The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 65: ⑥⑤ Triumph


Not to mention how broken the concubine's heart is, anyway, the story of Miss Manchen crying a concubine again spread quickly throughout the harem.

Manchen: So angry :)

At a glance, I saw Man Xing hiding in the corner and snickering. Man Chen, the dean of teaching, put on a straight face, walked up to her, and said in a calm tone, "Is everything done?"

Man Xing subconsciously stood up straight: "It's done."

"Why hasn't the Sophora japonica cake that the empress wants to eat been delivered yet?" She hummed softly.

Man Xing immediately turned around and left: "Go get it now!"

Walking halfway, I suddenly remembered that I was always in charge of foreign affairs, such as sending and receiving gifts. There is a special second-class eunuch in charge of the empress's food, even if someone is asked to pick up the cakes, it should be a full day in the Lord!

If you don't pay attention, you will be caught by Man Chen. What _(:з」∠)_ Forget it, I blame myself for being stupid.

Man Xing silently ran to the small kitchen and came back with Sophora japonica Cake.

"Empress, the pastries you want."

The imperial concubine had just changed her clothes and was about to sneak away to Fengyi Palace when she heard this and looked at her in surprise: "What cake?"

"Acacia cake!" Man Xing pointed to the snacks on the table.

Concubine Shen raised her brows: "When did I say I want to eat Sophora japonica cake?"

Man Xing: "..."

Manchen, you dead woman, you wait!

"Come on, don't worry about it." Concubine Shen waved her hand, "Wrap up the pastry, and I'll take it to Qiushui, she likes this."

"yes... ... "

So Concubine Shen slipped into Fengyi Palace with a bag of Sophora japonica cake.

"Why did you bring something here?" The empress took the oiled paper bag and opened it, took a piece and tasted it, "It tastes good, the cooks in the small kitchen of Jianjia Palace are indeed the best in the palace."

This is also due to Concubine Shen Gui's temperament of wanting to take home any good things.

A real shrew from the Western Regions, from Ye Luzi.

She snatched the emperor's private treasury, and naturally also the imperial dining room. Later, the emperor learned to be good, and the best things should either be hidden or given to Shen Yuqing. Anyway, if they are used generously, they will not be kept.

If it is directly rewarded to the imperial concubine, it can be used occasionally in Jianjia Palace, right

But recently Concubine Shen Gui seemed to have acquired a new way to please her daughter-in-law, and began to send the good things she snatched to Fengyi Palace for free. Or, grab it directly and send it to Fengyi Palace.

His Majesty the emperor was in pain and happiness, while worrying that Concubine Shen Gui was becoming more and more shameless, and at the same time happy that the good things finally went to his sister. Originally, he would send most of those things to Fengyi Palace, either for his sister or his daughter.

— No, wait! So, isn't Shen Yuqing borrowing flowers to offer Buddha? ? ? He took what he was going to give to Fengyi Palace and sent it to Fengyi Palace in the name of her, Shen Yuqing, without paying a single penny, did he earn gratitude? ?

His Majesty the Emperor is depressed again.

This coquettish operation made him ashamed to cry to his sister and the others. If my sister said, "You are a big man who can't even keep your own things and you have the nerve to say it", would he be ashamed

Although, it's true...

Therefore, when Concubine Shen heard her daughter-in-law praised the cook in her palace, she immediately thought about how to quietly send her own cook to Fengyi Palace to prepare delicious food for her daughter-in-law.

The empress is not polite to her, anyway, Shen Yuqing basically spends two out of three meals a day at Fengyi Palace, so she sent a good cook over, and got more benefits. She turned to talk to Shen Yuqing about other issues, such as the border war.

"Now the war has calmed down, and the Central Plains army has returned to the area where it was originally stationed. General Xiao and General Cao are returning to Beijing with the army, and they should arrive by the end of the month."

Forget it, it's only ten days before the end of the month.

Concubine Shen Gui didn't pay attention to the outside affairs recently, she didn't expect the war to be over, even the army was coming back.

