The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 76: ⑦⑥Solution


Concubine Shen Gui hurried to the imperial tent at the fastest speed of a pregnant woman.

The palace people around His Majesty knew martial arts, Shen Yuqing didn't think that Concubine Mi could succeed in the assassination, what she was worried about was that if Concubine Mi did do it, the hidden guards and palace people would kill her by mistake.

Soon, the master and the servant came outside the imperial tent, and Ayi, the maid beside Concubine Mi, guarded the door for some reason and did not go in.

"Where is Concubine Mi?" Shen Yuqing asked.

I don't know if it's because of what happened last night that Ayi has a good impression of Shen Yuqing. She replied respectfully: "The princess is inside, and she ordered the slaves to stay outside and not let other concubines in."

Just as Shen Yuqing was about to say something, she suddenly heard the sound of a plate falling from inside the tent. Her face changed slightly, and she disappeared in place in an instant.

Seeing this, Man Xing and A Yi hurried inside, and after entering, they saw the imperial concubine using a chopstick to block a few swords away. Seeing this group of people attacking Concubine Mi relentlessly, his face turned cold, and he kicked them out.

Concubine Mi was holding the dagger, she looked dumbfounded.

The time went back to three minutes ago.

Concubine Mi dined with the emperor, trying to lower the emperor's vigilance.

The emperor already knew about Loulan abandoning Concubine Mi. Therefore, he does not doubt that Concubine Mi has evil intentions. In his opinion, this woman who loves him deeply will not choose to take risks for a Loulan who has given up on her, but will choose to rely on him. From now on, she only cares about the emperor's favor, not the motherland.

However, he is afraid that he has never heard of a word called "hate out of love".

His majesty the arrogant emperor felt at ease with Concubine Mi and was defenseless. Concubine Mi saw the opportunity, slipped the dagger from her sleeve quietly, and quickly stabbed it at the emperor's chest.

Then, she was stopped by the hidden guards.

The emperor will relax his vigilance, but the hidden guards will not. When the dagger slid down, the guards noticed it, so they could stop it in time. But His Majesty the Emperor dodged in a hurry and overturned the plate on the table.

Concubine Shen Gui quickly entered the room when she heard the voice, and happened to see the scene of the hidden guards attacking Concubine Mi together with the surrounding palace people who had reacted.

She didn't waste her time urging them to stop, but came to Concubine Mi with a loud figure, and grabbed her chopsticks to block the attack.

These people did not give up, and even if they were blocked, they still persevered in attacking. When had the imperial concubine been provoked like this before? With her pretty face condensed, she kicked away the nearest hidden guard and snatched his long knife. Flipping the saber, he blocked the attacking weapon again.

These people were not Shen Yuqing's opponents in the first place, and after Concubine Shen seriously fought back, they quickly fell to the ground. Although he didn't suffer any injuries, his body was numb from the inner strength, and he couldn't move for a while.

Concubine Mi looked at Shen Yuqing with a ghostly expression, she never thought that there is actually a concubine in the palace who is a master of martial arts.

At this time, His Majesty the Emperor took off his robe that was stained with vegetable soup, stood coldly in the distance and said, "Shen Yuqing, what are you going to do?"

"None of your business!" Shen Guifei frowned.

Concubine Mi: ⊙▽⊙

The imperial concubine is a little bit hung up!

Shen Guifei didn't have time to talk to the dog emperor at the moment, she turned her head and scolded at Concubine Mi: "What do you want to do? Ah? Kill yourself? Just because of an ugly man? What's the big deal, this kind of pig scum is like you Don’t know if you kicked him and replaced him with a good one? Isn’t the maid next to you very nice, I think she has been secretly in love with you for many years, and she still thinks of you wholeheartedly, why can’t you learn to cherish it!”

"..." Concubine Mi was dumbfounded.

Waiter, maid? What? ?

She subconsciously looked at Ayi who had just entered the door.

Ayi's face froze, she didn't expect Concubine Shen to see this, and she didn't expect that she would tell Concubine Mi directly.

