The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 64: ⑥④ scare


As soon as the court lady was pulled out, Concubine Mi knew immediately that she was being raped.

She glared fiercely at the other person, and seeing that person lowered his eyes to avoid her sight, she felt even more angry.

But this is not the time to argue with her, this woman will soon be liquidated by the queen, and there is no need to do it herself. The first thing to do is to get yourself out of things.

Concubine Mi immediately got up and knelt down towards Empress Fu: "Your Majesty, this concubine really doesn't know about this matter, please ask your Majesty to investigate clearly!"

The empress didn't answer, she looked at Jinli and said, "Tell me what you found first."

It was simple to say, Jinli explained clearly in a few words. It was nothing more than a few bribed palace servants who delivered the news, and those who received the news gave the medicine. In short, she started to check from the tea that the concubine drank, and followed this line all the way to the head of the palace lady.

The little maid who administered the medicine in the Empress Dowager's palace, and the eunuch who sent the news to the maid have all been turned away and sent to the prison, but the matter of the big maid is not easy to investigate.

After all, the grand maid is the maid next to Concubine Mi, no matter whether it is to torture her or search her room, she must first vent her anger to Concubine Mi. Secondly, if Concubine Mi was really the envoy, there may not be any evidence.

To order a loyal court lady to do something, you only need to say one sentence, so where can you leave physical evidence

Jinli came here this time to give the two empresses some encouragement, so that she could imprison him in a prison for interrogation in a fair manner, and by the way lead someone to search the palace maid's house.

Concubine Mi didn't speak for a while.

She is not stupid, compared to the really brainless Yu Zhaoyi, Concubine Mi just looks upright. Now that she has been found on the head of the maid of honor, there is no guarantee that there is no evidence against her in the palace. After all, the black hand behind the scenes just wanted to plant her, didn't he

Now it's not easy to stop Jin Li from searching, Concubine Mi gritted her teeth and thought about countermeasures, and for a while, no one in the room spoke.

Jinli was not in a hurry, and waited patiently.

On the contrary, Concubine Xiang's expression changed slightly, she didn't understand how things turned out like this. She obviously planted the blame on Concubine Shen Gui, when did she become Concubine Mi

It's just that she couldn't ask directly, and she probably knew in her heart that someone had figured out her method and planned to deal with Concubine Mi.

It's okay, as long as you don't deal with her. But I'm afraid, if I have the confidence to hold this matter in the hands of that person, then it will be bad.

Concubine Xiang thought over and over again, and felt that Concubine Shen should be responsible for this matter. Otherwise, why did that person want to pick Concubine Shen out? No matter how you look at it, Shen Yuqing is more like a rival than Concubine Mi, not to mention Shen Yuqing is pregnant!

Thinking of this, Concubine Xiang subconsciously looked at Concubine Shen, just in time to meet her meaningful eyes. My heart trembled, and the teacup in my hand almost slipped.

It really was her!

The concubine's face turned pale slightly, what should I do? Shen Yuqing really deserved to be a woman who became a noble concubine and was pregnant with a dragon's heir, her methods were really superb.

She knew about how she dealt with her, and she had a handle in her hands. It seemed that she had no other choice but to surrender.

The concubine bit her lip, and decided to go to the Jianjia Palace to visit the imperial concubine after they were separated.

The atmosphere was stagnant for a while, and Concubine Mi finally spoke: "Miss Jinli is going to search, and I will naturally not stop her. However, I still want to ask the empress to check clearly. This maid is called by the Internal Affairs Department after the concubine enters the palace I don’t know who it is. Besides, concubines have no foundation in the palace, so how can they know who to bribe and how to bribe them to do evil?”

"That's not likely." Mrs. Shu interjected slowly, "Don't be fooled by her, empress, even if Sister Concubine Mi doesn't know what to do, she has been in the palace for many years. Don't you know? The palace lady is loyal to Sister Mi Concubine, so she will take the initiative to solve her problems without her needing to worry about it herself. What's more, it is even more ridiculous to say that the palace lady is called by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and who it is. .”

"Why is it so funny? Elder sister Shu, don't be a fool." Xibi asked pretending not to understand.

