The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 115: Brother and sister


The X-ray machine is convenient for viewing the terrain, but it does nothing about smoke.

The smoke spread at an incredible speed and the temperature rose rapidly, but their movement speed became slower and slower.

The exposed skin was scorched, as if walking on a high-degree street. Sweat kept dripping down, and the smoke irritated the eyes, which kept secreting tears to resist.

They crouched lower and lower, struggling with their hands and feet, but with three cinema halls so far away, it seemed like they would never reach the end.

This is when the importance of strengthening cards comes into play.

A normal physique doesn't make much sense, but it is the basis of all physical values. If this value is increased, the resistance will be much stronger. There were coughs coming from behind, but Jian Jing could still hold it in.

"After passing C, turn left?" she asked.

"Cough, cough, yes, cough, all the way to the bottom." The female employee coughed violently.

It's another road.

Jian Jing felt a little anxious, but fortunately, she was quickly calmed down by her concentration card.

In dangerous moments, the most frightening thing is panic.

"Ahem." Xiao Xiao asked with difficulty, "Hasn't it arrived yet?"

Jian Jing said, "Soon."

The layout of the cinema is three halls vertically, two halls horizontally, and two corridors at 90° right angles. Now one side has been completed, and after crossing the distance of one hall, you can turn to the office.

Everyone's spirits lifted slightly.

Jian Jing told them again: "If you can't stand it, pour the water on your clothes and hair."

She also opened a bottle of mineral water and wet her hair.

As the cool water poured down, the heat on my body surface was greatly relieved, and my ears and eyes didn't hurt as much.

"‌." She quickened her pace.

Taking advantage of the coolness, everyone hurried on, and finally made it through Hall D. As soon as the last male employee climbed over the door, the wall of Hall D exploded with a huge energy and burst open with a "bang".

"It's right here." The female employee was frightened and pushed the door open without thinking when she saw the office.

Jian Jing held her hand: "Wait."

Hall D exploded, and the office was not far away from it, so they couldn't open the door rashly. If it was already burning inside, they would be courting death if they opened the door and went in.

She waved the back of her hand outside the door and didn't feel any heat. She touched the metal handle and it didn't feel hot either. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and slowly pushed the door open.

Explosions are everywhere, the door must not be opened violently, it must be pushed open carefully.

But they were lucky, there was no fire in the office.

A huge stone in my heart suddenly fell to the ground.

The female staff member took out the prepared gas masks and fire blankets, and everyone hurriedly took them off and helped each other put them on. With these two sets of equipment, they could isolate themselves from the toxic smoke and high temperature, and their lives were temporarily saved.

But the explosion in Hall D just now slightly affected the last employee, and he suffered a burn on his back.

The pain from the burns was extraordinary. Even though he was a grown man, his eyes and nose were streaming down with the pain.

Jian Jing was glad that she had already drawn the first aid card.

She found a pair of scissors on her desk and cut the shirt open, leaving her skin red and blistered.

"It's okay, it's just a second-degree burn." She poured water on the wound and comforted him, "If it hurts, it's not serious. It will heal quickly."

The male employee's expression immediately became much better.

Burns are definitely painful, but what’s more frightening is the fear.

Seeing that Jian Jing was very busy, Xiao Xiao took the initiative to take over the job of cooling her down. She sprinkled water on her while comforting her: "It's just blisters. The muscles and bones are not burned. It's just that the hot water scalded her."

She spoke softly and kept talking to him to distract the injured person's attention.

Jian Jing took the opportunity to free her hand and think about her next move.

If I remember correctly, the other evacuation staircase is at E, which is on the other side of D. The explosion in Hall D just now cut off their route.

Although there were passages between the halls of the cinema, it was difficult and laborious to go around them, and the current situation did not allow them to go deeper into the fire scene.

She turned her sight toward the office window, first opened it to disperse the thick smoke, and then used the telescope to search for the fire truck downstairs.

Thank God, she saw the familiar big red car!

"Teacher Jian, they can't figure out where we are." Ji Yunyun ran over with her phone, sweating profusely, "Let's find a way to make some noise."

This is not difficult.

There was a fire rope in the office, so she borrowed Ji Yunyun's phone—there was a ring holder on the back of her phone case—and passed the rope through it to tie it tight. Then she turned on the flashlight mode on her phone, threw it out the window, and swung the rope.

The rope was swung up, and the mobile phone tied to it was used as a weight, and began to draw circles of light in the air.

Under the action of force, the phone swings faster and faster, and the aperture becomes denser and denser.

The light from the mobile phone flashlight was not bright enough, at least it was not noticeable in the blazing fire downstairs. But in this way, the white circle of light was very obvious.

Ji Yunyun was overjoyed: "Teacher Jian, they said they saw it!"

The fire truck was very fast and immediately set up the fire ladder.

The seventh floor is not high, so a ladder is enough.

Everyone took the lead in sending the wounded down.

Then came the two female students, then the female staff member, and Jian Jing was the last one.

By the time she came out, the fire had spread to the office, and the heat wave almost brushed her back as she rushed out of the window. By the time she was helped out by the firefighters, the flames were shooting up into the sky, licking the outer wall, unstoppable.

My body suddenly started shaking and I was shivering with cold.

It turned out that she had broken out in a cold sweat without realizing it.

[Task completed, system settlement in progress]

Just exhale slowly and you will survive.

Jian Jing had been through a lot, so she recovered after a while. She found Ji Yunyun and her classmates and said, "I'll take you home."

After I said that, I realized something was wrong and hurried to check the parking lot.

