The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 90: ⑨⑩ ancestors


After learning of Gu Lian's existence, Shen Yuqing couldn't fall asleep completely, and after coaxing her daughter-in-law to sleep, she quietly left the bedroom. She came to the small study of Fengyi Palace, dug out the history books of the previous dynasty, and began to check carefully, making sure not to miss a single detail.

I don't know who wrote this history book. It is not as concise and concise as ordinary history books, but it is recorded in the form of recording stories. During the period, there were some stick figure portraits of important people, which looked really... brief.

Even though it was so simple, Shen Yuqing could still see some familiar eyebrows and eyes from Gu Lian's painting.

The book records a certain famous painting handed down from the previous dynasty, which depicts Princess Gu healing the soldiers in the military camp when she went out with the princess. This painting is called "Picture of Medical Immortals Joining the Army".

Concubine Shen Gui looked at the name of the painting and felt that she had heard it somewhere.

It seems that this painting was among the rewards given by His Majesty the Emperor

Shen Guifei was thoughtful.

She quietly slipped back to the bedroom, hugged his wife and children and continued to sleep. As for the paintings, I will ask Manchen to look them up when I return to Jianjia Palace tomorrow.

I heard that this painting was written by the eldest princess herself, and it depicts the voice, face and smile of the princess in seven or eight parts, which is very realistic.

Early the next morning, Concubine Shen returned to Jianjia Palace. When changing clothes, he told Man Chen to find out the painting, and then he took the palace servants to get in the carriage and went to Fengyi Palace.

Ever since Concubine Shen Gui gave birth to the eldest son of the emperor, her treatment has changed from a soft sedan chair to a chauffeured car. Originally chasing carriages was exclusive to the empresses, but now Concubine Shen Gui and Concubine Yan in the palace have also received this honor, envying many people who don't even have a soft sedan chair.

In Fengyi Palace, Concubine Wei is calmly facing the cynicism of Concubine Fu and Concubine Xi. The old man in the palace is very used to the daily stabbing.

He's a newcomer, either he doesn't understand the situation and dare not speak out at will, or he just doesn't care about these words that have no real effect. Concubine Yun sat coldly on the second seat from the right, looking at the crowd indifferently, as if no one was paying attention.

Concubine Xian is at the top of her head, and Concubine Wei is directly opposite. However, she was not willing to talk to Concubine Xian, but it was the gentle and pleasant Concubine Wei who made her take a second look.

It's very rare that there is such a pure person who can be a concubine in the harem.

A trace of surprise flashed in Concubine Yun's eyes, and she subconsciously fixed her gaze on her. Concubine Wei seemed to have noticed her gaze, looked over, and then smiled, very friendly.

Last night, I heard His Majesty say something about the Princess, and Concubine Wei knew that this was not an enemy. Although Concubine Yun was cold, she had a good heart, and she couldn't help feeling a little fond of such a real woman.

It's better than having a honey belly sword in the back of the harem.

Concubine Yun was taken aback when she saw her smile. Subconsciously looked away, a little embarrassed.

Staring at people, the result was caught...

"Sister Wei looks good today." Concubine Xian spoke up, and smiled before saying anything, making one feel in a good mood just by looking at it.

Unlike other women's superficial smiles, her smile is very real, not like a fake smile.

Concubine Wei lowered her head and took a sip of her tea, but didn't accept the move: "Sister, did you misunderstand? Last night, my concubine didn't sleep well, how could she look better?"

Concubine Xian doesn't play cards according to common sense, others say it is sarcasm, all kinds of eye drops, implying that Concubine Wei is very favored after serving the bed, and draws everyone to deal with Concubine Wei. However, Concubine Xian did the opposite, as if she was helping Concubine Wei. However, Concubine Wei didn't appreciate it, and instead showed off her bedtime service.

In this way, the atmosphere is a little awkward.

However, Concubine Xian is not an ordinary person, so she remained unmoved and still smiled and said something to smooth things over.

Concubine Wei glanced at her in surprise, she didn't expect Concubine Xian to be so calm.

