The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 47: ④⑦Mimei


While Concubine Shen Gui was thinking about how to renovate the palace, the palace was already busy and began to tidy up the palace for His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

Originally, she lived in Shoukang Palace with the Queen Mother.

But the Empress Dowager spoke, saying that she was old and her daughter might feel awkward living with her, so she asked the Empress to allocate a separate palace for her. In fact, the queen mother dislikes her daughter's making noise, which will disturb her tranquility.

This is difficult to handle. There are many empty palaces in the East Harem and West Harem, but it is hard to say which one should be given to the Princess.

According to the system, a long princess mansion can be granted outside the palace, but the princess lived outside the palace before she got married, so it was inevitable that some people would gossip.

"Is Qi Xue the one who cares about gossip?" Thinking of the young lady's restless temper, the empress is afraid that she will feel that the palace is boring and she would like to live outside. In this way, it is also convenient for her to tease beauties everywhere.

Thinking of his sister's temper, His Majesty the Emperor had a headache: "Do you really want her to live outside?"

He was afraid that when he went to court every day, courtiers would cry and complain that the eldest princess had molested their innocent son.

"Now Da Yan Hai Yan He Qing, why bother to go to court every day?" Concubine Shen Gui, who had eaten melons for a long time, sneered, "Isn't it enough to go to court every three days?"

In fact, if you go to court or something, the country will be finished if you don't go to court. In history, there are countries that go to court every day, and there are also emperors who do not go to court for decades. Dayan really doesn't have many affairs, and after he goes to court, he often has nothing to tell His Majesty. So the emperor came out to show his face, and they all scattered again, just tossing around.

If there is any urgent matter, there is no need to wait until the court to resolve it. It is only reasonable to go to the palace overnight to have an audience.

His Majesty the Emperor deeply believed that it was extremely painful to wake up so early every day. Dayan only had one holiday every five days, and he could only sleep in once every five days, which was extremely frustrating.

"This matter will be dealt with the next day." Discuss with the courtiers tomorrow morning, I believe normal ministers will agree with it.

Ignore the abnormal ministers, they are out of their minds.

The two troubles were solved at once, and His Majesty the Emperor felt refreshed. The number of times he went to court decreased, and the number of times he was picked on by the official censor also decreased, and he didn't have to watch a group of old men quarreling without grace every day, which couldn't be more praiseworthy. This Shen Yuqing still has some brains.

The next day, His Majesty the Emperor really mentioned this matter.

The ministers were delighted in their hearts, but all of them were calm and unrevealed. Because they know that there must be someone who is bored and jumps out to object.

Sure enough, Zhang Yushi jumped out: "Your Majesty, this is the ancestral system, how can you change it at will?"

His Majesty the Emperor glanced at him and said nothing.

Then, someone jumped out to quarrel with Zhang Yushi. Both sides chattered, trying to persuade the other party, but in fact they were picking on the inappropriateness of the other party's words. After arguing for a long time without convincing the other party, they managed to waste a lot of time.

When they were almost quarreling, the right minister came out to make peace with each other.

"Zhang Yushi's words are reasonable, but what Mr. Li said is also very reasonable. However, Your Majesty, I believe that the reform of the court council is feasible."

In order to sleep late, Prime Minister Yu You quoted the scriptures and boasted, talking about the pros and cons of the former emperor who had not been to the court for decades to the number of visits to the court. The speed of speech is neither urgent nor slow, but it does not give people a chance to interrupt.

Zhang Yushi wanted to interrupt many times, but was interrupted by him, holding his breath.

In the end, His Majesty the Emperor was overjoyed, and thought that what the prime minister said was right, and resolutely carried out the reform of the imperial assembly. Zhang Yushi was so angry that he flung his sleeves away immediately after the emperor left, not wanting to talk nonsense with Prime Minister Right and Master Li.

However, there is no one you are against him. A group of Gui Xun who led idle jobs to eat the royal salary gathered together to complain about Zhang Yushi's meddling, saying that he was jumping up and down to find a sense of presence.