The gone.


In the end, I had to hail a taxi on the side of the road to take Xiaoxiao to school first, and then Ji Yunyun.

When we arrived at Ji's house, there was someone upstairs.

Ji Yunyun was a little surprised: "Brother is back?" After thinking for a while, she suddenly said, "You got off work so early... Teacher Jian, since you are here, why don't you go to my house and sit for a while. I'll ask brother to take you there later."

Jian Jing didn't want to cause trouble, but when she saw Ji Yunyun's eyes, she suddenly understood.

She is afraid.

Girls are afraid of everything. They are afraid of riding in a taxi alone, going home alone, and seeing the lights at home turned on too early.

"Okay." Jian Jing agreed.

The neighborhood where the Ji family lives is a bit old, and the steps and wall tiles are stained with traces of time, but the construction quality is very good, there is no problem with wind and rain, and it is also cleaned very well.

The two of them went upstairs in a low voice, but before they reached the door, it opened.

Ji Feng poked his head out: "Little girl, you're home so late... huh?" His eyes fell on Jian Jing, then looked at Ji Yunyun, his eyebrows raised, very surprised.

"Brother!" Ji Yunyun's uneasiness immediately disappeared without a trace, and she happily went into the house, "Teacher Jian sent me back, and I invited her to come to our house for a visit."

Ji Feng glanced at his sister, then looked at Jian Jing, and brought her a pair of slippers: "Come in and sit down. Tell me, what happened to you two?"

"What are you talking about?" The younger sister just refused to listen and retorted, "Are you interrogating the prisoner?"

Ji Feng: "This is out of concern for you."

"How can you care about someone you only see once a week?!" Ji Yunyun took out a Coke from the refrigerator. She didn't forget about her guest even when they were arguing. "Teacher Jian, do you want a midnight snack? Let's go downstairs and order some noodles."

Ji Feng immediately said: "Giving a bowl is also called a bowl."

"Eat, eat, eat. I'll make you fat to death." Ji Yunyun muttered. She took off Ji Feng's coat, took out his wallet and counted it. She asked, "What kind of noodles does Teacher Jian eat? Beef?"

Jian Jing thought the brother and sister were very funny and said with a smile, "It's all fine."

Ji Yunyun became happy: "The store is downstairs, I'll be back in a while." She trotted downstairs, her steps as fast as a jumping deer.

"Ah, this girl is so reckless." Ji Feng said in a disparaging tone, and suddenly became serious, "Why do you two look like you just came out of a fire scene?"

The ends of his hair were burnt and the soles of his shoes were covered in soot; it looked terrible.

Jian Jing sighed: "It's coming out of the fire scene."

She explained the whole thing in a few words, and she was very suspicious: "I just don't know if it was human."

Ji Feng looked thoughtful.

Jian Jing: "Hmm?"

"Actually, there have been a lot of arson cases recently..." Ji Feng said carefully, considering what to say and what not to say, "Some of them are indeed abnormal."

Jian Jing became interested: "How do you say that?"

"In the past half month, there have been six fires in the city, four of which were accidents. But two of them," Ji Feng said meaningfully, "are not right."

Jian Jing had a near-death experience today, and she was extremely exhausted both mentally and physically. She had no patience to play reasoning games: "Hmm?"

Ji Feng's ability to read people's expressions was not bad, otherwise how could she interrogate the prisoner? Hearing this tone, he knew that she was not happy with him keeping the secret.

But, well, even if she was unhappy, he was happy.

"It's all reported in the news. Teacher Jane, would you like to guess what's wrong?" He said with a smile, looking forward to her answer.

Jian Jing took a deep breath.

But before she could say anything, Ji Yunyun had already exploded. She rushed in with three lunch boxes, chopped her brother's feet twice, and then crushed them.

Ji Feng felt pain: "Ji Yunyun, are you crazy?"

"You're crazy!" Ji Yunyun shouted, "We just escaped death, who's interested in guessing riddles?"

Being pointed at and scolded by his own sister, Ji Feng finally felt embarrassed. However, he was very thick-skinned and immediately said, "The noodles are here, eat noodles, eat noodles."

Ji Yunyun's revenge was not over yet. She slapped her brother's hand away and opened the lunch box, revealing three bowls of hot beef noodles.

She broke off her chopsticks and added all the beef from her first bowl to another. She threw the noodles to Ji Feng and the double portion of beef to Jian Jing, saying with particular difficulty: "Teacher Jian, my brother is a workaholic and thinks that others won't get tired either. Don't pay attention to him and just eat your noodles. The beef noodles at this noodle shop are especially delicious."

"Thank you." Jian Jing was actually really hungry, so she took it and tasted it. The noodles were chewy, the soup was rich and fragrant, and it was definitely very delicious.

Ji Feng rolled his eyes at his sister and said, "I just wanted to hear what Teacher Jian thought. I was afraid that my description would make her fall in love with me first. Do you have to be so ruthless?"

Jian Jing listened quietly and suddenly became interested.

There aren't many cases that Ji Feng can't be sure of, and it seems like there's something really odd going on.

Even Ji Yunyun rolled her eyes and asked tentatively, "What case?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Ji Feng frowned, "Go to bed after eating. It's lawless for a high school student to go home so late."

This time it was Ji Yunyun's turn to be shameless: "I'm also a victim, don't I have the right to listen?"

Ji Feng: "How many points did you get in the monthly exam?"

Ji Yunyun: “…”

Ji Feng: "You will be a senior next semester!"

Ji Yunyun: ko