The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 82: ⑧② toss


Mrs. Hou left worriedly. She wanted to ask her daughter for a prescription of medicinal materials so that she could search outside the palace for her daughter. But she was persuaded by Mrs. Shu, saying that there are enough medicinal materials in the palace for the time being, so don't look for medicinal materials first, so as not to attract attention, but someone else inquired about the prescription.

Mrs. Hou thought about it too, she couldn't take advantage of those women. So he nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

As soon as they left, Mrs. Shu handed the note to the personal maid.

"After writing down the above words, it will be dealt with."

"Yes." The maid nodded quickly, took the note to her room, read it quietly, then quickly put it on the candle and burned it to ashes.

From this day on, whenever Mrs. Shu is about to go to bed, she will quietly drink a bowl of bitter medicine.

The number of times the emperor came down was not many. After a month, Mrs. Shu drank the medicine four or five times, but there was still no movement in her stomach. However, this is all for later.

On the morning of New Year's Eve, His Majesty the Emperor hid in the Jianjia Palace, so as not to deal with the woman who tried her best to seek him out. Although, Shen Guifei did not welcome him.

His Majesty the Emperor spoke eloquently: "I come to see my eldest son, you can't drive me out, can you?"

Concubine Shen: "Hehe."

Since you are here to visit your son, then go and accompany your son.

Concubine Shen was happy to be at leisure, and left her scumbag father to deal with the little baby who has become more and more clingy recently. When I am free, I don't need to be with Nian Renbao all the time, but I can do something else.

For example, study small books in an attempt to review the past to learn the new and discover new postures.


After a while, the Empress Dowager also came.

"What are you watching?" The empress was not in a hurry to watch the game, but went into Concubine Shen's bedroom.

Shen Yuqing had a serious expression on her face, at first glance she thought she was reading some serious book. Until Empress Fu came to her side and glanced at the contents...


The imperial concubine's head was slapped on the small book, and she stuck the book on the table together.

"..." The imperial concubine struggled and looked at the empress sadly, "Qiu Shui..."

Empress Fu raised her eyebrows and pointed at the small book: "Who drew it?"

Concubine Shen Gui's eyes wandered for a moment, trying to lie. But thinking of the IQ of his daughter-in-law, he suddenly felt that it was better not to struggle, so he replied obediently: "I drew it."

The Empress really didn't expect Concubine Shen Gui to draw a small book by herself, and it was her two's.

No wonder Shen Yuqing read it with such great interest, she was still wondering when Concubine Shen Gui could read books so seriously.

"Confiscated." The empress smiled with a toothache, reached out and took the book out of Shen Yuqing's hand, and stuffed it into her arms.


Concubine Shen Gui immediately looked at her sadly, always feeling that Qiu Shui wanted to watch it herself.

Cough, you can't slander Qiu Shui so much, Qiu Shui is not so wretched.

Forget it, at worst, she draws a new book. Left and right, she has nothing to do most of the time in the palace, drawing some small books can also pass the time.

Ji Jitong concubine Shen thought happily.

The empress who confiscated the small books was also very satisfied. How could such a shameful thing be read by Shen Yu in broad daylight? What if someone from the palace came in and saw it? It is better for her to put it away.

"Let's go and have a look at Qiuqiu." After so long, the Empress has adapted to the name well.

In the small bedroom next door to Qiuqiu, the emperor was playing catch with his son.

He took a piece of warm jade and asked Qiuqiu to play with it. At the moment, Qiuqiu can only be held lightly, with no strength at all, but even so, he still enjoys playing it endlessly.

Concubine Shen frowned when she saw this, and walked over to squeeze the emperor away: "Have you washed the jade pendant? Don't let the unclean things touch it."

"..." His Majesty the Emperor swore, he heard a very unfriendly subtext from Concubine Shen's mouth.

—You are so dirty, just stand ten meters away and look at my son, don't get so close, you don't have to pollute my precious son.

Empress Fu who stuffed with sesame seeds chuckled, laughing at her poor brother inhumanely.

