The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 81: ⑧①Turn tea


Not long after the full moon, it is Laba. Concubine Shen made a small bowl of Laba milk porridge for Qiuqiu, discarded the porridge particles and beans, and filtered it with a fine mesh, and filtered out the porridge water with bean and milk aromas.

Children under the full moon can drink a little rice soup, and gruel is naturally fine. Some poor mothers produce very little breast milk, so in order not to starve their children, they can only feed them rice soup.

I like the porridge soup ball of this Laba milk porridge very much, and I can't stop drinking it with a small spoon. In this way, it can be regarded as a complete Laba Festival.

As the elder sister, Princess Qingxi was lucky enough to share a bowl of unfiltered porridge. The porridge with some sugar was very sweet, and Qingxi drank two bowls in a row. I couldn't drink anymore, so I gave up.

This year's Laba Festival was held not long ago because the prince's full moon banquet was held not long ago, so there was no big event. The main thing was the family banquet in the palace, but Concubine Shen was too lazy to go, so she didn't attend, and took a pair of children to play with the adults in Jianjia Palace.

The day before the eve of the new year, His Royal Highness Qiuqiu will soon be two months old. Because after the new year, the emperor sealed the pen and the empress would no longer let people come to pay her respects, and the annual leave was about to begin, so Concubine Shen Gui planned to take advantage of the new year to visit Fengyi Palace to greet the empress. After all, it's the last time of this year, she has been absent from work so many times, at least she can't dodge the last time.

So early in the morning, the imperial concubine brought Biling Qingyuan and others to Fengyi Palace in a soft sedan chair to greet the empress.

It is still stepped on to make everyone wait.

Seeing the imperial concubine coming in, everyone was not used to it for a while. I haven't seen Concubine Shen Gui go out for several months, even though we met at the last full moon banquet, but seeing you again now, it still feels like a lifetime away.

When the imperial concubine came to pay her respects to the empress last time, Concubine Mi was still fine. But now, Concubine Mi's body was probably eaten up by wild dogs in the mass grave.

It's really embarrassing.

When Mrs. Shu saw Concubine Shen Gui, her heart skipped a beat. Can't help but recall the fear of being dominated by Concubine Shen, she has never been courteous in front of the concubine.

It's so frustrating, I didn't expect Concubine Shen Gui to come today.

Mrs. Shu, who occupied the first place, hurriedly got up to give up her seat, lest she was forced to give up her seat by Concubine Shen like a year ago, which was shameful for nothing.

"Long time no see, sisters." The imperial concubine greeted the empress first, then sat down on the left and greeted everyone casually.

All the younger sisters forced a smile and stood up to salute Concubine Shen.

Recently there have been rumors outside that Concubine Shen Gui gave birth to the eldest son of the emperor, but she could not be promoted. After all, she is a noble concubine with a title, and the next step will be the queen. However, the queen's position was taken by someone, so His Majesty the Emperor may have two choices in order to compensate the unsealable Concubine Shen.

One is to establish the eldest son of the emperor as the crown prince, and the other is to give honor to Concubine Shen's mother's family and elevate Concubine Shen's status.

However, the imperial concubine's mother's family is already glorious enough, and after all the calculations, there seems to be nothing that can be done.

Looking at it this way, it seems that the eldest son of the emperor will become the crown prince.

The concubines in the harem didn't understand the power game of the previous dynasty, so they took such rumors very seriously. They felt that, given how much His Majesty loved Concubine Shen, it was very possible for the eldest son of the emperor to become the crown prince. Therefore, when the concubines saw Concubine Shen Gui, they felt complicated and unspeakable.

But they don't know that the prince is the crown prince, which has very important political significance for a country, and it's not just a seal. Generally, there are no accidents, and a baby who is prone to premature death will not be named a prince.

Although the change of the prince is not as big as the change of the emperor, it is not small.

Concubine Shen Gui never thought that her son would become the crown prince. She knew clearly that the emperor would not consider this matter until Qiu Qiu showed his talent for governing the world and his love for the people.

She was drinking tea in an old spirit, as if she didn't notice the strange eyes of everyone.

Surrounded by the usual cynicism, Shen Yuqing was not in the mood to listen, so she just stared at the empress from the corner of her eye in a daze. Outsiders only thought she was staring at the ground, and never thought that this guy was "peeping".

