The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 104: Poison


Jian Jing finally agreed to the landlord's request. However, it was neither afraid of him nor moved by his love for his son, but the system issued a mission.

[New mission has been released]

[Task name: The secret of the wedding]

[Content description: In the season of cherry blossoms, a white wedding banquet, but the beautiful days are soaked in blood? Why does the bad news of death come? Whose tragedy is it? Please find out the truth]

[Task rewards and punishments: 30 courage points are awarded for success, and no punishment for failure]

The world is big and the card draw is the biggest.

Jian Jing asked for an autopsy first.

The landlord looked around and called Best Man Lu's name: "Xiao Yu, you're going to have a hard time today. Please accompany Miss Jian to look around, so that you can help cover up."

Best Man Lu glanced at her and nodded: "Okay, leave it to me."

The landlord looked satisfied. Look, this is the feedback he wanted. A little girl like Jian Jing was too light-hearted and not sensible enough. Normally, he would never use her.

‌ There is no way, she is from Jinwu, he can't think of ways to shut her up, ‌ can only make her play her greatest role. It would be an unexpected surprise if that boy Lu Yu is really as smart as he said.

—No matter how condescendingly the superiors judge, Jian Jing doesn’t care.

As soon as she entered the scene, she switched to push mode.

‌Hand out ‌, ‌take out shoe covers and gloves from your bag and put them on, ‌put on a disposable mask. Then he cautiously walked to the body to inspect it.

The deceased was the groom.

He was lying on the sofa, with one hand hanging down and the other on his abdomen, tilted to one side, as if he was asleep. However, the presence of rigor mortis and cadaveric plaques indicated that his death time was approximately 1-3 hours ago.

Moreover, the spots on the corpse this time were very special. They were not the usual color. They were blue-brown in color.

Jian Jing checked his fingernails and lip mucosa and found that they were also blue-purple.

"Is this poisoning?" Best Man Lu asked.

She clicked: "Very typical symptoms of nitrite poisoning."

The divalent iron in the normal human body combines with oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin. Oxygen is loosely bound to hemoglobin and is easily transferred and released in blood vessels. However, the nitrite ions in nitrite oxidize the divalent iron of hemoglobin into trivalent iron to form methemoglobin, which cannot carry oxygen and affects the release of oxygen, leading to hypoxia and suffocation in the human body. (Note 1)

Because of the lack of oxygen, the blood appears dark brown and penetrates the skin, and the corpse spots turn into blue-brown bruises, which is very easy to identify.

"No, this is a preliminary judgment. An autopsy is required." Jian Jing said, "If you don't call the police, what about the autopsy?"

Best Man Lu flatly refused: "Not for the time being."

"You can't do an autopsy just by looking at it with your eyes. If the cause of death is unclear, don't even think about solving the case." Jian Jing rolled her eyes.

Best Man Lu asked, "Don't you have any other options?"

She thought about it and said: "Nitrite poisoning tests usually involve residual food, vomitus, stomach contents and blood. If you don't want to do an autopsy, just take the food and blood here for testing. That's okay, right?" ?”

Best Man Lu: "Yes."

"Then find me a syringe, and hurry." Jian Jing said immediately, "The nitrite and methemoglobin in the blood disappear easily. It will be gone when it is too late."

At this time, Best Man Lu showed his ability and immediately asked people from the club to bring the medicine kit.

They have sufficient medical equipment - I don't know what they usually use it for - disposable syringes are not a problem. Jian Jing took a tube of blood from the corpse, took a portion of the drinks and food at the scene, and the vomit found in the bathroom and gave them to Best Man Lu, asking him to quickly find someone to test them.

After doing all this, it took half an hour.

Best Man Lu had a new understanding of Jian Jing. Apart from professionals, there were not many girls who could do autopsies. He couldn't help but ask: "What to do next?"

Jian Jing did not answer directly, but said: "People with nitrite poisoning will first have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, and then blood pressure will drop, dizziness, and pain. As the degree of hypoxia increases, There will be difficulty breathing, coma, convulsions, and collapse.”

She spoke very slowly to ensure that Best Man Lu could understand the meaning of each sentence.

Then, he brought up the important point: "When we were eating just now, the groom saw that there was nothing wrong with him."

Best Man Lu looked at his watch and said, "After toasting with you, he came back to change clothes and stayed alone in the lounge for a long time."

No wonder the groom's clothes have changed. Jian Jing nodded, indicating for him to continue.

"He came back around 12 o'clock, so we went to have something to eat and left him to rest alone." Best Man Lu recalled the time, "At 12:15, someone came back and knocked on the door to get in, but the door was locked. , he said he wanted to sleep for a while, and we called him an hour later. We didn’t bother him until 1:30, but the door wouldn’t open despite the knocking. I was afraid he would run away. I asked someone to unlock the door and found out something was wrong with him.”

Jian Jing thought for a moment, frowned and said: "Generally, symptoms of nitrite poisoning will appear in 10-15 minutes. It doesn't necessarily depend on the type of poisoning. But it will take about 1-2 seconds to cause death. "Hour, didn't you notice anything unusual?"

Best Man Lu said, "I'll call that person over."

Probably the landlord had an explanation and was very cooperative and arrived immediately.

Jian Jing recognized him as the former left-behind best man, codenamed him C, and said, "Retell the scene to me."

Best man C said: "I came back to change my clothes when they were dirty, but the door of the lounge was locked and I screamed twice. Brother Li Yan told me that he was sleeping and asked me to come back in an hour, so I had to leave. ”

Jian Jing was particularly patient: "How does his voice sound?"