"Master Shen." Yu Youxiang stopped Shen Zuoxiang.

Zuo Xiang paused and looked at him: "Master Yu."

Yu Youxiang looked at the stern-faced Zuoxiang. In fact, he didn't like this person's style very much. It was bad luck to look like someone owed him money all day long. But this guy is a blatant royalist, always singing against him, and the emperor still trusts him.

"Master Shen, my baby will be full moon in two days, Lord Shen must come to have a cup of wedding wine." Prime Minister Right said with a smile.

This youngest son is a concubine. Mrs. Youxiang has never given birth to a son, and she used methods to prevent the concubines in the backyard from giving birth to children. Later, Mrs. Yu found out, she severely reprimanded her, and the Prime Minister was also very dissatisfied, so Mrs. Yu didn't dare to do anything anymore.

After that, Yu Youxiang had several sons and daughters born. But unfortunately, except for the eldest son who is a son, the rest are all daughters of the concubine. Last month, she finally gave birth to a concubine, and the youngest daughter Xipin in the palace is being favored again, very proud of herself.

Lord Shen frowned slightly, he cared very much about his concubines, so he never took concubines. The family style of the Shen family is like this, men are not allowed to take concubines or keep concubines, and they are not allowed to ask for flowers. But it's not easy for him to interfere in other people's family affairs, so he can only nod his head and accept Lord Yu's invitation.

A month ago, it was the beginning of October. Not long after the dust settled on the injury of Concubine Shen and Concubine De in the palace, Xi Jieyu also got a reward out of nowhere.

The timing of this child's birth was a coincidence, but she didn't know whether Xi Jieyugao was happy about the birth of her younger brother.

"How can you be happy?" Ever since she had gossip with Concubine Shen Guifei a few times, Dong Xiao loves to catch Shen Yuqing and tell these gossip.

Concubine Shen Gui is a good listener, and when Dong Xiao is deliberately trying to trick her, she will ask questions in a face-saving manner, satisfying Dong Xiao's desire to talk. Unlike Han Qiu, who always has an attitude of "talking, not talking".

She enthusiastically shared the news she had inquired with Concubine Shen: "Xi Jieyu looks gentle and caring, but in fact she is no different from her sister on the inside. It's just that Concubine Mei will put her unhappiness on her face, and she will just hide it. "

Her eldest brother was adopted by Mrs. Yu to raise him. He was brought up very well, and he forced Mrs. Yu to record it under her own name, becoming half a son of the concubine. After Mrs. Yu was unwilling to be resigned, she followed suit this time and took the second son of the concubine and recorded it in her name, intending to support the younger son and the eldest son in fighting for the family property.

But Dong Xiao said that Mrs. Yu is just messing around.

The eldest son of the concubine is already fourteen years old. He is personable and knowledgeable. He has already made a name for himself, and he is waiting to be admitted to Jinshi after getting married and let Xiang Yu get an official position. The youngest son is only one month old. When he grows up, the eldest son of the concubine will inherit the family business long ago, so why is there a younger son

Which aristocratic family outside doesn't know about these nonsense things about the Yu family? It's just that they don't care about their face, and they toss and toss, so that people will see the joke for nothing.

Thinking of this, Dong Xiao still thinks the Shen family is good. The family is full of nobles, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are harmonious, the husband and wife respect each other as guests, and there are no concubines making trouble. The family house is really quiet and enviable. No wonder everyone in Beijing said that if they want to marry, they should marry Shen Jialang, but they don't know how the Shen family raised such a pampered Miss Shen.

Dong Xiao has never met the real Miss Shen, but she has heard about her deeds. It's hard for such a girl to have a man who truly loves her and is willing to take her away to offend the royal family. I just don't know how she is doing well now, and whether that man has failed her.

"She's fine." Shen Yuqing scratched her stomach for the adults, "I ran into her last time, and now she lives with her husband in the counties around Huaijing, bought some servants and shops, and worked as a small shop. Business. Although it's not rich and well-equipped, but with Mrs. Shen's support, she is also a man, so it's a good life."