Of course, those who returned to Beijing this time were not the real "big army", but the soldiers transferred from the camp in the suburbs of Beijing to the battlefield. The number is not very large, only 30,000, but all of them are elite.

Although Dayan emphasized literature, he did not despise martial arts. Even in peaceful times, the army's establishment has not been reduced, and the soldiers have not been allowed to eat vegetarian food and spend their lives on military pay. Especially in the big camp in the suburbs of Beijing, the daily training has never stopped. The emperor also went to inspect every once in a while, sometimes he went there openly, and sometimes he went to see it quietly.

"Uncle is going back to Beijing? Permanent residence or just come back to report?" Shen Yuqing asked.

General Xiao, as mentioned before, is the son-in-law of the Shen family and the sister-in-law of Shen Zuoxiang.

As I said earlier, the emperor trusted the Shen family very much, otherwise the Shen family would not have dared to marry their daughter to a general who holds a powerful army. Since ancient times, it has been thought that the closeness of civil and military generals will make the emperor think too much, and feel that civil and military collusion, the throne is not guaranteed, not to mention the marriage between the left prime minister and the general.

However, the marriage of this aunt of the Shen family is not only a marriage between two lovers, but also a marriage bestowed by the emperor, so naturally there is no such trouble.

This General Xiao is very good, he is good at fighting wars, and he is also good at giving birth to children. It is not an exaggeration to say that Mrs. Xiao and Shen have been married for the past few years.

General Xiao had no concubines, and his wife alone gave birth to three daughters and five sons. The sons have practiced martial arts with General Xiao since they were young, and this time they also participated in the battlefield several times, which made people sigh that the tiger father has no dogs. The daughters were trained by Mrs. Xiao to become ladies of the family, but they have a temperament that does not suffer. Looking at the boundary of Shuzhou, I don't think it's a bit aggressive to put it in the capital.

However, the Shen family didn't care either. They have always believed in the strategy of raising men with sticks and daughters with pampering, otherwise how could they raise an arrogant and domineering Concubine Shen? You must know that the original owner, Ms. Shen, also has Shen Yuqing's temperament, but she doesn't have such a strong aura and force value.

Fu Qiushui smiled and told Shen Yuqing that General Xiao was going to stay in the capital this time.

This time when General Xiao returned to Beijing, the emperor decided to let him take charge of the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, so he did not come alone, he even returned to Beijing with his wife and children. For this matter, the censor in the court has threatened to hit the pillar several times.

Where is Daying in the suburbs of Beijing? Only the emperor's confidants are not allowed to enter. If the Shen family wants to rebel, with a bunch of civil servants in their hands and tens of thousands of elite soldiers and generals outside the city, do you believe that the dynasty can be changed in minutes

Yu Dang danced the most fiercely, wishing to send General Xiao far away to the northwest. According to them, even if they want to stay in Beijing, they must not be given any real power but only some empty positions. In short, no soldiers are allowed in their hands.

But to say this really seems to be a dead dog, and a bird is hidden, so they euphemistically excused that "General Xiao should now be fond of Sun Yi to support his life", so "he can no longer be allowed to stay in the army to work hard", so that This will take away his military power.

To this, the emperor replied with four words: "I am the emperor."

In the end I am the emperor, or you are the emperor? You are not allowed to talk nonsense about the decision I made. Whoever talks nonsense, don't blame me for being rude!

Therefore, the group of people in the court hall did not dare to jump around, for fear of being labeled as having evil intentions and trying to rebel.

Just like that, General Xiao’s family returned triumphantly, and Shen Liyi’s chubby boy finally had friends of the same age—I heard that the first three young masters of the Xiao family have already married, and they have given birth to several boys and girls, and they are about the same age as Shen Liyi Woolen cloth!

"Then Qingxi will be jealous." Shen Guifei smiled gloatingly.

Qingxi never forgets her little cousin, and she is also very close to her only playmate, sister. Now that she has a bunch of playmates, if she doesn't get close to Qingxi in the future, Qingxi might explode into fireworks in the sky.

The empress couldn't help laughing out loud, "Qingxi is too domineering."

Typically, only state officials are allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps. She can have a group of friends, but if the friends don't treat her as her best friend, she will be angry.