Empress Fu noticed the fiery color, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she gave Concubine Shen a veiled look, telling her to restrain herself.

The imperial concubine pretended not to see and continued to stare.

I thought I would have to go through this whole morning, but I didn't expect that after those women chatted for a while, someone suddenly brought the topic to Concubine Shen. Some congratulated the imperial concubine on the birth of a dragon son; some were envious and jealous, and even gnashed their teeth when they spoke; some had a lot of thoughts, and finally started to compliment Shen Guifei, as if they wanted to hug Shen Guifei's thigh.

The imperial concubine was unmoved, glanced at the crowd, and suddenly paused.

Is there something wrong

She frowned and pondered for a while before realizing the problem.

Not far from her, sat a sweet-looking concubine. Concubine Shen thought it was Concubine Xi at first, but after a closer look, she discovered that it was Concubine Xi's sister, Yu Zhaoyi.

The two are twin sisters, they look very similar, and it's impossible to tell who is who unless you look carefully. However, usually the dressing styles of the two people are very different, and the expressions are also very different, so it is easy to detect something is wrong.

But it is different now, maybe Yu Zhaoyi has been locked up for a long time, and her whole person is much gloomy. In the previous period, Concubine Xi was also low-key and introverted because she offended the emperor, so at first glance she really looked like her.

If Yu Zhaoyi hadn't been sitting at the head of Concubine Fu instead of Concubine Shen, and with Concubine Shen's attitude of not being too lazy to pay attention to everyone, she might not have noticed something was wrong.

Shen Yuqing looked at Yu Zhaoyi inexplicably, wondering if she had been too salty recently.

She didn't know when Yu Zhaoyi was released. She didn't know why Concubine Xi didn't show up.

During this period of time, she was obsessed with her son, and she forgot all the things in the harem. Man Xing and the others seldom bothered her with matters in the palace when they got the order, at most they talked to her about the Empress Empress.

Concubine Shen looked back suspiciously, planning to turn around and ask Dong Xiao.

The people around were still chatting about the matter of the eldest son of the emperor. Mrs. Shu, who was sitting opposite Shen Yuqing, heard something, and suddenly got excited and overturned the tea.

"His Royal Highness the eldest son is so favored, it is not impossible to be crowned prince in the future..." After being surprised by Mrs. Shu's movement, the following words were interrupted.

Everyone looked at Mrs. Shu in surprise, they didn't expect Mrs. Shu to be so impatient recently.

Although these words are really uncomfortable to hear, everyone has long been accustomed to all kinds of heart-pounding words in the palace, and they would not show them in normal times. But thinking about it, this involves the crown prince, so it's normal for Mrs. Shu to be so excited.

Only a few of the concubines here are old people in the palace, and the rest basically entered the palace a year ago. They have been in the palace for a short time, and they are not so attached to their children, unlike Mrs. Shu who has been in the palace for four years and has not moved.

Everyone showed a clear look, and glanced sympathetically at Mrs. Shu's belly.

Mrs. Shu's face became even uglier. She wiped the tea on her body with a handkerchief, and said in a cold tone, "Sisters, please be careful. Is it possible for me to speculate about the prince at will? Don't say this again in the future."

It seems that she is really dissatisfied with everyone's death, but in fact everyone knows that she is just pulling a fig leaf for herself.

Mrs. Shu was so jealous that she couldn't listen to the eldest son of the emperor, she could accidentally spill the tea in a fit of anger, regardless of the disguise.

"Okay." The empress interrupted everyone's slander, "Madam Shu, go back to the palace to change clothes earlier, it's getting cold, wear wet clothes and be careful of catching cold."

Mrs. Shu got up to leave with a dark face, and ignored everyone.

Concubine Shen Gui blinked, watched everyone leave one by one, and then stayed in Fengyi Palace openly and aboveboard, pulling her daughter-in-law to listen to Miss Dongxiao's gossip.

"You don't know about Empress Xi?" Dong Xiao was very surprised.

Concubine Shen was at a loss: "I should know?"

Dong Xiao moved a small stool and sat in front of the two big men, and began to talk one by one.

The matter of concubine Xi had to start with Qiu Lie.

