The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 60: ⑥⑩Prescribe medicine


Concubine Shen didn't pay attention to the brain tonic emperors in the harem, at the moment she was sitting in Fengyi Palace having tea with the empress.

Below, Madam Fu from Shoukang Palace was speaking back.

"You don't need to be too polite, Mammy, please sit down quickly." They were all a family, and the two ladies didn't mean to take Joe, so they invited them to sit down.

Fu Momo looked at the two empresses with a smile, like a kind elder looking at a younger generation: "The empress dowager asked the old servant to ask, when the imperial concubine and empress spilled the tea earlier, did she burn her hands? The empress dowager is not at ease. , Looking at Miss Xiang's arm, I'm worried about you."

After all, the teacups of this era do not have a handle in later generations, at most there is a cup holder under it. Even so, it is too hot to hold, not to mention that if the imperial concubine wants to accurately control the position where the spilled tea is spilled, she must touch the cup body with her own hands.

Nanny Fu looked at Concubine Shen's fingertips, but she didn't see anything.

Shen Yuqing showed her her fingers generously: "That temperature won't burn me, I have internal strength to protect my body, so don't worry about the queen mother."

"That's good."

Nanny Fu breathed a sigh of relief, but she still left behind the scald ointment she had specially brought, and told the two of them carefully so that they would do less dangerous things next time.

"The old slave thinks that Miss Xiang is probably a restless person. Your empress, don't wrong yourself in front of her. What the empress dowager means is that since this person has already entered the palace, he can only be handled by me. If she makes trouble later You two don't have to give her any shameful things."

I'm afraid the Fu family didn't think about it, the bigwigs in the palace secretly belonged together, no matter how many girls from the Fu family brought in, they would be beaten with meat buns. Now the empress dowager looks like she doesn't care about everything, the empress and the emperor don't care about the Fu family, if the girl is in the palace, they don't even have a place to cry.

Shen Yuqing thought it was funny, those Fu family members were probably spoiled by Fu Yanjun and the queen mother a few years ago, and they still can't see the situation clearly.

"I see, Mammy, please go slowly." Concubine Shen raised her chin, "Que Ri Xia Sui, you guys go there yourself, and send Nanny back to Shoukang Palace."

"Yes!" The two eminent eunuchs quickly responded without any displeasure.

After a few days, this Miss Xiang really made a fuss.

This day the emperor came to accompany the queen mother to have lunch. Fu Xiang, who was recuperating in his own room, endured the pain in his arm, and sat obediently beside the queen mother, as if he insisted on serving the queen mother for dinner.

The Queen Mother didn't drive her away either, she just talked to His Majesty the Emperor, and didn't take the initiative to say something to Fu Xiang.

Plates of delicacies with all kinds of color, fragrance and taste were put on the table, most of which were vegetarian dishes. The queen mother is getting old, she doesn't like to eat meaty dishes, she fell in love with those exquisite vegetarian dishes, and Shoukang Palace has raised many cooks who are proficient in this kind.

The vegetarian food tastes very delicious, but Fu Xiang's face is turning green after eating vegetarian food for several days in a row. Fortunately, today is a meal with the emperor, so she doesn't feel so unbearable anymore. There is an innocent and charming smile on her face, but she looks at the emperor with a bit of resentment and admiration, as if she is a simple person who can't hide her emotions. little girl.

His Majesty the Emperor also ignored her.

After a while, when the dishes were about to be served, the Empress Dowager suddenly asked, "Where's Nurse Yan?"

Fu Momo hurriedly sent someone to call Yan Momo, and asked, "Ma'am, is this?"

Ordinary people don't dare to ask these casually, even if they have doubts, they will bury them in their hearts. But Nanny Fu is a confidant of the Empress Dowager, so it doesn't matter if she says something out of bounds.

The Empress Dowager's expression was indifferent: "Young girl entered the palace not long ago, and she hasn't learned many rules, especially the rules of eating with the emperor. Naturally, Yanmao can't leave at will. In the future, let her follow the girl all the time and teach the rules."