Concubine Yun looked at this scene, and suddenly felt a little funny for some reason. Concubine Wei has no conflict with Concubine Xian, I don't know why she took the initiative to provoke Concubine Xian, but it seems that Concubine Xian is really putting on too much.

Concubine Xian took a sip of tea, then took out a dark handkerchief to wipe her lips and put it away again. After finishing this, she smiled and said: "Before I entered the palace, I asked my father to send some Shu brocades from Shu, and this time I brought them into the palace together, intending to give them to all the sisters as a meeting gift. Shu brocades are not considered in Shu." How rare, I hope the sisters will not despise the humble gift."

Her tone was gentle and gentle, without the slightest hint of showing off, making it very comfortable to listen to.

Shu brocade is a top-grade fabric that is a specialty of the Shu region, and the best Shu brocade is sent to the palace as a tribute.

However, apart from the top-quality Shu brocade, there are also a small number of top-grade Shu brocade. They are slightly inferior to those offered as tributes, but they are also luxuries sought after by dignitaries.

This thing is hard to buy in the capital, but not too difficult in Sichuan. It's just a little more expensive, but now Concubine Xian's father, General Cao, is serving as the commander-in-chief in Shu. Shu merchants will naturally give him a discount when they hear that he wants to buy Shu brocade for his wife and daughter.

In this way, for the Cao family, this Shu brocade is not too precious. It's not worth taking it out as a gift, but it won't be so expensive that the recipient thinks you're sending such a valuable thing for impure purposes.

Therefore, many concubines who hadn't seen many good things were surprised when they heard that Concubine Xian was going to spend a lot of money to send Shu Brocade to everyone.

The Shu brocade produced by the concubine Xian is a luxury in the capital, and only the concubines who are extremely favored in the palace think that the Shu brocade she presents is just so-so. Among them, imperial concubines and empresses are among them, and none of the fabrics they wear on weekdays is inferior to the tribute Shu brocade. Besides, Concubine Yun is living the life of a princess in the fief.

The gift was obviously very popular with everyone, even though they knew that Concubine Xian was trying to win them over, everyone showed joyful expressions and their mood improved a lot.

In the final analysis, Concubine Xian is the head of the four concubines, second only to Concubine and Empress, so there is no need to deal with them. Then they don't need to fight against Concubine Xian before they climb to the concubine position.

Thinking about it this way, they readily accepted Concubine Xian's meeting gift, thinking in their hearts whether or not they should simply attach themselves to Concubine Xian.

Speaking of which, concubine Xian is also unlucky. Although she is the head of the four concubines as soon as she enters the palace, she has all the preparations above her. One queen and two noble concubines, this is the ancestral system and cannot be added. If she wanted to climb up, unless she pulled the top three off the horse, she would have to spend her whole life stuck in the position of Concubine Xian.

When her son succeeds to the throne, she can be named the empress dowager, but when she is a concubine, she can't continue to climb.

Concubine Wei just choked with Concubine Xian just now, but now she is silent. She only cared about drinking tea by herself and didn't answer Concubine Xian's words at all.

Concubine Xian frowned slightly, feeling that Concubine Wei was not easy to win over.

Among the high-ranking concubines in the palace, Concubine Wei is an exception. The others all have their families behind them, except Concubine Wei, who is a widow. Her father is a small official outside Beijing, so she can't help her at all.

Such a concubine can climb to the concubine position, either because the emperor loves it very much, or because she is very skilled. But the look in Wei Concubine's eyes doesn't look like a skilled person, so it can only be because of the emperor's favor.

Concubine Xian wanted to win her over, so she showed her favor frequently. However, Concubine Wei is not fooled.

Concubine Xian slowly looked around at the other women in the room, the concubine and empress didn't think about it, and Concubine Yun was aloof and cold, she definitely couldn't be pulled over. If you want to find allies, it seems that you can only choose from the rest.

Relying on her alone, I'm afraid she can't deal with the empress empress who is in a stable position, and the noble concubine who gave birth to the eldest son of the emperor.

