The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 71: ⑦① tongue war


Cough, no matter how much the two bigwigs dislike each other behind their backs, the matter of visiting relatives has been settled perfectly.

It just so happened that I was in the palace right now, and those officials and ministers who were an eyesore were not around. Whatever decision His Majesty makes, he is not afraid of someone jumping out and chattering for hours.

His Majesty the Emperor: Happy =w=.

One day he will deal with these censors who are always against him, and let them know what it means to have the supremacy of imperial power and stop talking nonsense.

As for the great eunuch who returned to Huaijing with the good news of visiting relatives, everyone in the capital was either happy or angry, and His Majesty the Emperor said that he had no time to take care of his daily affairs. The Shen family hastily prepared a family visitation garden for me, and no other nonsense was allowed.

Although Master Shen, Prime Minister of the Left, is a civil servant, he is not a speech official who can poke people's feet without eyes. If it wasn't for him being able to please His Majesty the Emperor, how could the Shen family have the status it has today

The Shen family was able to become the new emperor's confidant within three short years without any merits of the dragon, nor any deeds to help the world. It can be seen how smart the head of the Shen family is.

A virtuous minister also needs to look at the emperor's face, otherwise his excellent proposition will not only fail to be implemented, but may be denounced by the emperor as a dog in a rage. Some innocuous little things are naturally to follow His Majesty's wishes, not to mention that he himself misses his daughter.

— Poor Lord Zuo Xiang still doesn’t know that the imperial concubine has changed.

On the third day of the eighth lunar month, the sky was clear and cloudless, and it was a good time to return to the palace. Twelve days later it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival. His Majesty the Emperor waved his hand, expressing that it is a good time to visit relatives on the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he insisted on taking the imperial concubine back to her natal home on this day.

At the first court meeting just after returning to the palace, everyone was gearing up and preparing to present His Majesty with a bunch of questions accumulated during the two months of summer vacation, but they were completely dumbfounded by such an order from His Majesty the Emperor.

No Your Majesty, you wait! I don’t want to say anything about visiting relatives, but is it not good to save relatives during the Mid-Autumn Festival

It came from the ministers who were dizzy by His Majesty's sudden and excessive demands, unconsciously lowered their demands, and subconsciously agreed to acquiesce in the matter of visiting relatives. They are not so demanding now, the emperor can visit his relatives, but please don't pick such a special day!

"What's wrong?" The emperor wearing a twelve-pronged crown squinted his eyes slightly, and his sharp gaze swept around the dozen or so civil servants who stood up and sang against him, wishing to pierce a few holes.

The civil servants were beating drums in their hearts, but they bit the bullet and did not back down. The leading right chancellor said dryly: "Your Majesty, this Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival of family reunion. The matter is of great importance. Naturally, Your Majesty will stay in the palace to accompany the Empress Dowager. How can you leave the palace alone with a concubine?"

The implication is: Is it appropriate for you to accompany your mother and a concubine to return to your mother’s house during the Mid-Autumn Festival? ! Anyway, you also accompany a regular wife! What's the matter with my concubine!

His Majesty the Emperor snorted coldly, scaring the timid civil servants into a fight.

"It turns out that Prime Minister Yu also knows that the Mid-Autumn Festival is a day for family reunion? Why is it wrong for me to accompany Concubine Ming to visit relatives? Concubine Ming has been virtuous and virtuous in the two years since she entered the palace, which is very much in line with my wishes. The empress shares the heavy palace duties, and now it is even more difficult for me to give birth to the emperor's heir. It is very hard for me to accompany her to meet the country's father and uncle, what hinders your eyes?!"

Right Prime Minister Yu was sweating profusely on his forehead. His Majesty the Emperor usually called Ai Qing and Prime Minister Yu, but now he specially reminded him that he was just a "Prime Right", which was obviously extremely displeased.

What's more, the other party not only praised Concubine Shen Gui, but also directly called the Shen family father and son as the father-in-law and the uncle of the country, which is simply the treatment only for the wife and empress. Generally speaking, only the queen's father and brothers are eligible to be called the father and uncle of the state, and the Shen family is just a noble concubine... It really is a demon concubine who is a disaster for the country!