The corner of Dong Xiao's mouth twitched, so you are all right, imperial concubine, and you went to play outside the imperial city

Shen Yuqing shook her head: "I ran into her when she went shopping in Beijing, so I chatted with her."

The lady from the Shen family who had changed her name to "Shen Yuqin" just gave birth to a pair of twins a few months ago. That time, she took her children to Mrs. Shen's secret villa to meet her mother and buy some things along the way. After all, although there are many good things in the counties near the capital, they are not as good as those in the capital.

I don't know if it's because of her pregnancy and childbirth, but her appearance has gradually changed from Shen Yuqing's. Now that two people stand together, there will be absolutely no confusion. In the past, the two had the same appearance, and they could only be distinguished by Shen Yuqing's deliberate temperament.

It's not that she is not beautiful now, it's just that the other party has a more mature and charming charm, and her appearance has developed in another direction.

Miss Shen's life is good, so the emperor can rest assured that he doesn't have to worry about this woman running back because of unsatisfactory life and ruining his plan.

A few days later, Mr. Shen went to Yu Mansion to attend Young Master Yu's full moon banquet. It is said that Yu Mansion was very lively that day. Because Yu Youxiang spoke for the emperor in the court, the full moon was rewarded by the emperor on this day, and he was even more proud. He didn't know that his two daughters were secretly competing in the palace.

In his view, they are all a family, born of the same father and the same mother. Before getting married, the relationship was a bit stiff. It was because children were ignorant. Now that they are in the palace, they must know that sisters are a family and they will support each other.


Concubine Mei saw the news from her subordinates and spat. Her father has been an official for a long time, so he doesn't take others seriously, and he is used to taking it for granted. Do you still want her and her sister to live in harmony and support each other? dream.

But today is her younger brother's full moon feast, and in the future she will have a younger brother who is close to her. God knows how jealous she was when she saw the affectionate relationship between the eldest son's younger brother and younger sister, and the appearance of the whole family before she got married.

The younger sister has already been relied on, and the older brother will inherit the family business in the future, so she doesn't have to worry about not having a backer in the palace. On the contrary, Concubine Mei herself does not have a close brother from her natal family, which is very dangerous. Fortunately, Mrs. Yu's natal family will help her, but on Concubine Xi's side, Mrs. Yu's natal family will also help her.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became, and I almost smashed a set of teacups on impulse.

Concubine Mei took a deep breath, calmed herself down, and called the maid who was close to her: "Has my concubine's congratulatory gift been sent to the Yu Mansion?"

"Go back to your mother, it has been sent."

Concubine Mei nodded in satisfaction: "Concubine Xi has been complacent for too long, let's do what I prepared last time."

The maid didn't dare to say more, she died in a hurry.

The palace, which had been quiet for a month, was about to become lively again.

On November 13th, when the sky was clear and the weather was clear, Her Royal Highness Princess Yujia went to Beijing, first went to meet the emperor, and then went to Shoukang Palace to meet the empress and queen mother.

The emperor told her before that he had chosen a mansion outside the palace to be the eldest princess mansion for her, assuring that she would like it. She couldn't sit still right now, and wanted to go out of the palace to have a look.

The queen mother felt dizzy when she looked at her: "It's alright, alright, you can go out of the palace after having a meal with the empress. That house is what you wanted before, and your imperial brother specially made it a princess mansion for you."

The house was the residence of a very favored princess a hundred years ago, named "Baijiaoyuan". Since it is named "Garden", it means that there are many green trees, red flowers, rockery and flowing water inside, and the scenery is extremely unique. Back then, the princess liked to hold banquets in the garden to entertain the noble ladies, and after her son-in-law died, she even raised a lot of noodles to have fun in it.

The most important thing is that this princess is one of the few princesses in history who can live a life in peace with her will, and her old age has never been bleak. This made the three parents very satisfied, and they thought it was a good sign. Qixue lived in it, and she might live a lifetime as happily as that princess.