His Majesty the Emperor thinks there is nothing wrong with it. His daughter is so honorable. It is already a great honor to be your friend. How dare you not treat her as your best friend? Sometimes daughters are irrational.

However, Concubine Shen didn't feel that her daughter was wrong, she took it for granted: "Qingxi has the right to be domineering."

The eldest princess, if she is not overbearing, who has the right to be overbearing

"All right, all of you are like this, Qingxi is just like you, imitating bad." Empress Fu shook her head helplessly, it seems that she has to pay more attention to herself, don't let her daughter be really caught by this pair of stupid parents The belt is broken.

Concubine Shen was thinking about another matter: "How about I go back to visit my relatives?"

It is a great grace for the concubine to return to her natal family. If she is not favored to the extreme, she would not even think about it. Especially the one accompanied by the emperor, it is simply the treatment only for the winners in life.

"Why do you suddenly want to go back to the Shen family?" the queen asked in surprise.

"I want to see my cousins and nieces."

Shen Yuqing and Shen's family have never seen it all, let alone the aunt's family. She is quite interested in the children of the Xiao family. According to Mrs. Shen, these children are very smart and cute.

Although, Mrs. Shen has never seen it herself. But General Xiao and his wife are not bad looking, and their children and grandchildren must be good-looking too.

"Recently, I was just thinking about how to suppress the arrogance of those women in the palace, and this is the right way to visit my relatives." Concubine Shen added, "And I can't give this grace to other women, it must be the only one, otherwise they will still toss and think How patient I am."

The empress thought it was true: "I'll talk to Mr. Yan later."

Shen Yuqing is a noble concubine, she is still pregnant, and she hasn't seen her aunt for many years. The emperor accompanied her back to her natal home to have a look. Apart from being able to make people mutter that the demon concubine confuses the emperor, there is nothing else to say.

After all, the demon concubine is still pregnant with a child!

The emperor had few heirs three years after he ascended the throne, and only one princess was born before he ascended the throne. Let's not talk about An Jieyu's pregnancy earlier, An Jieyu's status was not high when she was pregnant, so there is no comparison, but this time she is pregnant with a noble concubine. Moreover, a "prince" born to An Jieyu had died just before, so it made sense that the emperor would pay more attention and be more careful with this child.

But these are all plans in the later stage, the Xiao family has not arrived yet, and Concubine Shen will take the opportunity to visit relatives when they come back.

At this moment, Concubine Shen Gui was still discussing with the Empress about the class teacher's return to court.

"Let's not talk about my uncle, so what is Cao Jianjun's background?"

Fu Qiushui said that General Xiao and Cao Jianjun led the troops back to Beijing. General Xiao is the commander in chief of this western war, so who is General Cao

Empress Fu recalled for a while, and repeated the order given by the emperor when the war started: "Order Xiao Ce, the commander-in-chief of Shu Province, to lead the battle, and Cao Jianqiong and Fang Zhengqing to be the deputy generals to support him."

In other words, General Xiao is the top leader, and General Cao is the second leader. This time, two people can bear the bulk of the military exploits.

"What about General Fang?" Shen Yuqing asked.

"He stayed in Shu Province and took over the post of Chief Soldier."

General Xiao has returned to Beijing, so the position of the commander-in-chief of Shu Province is vacant. The emperor directly ordered Fang Zhengqing to take over this position, so he stayed there to preside over the overall situation, preventing the remaining soldiers from taking the opportunity to attack.

"I heard that the three generals have made great contributions this time, and General Cao performed exceptionally well." Fu Qiushui suddenly lowered his voice, "But this man has a lot of ambition."

Shen Yuqing's heart moved: "Could it be?"

"I'm afraid it is." Fu Qiushui looked puzzled.

After winning the battle, according to Dayan's habit, the whole world celebrates at this time, and there are roughly three ways to celebrate.

One is to halve the national tax and tax this year, and the whole country celebrates it; the other is to add Enke, and the imperial and military exams will be held together; the third is to add general elections and minor elections to select beautiful women and court ladies to serve in the palace.