The emperor who had been scolded several times by Concubine Shen was very dark: "Shen! Rain! Sunny!"

"What are you doing?" Shen Yuqing was so annoyed that she yelled back, "I scolded you wrong? If you have the guts, go to Qiushui and say that you are not a scumbag. Do you have the face to say so?"

emperor:"... ... "

Everyone: "..."

Concubine Mi's eyes widened. Today, she felt that her three views were all broken.

She thought that Shen Yuqing, like her, was a pitiful person deeply trapped in the harem, but now it seems that something is wrong

Shen Yuqing became angry when she saw Concubine Mi in a daze, turned her head and said to Ayi: "Take your princess to me first, and I will take care of it here. Ayi, you know martial arts, right? Don't let people see you on the road. you."

Ayi nodded quickly.

Looking at the posture just now, although I don't know what happened, it is definitely not a good thing. It's better for her princess to stay away from the place of right and wrong as soon as possible, Ayi hurriedly dragged Concubine Mi out of the imperial tent.

Now all the people left are our own people, so we can have a good talk about Concubine Mi's problem.

"Shen Yuqing, why are you crazy?" His Majesty the Emperor was very displeased.

He was an emperor after all, yet Shen Yuqing actually shielded the person who wanted to assassinate him. Even if he is not the kind of very cruel emperor, he will never give in on such life-threatening matters.

Shen Yuqing felt a headache, Concubine Mi would really find trouble for her.

Concubine Mi didn't recover until she entered Shen Yuqing's tent.

Seeing this, Ayi didn't dare to ask her what happened before, but asked Bi Ge for some hot tea, so that the princess could drink some tea to calm down.

After a long time, Shen Yuqing came back, and she finally woke up, looking at Shen Yuqing strangely. Shen Yuqing looked calm, unmoved in the slightest.

"You..." Concubine Mi opened her mouth, feeling that she didn't know what to say.

Shen Yuqing raised her eyebrows: "What are you? Have you figured out what's wrong with you?"

Concubine Mi shut up obediently.

After escaping from the dead once, some things came to mind out of nowhere.

Looking at it now, the self who had to drag the emperor to die with him before, seemed... stupid.

Maybe it's not just because of his narrow escape that he wanted to leave, but also because of being woken up by Shen Yuqing's scolding. And, Shen Yuqing's various behaviors also opened the door to a new world for her.

She suddenly realized that men are nothing. Is it possible to live well without a man in this world? Like Concubine Shen, who beat a group of men to the ground every minute, what else do you need a man for

— Concubine Mi, who suddenly joined the cult, didn't know that she seemed to have become a fan of Concubine Shen without knowing it.

"Now that you've figured it out, what are you going to do in the future?" Shen Yuqing sat down opposite her, brought a cup of tea over, and drank it slowly.

Concubine Mi sat there obediently, almost shrinking into a quail, with only one thought in mind: do whatever you say, everything is up to you.

Seeing her like this, Shen Yuqing got angry, put down the cup, took the beauty fan on the table and slapped her on the head.

"You can't do things with your head, so let's just die." She gritted her teeth in hatred.

Concubine Mi looked at Shen Yuqing innocently, thinking that not everyone is as tough and considerate as you.

"Come on." The imperial concubine let out a long breath and threw away the fan, "Do you want to stay in the palace or leave the palace?"

That's all she asked, she had no intention of keeping Concubine Mi in the palace at all. The dog emperor has a very small belly, and Concubine Mi will suffer sooner or later if she stays in the palace, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

Concubine Mi didn't want to stay here anymore, she asked pleasantly: "Can I leave the palace?"

"You can cheat death." Shen Guifei snorted coldly.

Don't even think about going out of the palace normally, His Majesty the Emperor will not be so magnanimous. Moreover, Concubine Mi assassinated the Emperor once, even if the Emperor could not do anything to Concubine Mi, he would not allow Concubine Mi to exist anymore.