Nanny Yan was originally the nanny who was in charge of teaching the rules in Fu Xiang Palace, and this person was sent by the empress of Fengyi Palace in name. A few days ago Fu Xiang was scalded by tea, and the Empress made the excuse that "Xiang's cousin didn't learn the rules in the palace well, why don't you send a nanny to teach him", so she pushed him over.

This made Fu Xiang so angry that the queen almost said that she didn't understand the rules. But Shen Guifei was obviously rude, so why did it turn out that she didn't learn the rules well? Could it be that she was to be blamed for not dodging gracefully and gracefully when she was splashed with tea

Fu Xiang knew that the queen's cousin was deliberately taking the opportunity to suppress him, but he could only swallow all the bitterness. After all, she really doesn't know much about the rules in the palace. Compared with other concubines who were specially taught by the nuns during the general election, she looks like a wild girl without a tutor.

As the name suggests, this strict nun is very serious and serious, and she often satirizes her without profanity, without being honest at all. Later, the queen mother allowed Yanmaid to use some punishments, so Yanmai became more severe. If she did something wrong, it would not only be satirical, but also have all kinds of tormenting "training rules" methods.

As soon as he heard what the queen mother said, Fu Xiang immediately shook his body, he really didn't want to see the other party. What's more, the Empress Dowager still wanted Yan Yan to stare at her all the time, it was desperate to think about it.

She hastily opened her mouth to stop her: "Nurse Yan has already worked very hard to teach my servants, how can I make her follow my servants all the time?"

The Queen Mother felt that what she said made sense: "Nurse Yan really worked hard."

Fu Xiang's throat choked up. The queen mother's words seemed to be mocking her for not knowing the rules and making it hard for Yan to teach her

"How about this." The queen mother thought for a while, "Let the queen send another teaching nanny, and the two will take turns teaching you, so that it won't be too hard."

Fu Xiang: "..." She shouldn't be so mean!

Watching alone, there may be times when you are tired and distracted. If two people work in shifts, there is almost no chance for her to desert.

After a while, Nanny Yan came over. First saluted the masters, and then asked Fu Xiang: "Why is Miss Xiang sitting here? How decent is she!"

His Majesty the Emperor took the initiative to sit down, which was to respect the Empress Dowager. Fu Xiang sat on the other hand of the Empress Dowager, facing His Majesty the Emperor, which was definitely beyond the bounds. It would be fine if the queen mother pulled her to sit down, but the problem is that she sat down by herself, it can be seen that she forgot the rules when she saw the handsome emperor.

Sister Yan frowned suddenly, she looked more like a strict dean than Manchen.

Seeing this, Fu Xiang shuddered again, laughed even more like weeping, and said weakly: "Nurse, I want to serve my aunt for dinner..."

"Xiang girl is also kind." The queen mother said a word to help.

Fu Xiang was still waiting for her to continue to rescue him, but in the end he was gone. The queen mother closed her mouth and washed her hands in the small basin brought by the maid.

On the contrary, Nanny Yan spoke up, her tone of approval: "Miss is filial, which is commendable. But since he is serving the Empress Dowager, the old servant must teach the young lady how to serve others."

As he spoke, he walked over, forcing Fu Xiang to stand up, and standing beside the queen mother, holding the serving chopsticks and preparing to serve the queen mother with dishes.

—Didn't you say that you want to serve people's meals? Then obediently bring food to others.

Before marrying into the palace, Fu Xiang was forced to experience the bitter experience of a daughter-in-law serving her mother-in-law. But she can't say anything yet, who asked her to take the initiative to serve

As for the plan to hook up with the emperor and impress the emperor by taking advantage of the opportunity of having a meal... obviously aborted.

After finishing the meal, the emperor left without saying a few words, without giving Fu Xiang a chance to stay.