Not to mention making troubles in the palace before, but now she bewitches His Majesty to disrespect etiquette as soon as she is pregnant.

Yu Youxiang was about to make another long speech, but his Majesty's gloomy eyes stared at him so that he dared not open his mouth.

Although he said it so righteously and awe-inspiringly, in fact, who doesn't know who? The reason why Yu Youxiang actively opposed it was not because of any etiquette, but because of his two daughters.

Both of his daughters entered the palace as concubines, so why have they been oppressed by the Shen family all this time, and even if they haven't gotten a concubine until now, the emperor wants to accompany Shen's relatives in person this time? This is the first time after today's ascension to the throne, receiving this honor will not only increase the limelight of the Shen family, even the Shen family will rise in popularity.

Yu Youxiang had had enough of being suppressed by the Shen family.

With such selfishness in mind, of course he couldn't be justified, and he couldn't continue after he said a few words.

But Master Yu has stepped back, Master Zhang, Master Li, and Master Sun will stand up. These three censors were upright, smelly and tough, and when they came out, there was a long chatter, and the meaning was repeated over and over again—this was unreasonable. Your Majesty had to stay in the palace for a banquet during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he was not allowed to leave at will.

"The Mid-Autumn Festival banquet is in the evening." His Majesty the Emperor remained unmoved, "I will return to the palace after noon."


Everyone bargained for a while, but in the end, His Majesty the Emperor, who had made up his mind, did not change his mind. So the time was set like this, and the matter of visiting relatives was also set, and there was nothing to change.

After the censor was defeated, another group of officials rolled up their sleeves and went up.

"Your Majesty is right. This Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for family reunion. Naturally, we should let the empresses go home to visit their relatives." This is Mrs. Shu's father who has a marquis. Visiting relatives at home, so that the ladies can reunite with their families."

"Extremely extreme. I only know that the imperial concubine is too honored and favored to visit her relatives alone. Your Majesty should treat them equally." Another person also jumped out to echo. The pest level is relatively low, so it has not been cleared yet.

He did not have a daughter in the palace, but the second daughter of the Fu family's direct branch was in the palace, and he was showing his favor to the Fu family's direct branch.

However, as soon as he finished talking about Master Hou, he felt that he was going to suffer. He was not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.

What is "excessive favor"? Also "equal treatment"? This colleague, don't drag me around!

Sure enough, after hearing his words, His Majesty the Emperor snorted coldly: "Oh? Fu Aiqing has a problem with my Concubine Ming?"

The man trembled, it was the first time for him to be called "Ai Qing" by His Majesty the Emperor: "Chen... Chen..." I dare not...

Before I could say the last two words, the emperor interrupted: "Is Fu Aiqing standing out for Concubine Fu? I don't know whether Concubine Fu has served the Empress Dowager for me, or has conceived an heir for me. How can she win me?" 'equal treatment'?"

It is true that there is no childbearing, but there should be some serving the queen mother... right

The man muttered a few words in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

Obviously, in the eyes of His Majesty the Emperor, the time that the concubine spent in the Empress Dowager's Shoukang Palace before entering the palace was not regarded as serving the Empress Dowager at all. After all, at that time, she really didn't seem to be filial to the queen mother, and at that time she was the queen mother's niece, not the emperor's concubine. When she served the queen mother, she called her niece to serve her elders, not concubines to honor her mother-in-law.

Mr. Fu wanted to defend a few words, but suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Fu, Fu Bin

The lord's eyes darkened, and His Majesty the Emperor took away the title of Concubine Xiang with a single sentence, and the dignified Concubine Xiang was transformed back into Concubine Fu, making Xi Concubine shorter than Xi Concubine.

My lord just thinks that life is worthless, so now the concubine is going to hate him to death, right? Maybe the Fu family will also vent their anger on him...

However, His Majesty the Emperor, who is not considerate of others, directly ignored this overconfident guy, and said coldly: "All the concubines need to stay in the palace for me to accompany the Queen Mother. I am not in the palace during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and they are my concubines. Naturally, I should share my worries and solve my problems, how can I leave the palace on the Mid-Autumn Festival? Don’t bring up this matter again, and leave the court.”

