The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 46: ④⑥ Accompanying reading


Dayan's current eldest princess, Qixue, is the only daughter of the empress dowager, the noble first princess, and the only surviving child of the empress dowager.

The elder brother of the prince above died, and was stiffed by the current emperor Li Daitao. Qixue didn't know about this when she was a child. When the prince was seriously ill, the eldest princess was only three or four years old, how could she remember things? The queen mother told her the truth when she grew up, but she didn't care anymore.

From the beginning of her memory, the elder brother who loved her and spoiled her is now His Majesty. Although she feels sorry for her elder brother who died young, she will not alienate the emperor because of this. Later, the empress who entered the palace knew that she was the brother's real relative, and it happened that she didn't have a close sister, so she regarded the queen as her own sister.

Therefore, the eldest princess has a very good relationship with the queen.

Dayan's eldest princess is not the eldest princess, but was conferred by the emperor. The eldest princess is the most honorable title a princess can get.

Qixue has other older sisters above, and other younger sisters below. But most of them are born by concubines, only the first emperor and empress Yuan gave birth to a first-line princess, whose status was originally comparable to hers. But that princess is old enough to be Qixue's mother, about the same age as the queen mother, has already married and had children, and has grandchildren.

But these princesses have no sense of presence in Beijing, because the emperor doesn't like them. When they seized the throne back then, these princesses were very excited. Except for the princess who was quietly enjoying life with her honorable status, the other princesses ambitiously supported their favorite prince. Later, the princes were all dead, maimed, degraded, deposed, and imprisoned. It was very kind of the emperor not to deal with these princesses.

Nowadays, most of the concubine princesses have married outside Beijing, and have lost their roots in the capital. Only the two princesses from the first line stayed in the capital, the one from the Empress Yuan was able to live a peaceful and prosperous life because of her acquaintance, and the one from the Empress Dowager was cultivated... a wonderful thing.. . . .

Before returning to the palace, the letter from the eldest princess came.

Shen Yuqing accompanied his daughter-in-law to read the letter, and saw that it was not written in the normal letter format at all, but just like everyday conversation, full of several pages of rambling, without beginning or end, without even a signature . It is said that the "Queen's Message" on the envelope was boldly replaced by the people around her, otherwise it would have been sent in a white envelope.

Taking a closer look, I saw that the beginning of the letter was written like this—

"Cousin, I brought back a few chefs who cook different cuisines. Their skills are very authentic. I will lend it to you for two days, and you have to pay me back!"

Concubine Shen: "..."

The stingy princess, Your Highness, is quite cute.

The queen laughed when she saw the chubby characters, and explained: "Qixue is like a child who can't grow up, she has such a temperament, and her writing is round and round, very cute."

Concubine Shen looked at the font, it was indeed cute, a bit like the cute handwriting of later generations, but with the effect of a brush.

Usually girls practice delicate and beautiful fonts such as Zanhua lowercase script, but Qixue is different, she likes her cute and cute font. She is too lazy to practice the fonts that noble girls like, she does her own way, and she is very individual.

Although the queen told the concubine in various ways how cute and well-behaved her cousin was, Concubine Shen knew that the eldest princess was not of this nature. It's just that the elders see that their dolls are cute and well-behaved, and this girl's sweet mouth will cause trouble, so the queen will praise her in various ways.

Rumors about the eldest princess in Beijing have never stopped, saying that she has been a tyrant in the palace since she was a child, with a weird temper and likes to play tricks on people.

Of course, this is an exaggeration.

But according to the queen, she does change moods quickly. Be happy for a while and be angry for a while, because it is easy to be affected by other things around you. For example, reading a story book, she can jump up in anger because of the weakness of the bad wife in it, and watching a face-changing trick, she can't stop laughing. He is a very pure person, really like a child.

Two years ago, the eldest princess suddenly said that she wanted to go out for a walk, and felt that there was nothing interesting in the capital. The emperor loved her, not only didn't stop her, but also sent a lot of guards and maidservants to accompany her, and let her travel around Dayan. Worried that she is not doing well outside, she asks people to send money to her from time to time, and she is even closer than her own brother.

On the contrary, the empress dowager often blamed the emperor for spoiling people too much. But it's just talking about it, and I'm very happy in my heart, after all, who loves Qixue more than the Queen Mother

After Shen Guifei heard the "interesting stories about the eldest princess" that the empress said, the corners of Shen Guifei's mouth twitched.