Qixue often goes to that garden, and thinking of what it looks like inside makes her heart burn. Smiling, he went to the empress and the emperor's sister-in-law and said a lot of good things, and hurried out of the palace after eating.

The garden has always been taken care of, and before the princess returned to the capital, the emperor sent many reliable palace servants in, and they will be the servants of the princess mansion in the future. Now Qixue can live in directly when she goes back, no trouble at all.

With her beloved Yuanzi, the princess began to toss around outside the palace, choosing good-looking young masters and young ladies to attend the banquet she held.

The upright Yangou Princess Qixue, she usually only sees people by their faces. But if she catches someone with a tricky mind, don't blame her for playing tricks on people.

Although she is a savage princess, she still depends on the target when she is savage.

The three giant Buddhas in the palace had no objection to the eldest princess's behavior, no matter how much the courtiers and wives cried and complained, they were still unmoved. Concubine Shen felt ashamed every day watching those noble ladies enter the palace and cry to the queen, she was very happy.

Dong Xiao also gave her popular science about which wife belongs to which family, what happened to their family, and what unscrupulous things this lady has done. Also, her son and daughter, that is, the one who was tossed by the princess, have resorted to some unsightly tricks.

"Young girl Qixue is really interesting." Concubine Shen watched another lady return without success, she couldn't help laughing.

The queen glanced at her, picked up the tea and took a sip, "They're just clowns."

There are many noble people in the capital, so naturally there are also many worthless young masters and young ladies. Similarly, those who have bad intentions or try to gain fame are naturally indispensable.

There are too few people who can make Qi Xue look pleasing to the eye, and she usually doesn't wrong herself. Just look at the face and don't think about the bad things those people did. But the premise is that that person doesn't want to drive her to do bad things.

As soon as the madam left, Qi Xue came into the palace angrily.

She doesn't need to announce when she enters the palace, but before entering Fengyi Palace, let the little eunuch come and say. After the eunuch finished speaking, the princess arrived at the gate of Fengyi Palace.

She also knew some rules and didn't break in alone. Only enter the door when someone from the Queen's side comes to lead the way.

"What's wrong with Qixue?" Fu Qiushui put down the teacup, picked up an account book, and asked casually while reading it.

Qi Xue didn't care about her attitude, and complained about her dissatisfaction in her heart. It's nothing more than holding a banquet where several young ladies are jealous, and several young masters talk about excessive rumors behind their backs. In short, they are all things she can't understand.

"Those stinky men really read the dog's belly. They said behind their backs that other girls are not good-looking here, and it's okay to be crooked there. It's really hateful to spread the word without regard for the girl's reputation!" Qi Xue poured down a cup of tea and put it back on the table with a snap.

The so-called private giving and receiving was nothing more than the fact that when someone else was hosting a banquet, the two met by chance in a secluded place in the garden and were bumped into. These two people had no contact with each other before, and this kind of rumor was actually believed by some people, and it was spread in a serious manner, which is really vicious.

Qixue can't see beauty being bullied the most. The lady who has been gossip about is very soft and lovely, and it is the one that Qixue loves the most.

The corners of Fu Qiushui's mouth twitched slightly: "You said last time that you love sick and weak beauties the most."

"That's a male beauty." Qi Xue corrected, "A female beauty likes soft and pleasant ones."

The empress looked at Qixue's delicate little face, which could almost be called a baby face, and thought to herself, little sister, that you really don't go well with soft and lovely beauties.

I really don't understand how such a lovely girl can molested the young masters to treat her as a scourge. What did she do to her

Seeing that the Queen didn't continue to question her, Qi Xue continued to complain. After the depression in his chest was cleared, he realized that an hour had passed.

She feels refreshed and can use an extra bowl for dinner.

"Aren't you angry now?" Fu Qiushui asked someone to pass on the meal, "Why are you angry about this kind of scum? Didn't you have someone strip them of their coats and hang them on a tree? You have already taught them a lesson, so there is no need to be angry anymore .”

