The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 49: ④⑨Laba


An Jieyu's calculation of Shen Yuqing made His Majesty the Emperor very displeased.

Shen Yuqing was the helper he had finally abducted, if An Jieyu succeeded, then he would not be able to open his eyes and talk nonsense to pick Shen Yuqing out. Therefore, he had to give Concubine Shen some punishment, such as grounding her feet.

Mother's Shen Yuqing grounded her feet and paid for it? This woman must sneak into Fengyi Palace every day to live with his imperial sister.

Even later, he found an excuse to lift the ban on this woman. Maybe she would be too happy to think about it, complaining of illness and not going out, passively sabotaging work, and indulging in sex.

The person I hired with so much money was not for her to fall in love!

The worse he thought about it, the more gloomy the emperor's face became, which made An Jieyu tremble with fright.

The emperor was immersed in his own thoughts, and it took a while before he came back to his senses. He was not embarrassed, and let An Jieyu look terrified, and said calmly: "I don't care what your original plan is, if you don't want to be punished, from now on, listen to me."

An Jieyu nodded stupidly.

She didn't realize until the person left, what does the emperor mean

Fu Yanjun walked slowly on the palace road, and didn't ask anyone to call for a cab. It is not too far from Yunxiang Palace to Zichen Palace. He wanted to think about things while walking, but the eunuchs and maids followed from afar, not daring to disturb him.

Today's "cooperation" with An Jieyu was planned a long time ago.

He needs to use An Jieyu's fetus to pull Concubine De from the horse, but now is not the time. In order not to let An Jieyu act rashly and ruin his plan, he let Concubine Xi's plan today, because he could use this to speak clearly with An Jieyu, so that the other party had to cooperate with him.

As he expected, An Jieyu didn't dare to do anything wrong because the fake pregnancy was exposed. In the following days, she could only obediently follow the emperor's instructions.

Raise the baby well, and then, when she is more than eight months old, she is going to touch the Empress Porcelain Defei.

There is no other choice.

Now above the court hall, the pulse of the right minister is pulsating frequently. The emperor can't move the right minister for the time being, but he can move the right minister's vassals.

For example, the grand master's lineage who secretly colluded with the right minister.

Su Taishi himself is a very good Confucian, but his students are not at all restless. Behind Taishi Su, who is full of peaches and plums, is a bunch of clique-forming literati. Some were officials in the court, and some were not.

On the surface, they have little relationship with the right ministers, and they are a "clean stream" in the court, neither helping the ambitious right ministers nor the royalists. However, this is not the case behind the scenes, perhaps Grand Master Su was also kept in the dark.

But no matter what, the emperor would not let another fourth concubine be a bargaining chip in their camp.

First get rid of Concubine De, and then deal with those dog legs who rely on Concubine De's power to bully others. Cut off Grand Master Su's party feathers, and then he can continue to appoint Grand Master Su.

He dared to use it without any influence behind him. At that time, he will just make up for the Su family.

After getting rid of the Soviet Party, you can also clean up some small cliques around the right prime minister. The big ones can't be moved for the time being, but it doesn't matter, they can all be cleaned up sooner or later.

If the Soviet Party and the Yu Party did not unite, the emperor would not take action against them. It's only strange that they have big hearts. Fu Yanjun will not allow the court to be unbalanced, and the right side is the only one.

"Your Majesty, it's late at night." The chief eunuch stepped forward to remind him.

The emperor nodded slightly: "Let's go, go back to the palace."

On the second day, the emperor issued an order to deprive Concubine Mei of her title and reduce her to Concubine Yu. As for An Jieyu, some rewards were sent over as comfort.

As for the concubine Xi who had contributed to persuading the fight, the emperor allowed her to enter the Changzui Palace as an exception.

There are only eight main palaces in Dayan's harem. Generally speaking, only second-rank wives are eligible to enter the main hall of the main palace, but they are also talking about the small and medium-sized palaces around the main palace. Like the Eight Palaces, it is generally necessary to be a concubine to be in charge.

The emperors of past dynasties sometimes had many concubines, more than eight in total. Those concubines can't enter the main palace, so they can only be wronged in the medium-sized palace.