During the autumn hunt, everyone focused on Concubine Mi and ignored Concubine Xi. But apart from Concubine Shen who has been busy arranging Concubine Mi, everyone else knew about it anyway.

The cause of the incident was very simple. It was Xipin's bad luck. When she was walking in the hunting ground, she was attacked by a wild beast that sprang out from the side, and she almost scratched her face.

But although the face was spared, there was a big gash in the leg. The environment in the hunting ground was not very good, Xi concubine did not heal her wounds well, and later when she rushed back to the palace, she made a fuss again, so three months later, her wounds were still not healed.

Everyone suspected that someone was framed by someone in this matter, but to be honest, Concubine Xi was not conspicuous at the time, and she kept a low profile because she offended the emperor, so she really wouldn't be in the way of anyone's eyes. Unless her sister Yu Zhaoyi took the opportunity to vent her anger against her, there would be no motive.

As a result, everyone felt that Concubine Xi was purely unlucky, and gloated in their hearts.

"She was attacked by wild beasts?" Shen Yuqing raised her eyebrows, "Did you find any trace of someone doing it?"

This is unscientific, Liu Zhaoyi's methods are so high

The empress said calmly: "It was found out, but I asked Jinli to declare that there is no problem."

Concubine Shen Gui blinked and suddenly understood. Turning around and hugging his daughter-in-law, he smiled and took a sip: "Are you venting your anger? Sister Qiushui is so kind to me!"

Empress Fu pushed her away helplessly, wiped her face: "Don't make trouble."

Concubine Xi had dealt with Shen Yuqing before, which involved Liu Zhaoyi. She wanted to slander Concubine Shen Gui for accepting bribes, but Liu Zhaoyi was just unlucky enough to be used as a raft by her.

Later, Shen Yuqing told Liu Zhaoyi the truth of the incident, and Liu Zhaoyi took revenge on Concubine Xi. After Jinli found out about this matter, the empress empress used her authority to suppress her. Naturally, Jinli would not disagree with the queen, so the matter was left alone.

Liu Zhaoyi was not caught out, Xibi still doesn't know the truth.

Miss Dongxiao felt blind and slipped away quietly.

She stands here like a light bulb, and although she doesn't know about light bulbs, it doesn't prevent her from realizing the fact that she's an eyesore.

When Concubine Shen had had enough trouble, she turned her head and saw that the person had disappeared.

"I haven't finished asking." Shen Yuqing muttered.

Fu Qiushui straightened the clothes that were thrown into disarray by Concubine Shen: "What do you want to know? It's the same as asking me."

"When was Yu Zhaoyi released?" Shen Yuqing asked.

"It's almost Chinese New Year, so I decided to let her out."

The main reason is that Chinese New Year is approaching, and Xipin's legs are getting better soon. Thinking that concubine Xi was about to jump out and continue jumping, the empress frowned.

She released Yu Zhaoyi at this moment, naturally, to restrain Concubine Xi.

Concubine Shen understood: "Concubine Xi's injury is about to heal? Doesn't it mean that she can't go to the ground yet?"

So concubine Xi didn't come to ask for peace, and she deliberately asked for leave. It is said that when the maid next to her came to ask for leave, she said the injury was very serious, as if her broken leg would not heal for half a year.

"She said it seriously." Fu Qiushui was noncommittal.

If it was other injuries, Xibi might insist that she was not seriously injured, in order to serve her bed.

But the leg injury can't be ignored, if she becomes crippled, she will definitely be ridiculed to death by other women. Moreover, don't even think about competing for favor in the future, the emperor is afraid that he won't like a lame concubine.

Concubine Xi didn't dare to go to the ground during this time, for fear of getting hurt more. Every day, she only asks the nurse to massage her legs to prevent muscle atrophy.

But after raising it for so long, three months, no matter what, it should be almost enough. She should be able to come out to attend the New Year banquet in a few days.

"The annual banquet is going to be lively again."

Accompanying his daughter-in-law and daughter for lunch, Concubine Shen happily took her daughter back to accompany her son.

Recently Qingxi has been very attached to Concubine Shen Gui, because the concubine mother has a younger brother. Qingxi likes her younger brother, so she doesn't want Little Tail's followers anymore, she only cares about being with her younger brother.

Shen Guifei threw her over to play with Qiuqiu, and went to rest in the house by herself.