Mrs. Shu glanced at her approvingly, she was very satisfied: "Sister Xipin, you have to think about it differently. If you were Concubine Mi's sister, this court lady is unfaithful, how dare you let her serve you personally?"

Concubine Xi came to a sudden: "Of course I don't dare, I have to be trained before I can get close."

This time, he sang and harmonized, and immediately pointed out the central issue. If she hadn't already been determined to be very loyal, how could it be possible for her to be kept in front of her personal maid? Therefore, this court lady must be Concubine Mi's confidant.

Concubine Mi gritted her teeth secretly, she only felt that these two women were extremely hateful, and wondered in her heart that it was one of them who set her up

"My concubine is clumsy, and I can't speak for the two younger sisters. But the empress is wise and wise, so naturally she won't be deceived by a few words. The concubine has nothing to say, and I just wait for the empress to return my concubine's innocence."

She finished speaking, no more words. It is better to keep silent than to say more and more mistakes.

Jin Li got the right words, took the maid down, and ordered people to search Xianluo Palace.

The queen comforted Concubine Mi and told her to get up and sit down first, then looked at the other concubines, seeing that they had no intention of leaving, she decided not to chase them away. Today's big show, I'm afraid everyone doesn't want to leave before the singing is over.

However, she still wanted to care about a certain pregnant woman: "How is Concubine Ming feeling? If you feel unwell, don't hold on."

Concubine Shen smiled brightly: "Thank you for your concern, my concubine will save me."

One sentence brought everyone's focus back to Concubine Shen's pregnancy, and suddenly a group of women's eyes were pierced.

Miss Jinli was very efficient, and the palace search didn't take too long. Half an hour later, she came in with two court ladies and eunuchs, holding a porcelain bottle in her hands.

When Concubine Mi saw this, her pupils shrank.

This is the poison she used to control the palace people, but it was found out!

Concubine Mi was furious, did she agree to only search the maid's room? !

Jinli first pleaded guilty to Concubine Mi: "I'm sorry, Concubine Mi." Then she replied to the queen, "When I was searching, this little maid suddenly rushed over and begged my servant to be the master for her. Only then did I realize that she was poisoned by Concubine Mi, and the poison could be suppressed by taking the antidote every half a month. The servant felt that this trick was very vicious, so he asked someone to report to His Majesty, and His Majesty allowed the servant to search the bedroom of Concubine Mi , the servant girl dug out this thing."

"What's the matter with this eunuch?" Empress Fu nodded slightly, pointed to the eunuch and asked again.

Jinli went on to say: "After the servant found out the poison-drug, I asked who else was poisoned by the poison in Xianluo Palace. Others did not dare to admit it, and seemed to have concerns, but only this little eunuch admitted. The servant then The two brought them together, and asked someone to invite the imperial physician."

The queen nodded: "Miss Jinli has worked hard."

She looked at Concubine Mi with cold eyes: "Concubine Mi, do you have anything else to say?"

Concubine Mi clenched her fists: "The concubine is guilty."

"It seems that Sister Concubine Mi's medicine was also given by Sister Concubine Mi?" Mrs. Shu strikes while the iron is hot, "The eldest palace lady must have also been poisoned by this poison, so naturally she has to do such wrong things for Sister Concubine Mi."

Concubine Mi wanted to bite her to death: "Why did I drug the concubine? I'm not stupid. Wouldn't it be cheaper for her to drug her? This woman wants to enter the palace, no matter how stupid I am, I won't let her do it! "

That's true, it doesn't make sense logically, Mrs. Shu stopped talking.

On the contrary, Jinli opened her mouth in a leisurely manner: "Concubine Mi naturally won't make another strong enemy for herself, but who said that the drug was taken for the good of the concubine? The servant found out that there was another person who bribed a eunuch, I want him to ruin the innocence of the concubine."

Although the eunuch is a rootless person, being unclear with the eunuch is enough to cut off the concubine's way to enter the palace.

"And this person who bribed the eunuch." Jinli gasped as she spoke, and everyone was very anxious, "Mi Concubine, do you know who sent it?"