All the ministers: "..." Oh, now that you think about it, you want to accompany the Queen Mother? Then you still have to go out for the Mid-Autumn Festival

However, His Majesty the Emperor cannot hear their slander. The noble and glamorous Majesty flicked his sleeves and left after speaking, very willful.

Master Shen, who had won everything without saying a word from the beginning to the end, stroked his beard, bowed his hands with everyone with a sweet smile, and left triumphantly. Leaving the eyes of a group of people behind him looking like wolves and tigers, he stood still.

A group of adults who tried to get their own daughters to go home also stole chickens and robbed rice. Although the emperor only scolded Concubine Fu for "no achievements", in fact, all the concubines in the entire palace except Concubine Shen were killed. scolded. While drawing enough hatred for the noble concubines, it also hit the arrogance of the concubines and concubines.

His Majesty the Emperor made it very clear: Concubine Ming is very elegant, and she is filial to her mother-in-law, respects her first wife, and also gave birth to my cubs (this is the key point), so Concubine Shen is very good, and I want to reward her. The daughters of this group of people do not touch any of the above N points, and wanting to go back to their natal homes is just a daydream.

But in fact, this call was full of bullshit except for Concubine Shen Gui giving birth.

The noble concubine is a virtuous and virtuous concubine? First look at the concubine who was knocked unconscious by the imperial concubine's slap, and then talk about it dear!

The imperial concubine is filial to her mother-in-law? Her so-called filial piety is to go with the big troops to pay respects to the Queen Mother every once in a while, and after she comes out, relying on the Queen Mother's favor to be arrogant and domineering!

Do imperial concubines respect their first wife? Women in the harem fighting for the power of the palace are considered a ghost to share the queen's worries, it is clearly a snatching of rights!

From this we can see how serious the evil concubine's filter is. Once pregnant, this noble concubine will be perfect immediately, and even if she slaps someone, her majesty will be praised by the emperor as "the slap is beautiful".

However, only a few people know that His Majesty the Emperor and the Imperial Concubine are a couple made of plastic paper. The truth is always in the hands of a few people, and the truth does not deceive me.

In the harem, the concubines, who were still hoping that the officials of the previous dynasty would dispel the idea of His Majesty the emperor's family, did not know that a disaster was about to come. She admired her newly dyed nails happily, turned a blind eye to a group of competing concubines around her, and sat there alone admiring herself.

Now is the time for the concubines to pay their respects.

Originally, Concubine Xiang and Concubine Mi were very happy, so everyone either walked around or watched the fun from afar. But since His Majesty the Emperor suddenly said that he would accompany the concubine back to her natal home more than ten days ago, the atmosphere among the concubines has changed.

Everyone unanimously pointed their finger at Concubine Shen Gui, completely ignoring that she was pregnant with a child. Anyway, they just stabbed and didn't do anything, how could Concubine Shen lose the baby? If it's better if it falls, they will just clap their hands and cheer.

So with this kind of thinking, they no longer shy away because of pregnancy, for fear that something happened to Concubine Shen's birth would be their fault. When a group of people saw Concubine Shen Gui, they would say two or three sour words in an attempt to make Concubine Shen feel uncomfortable. It's a pity that the imperial concubine didn't care, she stabbed back every minute and didn't say anything, she still ate and slept well every day, her complexion became better and better, making people jealous.

Under such a situation, Wei Zhaoyi, who had just been promoted to Jieyu, did not become the target of public criticism.

Wei Zhaoyi is a rare symbol in the harem, not only good-looking, but also admirable personality.

However, it is a pity that such a good girl was forced to enter the palace by her family, and now she has been promoted to the third rank in the palace, bringing a lot of benefits to her family, and it can be regarded as repaying her parents' kindness. The emperor and the imperial concubine sighed that they had ruined a good girl, and they planned to find an opportunity to ask her what she meant, to see if she would like to change her identity and go out of the palace to live a peaceful life, instead of staying in the palace to study.