The best man C hesitated and said: "I'm a little impatient and weird. I didn't say anything back."

Best Man Lu glared at him, almost writing the words "promising" on his face.

Jian Jing asked: "Besides his voice, did you hear anything else?"

The body was found at 1:30, best man Lu found her at 1:40, and it was almost 2:00 when the autopsy was performed. The time range is too wide, and it is difficult to determine what the situation was in the room around 12:15.

The best man C thought about it and shook his head: "I didn't pay attention."

Jian Jing sighed and had to ask: "Are you sure the person who spoke at that time was the groom? Do you hear me clearly?"

"Are you sure? How could I mishear Brother Yan's voice?" Best Man C was dissatisfied.

Jian Jing then said: "Okay, it's okay."

The best man C glanced at her and asked in a low voice, pretending to be quiet but not in a low voice: "Brother Yu, what did Uncle Fang think? He actually asked a little girl to investigate the case. This is too outrageous."

Best Man Lu looked at him and said coldly, "Then go and talk to him."

The best man C immediately chatted and walked away quickly.

Jian Jing wrote down a few time points in her pocket notebook and began to search the scene.

The scene... was a mess.

The furniture was crooked, the fruit plate was knocked over, cut fruits were scattered everywhere, two melons were stepped on, their juices were all over the carpet, and there were several footprints.

"How many people are here?" She was shocked.

Best Man Lu said: "Something happened, of course everyone came. The bride fainted and was so confused that I can't remember clearly."

Jian Jing rubbed her temples and went directly to the next topic: "How did the groom come back?"

"He came back on his own." Best Man Lu didn't hide anything. "At ten forty, he came back on his own. We asked him where he had been, and he said he had something to do and it had been taken care of. The wedding was about to start at that time. ‌No questions asked.”

Jian Jing asked very carefully: "I saw that his watch doesn't fit very well. What's going on?"

Best Man Lu was shocked.

It's easy to say "Zhiwei" in four words, but very few can actually do it. Among the people he met, few had this ability, so the contempt for ordinary girls that a young man felt in his heart subsided a lot unconsciously.

He replied: "He said he gave the watch to someone. Miss Jane, that watch is probably worth a million, so sending it away must be enough."

As of now, Best Man Lu still prefers that the groom has gone to his ex-girlfriend.

He knew of many cases where girlfriends cried endlessly after being broken up and claimed to come to the wedding, but without exception, they were silenced by money.

Fang Yan should be the same this time, so he didn't ask more questions and felt that there was no need to ask more questions. On the contrary, out of the love of his cousin and the tacit understanding of men, he took the initiative to help cover up the matter and lent him his watch.

However, Jian Jing instinctively realized something was wrong.

Disappear inexplicably, come back inexplicably, die inexplicably.

There is a great mystery surrounding the groom.

Jian Jing thought about it and decided to review the case again.

The first thing she asked about was the groomsmen group, which consisted of four people: Lu Yu, a (the gay man who broke off the relationship), b (the gay man who carried on the family line), and c (the best man who stayed behind).

"Tell me what happened before the groom disappeared today in detail."

They looked at each other, and finally it was represented by a.

"Yesterday was a bachelor's night. Except for Brother Lu, the rest of us had been playing at my house and went to bed at about three in the morning. At about seven o'clock in the morning, Brother Lu came to my house and we got here around eight o'clock.

"After we arrived, we mainly helped Yanzi entertain relatives and friends and take photos. At about nine o'clock, when people arrived, we tricked Yanzi back into the lounge. At nine-twenty we Go find him, he’s gone.”

Jian Jing wondered: "Why did you lie to him?"

"It's a request from the bridesmaids. They plan to put on the same clothes and ask Brother Yan to guess which one is the real one and let us help." Best Man C explained.

Jian Jing understood: "In other words, from nine to nine twenty, none of you were with him, and you don't know what happened?"

They click ‌.

"Before this, did the groom receive anything?" Jian Jing

Best Man Lu asked, "You mean the gift? It's here."

He took Jian Jing into the lounge and opened the wardrobe. Inside was a built-in safe. After opening it, most of the wardrobe's gift boxes were piled inside.

The largest box is no more than the size of a laptop, and the smallest is only as big as a ring box.

Best Man Lu explained that many relatives and friends gave wedding gifts, which were generally small in size but of high value, so they were all placed in the safe.

Jian Jing checked the gifts one by one.

There are fifteen gift boxes in total. The boxes are festive and high-end, and the packaging is exquisite. There is a wedding card under the ribbon, signed with the name of the giver.

"Is it registered?" she asked.

Best Man Lu said: "What's so good about registering this? It's for their young couple."

The money is recorded, which facilitates the exchange of favors, but the gifts are given by relatives and friends. The greeting cards indicate the identity, so others cannot and cannot pay more attention to them.

Jian Jing nodded and checked each of the fifteen gifts, but there was no sign of opening any of the fifteen gifts.

No, there is an untied ribbon at the bottom of the wardrobe.

This proves that a gift has been opened.

Jian Jing guessed that when the groom put the gifts in the safe, he noticed one of them, felt it was strange or for some other reason, and opened it directly.

The ribbon fell in the closet, but he didn't notice it. He took the gift box and sat in front of the sofa to open it.

‌It was this gift that made him decide to "disappear". When he left, he took away the gift box and gifts without leaving any trace, but in his panic, he didn't notice that the red paper fell on the ground and slipped through the net.

She just checked the waiting room and saw that the red paper under the coffee table was gone.

But when she was looking for a trash can, there was nothing there.

Whether it was destroyed by the groom or someone else, proving the contents of the gift box might reveal something.