Concubine Shen Gui spouted a mouthful of tea when she heard this.

Stripped off his coat and hung it on a tree... No wonder those wives are going to the palace to cry... It's really embarrassing...

In this day and age, the faux pas of not wearing a coat is basically the same as not wearing any clothes. To be exposed to the eyes of everyone without wearing a coat is like running naked in the crowd for you young master.

After Qi Xue let out her anger, her temper immediately went away. In fact, she didn't get angry after taking revenge, but when she heard that their family dared to sue at the court meeting and even came to her sister-in-law to sue, she became angry again.

Seeing Shen Yuqing spraying tea now, she felt a little embarrassed.

This little sister-in-law is very good-looking, and she is her favorite type. She didn't pay attention just now, and she patronizes and curses people. At this moment, he suddenly found a beauty, and hurriedly twitched.

"I've seen Little Huang's Sister-in-law." She timidly pinched the handkerchief and pretended to be a lady, and even saluted Shen Yuqing.

Shen Yuqing: "..." Girl, you change your face very quickly.

"That's because, little sister-in-law is pretty." Qi Xue's cheeks were flushed, "Little sister-in-law is the most beautiful I have ever seen."

Shen Guifei glanced at her daughter-in-law, and wanted to ask if this princess has always been this virtuous? But it's not easy to speak at the moment, so I can only coax the princess first.

"The princess has met me before. Before I got married, I often attended the princess's banquet." Shen Guifei said.

Qi Xue shook her head and said excitedly: "Sister-in-law, don't lie to me, my brother has already told me! You are not that sister of the Shen family, I know it all!"

She has met Miss Shen quite a few times, she is a person with no evil intentions, and she plays well with her. However, the queen mother and others said that Xiao Huang's sister-in-law resembled Miss Shen, but she didn't think so.

The reason why she thinks Xiaohuang's sister-in-law is the prettiest is of course not superficially because of that face, but mainly because of her figure and temperament. Ms. Shen's figure is not as good as Little Huang's Sister-in-law, nor does she have the temperament of Little Huang's Sister-in-law.

In fact, beauties have their own beauty methods, and it is generally difficult to rank them. But from Qi Xue's point of view, Shen Yuqing's temperament is what she likes the most, she herself can't be so noble and glamorous, that's why she yearns for Shen Yuqing.

Concubine Shen Gui somehow got a fan girl, who followed her behind her buttocks for several days calling "Little Sister-in-law" and "Little Sister-in-law", which made Concubine Shen very helpless.

However, Empress Fu only cared about watching a good show, and had no intention of saving her at all. It wasn't until the legend in Beijing that the handsome monk who had traveled around the world returned to the monastery that Qixue let Concubine Shen go and pester the monk.

This master can't be kidnapped home, but it doesn't prevent her from taking advantage of her eyes. The master has a good temper, and he doesn't care at all that she looks at him with (cross out) lewd (cross out) appreciative gazes on men, much better than those stingy young masters.

Shen Yuqing can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and continue to have sex with her daughter-in-law. There was a follower there before, and she was too embarrassed to flirt with Qiu Shui in broad daylight.

Then, she was pushed away by empress disgust: "Didn't you say that you want to choose a reading companion for Qingxi? The matter has been delayed for so long, and I haven't chosen yet. Let's finish this matter first."

Concubine Shen: "..."

After being disturbed by Qi Xue's incident, she forgot about it.

"I think the day after tomorrow will be a good time." The empress pointed to the date on the almanac, "Let someone send the invitation."

"Okay." Concubine Shen Gui didn't have any objections, everything was up to my wife.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Landmine: Barren x1, Luo Yun x1, Ling Yi x1, Mo Yan x26

Thank you for the nutrient solution: Silence +1, "" +2, Tranquility +1, Jinye Weiyang +10, "" +10, Ruoshui Sanqian +70, Houhouhou +1