As an emperor, no matter how generous he was, he couldn't just let the assassin go. So many people around saw what happened at that time, no matter whether the emperor wanted to deal with Concubine Mi, at least externally, "Concubine Mi" would be executed for the assassination, otherwise where would the emperor's face be put

Concubine Mi accepts this well, as long as she can leave the palace, the titles of Concubine Mi and Princess Loulan will be given up. These are not honors at all, but to her now, they are pure shackles.

"Really?" She looked at Shen Yuqing in surprise.

Shen Guifei raised her chin: "That's natural."

"Then... what am I going to do?" she asked hesitantly.

Shen Yuqing got up and walked towards the inner room: "You don't need to do anything, I will arrange it, you stay here obediently for me now, and you are not allowed to go out. From now on, you are already a 'dead person'."

"Start now?" Concubine Mi didn't have any dissatisfaction, but was eager to try.

I don't know what's so exciting about pretending to be a dead person, and it's not about letting her lie there and pretend to be a dead body.

In the evening, two people covered with white cloth were carried out from the imperial tent. The head eunuch personally left the royal hunting ground with the body bearers, and threw the body into a mass grave not far away.

Since other people were not allowed to leave the hunting ground at will, no one could see where the chief eunuch had gone, and could only speculate that the two "people" were dead bodies. However, whose body was not known.

However, they soon discovered that Concubine Mi and her maid Ayi were missing.

Obviously Concubine Mi went to the imperial tent yesterday, not to mention eating with His Majesty, and she hasn't come out until today. Normally everyone would be very jealous, but now, the concubines can't help but think of the two corpses yesterday.

Could it be...

Soon, news spread that Concubine Mi offended His Majesty and was ordered to die for some reason. In addition to the autumn hunting, everyone also had one more thing to talk about.

Although the disappearance of Fanghua is really lamentable, but the emperor wants whoever dies is a matter of one sentence, and it is difficult for everyone to say anything. Concubine Mi is still the emperor's woman, so it is easier to deal with than people in the previous dynasty.

As the princess of Loulan, the emperor would not touch Concubine Mi for no special reason, it could only prove that Concubine Mi had done something very excessive.

However, the people who served the emperor were very tight-lipped, no matter how secretly they inquired, they couldn't find out any news. After such a toss, until the end of the autumn hunting, no one knew the reason.

On September 20, the autumn hunting ended and everyone returned to Beijing.

Upon returning to the palace, His Majesty the Emperor immediately promulgated an imperial decree at the court meeting the next day.

"Concubine Mi has a vicious heart and assassinated the sage. From today onwards, her position will be abolished, she will be reduced to a commoner, and she will be given a glass of poisoned wine. After death, she will not enter the imperial tomb. Hereby!"

The imperial decree made up after the fact, in fact, Concubine Mi has been "poisoned".

There was an uproar in the hall.

Concubine Mi actually assassinated His Majesty!

No wonder His Majesty killed Concubine Mi directly. Assassinating the Holy Majesty was not a small crime. However, Concubine Mi's family is in Loulan, so only Concubine Mi and her maid were implicated in the end.

The person serving Concubine Mi in Xianlu Palace was sent by the emperor, and the master behind it was the emperor himself, so he survived. Otherwise, all the people in the palace will be buried with Concubine Mi.

Once this incident happened, apart from those who lamented that Concubine Mi was desperate and scolded Concubine Mi for not knowing what to do, there was only a group of Wencheng who praised His Majesty's generosity and did not anger innocent palace people.

His Majesty the Emperor earned a good reputation for nothing, and dealt with Concubine Mi, a thorn in his side that he wanted to get rid of for a long time. The displeasure of being threatened by Shen Yuqing finally dissipated a little. Thinking of Concubine Mi who had gone away with her maid, the emperor was still a little upset.

Why are there so many guys in his harem who like women? Was his charm that bad

The imperial concubine refused to talk to the emperor, she was in a bad mood recently.

Although both he and Concubine Mi were wrong about Concubine Mi, Shen Yuqing naturally wanted to favor weak women. Why should a scumbag like the dog emperor let her understand him more? She is not someone like the emperor.

Fu Qiushui heard what had happened and didn't know who to speak for. After thinking about it, she persuaded her brother.