Fu Xiang put down his chopsticks angrily, and got permission from the Queen Mother to go down to eat by himself. After being hungry for a long time, I didn't talk about my stomach, and when I was serving the queen mother, I was also angry. Although the old woman didn't say anything, she obviously disliked her for her bad service. Fu Xiang reckoned that the dishes she picked up were not to the other party's liking.

Bah, she is not a roundworm in the queen mother's stomach, how would she know what the queen mother wants to eat

It's a big loss, and I didn't leave a good impression. I'm afraid the emperor still thinks that she is clumsy, which makes the queen mother unhappy.

Fu Xiang's eyes were determined, no, she wanted to find a chance to change the status quo. The efficiency of slow development is too low, let's use some extreme methods.

She called her personal maid to discuss the next layout with her.

After a few days, Mrs. Shu's restraint was released.

His Majesty the Emperor did not treat Mrs. Shu coldly, and went to Mrs. Shu's palace that night. The concubines in the harem heard that Madam Shu had just lifted the ban, so they sent a hairpin to the emperor. When His Majesty saw the hairpin, he was touched, and he no longer cared about what Madam Shu did back then, and respected her. All right.

As for this hairpin, it is naturally a token of the emperor's and Mrs. Shu's "sweet love" in the past. This trick is also used by the women in the palace. After falling out of favor, send something to them every once in a while to test whether the emperor has calmed down.

Obviously, the emperor should have calmed down. Not only went to see Mrs. Shu, but also stayed overnight in her palace. There was no court meeting the next day, so he left Mrs. Shu's Feiyue Palace only after three poles in the sun.

It was also because of this that Mrs. Shu missed the first greeting after the ban was lifted.

But she didn't pretend she didn't know about it, but went to Fengyi Palace afterwards, saying that she wanted to plead guilty to the empress.

"Mrs. Shu, long time no see." Empress Fu looked at Mrs. Shu calmly, "I was tired from serving His Majesty yesterday, so I just need to rest in the palace. Why come here on purpose? My palace doesn't care about these vain courtesy, so there's no need to plead guilty."

After finishing a paragraph, she said all that Mrs. Shu wanted to say.

She originally wanted to take the opportunity to show off her favor by taking advantage of the reason that she didn't come to pay her respects in the morning, so she rushed over to apologize to the queen. As a result, the Queen spoke out about these two things calmly, but she was forced to hold back her words, feeling very suffocated.

"Your Majesty is joking." Her smile froze slightly, "My Majesty is kind, but my concubines dare not act recklessly. Naturally, the rules in the palace must be observed."

The empress was noncommittal, she raised her eyes to glance at the beam, ignored the imperial concubine who was winking at her above her, and lowered her eyes to continue talking nonsense with Mrs. Shu.

"If it's all right, Mrs. Shu can go back."

Mrs. Shu ran over arrogantly, but failed to achieve any purpose. He wanted to test the Queen's opinion of that Miss Xiang, but he was ordered to leave before he could ask, so he had to go back in despair.

After the people left, Shen Yuqing jumped down from the beam: "I just heard some interesting news from your little hidden guard."

"What news?" Empress Fu became interested.

She was followed by a group of female dark guards, but the leader of the dark guards, Thirteen, followed at close range all the year round. That taciturn woman was neither ugly nor beautiful, very inconspicuous, but loyal. Shen Yuqing was also very remarkable to be able to get information out of her mouth. You must know that even if she talked to Fu Qiushui occasionally, she would skip out word by word.

Concubine Shen Gui liked to squeeze a chair with her very much, so she also leaned over at this moment, sticking to her. Then he put his arms around his daughter-in-law solemnly and talked about gossip: "This news is about your cousin."

There were no hidden guards around Fu Xiang originally, after all, the dark guards were short of manpower, and there was no way to spare one for Fu Xiang. Therefore, if the emperor wants to know the news of Fu Xiang, he can only rely on the original secret guards of Shoukang Palace.

Because of this, the news naturally lagged a bit. It took many days for Fu Xiang's layout to be discovered by the hidden guards.