Nowadays, there are fewer beauties in the harem of this generation of emperors. Mrs. Mi was in charge of the Xianluo Palace as a wife before, but she is still a wife after all. It is almost impossible for a concubine to become the lord of the first house.

Of course, not only because of the so-called "persuading the fight", but also because the emperor didn't intend to suppress the right-hand party all at once, which would only cause the Yu party to backlash. Knock a stick and give a sweet date to appease Quan Zuo. Anyway, a concubine can't make a big wave.

However, the honor of concubine Xi is the first in the palace, so it is still very enviable.

Her elder sister, Concubine Yu, was the most unconvinced and also the most jealous. Obviously she entered the palace first, but now she is not as good as her younger sister who just entered the palace, how can she be reconciled

This is also one of the emperor's goals, the more conflicts between the two sisters, the better for him. The members of the Yu party started to kill each other, how could he not be happy

Now, Concubine Yu and Concubine Xi are living together in Changzui Palace, but one is confined in the side hall and the other is in the main hall. The emperor didn't know what he was thinking, and for several days in a row, concubine Yu was lucky enough to make concubine Yu, who was not far away, almost go crazy every time he heard the movement.

Seeing that the excitement was almost over, His Majesty the Emperor stopped coming here frequently and resumed the previous frequency.

Concubine Shen Gui also selected a companion to read, and handed it over to Jinli to deal with.

The child was taken into the palace soon, and he would go home to celebrate the New Year with his family on the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month. After the Lantern Festival, go back to the palace and continue to accompany Qingxi.

It is not difficult to set up a government school for women. There was a government school in the former Miyamoto. Dayan folk customs are open, and it is not a big deal for men and women to enter the school together. The left and right are not sitting in the same classroom to attend the same class, but they will meet each other when the get out of class is over.

The front palace is close to the palace gate, so it is easier to enter and exit.

After finishing the business, Shen Yuqing left her daughter to those little kids. Originally, she promised to teach her daughter how to control the situation, but in the end, she refused to fulfill her obligation with excuses such as "Qingxi has done a good job, so there is no need to teach her", "Let her go about it on her own, and if she stumbles later, I will guide her again".

Then he pestered the empress all day long, saying that he wanted to discuss the parenting experience of educating his daughter together. But in fact, the two of them didn't exchange any parenting experience, and they were only interested in exchanging ideas about raising flowers and planting grass.

His Majesty the Emperor came to Fengyi Palace for lunch one day, only to find that it was lunch time, and the two of them hadn't eaten yet, and they were happily tossing the potted plants. As for Qingxi, she had already taken her companion and younger brother to take a nap after lunch.

"Even children know to eat on time." The emperor scolded them, "Why don't you two eat on time?"

Shen Guifei rubbed her stomach: "I have eaten too much snacks, I can't eat any more."

The two of them were tossing flowers and plants while eating snacks, and they were full by accident.

The specific situation is this: when the Empress is tossing, Concubine Shen cleans her hands and feeds her pastries; when Concubine Shen is tossing, the Empress washes her hands and feeds her.

The two of you come and go, and if you don't pay attention, you eat too much and forget to save your stomach for lunch.

His Majesty the Emperor who was suddenly shown a face: "..."

He won't come to Fengyi Palace for dinner in the future!

The result of not coming is that the two of them appear more and more like no one else, and their relationship develops at a rapid pace. The emperor felt that it was a loss.

The days were so ordinary and it was Laba. On this day, the empress herself cooked a big pot of Laba porridge for the children early in the morning.

Little ones like to eat sweets, so Empress Fu added some more sugar on purpose. Each person is given a small bowl, which is just enough to pad their stomachs, and then they can go to Haiyan Temple for snacks.

Laba day is an important festival, so naturally there are palace banquets.

However, because the two empresses were very "busy" before, this time the palace banquet was going to be thrown to Miss Jinli by them with excuses. Concubine Shen Gui only gave a special order to ask someone to set up a stove and snacks in the side hall for the children to toss about.

Qingxi definitely doesn't like a well-behaved palace banquet. There are a lot of children in the palace recently, and it is easy to cause trouble at the palace banquet, so it is better to specially arrange a separate small hall for them, and toss around at will.