The previous dynasty also had the option of amnesty, but this dynasty is not too impressed with this move, and does not think that there is any need for those who committed crimes and went to jail to be released. So Dayan's amnesty to the world is just to subtract a part of the prison time of this group of people, and then release them from the prison and take them to other places to do coolies. Good performance can save a period of time in prison, and poor performance can only wish for luck. By the way, those sentenced to death also have a chance to reform, turning the death sentence into life imprisonment, being a quilt coolie or something.

If the amnesty is not considered, the first three, Concubine Shen thinks that all but the third are pretty good.

She even complained about the third way of celebrating, it was clearly the emperor's desire to bring the Nami into the palace. But if you think about it differently, it is indeed a good thing for some people.

For example, in the small election, the daughters of poor families can't afford to support them. If they can be sent to the palace to serve the nobles, they can also get monthly subsidies to the family. After coming out, it is like going abroad to spend gold in future generations. Whether it is going home to marry someone or going to a high-ranking official or a wealthy family to be a nun, it is a good choice.

After all, the rules in the palace are the strictest, and they are also the standard used by the outside world to cultivate ladies.

The general election is a kind of grace that satisfies some women who want to be prosperous and rich, as well as the families behind them.

During last year's general election, some people complained that their girls were not old enough to enter the palace. There are not many people in this group, but they are not small. Moreover, last year's general election was not a national election, but only in the Jiangnan area, and many families in other areas wanted to send their daughters into the palace.

"But the general election is usually in spring, and now the time has passed. And if there are women from other regions who want to run, they have to come to the capital before the general election in the capital. In terms of time, I'm afraid we won't be able to make it in time." Concubine Shen analyzed.

The Empress agreed deeply: "So the time has to be postponed to next year, or, to autumn."

"But in autumn there are autumn hunting and autumn hunting." Last year because of the war, autumn hunting was not done, but this year it will definitely not be left behind.

As for Qiu Wei...

When it comes to this, we have to mention what is Qiu Wei.

Autumn hunting is easy to understand, hunting in autumn. For the royal family, go to the hunting grounds raised by the royal family. There are no dangerous large beasts in it, so hunting means nothing.

As for Qiu Wei, we will explain it together with Chun Wei.

The so-called Qiuwei is a metonym for the rural examination in the imperial examination system. Because it is held in the golden autumn and August, it is called Qiuwei. Chunwei refers to the capital examinations of the Qing and Qing dynasties, which were held in spring.

This is an authentic statement in ancient history, but it is different when it is changed to Dayan, a superficial dynasty.

In the Great Yan Dynasty, Qiu Wei was the time for Wuzi's imperial examination, and Chun Wei was the time for literati's imperial examination. Moreover, it refers to the final exam in the capital. Just like the college entrance examination for students in later generations, as for the previous junior high school entrance examination and high school entrance examination, each province organizes itself, and the time is staggered from spring and autumn, and reasonable arrangements are enough.

In the autumn, there is both martial arts and autumn hunting. Obviously, there is no time to hold another general election. Although this year is not the year of the imperial examination, the imperial examination is held every three years, but it is obvious that Enke will be added to the national celebration this time.

Taxation is hard to say, it depends on whether the treasury is full. If there is still enough money in the national treasury, then tax cuts will be reduced. If there is not enough money, tax cuts will basically be useless.

Since the founding of Dayan, the national tax halving has been carried out twice. But winning battles and the like, obviously more than three times. Most of the time, it is just to reduce one to two percent, but this is not easy, and there are not ten times in total.

"I think the emperor will reduce taxes, but it won't be too much." After all, he has only fought a war and spent a lot of silver on military pay and weapons and armor.

"It's good if it can be reduced, so that the people can have a good year." On this point, Empress Fu agrees very much.

Don't look at one or two percent, for farmers, as long as they can reduce it, it is great news. After paying the taxes, many families don't have much food left, and they only have enough leftovers to last until the next harvest. This kind of thing happened frequently in the former dynasty, but the people of Dayan had a much better life. There were few natural disasters, and the crops were often harvested. The more they lived, the better.

