waste! What a waste!

On the contrary, there was a hint of sarcasm in Concubine De's eyes, who is the empress pretending to be sisters at this moment? She didn't know what was added to the medicine, Shen Guifei just used the medicine like this, and she wasn't afraid of her face being completely rotten.

But right now she has no time to care about others, the imperial physician hasn't prescribed her medicine yet!

Hongxiu stopped the imperial physician and asked her to prescribe medicine for her master. The empress has so much blood, she needs to replenish the blood, and the wound medicine must be prepared by the imperial doctor.

The author has something to say: Seeing someone say that I am expensive, I: …

Girls, the price of Jinjiang VIP chapters is calculated according to the [word count], the more words, the higher the price. By default, app users receive three cents per thousand words, which is 3 Jinjiang coins, and the author can only get half of it. The price is not set by me, and the author cannot change the unit price.

Last time, a reader thought that my Sister Pao's extravaganza was too expensive. After spending tens of Jinjiang coins and not seeing the ending, they ran to report that my price was too expensive to deceive consumers. I was also drunk.

Thanks to mine: Three Thousand Motes x1, Sniffing Rose x1, Axiu x1, Mist Amaranth x2, Houhouhou x1, Pepper and Salt Orange x1

Thanks for the grenade: Lx1

Thanks to the rocket launcher: Liuyao x1

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Pepper and Salt Orange +10, Ba La La Xiao Nezha +1, Hua Yan +50, QAQ +5, Hou Hou Hou +1, Hundan Little Brother +30, Hurrying Passer +20