The queen married into the palace three years ago, and only spent one year with her sister-in-law. Naturally, it is impossible to know so many bad things Qixue has done. Although, one year is enough for Qixue to do three hundred and sixty-five things.

The main reason is that she got along very well with her sister-in-law for a year, and it was inevitable to talk about Qixue when she got along with her younger brother. His Majesty the Emperor seems to be not only a sister but also a sister, chattering about sharing her sister's mischief with the queen, and then the two's sister-control attributes are gradually deepening as they urge each other. Now, the two are inseparable.

Qixue sent letters to the Empress and the Empress Dowager every month, each time several large sheets of paper were filled, talking about what she had seen on her trip and all kinds of coquettish behavior. But the three great Buddhas liked her so much, and would write letters and send them back in person.

Sitting at the table, Shen Yuqing looked at her well-behaved daughter who was eating, and deeply felt that her daughter was a bit like Qixue now. For example, a tyrant in the palace or something.

If her daughter grows up like Qixue, it seems a bit bad

She mentioned this matter to the empress, Empress Fu glared at her first: "Qi Xue is very good." Then she agreed with Concubine Shen Gui, "But it's better for Qingxi not to learn from her."

They look at Qixue with filters because Qixue is from their own family, and they think that everything is good. But there are some things that I have to admit, for example, Qixue shuns everyone in the aristocratic circle of the capital, and no man dares to marry her.

Although the empress didn't think that her daughter had to marry a good man, it was really frustrating for her daughter to become a scourge in the eyes of others. She still hoped that Qingxi would be more lovable, at least not too annoying.

"I leave this to you." Fu Qiushui said, "I will take care of the cat for you, and you will be responsible for teaching my daughter."

Concubine Shen: "..." Don't say it as if I took advantage of it, okay

The cat has a green belt, and the queen only needs to play with the adults from time to time. She was already quite free because Shen Yuqing took half of the palace duties, but now that she doesn't take her daughter with her, she is even more free.

On the other hand, Shen Yuqing has to take care of the palace affairs as well as the purchases of the House of Internal Affairs, as well as raise her daughter. Queen, this is not fair distribution, she is obviously taking the opportunity to be lazy.

However, Concubine Shen is also willing to play with her daughter. She is afraid that her daughter-in-law will spoil her like Qi Xue unconsciously, so she accepts her fate and takes on the responsibility of teaching her daughter.

Back then, Qixue was in the period of seizing the throne from birth to Jiji, so the queen mother did not dare to teach her some sensitive things, and deliberately indulged her to make trouble. On the son's side, he hides clumsiness and pretends to be mediocre, and when he gets older, he pretends to be a "dandy".

At that time, His Majesty the Emperor, who was thirteen or fourteen years old, found out that his sweetheart was married, so he simply "abandoned himself", following the Queen Mother's wishes, he started teasing little girls everywhere, walking dogs and cats, and hanging out with dudes every day. But even though he was indulgent, it was just for show, so many bad things were left untouched.

Sometimes she would be followed secretly by Qixue, and then Qixue would follow suit...

Therefore, the most frustrating thing about Her Royal Highness the eldest princess is that she likes to tease beauties, and she is also very interested in frail and beautiful men. All the famous sons in the capital have been molested by her, and now this group of men are still "talking about snow".

In such a comparison, Qingxi just likes to accept younger brothers, which is a relatively good hobby.

Concubine Shen felt that her daughter's hobby could be vigorously developed, so she decided to choose a companion for Miss Qingxi to read.

When His Majesty the Emperor heard the news, the veins on his forehead twitched, and someone invited the imperial concubine: "What do you want to do again?"

"Don't do anything." Shen Guifei glanced at the imperial brush that was pinched tightly by him, always feeling that it was about to be pinched, "My daughter is bored in the palace, what if I pick some playmates for her? Don't you?" I feel sorry for my daughter, I feel very sorry for her."

The emperor resisted the urge to roll his eyes: "She has so many playmates around her."

There are not only specially selected court ladies, but also little eunuchs. Only one or two years older than Qingxi, who was sold into the palace by a poor family, although she is young, she is very sensible and obedient.