"Yuqing is your sister-in-law anyway." The empress said flatly, "Didn't something happen to you?"

emperor:"... ... "

Can the account be calculated like this! What if he was really stabbed to death by Concubine Mi? !

"That only shows that you are stupid. You deserve it for looking down on women and finally falling on them."

In the final analysis, there are many reasons for the current situation, one of which is that the emperor is too scumbag and deceives the feelings of other little girls, and the other is that he is arrogant and careless. If he was really stabbed to death, to some extent he could really say that he deserved it.

The emperor didn't want to hear this argument, although he knew his sister had a point.

Empress Fu became angry when she saw him: "Go away, don't complain to me if you have any kind, talk to Yuqing yourself."

"..." Sister, you have changed, you have learned to say get out!

In the past, his elder sister was always protecting him, but now he has a daughter-in-law and forgets about his younger brother. A daughter-in-law is much more important than a younger brother.

His Majesty the Emperor left resentfully.

Fu Qiushui straightened his clothes and went to visit the imperial concubine.

At this moment, the imperial concubine is lying on the bed playing with cats.

"Sister Qiushui is here." The imperial concubine sat up holding the cat.

Fu Qiushui walked over and grabbed Shen Yuqing's face: "Tell me what you did."

Concubine Shen obediently admitted her mistake: "I won't bully your younger brother next time."

Believe it or not.

Empress Fu didn't believe what she said at all. Next time Shen Yuqing could not help bullying the emperor, she was used to it. But it doesn't matter, they solve their own affairs, just one point, don't make trouble with them.

"Mr. Yan came to complain to me today." Fu Qiushui frowned, "You two calm down for a while, there are already many things on my side."

Concubine Fu and Concubine Xi made mistakes one after another, and now the palace affairs are in the hands of the Queen and Madam Shu, so the workload is naturally much larger than before. She was already annoyed by all kinds of palace affairs, and she was brought by her younger brother to complain, so she didn't care about their love and hatred.

Love is always rolling around, if you don't get along, just stay away, she is too lazy to be a peacemaker.

Shen Guifei actively admits her mistakes and never repents, but her attitude is good anyway. Moreover, she was not as ignorant as His Majesty the Emperor, who troubled her daughter-in-law with these trivial matters, which directly caused the Queen's empress to treat her much better than the Emperor.

The emperor himself couldn't realize his mistakes, he deserved to be kicked out by his sister, and he always felt wronged that his sister didn't love him anymore after she had a daughter-in-law.

How silly.

Shen Yuqing cursed.

In terms of currying favor with the Empress, Concubine Shen definitely beat His Majesty the Emperor by N galaxies.

"Don't worry, he won't let him go to you for such a trivial matter in the future." Concubine Shen Gui promised.

What about brother bear? Just a good beat.

When Fu Yanjun went to sue once, he was beaten until he dared not go.

Shen Guifei shared her thoughts with her daughter-in-law, and the empress was silent for a while: "Don't beat me up."

That being said, she wasn't worried. Shen Yuqing's actions were measured, and she would only hurt the emperor, not really get hurt.

The imperial concubine agreed naturally happily, and then took the queen to chat and exchange feelings.

"Are all the people in your sect so cruel?" The empress was very interested in Mingjiao.

Shen Yuqing had confessed her background to her before, and Fu Qiushui knew that Shen Yuqing was not from this world. Although Fu Qiushui thinks that Shen Yuqing's hometown may be another overseas continent, Shen Yuqing firmly believes that she has crossed over.

After hearing the empress's question, Concubine Shen quickly shook her head, she must not let the daughter-in-law think that Mingjiao is a bunch of unreasonable guys. In order to prove that her martial art is actually very good, she took out a negative teaching material - Haoqi League.

The Haoqi League is a faction organization in Shen Yuqing's original world, and it is somewhat different from the sect. It's like the righteous alliance in martial arts novels, but they have their own special headquarters and a set of management independent of other sects.