Concubine Shen carefully wiped the baby's hands with a clean wet handkerchief, and then took out a clean toy for the baby to play with.

The little baby was more interested in brightly colored things, and was quickly attracted by the small toys brought by Concubine Shen, completely forgetting about his father who was playing with him just now.

What is father emperor? No toys matter.

His Majesty the Emperor told himself, don't care about like a stingy woman, because you can't beat her.

Looking at his sister who was sitting on the side watching his son play, the emperor had no choice but to try to find a topic.

"A few days ago Concubine Shu found a secret recipe for childbirth." He said, "The dark guards haven't seen the contents of the secret recipe, so they don't know how effective it is."

It would be fun to toss out a fake tire.

There have been two false pregnancies in a row in the palace, ahem.

Concubine Shen was noncommittal: "Let her torment, anyway, we are not the ones who suffer."

"Secret recipe for childbirth?" The Empress diverted her attention a bit, she frowned slightly, "Will it work?"

Some secret recipes for childbirth may be able to restrain the efficacy of contraceptive fragrance.

There is something wrong with the tea that Fengyi Palace serves every morning when it greets you, and its main effect is to prevent pregnancy. But it is not by drinking to prevent pregnancy, but by the fragrance of tea.

This is actually a secret recipe for maintaining the body. Although the fragrance of tea may have contraceptive side effects, the effect of beautifying the skin and regulating the body is not bad. They don't know what the reason is. It seems that there is something special mixed in the tea, and that thing will emit an aroma with this effect.

This kind of aroma is very similar to the aroma of tea. Drinking this thing in water will not have any other effect, but the aroma will affect people.

During the previous dynasty, this thing was used as incense. However, it is generally used by concubines who have children as they get older. This can not only delay aging, but also don't have to worry about the side effects of contraception.

His Majesty the Emperor suddenly found this thing from the secret scrolls of the former royal family, and gave it to the Chief of the Imperial Hospital to study for a long time before re-discovering it.

No one knows the specific effect of the secret recipe for childbirth obtained by Mrs. Shu, after all, only Mrs. Shu herself and the maids close to her know the prescription. Unless they stared at the maid to see what medicinal materials she took and how she cooked them, otherwise they could only guess wildly.

"What's the matter, let the secret guard go and have a look. In two days, you will deliberately go to Mrs. Shu's bed and ask the secret guard to see what medicinal materials the maids have taken."

The secret recipe for childbirth is usually drunk before going to bed, so "fishing and law enforcement" is very effective.

His Majesty the Emperor thought so, and decided to give it a try.

"Today is New Year's Eve, why are you so free?" Shen Guifei stayed for a while, but still felt that the emperor was an eyesore, disturbing her and Qiu Shuiqiu's family of three enjoying the warm moment, so she opened her mouth to chase away people.

The boss of the emperor sat unhappily and did not move, and Concubine Ren Shen refused to move no matter how expressly or hinted.

The Empress couldn't stand it any longer, and she made a final decision: "Mr. Yan, you've been sitting in the room for too long, go out for a walk. You don't exercise regularly, and if you don't move, your riding and shooting skills will be useless."

Emperor: "???" Is this really my sister

What he said is almost like saying that he will grow a beer belly, gain weight, lose his head, and never regain his glory.

Shen Yuqing suppressed a smile, and watched the ashen-faced Emperor leave.

It was her daughter-in-law who was smart enough to scare people away with one word.

As for where the unhappy emperor will go to escape the winter and still be keen to meet the courteous concubine by chance, it's none of their business.

"There is something that I forgot to ask." Fu Qiushui said suddenly, watching Shen Yuqing tease his son.

"Huh?" Concubine Shen looked up at her, "What do you want to ask? The concubine must know everything without saying anything."

As he spoke, he winked mischievously at her, in a provocative and aboveboard manner.

The Empress was unmoved, and asked indifferently: "What about Concubine Mi."

Concubine Shen Gui understood in seconds.

