The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 6: ⑥ Multiple selection


The imperial concubine who was in a bad mood started to catch whoever she was.

The next group of show girls came up, and it happened that there was a bold one among them, who didn't know the rules in the palace, and squinted his eyes randomly. Before the two empresses could open their mouths, they looked up and were immediately reprimanded by Que Ri.

Aunt Chu, who was in charge of explaining the rules to Xiu Nv, suddenly couldn't hold back her face, as if she had been slapped in the face. She knew that this beautiful girl might have no future, so she was not afraid of offending her, first she went up to apologize to the two empresses, and then reprimanded that beautiful girl.

Those who enter the palace are not afraid of anything else, but are most afraid of offending their master if they don't understand the rules. Not to mention whether the daughter of such a small official outside Beijing can enter the palace, even if she enters the palace, she will not be able to get any high position. Before you can climb up, you will be killed by yourself.

Concubine Shen watched the farce with great interest, after a long while, she lazily straightened her sleeves, and said slowly: "That's it."

Aunt Chu immediately fell silent.

"What more to say to such an unruly thing? Put down the sign."

The little eunuch Qingzhou next to the imperial concubine immediately took the flower and handed it to the beautiful girl. Those who passed the re-election left a sign and gave a sachet, and they could enter the palace without any accidents. The final election after that would only affect the final position. Those who have not passed the re-election will be rewarded with flowers and sent out of the palace. This is similar to the draft rules of the Qing Dynasty.

There are no rules for being positioned by a noble concubine. If this girl is from the capital, she might not be able to get married. The daughter of a petty official outside Beijing does not have much influence, and no one will know these things if they marry a little farther away.

The show girl was taken away angrily, and she couldn't even go out with the remaining four companions. It just so happened that a motorcade came to pick up the show girl who hadn't passed the re-election out of the palace, and Aunt Chu made the decision to put the show girl into the team first, so she didn't have to wait in line with the others to leave.

With such a catastrophe, she dare not stay in the palace anymore, in case she accidentally offends some nobleman...

Although today's re-election is presided over by the noble concubine and the empress, no one can tell if other concubines will come to watch the excitement.

Inside the main hall, Concubine Shen nestled back into the throne without much interest, and waved her hand to let the four beautiful girls go down. The queen didn't say a word, but she didn't like it, so the four of them were also dismissed.

It's not interesting to go through several groups in a row. The queen ordered a few girls who looked at their duty to show their talents, but it turned out that they were not duty-bound at all.

There was a girl who looked quite quiet, but what she said was very philistine, and it seemed that she was not a law-abiding master. Don't say that the queen doesn't like it, even the concubine directly put down the sign.

The emperor didn't intend to choose too many women into the palace, but in order to silence the officials, he still had to pick some symbolically. At the very least, there must be a dozen or so. Except for those who are confirmed to be given high-ranking points, the rest are basically sealed with six or seven ranks for soy sauce. As for whether you can get ahead, it depends on your own ability.

A few years ago, the emperor changed the rules of the draft. Except that the daughters of officials above the third rank in the capital must participate in the election, those outside Beijing and those below the third rank are not so strict. If you don't want to run, you don't have to come. Those who came here were basically not willing, or forced by family members.

Empress Fu and Concubine Shen had no intention of harming others, so naturally they would not choose those beautiful women who would be reluctant to look at them, that would ruin others. However, there are quite a few people who want to enter the palace. Although the conditions are harsh - you must want to enter the palace, and you must not have a bad mind - pick and choose, at least I have selected a few who meet the requirements.

But it is estimated that there will be no achievements after entering the palace, but they are just picked out to make up for it.

Halfway through, the main event finally arrived.

Su Qiaoxin came in.

Concubine Shen changed her previous arrogance and sternness, and smiled at Su Qiao in an amiable way: "Is this the daughter of Grand Master Su's family? She looks really iconic."

Empress Fu glanced at her, wondering what she was planning to do.

"Skillful hands, good name." Shen Yuqing pointed to the roster and said with a light smile.

Su Qiaoxin was very proud. She had heard that Concubine Shen in the palace was very domineering. Before she came, she thought about how to deal with the concubine's difficulties. Unexpectedly, the noble concubine had a wink, and immediately sold it after seeing her.

She is the biggest concubine in the palace, so why should she sell it to others? Unless, Shen Yuqing was sure that she would be favored by the emperor as soon as she entered the palace, so she didn't dare to compete with her.

Su Qiaoxin raised her chin slightly, enjoying it very much, while enjoying the envious eyes of the four beautiful girls around her.

There was a flash of clarity in Empress Fu's eyes, she probably knew what Concubine Shen Gui was going to do.

Lifting people up to the sky first, and then throwing them down hard, why does this method look so familiar

After thinking about it for a while, I thought of Concubine Shu now, and thought of Yunxiang Palace where Su Qiaoxin was going to stay soon... Empress Fu laughed, and suddenly figured out why she looked familiar. Isn't this the emperor's usual strategy

However, Shen Yuqing was willing to show favor to others. Empress Fu thought that Shen Yuqing was an arrogant master who would never bow her head. It seems that she doesn't know this woman well enough, I'm afraid that all the things in the past were all disguised by Shen Yuqing.

"Miwu." The lord snuggled into the queen's arms, licked her chin, and called the queen's attention back.