"I don't know." Concubine Mi gritted her teeth.

"Could it be that grand lady from just now?" Concubine Xi asked curiously, she was more than half sure in her heart.

Jin Li lowered her eyebrows and nodded: "My concubine Xi is really smart."

In this way, it makes sense.

Because the eunuch came late, the emperor didn't see the concubine Xiang who was unclear with the eunuch when he entered the door, but only saw the concubine Xiang concubine showing a flattering attitude. So in the end it was self-defeating and became a good thing for the concubine.

Everyone automatically completed the process, thought for a while and felt that there were no logical loopholes, so they accepted this statement. Immediately, everyone looked at Concubine Mi even more unkindly.

The most taboo of women is that their innocence is ruined, and their reputation can be slowly recovered, and it is over when their innocence is ruined. This move was very vicious, and immediately made the concubines in the palace vigilant.

Regardless of whether it was done by Concubine Mi or not, this kind of thing must be taken seriously, otherwise I will be the next unlucky self.

Concubine Mi couldn't argue with her words, she could only wait for the grand maid to be tortured to see if she would confess the real mastermind. Otherwise, it will be difficult to wash this basin of dirty water.

"Leave the concubine for now." Concubine Shen suddenly said, "Sister Concubine Mi, let me tell you about the poison first."

Concubine Mi glared at her angrily, now that she is being criticized by everyone, this person has come to add insult to injury, as expected, there is not a single good person in the whole palace.

"Sister, don't stare at me, I didn't ask you to poison people." Shen Guifei raised her eyebrows, "Do you think so?"

She's been eating melons for a long time, so why not let her suddenly want to loosen her muscles

Concubine Mi didn't answer, she just knelt on the ground and lowered her head, neither arguing nor explaining.

There was indeed nothing to explain, she had already pleaded guilty to this matter before. Now that the matter of her poisoning has been found out, there is no way to get rid of it. She simply admits it, so she doesn't struggle now.

Jinli only said to ask the imperial physician to check it out, lest Concubine Mi would turn around and accuse her of slander. So even if he pleaded guilty, he did not skip this step. The imperial doctor went into the room and checked the poison carefully, and also checked the two court ladies and eunuchs, as well as the eldest palace lady who had just been sent to the prison and then returned, and confirmed that it was the same poison.

"The poison is strong. Take the antidote once every half a month. It will treat the symptoms but not the root cause. The antidote can only suppress the toxicity. If you don't take the poison-drug after the time limit, you will suffer unbearable pain, like ten thousand ants gnawing on you."

What the imperial physician said was no different from the effect of the poison-drug recruited by the maid herself.

Empress Fu frowned slightly: "This matter still needs to be decided by Your Majesty."

After all, poisoning has been involved, which is worse than aphrodisiacs, and it's not just a trivial matter between concubines.

"Now concubine Mi is being imprisoned in the side hall of Fengyi Palace, and we will talk about it after we find out the matter."

This so-called matter refers to whether there is still a possibility of wronging Concubine Mi. In other words, we have to wait for the grand lady to go back and continue to be tortured and tortured, and to make a decision after getting the final testimony.

Seeing that there was nothing exciting to watch, everyone obediently got up and said goodbye, not staying to be an eyesore.

Concubine Shen Gui was the first to leave, the first one to leave Fengyi Palace, and disappeared after getting on the chauffeur.

"Sister Xiang's complexion is not very good, is she feeling unwell?" Xi Concubine stopped by and said caringly, "The Imperial Physician has not left yet, if you feel unwell, let the Imperial Physician come back to show my sister."

Concubine Xiang pulled out a romantic smile: "No need, thank you for your kindness."

She can't hear people calling her younger sister now, and she and concubine Xi are clearly on the same level, whether it's status, title or the palace they live in, they are all on the same level, so why is she a younger sister

After the person left, the concubine gritted her teeth and looked at her back with a frosty face.

It's just an old woman who entered the palace a year earlier than her, so she's putting on airs like an older sister. If she hadn't been fourteen a year ago and was not old enough to be elected, she would have entered the palace a long time ago.

"Your Majesty?" The maid in the palace supported her.