Concubine Shen felt that it was rare for the emperor to have a conscience, and gave him a punch.

—You fucking know you ruined a good girl? Then you still go to her palace to have sex with people!

His Majesty the Emperor lay down on the ground aggrieved, repeatedly expressing that he really only touched each other for the first time, but after seeing the girl resisted, he never touched her. It was the first time that he touched Luohong's handkerchief because the aunt of Jingshifang would come to collect it.

So Wei Zhaoyi, apart from having sex with this national husband once, then just chatted and ate with her, and her status rose steadily, and her treatment was much better than that of concubines of the same level.

She felt that this was all due to Concubine Shen Gui and Empress Empress.

Fortunately, His Majesty the Emperor didn't know what she was thinking, otherwise he would run away. I don't know how she came to this conclusion. Anyway, since she found out that she was treated well and was not discovered by the concubine, she believed that the two big bosses had been taking care of her. It's hard to say whether the emperor is scum or not, but the two empresses are good people anyway.

The topic is far away, let's go back to please An.

Wei Zhaoyi, no, it's Wei Jieyu now. Wei Jieyu listened to the noble concubine and empress who blocked all the words of the people with all her efforts, she was very impressed.

She looked at the imperial concubine's belly again, the nearly seven-month-old belly was a bit scary, Wei Jieyu looked back and was worried that the imperial concubine would fall because her belly was too big and she couldn't keep her balance while walking. Fortunately, there are always some palace people around her, who will definitely support her. It doesn't matter if she can't support her, if she falls down, the palace servants will take the initiative to use her as a human cushion.

Sensing the kind gaze, Shen Guifei turned her head and met Wei Jieyu's gaze. She nodded slightly, and then went on to fight with people.

The concubine said: "Your concubine is so lucky. After I enter the palace, I won't have the chance to go back to my mother's house. This time, His Majesty decided to go home with my sister to visit relatives, but we are so envious. However, when the concubine heard about this It’s a bit inconsistent with the ancestral system, I’m afraid those officials won’t agree.”

Concubine Shen Guifei didn't seem to understand the meaning in her words, "If the speaker will definitely let the emperor dissuade you, you can wait for nothing to be happy", she pretended to sigh: "I have also persuaded your majesty not to be so public. However Your Majesty insists on accompanying me to go home to visit relatives, so I am also very troubled."

There was no trouble on her face, and she was full of pride.

The concubine choked her breath in her chest and almost passed out. The joy of stabbing Concubine Shen just now disappeared without a trace, and on the contrary, she became even more aggrieved.

Empress Fu almost laughed out loud.

The imperial concubine picked up the adult who was lying on her lap, and turned her prone position into a sitting position. The adult has been sluggish in summer, it is probably because this summer is too hot, Shen Yuqing does not have an ice basin in the room, so it is not very comfortable, so it has been sluggish. It's autumn now, and I'm alive again, but sometimes I still like to lie on my stomach and be lazy, probably because I'm used to being lazy.

The unscrupulous master grabbed its two little claws and waved it at the empress, the empress felt a soft heart and wanted to hug it.

The lord looked at the queen, then at the cat slave, and broke free from the cat slave's hand neatly. This was not enough, he gave the cat slave another paw with his backhand, slapped her hand away, jumped off the cat slave's legs, and came to the queen's side.

The Empress is a qualified cat slave, she didn't go to make trouble with the cat master, but let the master doze off on her lap. He also rubbed Maomao's belly, which made the adult make a purring sound, and narrowed his eyes in enjoyment.

The imperial concubine who was patted by the little meat pad didn't take it seriously, and stared at the cat and the person eagerly. Both are her darlings, it is really hard to choose. I want to be the cat that gets licked, and I want to be the one who licks the cat.

A concubine who just followed the previous concubine's force and continued to speak against Concubine Shen, talked for a long time and saw that the concubine did not pay her any attention, and her nose was almost crooked in anger.

Concubine Shen Gui looked at her slowly, vaguely remembering that this person seemed to babble a lot. "What did you just say?" she asked.