It's been a long time since she got up early, and she's still a little unaccustomed to it, so she should go back to sleep first.

An hour later, Bi Ling woke up the imperial concubine.

"Your Majesty, don't sleep too long. If you sleep for too long during the day, you will get a headache." She greeted the imperial concubine and empress with Xiao Diao in her arms.

Shen Guifei took the little mink and teased it.

"Your Majesty, the poison of the imperial concubine Mi and those palace people has been cured." Seeing that the imperial concubine was bored, Bi Ling told Concubine Shen the latest news.

The original group of palace people around Concubine Mi were drugged and controlled by her. Later, when things were revealed, these people were sent away, and Concubine Mi was also placed by His Majesty the Emperor to monitor her all the time. Those who were poisoned were not quickly resolved.

At the beginning, Tai Hospital could only dispense pills that suppressed the medicinal properties, and added the temporary antidote formula obtained from Concubine Mi. These people have been living well, but they did not die because of it. But Concubine Mi didn't know what the real antidote was, so she couldn't do anything, so the Tai Hospital had to study it by herself.

Recently, the antidote was able to be researched because Concubine Mi took out the drug pills that she treasured.

Concubine Mi refused to cooperate before, she was reluctant to take out the temporary antidote formula, and she refused to hand over the remaining pills. One bite to death, there is no more in hand, and it is all used up.

And of course she didn't know the formula of this pill. Concubine Mi didn't even know the formula of the antidote at first, so she took the trouble to memorize it in order to control others for a long time.

Knowing the formula of the pill and then developing the antidote will be much easier. If there is no formula but a finished product, the difficulty will be greatly reduced. After getting the finished pills, as expected, the hospital had results within a few months.

Now, this group of palace people has been released from control and returned to the palace as errands.

Among them, except for the third-class palace people, since they can enter Mi Concubine's Palace, it means that they are not ordinary palace people. At the very least, there are some connections in the palace. Therefore, after they came out, they would not have nowhere to go, and many even went to serve other concubines.

The third-class court ladies and eunuchs are officially assigned, so naturally they will be reassigned by Liushang Palace at this time.

"There was a maid who dragged her relationship and went to the palace of Concubine Fu, and also went to the palace of concubines Liu Zhaoyi, Concubine Xi, etc. Even Mrs. Shu stayed with one of them."

Shen Yuqing nodded indifferently, indicating that she understood.

Seeing this, Bi Ling smiled: "The slaves have heard people say that these palace people may have been sent by these empresses to be with Concubine Mi, otherwise why would they accept them. But these slaves don't understand, so they can only listen to it for fun. .”

"No." Shen Yuqing shook her head, "They won't be so stupid."

Since it is a spy who has not been discovered, why bother to take it back? Naturally, let the dark thread continue to go outside, to see if it can enter other people's palaces, maybe it can still play some role.

If you take it back directly, then this dark move will be abolished.

Bi Ling thinks about it too: "My lady is still smart."

Shen Yuqing didn't feel her embarrassment, she was used to it. Bi Ling is her little fan girl, and every day she plays with various noble concubines.

Fortunately Concubine Shen is not easy to be proud and complacent, otherwise she would have been praised to the sky long ago.

"Okay, sweet girl." Shen Yuqing patted her on the head lightly, "Be careful of flattering on the horse's legs."

Bi Ling covered her head and pouted: "Isn't the servant flattering..."

Concubine Shen waved her hand, telling her to go down to work quickly: "Tomorrow is a new year, everything has been arranged? Just come here to hide from laziness, you girl."

"The servant has no work to do." Xiaonian's kitchen sacrifice has nothing to do with her, it is not her arrangement.

After Bi Ling finished speaking in a low voice, she ran away in a hurry, fearing that the imperial concubine would catch her and teach her a lesson.

Flying Moon Palace.

In the morning, Mrs. Shu returned to the palace with a cold face, and immediately asked people to prepare clothes. I got wet when I greeted you, and now I feel uncomfortable sticking to my body.

It is the coldest season, and it is really freezing to wear wet clothes. No wonder Mrs. Shu's face was getting greener and greener, and she didn't know whether it was from anger or pure cold.

There is a charcoal pot burning in Feiyue Palace, which is very warm.