If the tax is reduced, I dare to buy more good things for my family during the Chinese New Year.

The topic returns to the general election. Since the imperial examination and tax cuts will fall, then this general election is likely to be extended. Just don’t think about it this year, but there should be one tomorrow.

The emperor said that General Cao was ambitious, and his spies in the army must have discovered something. A general with a high official position, what else can he covet? Nothing more than those things that should not be coveted.

Therefore, it is very likely that he wants to send his daughter into the palace. Naturally, the plot was not about the position of empress, which was of little use to the Cao family, but a higher level, the position of empress dowager.

Boil or kill the emperor, and support the daughter's son to the throne. You can't rebel and change the dynasty, but you can still fight for your grandson to be the emperor.

Concubine Shen had a half-smile, "Is he so sure that Miss Cao can give birth to a son?"

The Empress just smiled and said nothing, how could she be unsure? When Ms. Cao was offering incense in a temple outside the city, she saw an eminent monk who had returned from wandering. It is invaluable for the other party to give her orders.

Too expensive? What kind of woman is so precious? Even if you become a queen, you dare not say that you are precious, so only the queen mother.

"The Queen Mother has no idea?" Shen Guifei didn't believe it.

The emperor knew about this family's secret plan, so why not tell the queen mother

"What the queen mother means is, let's see what this family can make trouble with." The empress empress is here.

The order was indeed an accident, maybe that Miss Cao did have this fate, but it was spoiled by the time-traveling Shen Yuqing. The emperor searched for a long time and did not find any trace of man-made forgery, so it can only show that this matter is not tricky.

As for the leak of fate, I would like to thank Shen Yuxun's husband's family, the second lady of the Shen family, because Princess Qingping informed the Queen Mother about this matter.

Coincidentally, Princess Qingping went to the temple to worship the Buddha that day and visited another eminent monk. Although the reputation of that person is not as high as that of the one who gave orders, but as the resident master in the monastery, he still has some prestige.

He has a close relationship with the eminent monk who ordered him, and the meditation room is also in the same courtyard. Princess Qingping went to visit him, but he was not there. She was welcomed in by the little novice. The novice asked her to wait in the guest room first, and then ran to call the master back.

After the princess sat in the hall for a while, the eminent monk ordered her to enter the courtyard together with Cao's mother and daughter. Xu Shi thought that there was no one around, so he didn't have much taboo. The voice of the conversation was not low, and the princess in the room heard it clearly.

After the master came back, Cao's mother and daughter left in a hurry, and the eminent monk also returned to his room, not knowing that the conversation was overheard.

Princess Qingping knew that this matter was of great importance, so she rushed into the palace to meet the Queen Mother as soon as she returned to Beijing, and explained the matter.

If Ms. Cao's order is "Phoenix Order", then it's okay for her to spread the word. A normal emperor would definitely marry her back to the palace to prevent her from marrying someone else, causing other men to have a "dragon fate". But her order is that she can be the queen mother, which is very subtle.

The queen mother also has several methods. One is the aunt of the current emperor, that is, the queen of the current emperor, so that even if the emperor succeeds to the throne, she must be respected as the queen mother. The second is to adopt or have your own son become emperor.

In this case, there are several situations. For example, the emperor died naturally or was killed, and his son won the throne; another example was that the emperor became the Supreme Emperor and passed the throne directly to his son.

In short, 90% of the emperor's life is to die, and 5% is to be emptied, and the last 5% is to take the initiative to give up the virtuous. But with Shen Yuqing's blunt remarks, after becoming the Supreme Emperor, the current emperor quietly killed people for the sake of safety. This operation can be thought of by normal people, okay

After hearing this order, the Queen Mother's face was ugly, but she would not like Miss Cao anyway.

The author has something to say: I read an article today, and I was aggrieved to death, and I was determined to continue writing articles [Manual goodbye]

Thanks to mines: Liuyao x1, filling holes in dreams x1

Thank you for the nutrient solution: One Chia Meow +10, Good Dream +2, Ho Ho Ho +1, Awakening Dream +3, Drunk and Happy L +1