Before the concubines were about to go berserk, a little eunuch serving by His Majesty's side came in to spread the news, which prevented the tragedy from happening.

He only heard him salute to all the empresses, and said to the empress: "Your Majesty has set a date for the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15 to accompany the imperial concubine to go home to visit relatives." Then he bowed his hands to Shen Guifei, "Congratulations, imperial concubine."

Shen Guifei nodded slightly with a smile on her face.

This was not over yet, he bowed his hands to Concubine Xiang with a straight face: "Your Majesty has deprived Concubine Xiang of the title, and now she is Concubine Fu."

"What?! Impossible!" Xiang Concubine screamed, "How could my cousin do this to me for an outsider!"

The concubine who was too involved in the drama had a look of disbelief.

The little eunuch frowned slightly, and argued: "Concubine Fu is careful, the reason for taking the title is not the concubine's concubine, it is Master Fu who overstepped and offended His Majesty."

"Master Fu?!" Concubine Xiang widened her eyes and gritted her teeth.

Don't let her know which Lord Fu it is!

The eunuch didn't care about him anymore, he just explained the last thing lightly, and left.

"Your Majesty has an order that all the concubines must go to Shoukang Palace to serve the Empress Dowager on Mid-Autumn Festival, and they are not allowed to leave without authorization."

The concubines glared at Shen Yuqing bitterly when they heard the words, why can Mrs. Shen go home to visit her relatives, and they want to run to accompany an old woman

Concubine Shen was indifferent, ignoring their sharp eyes.

Take the best way, and then ruin the bad ones, leaving others nowhere to go. She is so self-willed. If she refuses to accept it, she will bite her!

But the dog emperor who brought hatred to him again, let's beat him up later.

The greetings in the morning just ended in such a hurry.

Except for a few people who were happy, most of the concubines were still aggrieved. However, the same person has different fate, there is no comparison.

Huh? It kinda rhymes.

In short, the imperial concubine happily hugged the lord and left, not leaving the people behind at all.

Although the lord was holding on to the empress's skirt just now, which made her a little jealous, but this could not hinder her good mood. She is happy when others are unhappy, and she is happy when she thinks that she can go out for a while during the Mid-Autumn Festival, while other women have to endure nagging by the queen mother.

The empress dowager is almost forty, and she has been nagging more and more recently. Sometimes you can chatter for an hour when you catch someone, anyway, the imperial concubine can't stand it. Other concubines should not be able to bear it if they judge others by themselves.

The blissful imperial concubine returned to the palace and put the sleeping adults in the nest, and quietly ran to Fengyi Palace to have a meal.

She now excuses her pregnancy and eats five or six meals a day. Although everyone in Fengyi Palace knew that she was not pregnant, this did not prevent the imperial concubine from insisting on using this excuse to eat more delicious food.

The best cook has been sent to Fengyi Palace, but she can't eat it by herself in Jianjia Palace, so she must find a way to eat it back. In the past, she was in Fengyi Palace and the cook was in Jianjia Palace; now the cook is in Fengyi Palace and she is in Jianjia Palace. It looks like a flower on the other side, which makes people bald.

The empress also let her eat whatever she wanted, and even ate with her.

After eating like this for more than ten days, the empress pinched her belly, as if she had gained weight? She looked at Concubine Shen's big belly again, wanting to see if this person had gained weight.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Concubine Shen Gui came over and asked.

Now that the weather is not hot, the daughter-in-law does not reject her cuddling. After the weather turns cold, the daughter-in-law should like to hug her more. Concubine Shen Gui touched her chin and thought about it.

The empress pointed to her belly: "Get this off, I'll take a look at your belly."

"Look at my belly?" Concubine Shen Gui was confused, and obediently took off the fake fetus.

The author has something to say: wait for the bug

Thanks to mines: a cup of Coke x1, Splendid Huanian x1, Sniffing Rose x1, cymeshx2, Zx1, Liuyao x1

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Anz Wu Ergong +10, that @huang. +20, Sweet Dreams +2, Sorrow +10, Dawn - Dawn +10, Cymesh +9, Yan Youhuang +1, Su Muzhe +10