The queen gently scratched its little belly, and was hugged by it.

No longer thinking about it, the queen listened to the imperial concubine making the decision to keep Su Qiaoxin, so she took the initiative to order a few beautiful girls who were in the same group as Su Qiaoxin, and also kept a sign.

This group of people is probably the show girl who hates Su Qiaoxin the most so far. The emperor doesn't allow Sai people to enter the side hall of Yunxiang Palace, so let them all be stuffed into the small palaces around Yunxiang Palace.

I have been busy until the afternoon before finishing selecting all the show girls. Afterwards, the final election no longer required her and the empress to show up, and the group of show girls had to meet the empress dowager to show off their talents.

There were only a dozen or so people in total, and after the show, the queen mother decided to give a higher position to whom. After revealing the meaning to the queen, the queen made the final decision, and then showed it to the emperor. If there was no opinion, it was decided.

Originally, the final selection was the job of the emperor, but the emperor didn't want to see it, so he left it to the queen mother.

After the final selection, all the girls who passed the draft went back to their homes first, and those outside Beijing went to the inn arranged by the royal family, and waited for the officials from the Ministry of Rites to come and read out the will of the canonization, and then packed up and went to the palace the next day. However, no matter how high one's status is, at most one can only be carried into the palace in a small sedan chair, and there are regulations on how much dowry one can bring into the palace.

This group of women in the palace, except for the queen who has experienced a big marriage and the noble concubine who has experienced a small marriage, is also treated this way. Even the two concubines who were born as palace maids didn't even have to carry the process into the palace. After the emperor's blessing, he directly gave the palace to him, quietly, as if nothing happened.

"So these women want to enter the palace for everything?" Concubine Shen did not understand.

It's all about grabbing men from a group of women. If you marry another man, you can be a big wife anyway, and there won't be so many concubines. The number of concubines in the Yan Dynasty was limited, and people of different ranks could have different numbers of concubines, which was much less than that of the unrestrained emperor.

What's more, the men outside are not as difficult to serve as the emperor, they can kill you at every turn.

The second eunuch Qing Yuan knelt at the feet of the imperial concubine and beat her legs. After hearing the imperial concubine's sighs, he had no answer. As an eunuch, he could not understand the thoughts of women. On the contrary, after Man Xing handed the adult to Biran, the maid in charge of taking care of the cat, he answered with a smile: "Perhaps he was fascinated by the glory and wealth."

He only sees power and favor, but not the naked reality.

Concubine Shen waved them all down, and picked up the cat that was struggling to pounce on her. Whatever they do, her goal is to work hard to save the dowry, and find a chance to marry the queen back home.

"Has everything been delivered?" Concubine Shen Gui asked while sitting on the bed.

Man Xing took off the bed curtain for her while responding: "Send it, the empress likes it very much."

Can you not like it, the doll pillow made by the skilled embroiderer in the palace is the only one in this era. Concubine Shen was an NPC who kept pace with the times before she traveled. Although she lived in the holographic game of the martial arts world, it doesn't mean she doesn't understand trends. Little girls love cute dolls, and big girls are no exception.

Shen Yuqing was very satisfied: "Reward."

"Here." Man Xing agreed with a smile on his face.

Once the imperial concubine rewards someone, the whole palace rewards them together, and they are never stingy. Anyway, His Majesty the Emperor paid for it, so why should she save money for this stinky man.

Going to bed early and getting up early is in good health. The imperial concubine rolled her arms on the huge bed a few times, buried her hairy belly for a while, and fell asleep contentedly with her face covered in scratches. Today is the first day for the newly promoted concubines to enter the palace, and I don't know who the emperor ordered to sleep. Tomorrow morning, the Queen's Fengyi Palace will definitely not be peaceful. She has to keep her spirits up and wait for the good show.

Early the next morning, Miss Manchen, who was not surprised, brought Miss Bige, who was not yet at home, to dress up the empress. The corners of Bi Ge's mouth twitched and took out the best wound medicine to smear on the empress's face, and then covered the scratches with makeup powder. Finally, after tossing so much that she could see people, she watched the empress sit on the small sedan chair from the palace.

"Your Majesty was slapped in the face again?" Bi Liu tidied up the dressing table and asked with a smile.

Bi Ge sighed frowningly: "Your Majesty really doesn't take her appearance seriously."

Fortunately, the claws of adults are not sharp, otherwise, what should I do if there are scars? You can't cover it with powder every day, right

"You are just worrying about nothing, just worrying about it." Bi Liu didn't care, "The girl doesn't know about your mother's skills, and you don't know?"

As she spoke, she glanced at the door, and a coldness flashed in her eyes.

"That's right." Bi Ge nodded, without further words.

The author has something to say: Don’t bother memorizing the second-class court ladies and eunuchs. Although each has a division of labor, the roles are not important, so it doesn’t matter if you get confused

Just remember two points, the second-class maids around the heroine are all Bi X, and the second-class eunuchs are all Qing X

[Spoilers in the front row] Among the second-class maids, only "Bi Yan" needs attention. This is Xiu Zhu's exclusive role, and there will be a special scene behind it

Thanks to mine: skinny x3

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Do you eat sugar +5, Bei Yuxianqing +1, Ran Ran +1, Qing Yu Mo Jue +1