"Go to Jianjia Palace." The concubine came back to her senses and instructed in a low voice.

The maid didn't ask any more questions, she nodded and helped her walk towards the East Harem.

The concubine didn't have a sedan chair to sit in, so she had to walk there.

Concubine Shen returned to Jianjia Palace early and called Man Chen: "If my guess is correct, the concubine will come over in a while. I'll let her hang out for a while, and then you and I will scare her."

Man Chen's face was dark: "Your Majesty, the servant girl is not scary looking."

"Yeah, I know." Shen Guifei said perfunctorily without sincerity.

But I thought in my heart, it would be strange if I didn't scare people, which of the palace people in Jianjia Palace didn't see Manchen like a mouse seeing a cat

Not to mention palace people, just concubines. The last person who dared to visit Jianjia Palace was the unlucky Mrs. Shu who was frightened and cried by Manchen. Since her, no woman without long eyes has dared to come here. Doesn't this explain the problem

In fact, Shen Yuqing has always felt very sorry, and she also wanted to see if other women would be scared to cry by Manchen.

It happened that this time the concubine came to the door by herself, so don't blame her for being rude. There are more and more newcomers coming into the palace, and the atmosphere is becoming more and more impetuous, so it is necessary to beat and beat.

You know, when Shen Yuqing first entered the palace, the empress was basically a mountain pressing down on everyone's heads. Sit there dignifiedly, except for Shen Yuqing, who would dare not give her face? Even Mrs. Shu, who was still Concubine Shu at the time, behaved obediently with her tail between her legs, and besides the queen and concubine, Concubine Shu had the highest status in the palace at that time.

Even she was like this, the other concubines didn't dare to toss about no matter how much they thought, and it was true that there were not many women in the palace who were able to make a fuss at that time. Not to mention the low-ranking ones, the high-ranking ones are Concubine Yu and Mrs. Wan, one is powerless and the other is content.

It's not like now, there was Concubine Mi in the past, Concubine Mi in the future, and Concubine An Jieyu in the future. Even Concubine Shu was made bold by them, and there was hardly a happy life in the palace.

Shen Yuqing reckoned that the emperor probably felt that these women were too much trouble. She helped the emperor bully his little cousin first, and then helped him suppress the whole harem. He should be happier

Coincidentally, the imperial concubine is "pregnant", so she can walk sideways with the baby bump in her stomach, and toss whoever is unhappy.

Concubine Shen Gui smiled with satisfaction, and finally found a way to relieve her pregnancy suffocation.

The imperial concubine found the kitten hiding in the corner playing with pompoms, and carried the cat into the house to play. After half an hour, the concubine finally arrived at Jianjia Palace, and was welcomed by Manchen into the warm pavilion where guests were welcomed, poured a cup of tea, served a plate of snacks, and left there.

After drinking two rounds of tea, the concubine's complexion was not so good before the busy noble concubine appeared.

The personal maid hurriedly pulled the serving maid and asked her when the imperial concubine would come. The maid smiled apologetically: "My mother has been sleeping a lot lately, and the imperial doctor said that pregnant women are like this. I got up early in the morning, and I lay down to rest as soon as I came back. When will I wake up? It's hard to say, maybe We'll have to wait until lunch."

Both the master and the servant suddenly turned pale. Do you want to wait until noon to eat? Would Shen Yuqing be kind enough to invite them to dinner? Would you really not make them wait a little longer for dinner, or simply drive them away

Concubine Xiang took a deep breath, deeply feeling that her energy-raising skills were not good enough.

The women in this palace are too irritating. The concubine sisters and cousins she dealt with when she was in Fu's family were not the generals of this group of people at all.

The maid who was close to her came back after eating a lot, so she couldn't ask Concubine Shen Gui when she would wake up. Concubine Xiang frowned and thought for a while, not knowing whether she should stay or just come back in the afternoon.

"Your Majesty." The close maid was the servant girl who served her since she was a child, and when she thought of her mother waiting for Concubine Shen with an empty stomach, her heart ached. She whispered a few words of persuasion, she just hoped that Concubine Xiang would go back to rest first and come back next time.