What her daughter-in-law was curious about was not what Concubine Mi had done, Fu Qiushui naturally knew about it long ago. What she wanted to know was why the emperor agreed to let Concubine Mi go.

What kind of temperament is her brother, she knows best. He can even write down the little things that the concubine did that made him unhappy, let alone suffer such a big loss

Although it is really impossible for Concubine Mi to injure His Majesty the Emperor with her skill, and even if the hidden guards walked away and did not have time to protect His Majesty, is it true that the Emperor is really only wearing ordinary clothes? It's impossible even if you think about it. With soft armor inside, any deadly places are tightly covered.

Moreover, it was the autumn hunting period at that time, and the emperor was not wearing light and thin robes, but riding clothes. The riding outfit already had an escort, and with the soft armor inside, Concubine Mi's dagger probably couldn't penetrate it at all.

But this does not prevent His Majesty the Emperor from remembering Concubine Mi.

Fu Qiushui was worried that Shen Yuqing had ordered Shen Yuqing to embarrass herself in order to let the emperor let Concubine Mi go. She didn't really want to see her younger brother and his sweetheart quarreling, and she didn't want to see one party embarrass the other.

"This." Shen Yuqing didn't care much after listening, "He didn't mention any conditions."

"No mention?" The empress didn't believe it.

Shen Yuqing turned around and put her arms around her waist: "Did you forget? Fu Yanjun made me pretend to be a pregnant woman for six or seven months, with a big belly every day, and you dislike the heat in summer. I haven't settled with him yet, Why did he make conditions for me?"

To put it simply, everyone has their own mistakes, so don't blame anyone, let's write it off.

The two people almost collapsed at the beginning, and the negotiation turned into a quarrel. In the end, it was Shen Yuqing who violently suppressed His Majesty the Emperor to calm down the other party before they could have a good discussion.

But there is no need to tell the daughter-in-law about these, lest the daughter-in-law worry.

Fu Qiushui was thoughtful.

Although Shen Yuqing's words were still unclear, she probably understood the meaning. Now that the matter has been settled, she doesn't ask any more questions.

"You just know what's in your mind."

On the other side, His Majesty the Emperor wandered around, and finally got into Wei Jieyu's Sumei Palace.

Wei Jieyu is a rare woman in the palace who makes him feel comfortable. Although there are women like Xue Shuyuan who don't like to compete for favor, most of them are dull gourds. Temperament is also a bit dull, staying with them will feel suffocating.

Wei Jieyu was different, she was gentle and quiet, and would chat with the emperor about some light topics. Two people can pass a lot of time without doing anything, just chatting.

This year's New Year's Eve is not a big event. The emperor plans to go to the Taimiao to pay homage on the first day of the first lunar month. So on New Year's Eve, everyone was let go, and no palace banquet was held.

When Emperor Dayan offered sacrifices to the Taimiao, all officials were also present. It will probably take a whole morning to worship the emperors of all dynasties.

The Taimiao is the place where the tablets of emperors, empresses and ministers of great merit are placed. "To enjoy the Taimiao" is a great honor for the ministers.

Without a palace banquet, His Majesty the Emperor is much more relaxed. You can run around during the day, attend a small family banquet at night, and deal with the courteous concubines, and then nothing will happen.

It's a pity that I have to get up early for the Taimiao sacrifice tomorrow, so I can't sleep in late.

At this moment, His Majesty the Emperor and Wei Jieyu couldn't find anything to talk about, so they talked about the rules and taboos of offering sacrifices to the Tai Temple.

Wei Jieyu didn't have any very knowledgeable palace people around her, nor did she have any experienced nuns. It is not easy to behave well at ordinary times, no one taught her to sacrifice to Taimiao, I am afraid that she will make a fool of herself when the time comes.

Many concubines have this problem, but His Majesty the Emperor is always busy, so of course he will not think about them. The empress was too busy with her daughter-in-law to take care of the children, so she also ignored this matter.