The empress dowager thought that since we had already held a small banquet for the little ones, it would be better to hold another one for the young men and women. It just so happens that Haiyan Palace has two side halls, one for Qingxi and the others to play around with, and the other for unmarried girls and boys to have a banquet. If they can gather a couple of lovers, it will be considered a merit.

—Concubine Shen and the Empress had a private discussion under the quilt, and felt that the Empress Dowager must have been in a hurry to make this suggestion. It seems that the daughter will not be able to get married, so seize every opportunity to toss the blind date banquet, maybe the daughter will find the right man

Therefore, the noble concubine and the queen unanimously decided to hand over the blind date banquet to Princess Qixue, and she would serve as the host to entertain those young masters and ladies. As for the imperial concubine and empress, don't mess around.

As expected, Qixue was very happy, took over the task with great interest, and even arranged some small activities in a serious manner. For example, competitions in poetry, calligraphy and painting, piano, chess, dance and music. After the banquet, there will be pot throwing games, etc., and even want to take them to the imperial garden to enjoy the snow.

His Majesty the Emperor had no objection at all, so he directly asked people to control the Imperial Garden, and then asked his sister to take people to play. Not to mention snow appreciation, snowball fights are no problem.

The banquet will last from morning to evening, and the banquet will not be over until the dinner is used up. In the morning, the children drank the hot Laba porridge and ran to Haiyan Palace in groups.

The childlike Dong Xiao took Man Xing to participate in the decoration of the side hall, which basically became a playground. There are different toys in different areas, and different snacks are placed everywhere, which is convenient for them to eat at any time.

Children eat a lot and digest quickly. There is no need to eat serious dry rice at noon, it is still a variety of porridge. Wait until evening, and then fill your stomach with food.

The empress was very worried about whether they would be able to eat dinner, but seeing that Qingxi was satisfied with the arrangement of the palace banquet, she didn't say anything. As long as the daughter is happy, it's okay if she doesn't eat occasionally.

Concubine Shen Gui led the little radish head into the warm side hall, where the charcoal basin was lit before dawn, fearing that the children would be frozen. As soon as they entered the room, the little ones felt the warmth and immediately became excited, probably because they didn't want to go out anymore.

"Play well here." Shen Yuqing pinched her daughter's face and said with a smile, "There will be new friends playing with you in a while, so don't bully them."

This time, with the grace of the emperor, the ministers were allowed to bring all the children over five years old in the family. When the time comes, throw them into the side hall together and let them play by themselves.

Shen Yuqing specially passed a message to the Shen family, asking to bring Shen Liyi. The two-year-old chubby cub walks flickeringly, very cute. Shen Yuqing hugged him and found that this guy was almost as heavy as Qingxi.

"What do you usually eat?" Shen Yuqing pinched his face.

This kid is so stupid that he doesn't even know how to resist. Grabbing a pastry and chewing happily, I don't care if my face is pinched.

Seeing Shen Yuqing asking him something, he showed a cute smile and called, "Auntie!"

"Hey, good boy." Shen Yuqing kissed him.

Seeing this, Qin Yuqing, the wife of Shen Yuqing's cheap elder brother, covered her lips and smiled: "Your Majesty, don't make trouble with him, this kid is going to cry, I'll show you when he cries!"

Shen Liyi's little bun has not yet become a little man, he is still a little crying bag. It is said that some time ago, she was bullied by the one-year-old daughter of Qin's younger brother, crying heartbroken and out of breath.

It is also very embarrassing.

Shen Yuqing squeezed his chubby little paw: "Don't be afraid, throw it to Qingxi in a while, and he won't cry."

Qin Shi shook her head helplessly, but she had to admit that Qingxi and this child did get along well.

I thought they had only met once, and after not seeing each other for several months, the two children would forget each other. In the end, she still remembered that Mrs. Shen brought Shen Liyi into the palace to see Shen Yuqing a few days ago, and the two children played happily for half the afternoon. Before leaving, Qingxi was still very reluctant to part with Shen Liyi.

But Shen Liyi, a heartless little fat man, only remembered to eat, and he did not let go of the snacks from Jianjia Palace, and even brought them home to eat.