What's so good about the children of those ministers Guixun? He grew up pampered at home, but his daughter would be bullied if he was a bit more coquettish and domineering.

Concubine Shen Gui disagreed: "My daughter will not suffer."

Seeing that the emperor was always singing against her, she had no choice but to explain the intention to the emperor one by one.

Finding a reading partner is of course not really looking for a playmate, the playmate is just incidental. The so-called accompanying reading is actually mainly to accompany the prince and princess to study together, and by the way, let the prince and princess have a companion so that they will not be lonely. Also, it is to cultivate their future cronies, such as the prince's companion, who will basically be the prince's right-hand man in the future.

What Shen Yuqing meant was to find more companions for her daughter, preferably between five and ten years old. At this time, children are relatively innocent, easy to brainwash... ahem, easy to teach.

Qingxi doesn't need party members, but Shen Yuqing wants to teach her how to control her subordinates, how to get along with noble children, and how not to fall into the prestige of the royal princess. Now she is just like a bandit leading a group of silly boys to run around the palace, but this trick is useless against noble children.

The companion was born noble and older than her, and with Concubine Shen Gui beside her to guide her, Qingxi could exercise her leadership skills. As a girl, she could have learned these things, but after thinking about them, Shen Yuqing felt that it would be more beneficial to learn them.

Anyway, it's fun and educational, and Qingxi won't spend too much effort learning it, so why not learn it

Now she is leading a group of court ladies and eunuchs to make troubles, and when she grows up, she will continue to lead this group of people around. There must be rumors outside that Princess Qingxi is not on the stage, and she leads the court ladies and eunuchs to make trouble every day. This reputation is not as good as taking a group of dandies for a walk with dogs to tease cats. After all, dandies are still the children of nobles.

However, if the eunuchs and maids were replaced with those promising noble children, Princess Qingxi would not be fooling around, but would be able to control her well.

Concubine Shen didn't intend to raise her daughter into a dandy, although she didn't think there was anything wrong with being a dandy, but she didn't want others to gossip about her daughter. If you raise your daughter up to be an admirable princess capable of writing and martial arts, and there are a group of promising aristocratic younger brothers behind her, then Dora is the wind.

When others mention Qingxi, they will say that this princess is very powerful and capable, she is worthy of being a noble daughter of the royal family.

His Majesty the Emperor fell silent after listening. His mood was a bit complicated, because although he felt that what Shen Yuqing said was unreasonable, he was shamefully moved.

Who doesn't want their children to make progress? Even if Qingxi won't become an almighty princess capable of both literature and martial arts, she will still be very eloquent. There are not only a son with outstanding literary talents, a man with high martial arts skills, but also a noble lady who is famous in the capital. Thinking about it, I feel that Qingxi, who can make these people willingly regard him as the boss, is very powerful and admirable.

Most importantly, this way he doesn't have to worry about Qingxi being bullied in the future.

To be honest, he was not sure if his son would treat Qingxi kindly after he succeeded to the throne. The emperor is always so ruthless, even if he cultivated a deep sibling relationship when he was young, who can guarantee that the throne will not deteriorate after sitting for a long time

With so many people behind Qingxi supporting her, at least her son dared not touch her casually. As long as she doesn't interfere in the government and doesn't cause trouble for her son, I believe that her son will only choose to win over Qingxi and let Qingxi's subordinates help him with things, and will not choose to deal with Qingxi.

Left and right Qingxi is a girl's family, and she can't kill the emperor to become the queen, and the emperor will not feel threatened by so many forces under her command.

It's difficult to seize the heir apparent, she will definitely become the target of many princes vying to please.

Thinking of this, His Majesty the Emperor strengthened his determination to have only one son. If your son is not a weapon, just learn from Shen Yuqing and beat him into a weapon.

If it doesn't work, just take this son down and replace him with a successful clan son as the emperor. Left and right his throne is also cheated, he is not the real royal blood, it is no big deal to return the throne to the original royal family.

"Oh." Shen Guifei drank tea and said coolly, "Then you might as well choose someone to adopt, why bother? If you really want to have a son, I'll take you out of the palace later, when I and I Your sister's son is brought up, and he will definitely not have the heart to fight for your adopted son's throne by then."

As soon as he opened his mouth to want a son, His Majesty the Emperor's forehead was throbbing with veins. He endured it and said one word: "Get lost."