Anyway, normal people know the rules of worshiping ancestors. Although there is a slight difference from the rules of worshiping the Taimiao, it is just a small question of whether the concubine will be ashamed at that time. In general, there will definitely be no mistakes and ruin the ceremony. As for whether the concubine herself is ashamed or not, she is too lazy to care.

These concubines are so tossing, it's better to be a little more ugly, let them learn to calm down for a while.

His Majesty the Emperor explained the rules to Wei Jieyu on a whim, and while Wei Jieyu listened carefully, she wondered if the empress and concubine had said something in His Majesty's ear. Otherwise, how could His Majesty tell her these rules? How could His Majesty notice such a trivial matter

"That's about it." After His Majesty finished speaking, he stopped to take a sip of tea, "Don't be too nervous, just follow Shen Gui... just follow the Empress's example."

After speaking, she couldn't help frowning, and suddenly began to doubt whether Concubine Shen Gui understood the rules of worshiping the Taimiao.

It's normal for a shrew like this from the Western Regions to smash up the Taimiao in a fit of anger. Expecting her to behave well, seems a bit whimsical

No, he had to go back and tell his sister.

Thinking of this, His Majesty bid farewell to Wei Jieyu, and didn't care that Wei Jieyu didn't appreciate his passionate explanation. After arriving at Jianjia Palace, I heard that the empress had returned to Fengyi Palace, so I turned to Fengyi Palace.

Walking halfway, I found myself stupid.

When I was in Jianjia Palace just now, I should have asked Shen Yuqing directly if she knew about the rituals of the ceremony, and if she didn’t know, let the nanny teach her. Now, after going to Fengyi Palace and talking to Huang Jie, if Shen Yuqing doesn't know, Huang Jie has to go to Shen Yuqing to explain the rules to her, which is very frustrating.

But it's all here, and it would be very troublesome to turn back to find Shen Yuqing now.

His Majesty the Emperor asked the chief eunuch to go to Jianjia Palace to mention it to Concubine Shen Gui, and continued to walk towards Fengyi Palace.

I haven't seen my daughter recently, so I don't know how Qing Xiaoxi is doing. I just took advantage of this time to visit my daughter, play with her for a while, and then it will be late, so I can go directly to Haiyan Palace with my daughter to attend the family banquet.

His Majesty the Emperor thought very well, but he was arrested as soon as he entered Fengyi Palace.

"You're busy, right? Come here and do me a favor." The Empress dragged His Majesty into the room, then pulled a cloth and gestured to him.


"Let me see the size of your men." Empress Fu explained, "I can make clothes for Qiuqiu in the future."

emperor:"... ... "

Qiuqiu is only two months old. Is it too early for you to start thinking about making clothes as an adult? !

The empress felt that it was not early at all: "You don't know, children grow up very fast, and you too when you were young. At that time, the little clothes I made for you couldn't be worn for a long time, so I had to make new ones. Later I If you think it's troublesome, I'll just wrap it in swaddling clothes for you, so you don't need to make clothes."

When His Majesty the Emperor heard the words, his face cracked, and he began to doubt life.

Is this really my sister

There is something even more unacceptable to him: "I will wrap you up until you are more than two years old. My father said that you can't wrap it up any more, and I want you to come down and learn to walk. Generally, children can walk when they are about one year old. You are not yet two years old." He has used his legs and is much duller than other children."

Blame him? Who didn't dress him or lay him down? !

Thinking of his naked buttocks for two full years after he was born, His Majesty the Emperor said that he needed to be quiet.

"Fortunately, I don't have to make all the clothes for Qiuqiu. I can just make a set when I feel like it." The empress is still sighing, "He looks much cuter than when you were young. You don't know, you were so skinny back then. , I thought you would be ugly when you grow up."

... Farewell!

His Majesty the Emperor turned around and left, and he stopped serving.

Behind him, the Empress raised her eyebrows, and slowly put down the piece of fabric she was about to send to Jian Jia Palace.

