The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 5: ⑤ Pick a girl


As soon as Shen Guifei entered the door, the first thing she saw was the empress who was already sitting on top.

"Greetings to Empress." Concubine Shen Gui casually bowed, and sat down on the throne on the left of Empress Empress.

Today, the two of them are in charge of the re-election, so the seat opposite Concubine Shen is vacant. A group of court ladies and eunuchs stood behind the two empresses, with solemn faces, not angry but mighty, trying their best to create an aura for their empresses, and give the new couple a little bit of power.

Hanqiu, the maid of honor next to the empress, brought a roster and sent it over, but was caught by Man Xing and forwarded to Shen Yuqing.

"This is the list of girls who have passed the primary selection this year." The queen looked at the entrance of the main hall, and said slowly, "Your Majesty's meaning, I think the concubine sister also knows. Except for that Miss Su, other People, don’t put them in Yunxiang Palace.”

Concubine Shen Gui was not surprised, she casually flipped through the booklet, and responded softly.

"For those who don't want to enter the palace, I will put up a sign first." She said, turning her head to look at Shen Yuqing, "It's all marked on the roster, and the circled ones are the ones."

Shen Yuqing nodded: "Yes."

After quickly flipping through the roster, I saw a few people's names were ticked off with a Chinese ink brush. These were noble girls who were definitely going to enter the palace, and Shen Yuqing knew about them before. She turned her head and asked Man Xing beside her, "When will the re-election start?"

"There is still a quarter of an hour." The little baby in Man Xing's arms was making a fuss, Xu Shi met the queen and wanted to go over and ask for a hug.

Man Xing couldn't hold on, and glanced at his concubine, seeing that the empress had nothing to say, so he had no choice but to let go, and let the adults go to the queen's side.

Shen Yuqing took a cup of tea and sipped her tea, while covering up the smile on her lips.

Empress Fu paused, stretched out her arms to hug the lord, and glanced at Shen Yuqing by the way. I always feel that she is doing it on purpose, but I don't know why. When she first entered the palace, this imperial concubine was a thorn in the side, not only hating anyone who was upset, but even her queen was very disrespectful. The emperor had a few conversations with Shen Yuqing behind his back, but the effect was not good. Shen Yuqing was not a good talker, so she always hated her when she was upset.

Everything changed suddenly half a year ago.

At that time, Shen Yuqing seemed to have discovered some secret, and suddenly stopped talking to her like other concubines, and seemed to regard her as an ally. Although he is arrogant and domineering on weekdays, he still respects the queen very much.

Empress Fu asked the emperor about this matter, the emperor pondered for a while, and said: "She may know about our relationship."

The emperor and empress are not husband and wife, before Shen Yuqing was too lazy to explore these secret relationships, so she didn't know. But one night half a year ago, she was running around in the palace to relax, and came across the strange relationship between the emperor and the empress, and she realized that the empress was on her side. Moreover, unlike what she thought before, the queen is the emperor's true love, that's why the emperor didn't let her hate the queen.

Therefore, Shen Yuqing decided to change her style of work, and after spending some time inquiring into the emperor's attitude towards concubines and empress dowagers, she figured out how she should act. The queen mother can't hate, the queen can't hate, and the rest, as long as the mother's family is not legitimately reused in the court, they can feel free to hate.

In the harem, it is rare to meet an innocent beauty who can be flirted with. Shen Yuqing, who likes women, wants to find someone to fall in love with when she is bored. After several months of investigation, she decisively decided to test Empress Fu's attitude.

First use Mr. Cat to get closer, and then find an opportunity to reveal the truth. Empress Fu is a smart person, and she will definitely find out what she means. If you see the right way, then take the person home. Anyway, the emperor doesn't want it, so it's just cheaper for her.

Under the master's signal, Mr. Mao nestled in the empress's arms to show off his cuteness. Empress Fu couldn't bear it, her tense face eased, she couldn't help but chuckled slightly, and nodded her little nose.

"Are you hungry?" She raised her hand, and the palace lady Han Qiu immediately took the dried fish.

Knowing that the imperial concubine is coming today, I have already prepared the dried fish, and I am waiting to feed it to my lord.

The adults happily ate the top-quality dried fish, and the queen stared at it for a while, until the eunuch Xia Sui came forward to report that it was time, and she nodded slightly: "Let's start."

The re-election has begun.

According to the roster, a group of five entered the hall. Those who passed the re-election went to the Dongpian Hall to wait for the final election, and those who failed waited in the courtyard outside the hall to be sent out of the palace in batches.

The people from the west side hall were brought in in groups, and the roster was not known in what order, it seemed that those from outside Beijing came first. However, none of them are daughters with excellent family backgrounds. At most, they have the daughter of a high-ranking official outside Beijing. Unfortunately, either the body looks weak and difficult to give birth, or the family has made a promise in advance.

Concubine Shen was idly leaning on the throne, watching boredly. After watching it for a while, I yawned while taking advantage of the change, thinking it would be more interesting to watch my own adults play.

The Queen's brows were also a little tired, Shen Guifei suddenly regained her spirits when she saw this, and after sitting upright, she waved for Man Xing to come over.

"Niang Niang?" Man Xing lowered his voice.

Shen Yuqing winked, and Man Xing immediately understood, took out the small jade bottle she was carrying with her, and brought it to Han Qiu.

"Sister Hanqiu, this is the essential oil my mother made herself. It can relieve fatigue and refresh oneself." She stuffed it into Hanqiu's hands, "The weather is getting hotter and hotter, people are prone to sleepiness."