"Let's go, Qingxi should be waiting." Shen Yuqing hugged Shen Liyi and personally sent her to the side hall, told Qingxi to take good care of her cousin, and then returned to the main hall with her sister-in-law, Qin Shi.

It's not yet time to start the banquet, the ladies get together in twos and threes to chat and gossip, while the men are all talking on the other side. There is a screen in the middle, and the emperor and empress dowager have not come yet.

Not long after, there was some commotion outside. Man Xing went out to have a look, and came back to Concubine Shen Guifei and said: "The eldest princess ordered someone to set up a target in the open space, and many young masters are competing in archery right now!"

Haiyan Palace is a courtyard-style layout with a large open space in the middle. Qixue asked people to circle a corner to compete with the young masters in shooting arrows. The sound outside was the cheers of other young masters, mixed with the laughter of some young ladies. It was obvious that the group of unmarried teenagers in the side hall had all gone out to join in the fun.

The wives laughed after hearing this, they couldn't go out and join in the fun, they could only wait for someone to inquire about the news. On the contrary, the men next door went out to watch with great interest, wanting to see how their son was doing.

Concubine Xi took a sip of tea, and heard that the little eunuch came to report that her elder brother, Mr. Yu, had performed very well among the civil servants, and he was in a good mood. She nodded her lips with a handkerchief, and said with a smile: "My younger brother has always been like this, he is very strict with his studies. The master of the official school said that a gentleman should master all six arts, so he dare not slack off, he practiced horse riding and archery seriously." on."

Wei Zhaoyi, who was sitting below her, listened, nodded with a smile and said, "Young Master Yu is really powerful."

Originally Concubine Xi was supposed to be sitting under Concubine Yu and An Jieyu, but one had her feet grounded and the other was pregnant and couldn't move around, so they didn't come. So there was Wei Zhaoyi next to her, and the one next to her was Liu Zhaoyi who had made a joke in the palace last time.

On the top is Concubine Mi, who doesn't like to talk to others, eats snacks on her own, and doesn't give anyone a look. What Concubine Xi said, she acted as if she didn't hear it.

Concubine Xi was a little unhappy at first, but she was two ranks lower than Concubine Mi, so it was hard to say anything. Seeing that Wei Zhaoyi was so knowledgeable, she finally felt a little relieved, and she was more pleasing to the eyes of this village woman with no background.

In fact, Wei Zhaoyi is not considered a village woman, she is the daughter of a small official outside Beijing, and her family really has no background. However, in the eyes of a daughter of an important minister like Xipin, she is indeed no different from a village woman.

Fortunately, she herself doesn't care about the eyes of others, as always, she is low-key and gentle, and never takes the initiative to compete for favor. The emperor has been fond of her in the past few months, and the palace people are happy to give this good-natured Empress Zhaoyi some extra convenience.

Liu Zhaoyi next to her was different. After entering the palace, she didn't do anything serious, and offended others. But she thinks she is the best at flirting, so she won't give up such a good opportunity to Wei Zhaoyi. She quickly took the lead and started to praise Xi Bi and her younger brother,

Concubine Xi was even more satisfied.

Wei Zhaoyi ate with lowered eyebrows and focused eyes, and didn't interrupt anymore, lest Liu Zhaoyi would hate her for stealing her chance to get ahead.

The little maid came over and served a piece of fruit to the concubines. There are few fruits in winter, and it is difficult to eat fresh fruits. Concubine Xi is okay, the family has money, and can occasionally buy exceptional things, such as melons and fruits, Liu Zhaoyi looks much poorer. She was very pleasantly surprised when she saw the fruit, she didn't expect this to be served at the palace banquet.

Wei Zhaoyi quietly paid attention to the expressions of Xipin and Liu Zhaoyi, and adjusted her expression.

She usually has a lot of melons and fruits, but she doesn't know if other favored concubines are also treated in the same way. Now it seems that he seems to be taken care of

She was a little moved, but it wasn't the emperor who ordered someone to give him melons and fruits. The emperor's favor is unreliable, and she knows in her heart that if you give her melons and fruits today, you will denigrate her for being extravagant tomorrow.