But in the eyes of Concubine Xian, the queen is nothing to worry about. There is only one princess by her side who was not born to her. The empress cannot influence the succession of the next emperor. At present, only concubine Shen Gui is her enemy. After all, this person already has a prince by her side.

Mrs. Lan is very useful. She was born in an imperial merchant and her status is not high. Only some merchants are clever, so it should be easy to handle.

Concubine Xian stroked the rim of the teacup slowly, but stopped talking.

Not long after, the empress left the banquet, and everyone dispersed.

Concubine Xian brought Lu Qiao back to the palace unhurriedly. After entering the bedroom, she waved away the palace people, leaving only Lu Qiao and a nun who went to Fengyi Palace with her.

The fourth concubine could bring two personal maids into the palace, Concubine Xian brought one Luqiao in, the other one was not a court lady, but this nanny. To the outside world, she only said that she was her nanny who watched her grow up and couldn't leave her. The empress didn't criticize her harshly and let her go.

Concubine Xian took out a dark handkerchief and handed it to Madam Cao.

Mammy Cao took it, sniffed it carefully, licked the wet place with the tip of her tongue, and then put down the veil.

"Ma'am, this tea..." She frowned slightly.

Concubine Xian stopped what she was about to say, and turned her head to look at Luqiao: "Luqiao, you have keen senses, have you ever noticed that someone is watching in this palace?"

It's not that she was careful, but after returning from the canonization ceremony yesterday, Luqiao told her that during the ceremony, she felt that there seemed to be a hidden guard in the dark. Luqiao didn't say much afterwards, but Concubine Xian already understood what she meant.

Now that the hidden guards are mentioned, it is not only that there are hidden guards in the ceremony. It is normal for the ceremony to have hidden guards secretly protecting it, and Lu Qiao specifically mentioned this to tell her that there are also hidden guards in her bedroom.

In the beginning, Concubine Xian brought Lu Qiao just to protect herself, but she didn't expect to let Lu Qiao find out about it.

Lu Qiao was not the maid of the Cao family, she was a killer in the Jianghu, who failed in her mission and was wiped out by the organization. After finally escaping from Shengtian, he was seriously injured and dying, and was rescued by Concubine Xian by mistake. After Concubine Xian learned of her identity, she used the antidote at home to detoxify her from the poison that the Killer Building had given to control her. From then on, Luqiao was loyal to Concubine Xian.

With such a maid by her side, Concubine Xian dared to enter the palace with peace of mind.

Originally thought that even if there were such dark guards in the royal family, there would not be many of them, but I didn't expect there to be so many, even in her palace.

Fortunately, Lu Qiao pointed it out yesterday and let her know.

Concubine Xian deliberately asked this question today, firstly to make sure the hidden guard had left, and secondly to force the other party to leave. Lu Qiao didn't let Luqiao say it out loud yesterday, but today she just wanted to tell the dark guard that she already knew about the existence of the dark guard, so it's best to leave on her own.

After all, the hidden guard had been discovered, so there was no point in staying any longer, and if Concubine Xian recklessly exposed it, it would be nothing more than tearing off the fig leaf.

Things went as Concubine Xian expected, Luqiao immediately shook her head after hearing her question: "No one is watching, the dark guard has already left."

It seems that the dark guard noticed the clues of their conversation yesterday, and the other party left by himself.

But if you haven't come back until today, you should have asked the master of the hidden guard, who told her not to watch anymore.

Concubine Xian heaved a sigh of relief, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly: "Okay, mother, you can continue talking."

Mammy Cao nodded, and continued to say: "There is something wrong with this tea, but the problem is not really 'tea', but 'tea fragrance'."

"Tea fragrance?" Concubine Xian raised her eyes and fixedly looked at her, "Come one by one."


Grandma Cao is quite capable, Luqiao is good at martial arts, and Grandma Cao is good at medicine. In order to safely give birth to the prince and climb up to the position of the queen mother, these two right-hand assistants are indispensable.

Mammy Cao explained clearly the effects and side effects of the fragrance of tea with ease, Concubine Xian loosened her frown after hearing this.

"Unexpectedly, the queen has some tricks..."