In the eyes of Concubine Shen Gui, the people from the Haoqi League are the real cruelties. Back then, Haoqi was a place where hypocrites and real gentlemen gathered. There are black sheep, but not many.

Later, when the Anshi Rebellion broke out, most of the Haoqi League and the major sects changed their leaders. In order to prevent the head from dying in the Anshi Rebellion, the sects were in chaos. Haoqi's new leader is Mu Xuanying, adopted son of the original leader Xie Yuan, and the deputy leader is Mo Wan, Xie Yuan's apprentice.

"Mo Wan is my good friend." After Shen Yuqing said this, she couldn't help baring her teeth, as if recalling the painful experience of being bullied by Mo Wan back then.

Mo Wan is a female disciple of the Changge Sect. Since the weapons of the Changge Sect are the qin and the sword in the qin, people in the world call her Qin Niang. This Qinniang friend is black-bellied, extremely unreasonable, and very narrow-minded.

Shen Yuqing felt that she was just stealing, ahem, she just took an exercise book from her and went back to study the characters of the Central Plains, but she was chased and killed by her thousands of miles away, she made a big fuss and was inexplicable.

In the beginning, Qin Niang was still a quiet beauty in Changgemen, but later she became Xie Xie's apprentice for some reason. Then when Haoqi League changed its leader, she was favored by other management including the former deputy leader, and succeeded her as the deputy leader.

Then, the new alliance leader was busy falling in love with his sweetheart Mo Yu, and the Haoqi League fell into the clutches of Qinniang Jiyou.

Shen Yuqing was heartbroken when she mentioned this: "Originally, the Haoqi League shouted 'the way of heaven is not destroyed, and the noble energy will last forever' every day. It is awe-inspiring and upright. Since Mo Wan became the deputy leader, their Haoqi League has changed."

The current Haoqi League basically has this attitude - we are really reasonable, but we usually only explain the truth to you once, if you don't listen, we will beat you until you listen.

It is worth mentioning that among the people who "don't listen", there is obviously the concubine Shen Gui who used to die without limit.

Fu Qiushui: "..."

The empress didn't think that this Haoqi alliance could be used as a negative teaching material to prove that Mingjiao is not cruel. Because judging from Shen Yuqing's words and deeds, their Mingjiao is no better than the Haoqi League.

Concubine Shen was also very helpless, she wanted to talk about the Haoqi League's hostile camp, Evilren Valley, but she didn't know much about Evilren Valley. I used to hear people say that many people in the Valley of the Evil were forced into the valley by the righteous way. Later, the poisonous sister Jiyou picked up the rumors and told her that only a few people were actually forced, and the rest were really vicious.

Anyway, Shen Yuqing didn't figure it out, and it's hard to say what she didn't know, so she skipped the Valley of the Wicked.

Then she wanted to talk about the beggar gang's beggar beating monsters, but then she thought that their Mingjiao used to stare at the nurse and beat them up, and they had no face to speak of others.

After thinking about it... Mingjiao seems to be really cruel

Shen Guifei fell into deep thought.

The empress patted her on the head: "Think about it, is there nothing wrong with what I said?"

After she finished speaking, Shi Shiran left, leaving behind a troubled imperial concubine.

When they left, Shen Yuqing suddenly came back to her senses.

Wait, why did she bother with this issue, and finally got caught up in it? !

It's been a long time since no one has been tricked by someone. Shen Yuqing was at a loss for a moment, and after going over the cause and effect: "!!!"

She seemed to have been tricked by her daughter-in-law.

It seems to recall the fear of being dominated by the poisonous sister and Qinniang friends back then...

They especially like to dig holes for her to jump into.


The imperial concubine feebly rubbed noses with the cat, thinking whether to ask someone to prepare more brain-boosting things. Obviously she is not really pregnant, why does she look like a pregnant woman, there is a sign that she has been pregnant for three years.

The author has something to say: Thanks to mine: I want three small and six lines

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Oni Sauce +10, Xiaopangci +15, Feishi +10, Jiang Jiu +10, Good Dream +2, Slenderness +1, Qingling +20, "Want Three Little +10"