This woman also said last time that he was asked to have another daughter, and it would not be enough to raise a daughter.

Is he a boar? Just responsible for giving birth to this woman

It was obviously his child, but this shrew snatched it away, she still had the face to ask him to have more children. No matter how many lives there are, I won't support her, bah!

His Majesty the Emperor angrily drove the imperial concubine out, of course, from the inner room of the imperial study room to the outer room. Miss Jinli, who has been accompanying His Majesty the emperor to deal with the government affairs recently, is a good girl with a sense of proportion, so naturally she will not take advantage of the trend to drive the imperial concubine out and embarrass her.

So Miss Jinli sent the man out respectfully, and also avoided spreading rumors that the imperial concubine fell out of favor and ruined the emperor's plan.

The master kicks people out to vent his anger, and the subordinates still have to smooth things over for the occasional wayward master.

"By the way, ma'am." Jinli offered a sandalwood box, "This is from Princess Wenle this morning, and it is said to be some gadgets for Princess Qingxi."

Princess Bunraku is the older first-in-law princess. Because of her wit and wit, she still has some honor in front of the emperor. The emperor is happy to give her the face of his eldest sister, as long as she lives in peace.

Today, this princess is the well-known Mrs. Quanfu in Huaijing, and also a well-known kind and noble wife. She has a good relationship with everyone in terms of face, never causes trouble, and never bullies others by relying on the name of the princess, and is very kind to the younger generation.

Now that she is older, she also looks away. She is said to be the emperor's sister, but she is old enough to be the emperor's mother, and she loves Qingxi as her granddaughter. Occasionally, when she goes into the palace to chat with the emperor, she always brings some interesting gadgets to Qingxi.

It's just that Mrs. Wan didn't let Qingxi play with these cheap items bought by the people before. Mrs. Wan herself was born as a court lady, so she saw a lot of such cheap things since she was a child, so she naturally despised them. But Qingxi is a pampered princess, she must yearn for the outside world, and of course these things can please her.

When she was living in Fengyi Palace, Qingxi loved to run to the showroom that the empress had specially arranged for her to clean up. There are all kinds of rare playthings, some are precious tributes, which are priceless, and some are bought from stalls on the street. Basically, they were dug out from the empress's own private treasury, and concubine Shen Gui eagerly delivered them, especially those worthless items, which were bought by Concubine Shen personally in Huaijing city.

Putting these things together, although it is not harmonious, no one dares to murmur. Qingxi even fell in love with it at the first glance, and once she entered, she would dawdle around for a whole day and refuse to come out.

Concubine Shen smiled and asked Man Xing to take the wooden box: "His Royal Highness has a heart."

Qingxi, who was used to seeing fun things, didn't know whether she would like them, she didn't open them, and she didn't know that there were no heavy purchases with her in them. I hope that some rare and unseen toys can make Qingxi happy.

In fact, Qingxi would rather go out of the palace to play, but Concubine Shen did not find a suitable opportunity. Now that there is a war going on outside, she is a little worried that the capital is not peaceful. If there are lurking foreigners trying to kill people and stir up trouble, it will be very unsafe to take Qingxi out.

Although she could protect Qingxi, she didn't want Qingxi to be frightened.

"It's okay." Qingxi puffed her face and said seriously, "Mother concubine promised me to take me out to play later."

Concubine Shen rubbed her daughter's head: "Yes, Concubine Mother will definitely do what she says."

Only then did Qingxi laugh, hugged the wooden box and put it in front of her, gently opened it, and found some toys inside that she had never seen before, she was immediately pleasantly surprised.

"Qingxi likes Aunt Wenle the most!" she said.

Tsk, I don't know who this girl learned from, and she also became sweet-mouthed.

Concubine Shen deliberately teased her: "Last time you said that you like concubine mother the most."

Qingxi blinked her eyes, but she wasn't bothered: "I like Aunt Wenle the most at this moment, and when I get tired of playing with these toys, I will still like Concubine Mu the most."

"..." Little slippery head!

Really, who did you learn from? Princess Bunraku didn't know if she would laugh angrily when she heard it.

Qingxi took a toy from it, and ran to find her servant to play with. She doesn't like others to teach her how to play, and she finds it boring.