In her opinion, what deserves more gratitude is the empress and imperial concubine who kept this matter secret. If they hadn't acted, I'm afraid that other women in the palace would have heard about her "special treatment" long ago. How could she live a peaceful life by then

Thinking of Princess Qingxi whom she met when she went out to admire the snow two days ago, she couldn't help but soften a little.

At that time, Qingxi took a bunch of radish and tilted her head to look at her: "I remember you! Concubine Wei!"

She smiled and bowed to Qingxi: "His Royal Highness actually remembers the concubine?"

"You are beautiful." Qingxi blushed, "This is for you."

As he spoke, he handed over a plum branch.

After delivering the flowers, she took her younger brothers to play happily again, and before leaving, she didn't forget to turn her head and tell her to go back early, saying that it was cold outside.

She cared about others at such a young age, Princess Qingxi was taught very well by the two empresses, no wonder His Majesty likes her so much. Usually, when His Majesty came to her palace, he would also talk about her daughter.

"Ms. Zhaoyi." The little maid served another dessert, reminding Wei Zhaoyi in a low voice to get back to her senses.

Wei Zhaoyi smiled gratefully at her.

The little maid lowered her head, put down her snacks, and retreated respectfully.

Next to him, Liu Zhaoyi was still lamenting the delicious taste of the fruit, and took the time to compliment Xi Concubine: "I'm afraid she often eats such good food, unlike my concubine, I haven't seen melons and fruits since the beginning of winter."

Concubine Xi smiled slightly: "What's this worth? I'll send you some next time."

Liu Zhaoyi happily thanked her, thinking it would be better to curry favor with her concubine Xi. Concubine De and Mrs. Shu are not kind at all, and they are also narrow-minded.

Wei Zhaoyi didn't want to participate in the chat between the two of them, and she didn't dare to lose her mind anymore, so she could only focus on the concubines above to see what they were talking about.

"I heard that sister Defei has a bad appetite recently?" Concubine Shen asked with concern, "Have you seen the imperial doctor?"

Concubine De's face froze: "Look, it's not a big problem, thank you for your concern."

Concubine De finally recovered from the injury on her arm, and then she had her period again recently. The emperor came to her palace for several days, but left again because of menstruation.

For a whole month, Concubine De missed many bedtime visits, and was so angry that she couldn't eat anymore. But she had to pretend that nothing had happened, and let the people in the palace guess why the emperor didn't visit her.

She had already entered Yunxiang Palace, but the emperor sat in her palace for a while, then went to see the pregnant An Jieyu, and left. After that, he either went to Xibi's place, or went back to Zichen Palace to rest by himself.

There were many things to say in the palace, those women didn't know that she was menstruating and it was inconvenient to serve her bed, they would only say that she had offended the emperor, and the emperor didn't stay in her palace overnight, so he had to go to other concubines.

However, Concubine De is not good at publicizing to others, saying that she has not fallen out of favor, but that she can't sleep with her. After all, menstruation is not something that can be announced, how shameful it is to say it openly

Thinking of this, Concubine De couldn't help but glare at Concubine Xi secretly. Every time the emperor left, he would pamper this woman, how could she not hate it!

Of course Concubine De didn't know that the emperor had deliberately picked this time to come to her palace, and he had also deliberately gone to Xi Concubine's place.

Aren't the Su Party and the Yu Party a gang? Then let the concubines of the two parties beat their own people, and the alliance will pinch them first.

Anyway, the emperor didn't want to do anything with Concubine De, he found some news recently, which made him feel extremely disgusted with Concubine De.

The author has something to say: After all, it’s melon writing, and I’ve shortened most of the plots and tricks. In fact, the plot yesterday was very simple, maybe I made it complicated...

The main content is: Sister Yu pretended to be Concubine Mi to contact An Jieyu, and lied to An Jieyu that she wanted Concubine Shen to get rid of her fake fetus. In fact, she wanted her sister to get rid of the fake fetus and frame her. But she was used by her younger sister, and she ran into An Jieyu herself.

Thanks to mines: Fengqiao x1, Liuyao x1, Silence x1

Thank you for the nutrient solution: turn around fire samadhi+10, Xiaosheng Moya+10, Gu Shaojing+2, nayjolno+10, ""+10, everything is floating clouds+10, r3344+80, Wty+10, Jinye Weiyang+ 10. Ho Ho Ho +1