I don't know if it's because the secret guards have their own way of spreading news, or Thirteen is the leader anyway, so he knows a lot of news. In short, Shen Yuqing got Fu Xiang's plan from her, but the plan was not complete, and even the hidden guards only got a part of it, so Concubine Shen had to rely on her brain to complete the logic.

"The Fu family still has some people in the palace." Concubine Shen told her as simply as possible, "She seems to use these people to do something, and then plant it on another concubine."

What happened is actually very simple, but just looking at one link, you will feel that Fu Xiang is tossing inexplicably.

She borrowed some hands from the Fu family who had been abandoned by the queen mother and others, and wanted to set up a plan, which could not only allow herself to enter the palace, but also drag a concubine into the water. The core method is that she intends to use aphrodisiacs to promote a physical relationship between herself and the emperor, so that the emperor has no choice but to bring her into the palace. But it's easy to be exposed, so I made another detour and made things—

There was a concubine who didn't like her and drugged her to lure her to have sex with other guards, thus cutting off her chance to enter the palace. But "by mistake", she was cut off by the emperor, so the person who had a relationship with her became the emperor.

In this way, after the emperor finds out the concubine who did it, he will clean up the other party. And she was able to get her wish and enter the palace through physical contact, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"The 'drugged concubine' she's targeting, can't it be you?" Queen Fu's mouth twitched.

Shen Guifei sighed helplessly: "Otherwise who else could it be?"

After all, there is a "hot tea" hatred between them.

"Then just wait and see." Empress Fu suppressed her smile, "I wonder if Mr. Yan will let her succeed."

Shen Yuqing thinks it will: "Instead of asking the Fu family to send someone else in to make trouble, I think it's better to let this one into the palace, this woman is easy to take care of."

The empress thinks so.

Although there is no such thing as a heart-to-heart skill, His Majesty the Emperor has indeed decided to follow suit as Concubine Shen Guifei expected.

Such a good piece of chess was useless, the emperor had someone do something behind his back, and then he happily ran to build momentum for Fu Xiang.

In Fu Xiang's plan, the details are roughly like this—she was drugged, and the emperor bumped into him by chance, and found such a lively beauty pestering him for sex. Based on the principle of not wanting nothing, the emperor stallion would definitely choose to simply push this proactive beauty away. As for whether you like it to the point where you have to take it into the palace, it doesn't matter anymore.

She believes that no man can resist such beauty - temptation. The emperor is not Liu Xiahui, who can handle all kinds of teasing by a woman.

The emperor felt that he couldn't just take on such an anxious reputation for nothing. So he started going to the Empress Dowager's palace to pay her respects from time to time, and no longer deliberately left Fu Xiang alone, and occasionally said a few words to her.

However, the attitude is still not intimate enough.

However, this was enough. What the emperor wanted was the result of his frequent meetings with Fu Xiang, and the process was not important.

In the Shoukang Palace, there are eyeliners from various palaces, and these eyeliners have actually been controlled by the emperor long ago. According to the emperor's wishes, they exaggerated the matter and passed it on to the original master.

Therefore, the version heard by the concubines became: His Majesty the Emperor and Fu Xiang have been in love for a long time, and the two are getting closer. I didn't talk much before, but now we have a very happy conversation, and call them cousin and cousin.

But in fact, only Fu Xiang called his cousin a few times in a shameless manner.

The concubines were so angry that they tore several veils, listening to the rumors that the relationship between the two was warming up every day, but they couldn't do anything. Shoukang Palace is not a place where they can run wild at will. Didn't you see that the imperial concubine who had burned her hand before has been ordered not to pay the queen mother well

Even noble concubines are treated this way, if other people make mistakes, they may be fined and grounded.

At this moment, Fu Xiang made a move.

Two weeks later, under the action of the good ointment, her burns have healed, and all the blisters have disappeared. Because the quality of the ointment is good, the scars left are also extremely light, and after using Yurong Ointment for a period of time, it will completely disappear.