Concubine Xiang frowned, and when she saw the maid of Jianjia Palace glanced over, she quickly loosened her brows, her face still had that delicate and innocent expression. She pouted and said, "Forget it, I'll go back first, and next time I'll play with the concubine sister."

With that said, she stood up and was about to leave.

"Yo, this palace is where you come and go whenever you want?" Concubine Shen suddenly walked in from the outside, her eyebrows and eyes were sharp, and her three-dimensional and profound facial features were more compelling than those of Jiangnan women.

Before Shen Yuqing came over, she purposely changed into a flamboyant red dress with ink-colored seams, and the dress alone exuded a majestic aura unconsciously. It wouldn't be so domineering if it wasn't for a little less black and more red.

Man Chen, who was following behind her, had a serious face, as if he had come to collect debts.

Concubine Xiang was very natural, and was persuaded.

As soon as I opened my mouth, I realized that my voice was a little trembling: "Sister Guifei..." It seemed that I had really become a little white rabbit who didn't know the world.

"What's the matter? My palace asked you to wait for a while, but you can't wait?" Concubine Shen Gui sat down in the first seat, narrowing her long and beautiful eyes slightly, and glanced over, very compelling.

Concubine Xiang was even more cowardly, although she also sensed that Concubine Shen Gui was trying to make excuses.

Obviously it was Shen Yuqing who was making unreasonable faults, but she didn't dare to refute, she could only swallow her saliva, and weakly confessed: "Concubine... Concubine has a temper and has no patience... . ..."

This girl is really easy to bully, Shen Yuqing raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect it to be done so easily.

She thought how capable a woman who dared to drug herself was, but she was dumbfounded when she was frightened. It was very boring, but it saved her a lot of trouble.

Concubine Shen didn't answer, she just picked up the tea and took a sip, leaving the rest to Manchen.

The caring girl Manchen immediately fixed her eyes on Xiangpin, and Xiangpin instantly felt a sense of oppression as if "from the dean's gaze", and she was even more nervous than when she faced Shen Yuqing just now. She quietly clenched the veil tightly, sweat dripping from her palms.

"Yes, what's the matter?" She asked dryly.

Shen Guifei chuckled: "Sister Xiang concubine is really interesting, obviously you came to look for me, but you asked me what's the matter?"

The concubine's face flushed red, and only now did she remember her purpose. But she didn't dare to speak, and didn't dare to speak out for a long time.

"Is there anything you can do with my empress? Our empress is pregnant and needs to rest more, so I don't have time to sit here with you." Man Chen looked at her even more unkindly. Yes, he stepped forward and asked with a black face.

"I..." The concubine trembled suddenly, her heart was extremely broken, but she said the words quickly, "I just want to ask the empress if she knows what I did, oh... ... I really didn't mean to, hiccup.... I didn't mean to deal with you at first... ... I just... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh You poured me tea, I want to get back at you... wow..."

Then the girl couldn't stop crying and hiccupped.

The maid beside her was also terrified, she couldn't help herself when she saw the master was crying, and wiped away her tears. Shen Yuqing watched the matter unfold like this, and the master and servant were crying with each other, almost spouting tea.

Man Chen's face became even darker, she touched her face subconsciously, is she really so scary

The imperial concubine coughed dryly, and suddenly had the illusion of bullying the little girl. She winked at the maid in charge of pouring the water, and she quickly handed over a handkerchief to wipe the tears of the crying concubine.

"Thank you." Xiangpin sniffed and thanked pitifully.

The maid shook her head again and again, how could she dare to accept her thanks.

After a long time, the concubine finally had enough crying. The two of them supported each other out of the Jianjia Palace with the personal maid, and they didn't ask why in the end.

After walking back to Yunxiang Palace, Concubine Xiang was dumbfounded. Thinking about it, Shen Yuqing watched them cry all the time in the later period, without saying a word, let alone admitting that she knew what she did, or promising not to tell the emperor about it.

The author has something to say: Congratulations to Manchen for adding another brilliant achievement to his resume...

Thanks to Landmine: Orange x1, Liuyao x1

Thanks for the nutrient solution: good dream +2