Xiao Mian, Yuqing who dared to bully her like this. Don't think she doesn't know. Although Shen Yuqing is unreliable, she never takes the initiative to ask what she has paid, and uses these to negotiate with others. It must be that this guy's request is too much, making Shen Yuqing anxious.

At the beginning, Shen Yuqing voluntarily pretended to be a pregnant woman, in order not to make Fu Qiushui suffer for pretending to be a pregnant woman.

Since it was voluntary, she naturally would not feel that His Majesty the Emperor owed her anything. She didn't like to talk about it, as if she wanted to get paid for doing something for Fu Qiushui.

So there is only one possibility, Shen Yuqing will bring this matter up to threaten the emperor. That was because the emperor made an inch, and Shen Yuqing was not happy, so she brought this matter up to suppress him, so that he would not have the face to make excessive demands.

It turned out that the emperor had schemed against Shen Yuqing at the beginning, deliberately saying that he wanted Fu Qiushui to pretend to be a pregnant woman. Then Shen Yuqing, who loves her daughter-in-law, will take the initiative to take on the job, so that he doesn't have to worry about his sister's accident because of pretending to be pregnant, and can ensure that the plan will be carried out safely and will not fall short.

He felt guilty when he mentioned this matter, so he let go and let Concubine Mi go.

The empress is very defensive, and since this bad guy is her own brother, she won't bother with him. However, a small punishment is also possible.

"This fabric is good, very soft." Fu Qiushui pointed to the piece of fabric just now, "It's just right for making diapers, don't worry about hurting Qiuqiu's tender skin."

Han Qiu agreed very much: "There is still a lot of this fabric in the private warehouse, which is enough for us."

"If you don't have enough, go to Mr. Yan's private warehouse and look for it." The empress waved her hand and asked her to send the fabrics first.

There is not much fabric in Jianjia Palace, and Shen Yuqing herself doesn't like the things that these girls like. The only good fabrics were used to make a lot of small clothes for the baby, which was almost exhausted.

Xiao Qiuqiu doesn't need a lot of fabric for her clothes, but she can't stand Concubine Shen's collection addiction (?), or dressing addiction (?). Anyway, it’s like playing a dress-up game, changing the baby into new and beautiful little clothes every day, and not wearing the old ones, putting them away, which is a waste of fabric.

But Concubine Shen's fabrics were already dusty, so it was not easy to use them up, so no one would accuse her of wasting them.

Anyway, it's her stuff, and she can use it as she likes. What happened to making more sets of clothes for my son? It's all little things.

The Empress planned to send some good fabrics from her warehouse, but she kept sending things to Shen Yuqing, and the women in the harem were prone to overthinking, which was very troublesome.

"I knew I had added more fabrics to the gift list." Fu Qiushui sighed.

The birth of the prince two months ago and the full moon a month ago, everyone in the harem sent congratulatory gifts to the imperial concubine. At that time, Fu Qiushui sent only children's things and Shen Yuqing's favorite gold and silver treasures, but she didn't expect the layer of fabrics.

"Let Mr. Yan find a way. I want to send fabrics to Jianjia Palace." Empress Fu frowned and said to Fangliang.

The thirteenth girl of the hidden guard squatting on the beam: "..."

She is a secret guard protecting the empress, not a messenger!

And what is the way to think of a way? Be specific! Otherwise, His Majesty the Emperor asked, would she have to make up a charter by herself

Empress Fu thought for a while: "Let him find a reason to reward Concubine Shen Gui?"

Then she just followed suit and sent congratulatory gifts.

Thirteen girls again: "..."

Forget it, she'd better make up her own way.

Where can His Majesty find an excuse to reward the imperial concubine? Do you want to say, "Today's Chinese New Year, I am very happy. Anyway, I have a lot of money, so I should reward the noble concubine a little bit"

Thirteen silently practiced lightness kung fu, and sent a message to His Majesty the Emperor who ran away after losing his temper.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Landmine: Liuyao x2

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Feileiyu +1, Longevity +10, Good Dream +2, Thinness +15