Mrs. Shu quickly changed her clothes under the service of the maid, and sent the clothes to the Laundry Bureau for cleaning. Madam Shu suddenly remembered her veil that wiped the tea, and casually threw it to a little maid.

I didn't say to take it for washing, which generally means letting it go away.

The little maid took the veil and left the inner hall, where Madam Shu and her confidant maid remained.

"Your Majesty, why do you have to do this?" The maid tried to persuade her, but seeing that Mrs. Shu's face was still unsightly, she changed the subject and talked about Mrs. Hou's entry into the palace three days later.

High-ranking concubines have the grace of seeing their natal family every month. Mrs. Shu's mother, Mrs. Hou, has agreed to visit Mrs. Shu in the palace in three days.

Hearing the maid mentioning this matter, Mrs. Shu's complexion improved a lot.

"Remember to prepare the things Madam likes to eat in advance. The cooks in the small kitchen of this palace are better than those in the house. Every time Madam comes, I will eat a lot of crispy rolls. This is not easy to make, so don't do it then It's broken." Mrs. Shu warned.

The maid nodded quickly: "That's natural, the empress is at ease."

Only then did Madam Shu feel relieved.

Three days passed in a flash. On the twenty-sixth day, Mrs. Hou first went to see the Queen Mother and Empress Dowager before coming to Feiyue Palace.

"Young lady." Mrs. Hou saluted and was supported by Mrs. Shu.

In front of outsiders, it is not easy for a concubine to call her mother "mother", she can only call her madam. After entering the house and closing the door, the mother and daughter began to whisper.

It was all homely chat, but mother and daughter had a good time talking.

Mrs. Shu casually mentioned her stubborn and useless younger brother, and was immediately interrupted by Mrs. Hou.

"What's wrong with your brother? I think it looks good. A family like ours doesn't need your brother to work too hard. He just needs to wait to inherit the Marquis Mansion." Mrs. Hou said it as a matter of course.

She couldn't bear her son's hardship in order to get in, but her daughter was just too competitive. Isn't it good to be a wife now? Why do you have to fight for those.

This imperial palace is not like an ordinary backyard. If it is an ordinary backyard, it is of course necessary to compete for the position of the first wife. But a place like the imperial palace, which eats people without spit out bones, is still safe.

Which one of those concubines who kept their own place didn't live a very happy life? There is no need to climb to any position at all.

In her opinion, it would be nice for her daughter to be Concubine Shu, but she insisted on doing it herself, and finally became Mrs. Shu.

Mrs. Shu simply cannot reason with her mother, her mother is just as self-motivated as her younger brother. Not only that, but I don't like others to make progress.

Mrs. Shu took a deep breath, unwilling to have conflicts with her mother on the rare days when they saw each other, and talked about other things instead.

"Mother, have you found the doctor I asked you to find before? Have you got the secret recipe for having a child?"

"Naturally." Madam Hou took out a note from her bosom, "Mother must have taken care of such an important matter for you."

Although she disapproves of her daughter climbing up the ladder, it doesn't mean she doesn't want her daughter to have children. It is better for a woman to have a son by her side. For those concubines with sons, their sons can at least get a county king or a prince. The toffees will naturally rise and live more comfortably than those without children.

Even, the son can take the concubine out to take care of him, instead of living in the palace all the time.

Mrs. Shu took the note in surprise, unfolded it and read it quickly, then paused with a smile on her face.

"What?" Mrs. Hou asked, "But the medicinal materials in the secret recipe are hard to find?"

She has never read this secret recipe, and her daughter specifically told her not to peek in advance. Although she didn't know why, she obediently didn't look at it.

Mrs. Shu sighed and nodded: "Yes, there are some. It's affordable to eat a few times. If you eat it for a long time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find all the medicinal materials."

Madam Hou also sighed: "What should I do?"

The author has something to say: Wait until you catch bugs

Poison yao is a bad word, it’s useless if I separate it, it’s still locked_(:з」∠)_Mom

Thanks to Landmine: Liu Yao

Thank you for the nutrient solution: praying for the moon +2, Feileiyu +1, most of this person can sleep +1, Weiran Shengge +1, good dream +2, Seven +1, whether the orange is fragrant +50, the flower is still alive when you wake up from the dream + 5. Qingmeng, +10, cute girl. +5