But this move hurts the enemy one thousand and self-damages eight hundred. Everyone will smell the tea, so the queen herself will also be hit. Would she rather not have children than allow other women to have children? How much hatred is this for the emperor to make such a move

Concubine Xian sighed secretly, it's a pity, her tea fragrance obviously has limited effect, otherwise Concubine Shen and the former An Jieyu would not be able to conceive.

"There should be a method of restraint." Concubine Xian was thoughtful.

Granny Cao laughed when she heard that: "That's natural. The old slave has an incense prescription in his hand, which just restrains the side effects of this incense. Not to mention that the effect of this incense is weak, even if it is twice as strong, it can be resolved. "

Concubine Xian heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled slightly: "If that's the case, I will trouble Mommy."

"What's the matter? It's an old slave's job. It's just..." Mammy Cao hesitated, "Do you want to find a way to get this out?"

If the queen did such a thing, don't blame them for speaking out!

Concubine Xian's eyes flashed, but she didn't answer immediately.

"What I mean by this old slave is that you don't have to do it yourself, you just need to reveal it to Yu Zhaoyi..."

I heard that the right-hand minister's daughter is a no-brainer, a little impulsive.

When she said this, Concubine Xian shook her head instead: "No need, last time Mrs. Shu exposed the matter of contraceptive pills, she put herself in instead. I'm afraid no one would dare to take action in a short time. Although Yu Zhaoyi was a little impulsive, but Not stupid. According to the information I got, she didn't have any conflicts with the empress, but she just wanted to step down her younger sister Xibi.

Yu Zhaoyi will not deal with the queen for no reason, and she will not be the queen if the queen falls. She will only deal with those who are not much different from her status, or who have enemies with her.

And now that the queen has been dealt with, if the queen is not rejected by the emperor, then Yu Zhaoyi will definitely be revenged by the queen. No matter how stupid Yu Zhaoyi was, she would not be brainless. Offending the queen would be fruitless, and she might even attract a Fu family who was hostile to them for her natal family, which would harm others and benefit herself.

Mammy Cao sighed, in this way, the queen can only be spared.

Seeing this, Concubine Xian looked at Mammy helplessly: "Even if we expose it, it may not be successful. Even the imperial physician can't see the problem of tea fragrance, so no one will believe Mama's pointing out."

"Your Majesty said so." Cao Mama was taken aback, "It's the old servant who wants to go wrong."

Luqiao didn't say a word the whole time, she was originally a taciturn person, and she couldn't speak nicely. Seeing that her mother had finished speaking, she was born: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the Empress only dares to use these methods behind the scenes, and it won't work if there is a mother. Make an order to keep you safe."

Concubine Xian laughed when she heard the words: "With my right and left arm, I am naturally not worried. Take this veil and wash it, and please get the incense out as soon as possible."


When Concubine Shen returned to the palace, Manchen took out the famous paintings she wanted from the previous dynasty.

The artistic value of this painting is naturally not as high as that of other masters, but it is superior because the person who painted it is Princess Tianrui. The eldest princess is a legendary heroine, and the value of her works will naturally increase. What's more, the painting is another legendary princess.

Shen Guifei slowly unfolded this well-preserved scroll.

In the picture scroll, a woman in purple is bending over to diagnose the pulse of the soldiers. The soldier was half lying on the sick bed, looking haggard, obviously suffering from a strange and intractable disease.

The woman didn't dislike his bad appearance at all, she looked indifferent, and treated him earnestly, very like a doctor.

——If Shen Yuqing hadn't seen that half of the face, she would definitely feel that the princess is really a great doctor.

However, no ifs.

She won't forget this side face in her dreams, okay? !

This is the face of the poisonous sister's friend!

Thinking that she also has a "destined person" with the same appearance and the same name in this world, Shen Yuqing's expression suddenly became subtle.

Shen Yuqing has such an existence, if Gu Lian also has one, it still makes sense. According to the history books, the princess was persecuted by his aunt and sister and almost died of illness. After recovering from his illness, he suddenly figured it out and stopped blindly forbearing. Later, not only got to know the eldest princess, but also made some achievements.