Han Qiu accepted it with a smile, and was not afraid that the imperial concubine would poison the queen in it: "Then thank you, the imperial concubine."

After speaking, he dedicated the essential oil to the queen.

After using essential oils, the queen really felt refreshed and did not feel sleepy anymore. She subconsciously glanced at Shen Yuqing, and it fell into his smiling eyes.

Shen Yuqing was born to be good-looking, if she didn't often put on a mean and harsh look on purpose, she would actually be very likable.

Empress Fu calmly withdrew her gaze, lowered her eyes and gave the lord a smooth hair.

At this time, the next group of show girls came in.

The appearance of the five show girls who came here is obviously higher than that of the previous ones. This kind of job of selecting show girls is usually painful and happy after taking over. On the one hand, you can choose your opponents, but on the other hand, you can’t do too much. No matter how much you want to keep a group of unattractive ones, you have to decide to keep them when you meet someone who is beautiful and talented. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the emperor to explain.

Fortunately, Empress Fu and Concubine Shen did not have such troubles, especially Concubine Shen, who wished to pick out more good-looking but unremarkable family backgrounds and use them to scare the women in the palace. Anyway, if the family background is not obvious, she can yell at her at will, and she doesn't have to be afraid that the other party will not be able to offend after climbing to a high position by virtue of her appearance and talent.

"The one in the middle, raise your head." Shen Guifei said lazily.

In the middle is a beautiful girl in pink, with a delicate and timid appearance, which makes Concubine Shen feel very familiar.

The other party raised his head slightly, but did not dare to raise his eyes, and still looked down with his eyes down. But she has revealed her appearance, she is indeed a little beauty, with creamy skin, petite face and exquisite figure.

Shen Yuqing raised her eyebrows slightly: "Raise your eyes, let me take a good look at it."

The girl in pink trembled, and raised her eyes bravely, looking at the imperial concubine sitting on the jade steps, a flash of amazement flashed across her eyes. Compared to herself who is not on the stage, the imperial concubine is indeed much more majestic.

The big eyes of Shui Lingling look timidly, it must be beautiful to cry. The imperial concubine was extremely satisfied: "Very good, what's your name?"

"Fang Cai'er, a civil daughter." She quickly replied, "The daughter of the sheriff of Nanzhao County."

Nanzhao County is just around Huaijing. Although it is outside Beijing, it is not far away. Shen Yuqing was not surprised that there were many beautiful girls in the south of the Yangtze River, she looked directly at Que Ri, the eunuch beside her.

Que Ri understood: "Leave a sign and give a sachet."

Naturally, a little eunuch came forward and offered a sachet.

Empress Fu watched the whole process without interrupting. After Shen Yuqing finished speaking, she asked about the situation of the other beautiful girls. But she didn't ask one by one, she just asked everyone to look up, and then ordered two beautiful ones.

The first person had shrewd calculations in his eyes, Empress Fu didn't like it, so she kept the second one.

"Du Wei, a folk girl." The girl was very quiet. After obediently reporting her name, she didn't say much, and she didn't take the initiative to show her talent.

Empress Fu nodded, very satisfied, and left a sign.

After this group of beautiful girls went down, Empress Fu asked casually: "Your concubine sister really likes that girl?"

Concubine Shen has a half smile but not a smile: "Sister, Concubine Shu and I have the same love as sisters. I am very happy to see someone who is so similar to Concubine Shu. I think Concubine Shu will also like it."

Sending a beautiful woman of the same model as Concubine Shu, I don't know if Concubine Shu will be too hungry to eat.

It's a pity that Concubine Shu's Feiyue Palace has already been booked to send Miss An from Shangshu's family, and it would be a bit deliberate to send another Miss Fang. Otherwise, if the decent concubine Shu and the low-profile version of concubine Shu are put together, there will be a good show.

The Empress was noncommittal, but said: "She is the only one in the Shengxiao Palace where Yao Cairen lives, and there is no host, so let Miss Fang live in."

A palace without a main seat is a good position. Once you are promoted to the position of the lady, you will have a chance to enter the main palace. The queen has chosen a good place for Miss Fang, it just depends on whether the other party has the ability to take over.

There are four big palaces in the east and west of the palace, and other than that, they are all small palaces, even if the main seat is occupied, it is nothing. But there are only eight big palaces, Jianjia Palace, Yunxiang Palace, Feiyue Palace, Yong'an Palace and Xianxu Palace all have masters, leaving only Shengxiao Palace and Sumei Palace, the competition is very fierce.

"What about Miss Du?" Shen Guifei asked curiously.

The Empress thought for a moment: "Let's go to Sumei Palace."

Sumei Palace is also very empty, only Xue Xiurong is alone. This person is the empress dowager's distant cousin, and she took care of the empress dowager's bad appetite before. Xue Xiurong is a low-key woman, she never does evil to others, and she doesn't like to invite favors in the name of the empress dowager, but she is not as restless as Yao Cairen in Shengxiao Palace, the empress takes good care of that Du Wei.

Concubine Shen Gui snorted inexplicably, unable to tell if she agreed or disagreed.

Empress Fu took another look at her, not knowing why she was in a bad mood again.

The author has something to say: The relationship line has officially started, and the heroine is about to enter the mode of eating melons and tearing up at the end︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

Thanks to mine: skinny x1

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Ran Ran +1, Qi Zuo Sheng Shang +5