Without the hindrance of the burn, it was more convenient for Fu Xiang to do it.

On this day, His Majesty the Emperor dined in Shoukang Palace as usual. Feeling tired in the afternoon, the queen mother simply left him to take a lunch break in Shoukang Palace.

When His Majesty the Emperor was going to the wing, he passed an ordinary wing and heard some strange sounds.

He paused, his face slightly gloomy.

The eunuch and maid who followed His Majesty quickly lowered their heads, pretending that they didn't hear anything. There were ambiguous groans in the palace, I don't know what the maids and eunuchs are doing, or someone else is doing dirty things...

His Majesty the Emperor immediately asked someone to kick open the door, and a palace lady went in to have a look. After the maid came out, she whispered back to the emperor, but the others didn't hear what she said, but felt that the emperor's tone was a bit strange.

"I know..."

After finishing speaking, he walked into the wing room and asked the eunuch to guard the door. The eunuchs were shocked, and they thought about it in their hearts.

It seems that no one is doing that kind of thing, but there are indeed women who want to be dissatisfied. Could it be that Your Majesty... decided to favor that woman

They had all kinds of thoughts in their hearts, and they were also thinking about how long it would take for the emperor to come out to his heart's content. As a result, not long after they entered, the maid who followed them back out.

Her face was indifferent, and she couldn't see anything, so she ordered a eunuch to go out to find someone: "Miss Xiang has followed someone else's advice, you should go and inform the queen mother."

When Fu Mama and the Queen Mother rushed over, Fu Xiang was already huddled under the wet quilt, his face was wet, but it seemed that the medicine should be cured. His Majesty the Emperor sat beside him in neat clothes, drinking tea calmly.

Obviously, the two of them didn't do anything, and the emperor probably drenched them with cold tea.

Fu Xiang was ashamed and indignant, but he dared not say anything.

The corners of the queen mother's eyes twitched, and she came out to smooth things over: "Emperor, what are you going to do about this matter? The young girl was also plotted against."

Even so, Fu Yanjun still showed Fu Xiang's body, logically speaking, he had already ruined the reputation of the girl's family. However, if the emperor is unwilling to take responsibility, no one else can force him, so everything depends on the emperor's will.

Fortunately, the emperor's tossing for so long was not for the sudden rebellion in the end. He said very politely that he had seen his cousin's body, so he should be responsible for her. After all, she is the niece of the mother's natal family, so why not make her a concubine. It just so happened that Concubine De of Yunxiang Palace was thrown into the cold palace, and the palace was vacant, so the cousin was allowed to live in Yunxiang Palace.

The Empress Dowager was very satisfied, and the emperor had to deal with these matters by himself, as long as Fu Xiang was not allowed to continue to make trouble in her palace.

So the empress dowager had no objection, so it was decided. But Fu Xiang was hit by a pie from the sky. He thought the plan had failed and the emperor would refuse to admit it because he had no skin relatives. He didn't expect a turnaround.

For a while, her impression of the emperor improved. Not taking advantage of others' danger, but willing to take responsibility, is simply a polite gentleman.

"Cousin..." She looked at the emperor affectionately.

The emperor gave her a reassuring look: "Cousin, don't worry, I will definitely find out who gave the medicine, and give you justice."

Fu Xiang was even happier.

Then, the freshly baked concubine entered Yunxiang Palace, and the harem shook.

At the same time, An Jieyu, who was recuperating in the side hall of Yunxiang Palace, was already weak after giving birth, and because of the stimulation of her son's death and the concubine's entry into the palace, her condition worsened and her medicine failed, so she just left.

However, the big news that a concubine entered the palace attracted everyone's attention, and the death of this empress Jieyu naturally did not cause any splashes. Except for a few conscientious concubines who secretly regretted the untimely death of their souls, the others were indifferent to it.

The author has something to say: An Jieyu has cleaned up, the concubine de concubine volume is over, and the concubine mi volume will be opened next

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