If one thinks of Shen Yuqing's experience, could it be that Gu Lian also replaced the original Miss Gu's identity? Did the original Ms. Gu die of illness, and Gu Lian wore her soul; or did she feign death to escape, and Gu Lian took on the identity of the other party

No matter what, Shen Yuqing is 80% sure that the former princess is her friend.

Concubine Shen expressed her apologies for the change of Jiyou into an ancestor. It seems that in the future, she can only burn paper and burn incense for Jiyou during New Years and festivals, as a way of consoling her.

—There are still some little joys O(≧V≦)O!

Calling you a cheating old lady for so many years, now you will be punished!

Concubine Shen was overjoyed and decided to tidy up a room, hang the painting in it, and then burn some paper money to her long-dead friends in front of the painting every now and then, so that she could reminisce about her old love.

After hearing the strange order from the imperial concubine, Manchen went down holding the album with a strange expression.

Could it be... my mother is a descendant of this princess

Maybe it's true, although Niangniang is from the Western Regions, but there is no guarantee that her ancestors are not from the Tianxi Dynasty. However, the princess heard that she was never married and had no descendants, but her concubine sister and concubine brother did have children.

Is the imperial concubine the descendant of these people

Manchen moved very quickly, and it didn't take long to arrange the small mourning hall. Concubine Shen Gui went to the incense sticks, and babbled about the paintings of her friends. Seeing that her friend was already dead so that her bones might have rotted, Concubine Shen decided not to rely on the other party's inability to refute and take the opportunity to yell at her. So it was rare to say something kind, wishing her a good pregnancy in her next life.

After the babbling, the big-hearted imperial concubine happily left, watching the big son smash it.

On the other side, Man Chen believed that he had discovered the ancestor of the empress, so he took Man Xing to the warehouse intimately.

"What are you doing?" Man Xing patted the dust on his hands dissatisfied.

There are too many things in this warehouse, and it is impossible to clean them up every day, so there will always be some dust after piling up for a long time. Man Xing looked at the dirty palms and his face turned black.

What's wrong with Manchen? Why did you not pull her here to find some relics of the former princess

Man Chen had a stern face, holding the list of treasures in the treasury in his hands: "The princess is the ancestor of the empress, so naturally I have to find her relics and keep them properly. If I turn around and accidentally give it away as a reward, How to do?"

Man Xing was stunned: "Is there such a thing?"

If that's the case, then you really should find them all and confess them quickly.

"Naturally." Man Chen nodded slightly, turned the roster to the next page, and quickly found an ancient medical book, "It's called "Five Immortal Gu Art", go to the bookshelf and look for it."

There are two large bookshelves in the warehouse, one is for orphaned ancient books, and the other is for famous paintings, copybooks and the like. There was the most dust on it, and Man Xing resignedly ran over to rummage through it, feeling something was wrong while rummaging through it.

half an hour later—

"Damn Man Chen! Why didn't you find something yourself?!" Man Xing went crazy.

This guy Manchen was holding a roster cleanly and just stood by and watched, only using his mouth to direct, not doing anything at all. Forget it, she doesn't want to do it herself, can't she ask a few eunuchs to help her find things? Why do you have to enslave her!

Man Chen leisurely waved in front of him, waving away the flying dust: "Of course it's because you have a lot of free time, so I'll find something for you to do."

As the maid of honor outside the lord of Jian Jia, Man Xing could not be more free on weekdays. Especially since she left the work of guarding the warehouse and giving gifts to Manchen, she has only one "job" left to play with adults and sables.

Man Chen couldn't see her playing lazily, and finally found an excuse to arrest her young man.

"What's more." Man Chen added slowly, "This warehouse is under your control, so naturally you should come to find things. How can the little eunuch easily enter the empress's warehouse? The warehouse is an important place in Jianjia Palace, not everyone can enter of."

Man Xing: Hehe.

Believe your evil!

The author has something to say: Thanks to Landmine: Liuyao, Luo Yun, Filling the Hole in Dreams

Thanks Grenade: Splendid Years

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Yueyou Mirror +20, Grilled Dried Fish +5