She likes to find out how to play them with her friends. Although the ways to play that come to mind are often not the real ways to play, but this way there are more ways to play. A toy can also be played for many days, so don't worry about getting bored and having no fun.

Concubine Shen Gui didn't hold her back, she just told her to find some children to enter the palace in a few days, and asked her to pick a few more servants. Qingxi happily agreed, because she felt that she didn't have enough followers.

Halfway through, she suddenly stopped and said, "Concubine Mu, I still want Yiyi, let Yiyi come with me!"

"Yiyi?" Shen Guifei couldn't remember who it was for a moment.

"It's the Mid-Autumn Festival! Big mooncakes!" Qingxi described anxiously to her.

Concubine Shen suddenly realized that she was talking about her little nephew, the two-year-old little radish who was named "Li Yi" by her. That tiger-headed little guy was stupid and very cute, no wonder Qingxi was still thinking about it.

She smiled and nodded: "Okay, Concubine Mu, think about it."

In my heart, I silently accused my brother and sister-in-law, and hoped that they would not mind her robbing their son for their daughter. If a two-year-old child enters the palace, I am afraid that the Shen family will be reluctant to part with it, but they will never refuse the royal order.

To be honest, Shen Yuqing thinks that the child is a bit young, and it would be better to stay with her parents to cultivate her relationship, but her daughter likes it...

Concubine Shen Gui, who was not sure what to pay attention to, went to find the wise daughter-in-law and asked her to give her an idea.

"That child?" Empress Fu frowned slightly, "It's too young, I'm afraid I won't be used to living in the palace."

Shen Yuqing also had this worry.

"Otherwise, when Qingxi misses him, let Mrs. Shen bring him into the palace to play with Qingxi. Qingxi has so many playmates on the left and right, and there is no shortage of him. It's just that I haven't seen him for a long time now. It’s just keeping people by your side all the time.”

The imperial concubine's natal family is the same as the queen's natal family, they can enter the palace at any time, as long as the empress agrees after handing over the post. So it's okay for Mrs. Shen to enter the palace every day. With Qingxi as the reason, no one dares to gossip.

In this way, Shen Liyi doesn't have to leave his parents, and can come in to play with Qingxi from time to time.

Shen Guifei thinks it is very good, when she gets older, let's talk about whether she wants to join the palace for a long time to accompany her. However, they won't be with her for many years. After the age of ten, men and women will have different seats, so Qingxi's male companions will probably have to be sent back to her home.

However, there is an official school in the front palace of the imperial palace, which allows noble children to come in and go to school. Give Qingxi a pass, and she can also go to the official school to find friends to play with at any time.

"Oh, that's right." Concubine Shen had a whim, "Why don't you just find a palace for the noble girls to go to school, closer to the official school."

This is also convenient for the noble daughter and the noble son to cultivate their relationship. Qingxi's followers have a good relationship with each other. A marriage based on love will definitely be more stable, and it will be better for Qingxi. In order to avoid marrying someone who is dissatisfied with Qingxi, he will force them to alienate Qingxi.

The more Shen Guifei thought about it, the more she felt that this idea was good. Why can't her daughter's family set up an official school? It is not necessarily necessary to teach the Four Books and Five Classics, it is not bad to find some palace zither masters and embroiderers to teach them.

You must know that the most powerful piano masters and embroidery masters are basically in the palace. They have a good reputation and face in front of nobles, so they are naturally qualified to teach noble girls.

The author has something to say: If you want to enter the reader group, click Chapter 29. There is a group number, but there is no car in the group...

By the way, why does everyone think that the eldest princess is either a villain or a love rival? They are obviously allies!

And in my base three series, no matter the protagonist or her CP, there is no rival in love.

When I read sweet articles, I really hate rivals in love who spoil the situation, and feel that they are intimidating, so I don’t know how to write rivals in love.

At most, some people have a good impression of them, or show that they like them because of their interests, but in fact they don't like them at all, they are all pretending.

Thanks to mines: Sniff Rose x1, Lianchi Junxi x1, Liuyao x1, Luo Yun x1, Mo Yan x1, Bu Xiao x1, 27889543x1, Flower Tea Tree x1

Thanks for the nutrient solution: crossing the bridge and breaking willows +10, Houhouhou +1, immortals +1, Tianhai Mingtu +30