The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 119: Exchange case details


There weren't many surveillance cameras in Heping City, so it wasn't easy to find Peng Wei's route that day. Ji Feng took a phone to the Transportation Bureau to check the surveillance and copied a hard drive back home.

As soon as he entered the room, his colleague came up to him and punched him on the shoulder: "You little bastard, when did you trick such a beautiful girl?"

Ji Feng: “What?”

"There's a beautiful girl looking for me." The colleague winked, "When did you get a girlfriend?"

Ji Feng was surprised: "Is a guy who works overtime worthy of a girlfriend?"

Colleagues who were listening to gossip: “…” Damn, my knees hurt.

During the conversation, Ji Feng's hair had already changed to the familiar color.

The hair was indeed newly done, with first-rate gloss and smoothness, but the color was not recognizable, not suitable for plainclothes investigation - well, it did look pretty.

He walked forward with the hard drive in his pocket and greeted, "Teacher Jian, what's wrong?"

Jian Jing said: "I just happened to pass by."

Ji Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "So good, you come to visit me?"

"See what you said. After all, I am a victim. I want to know if there is any news about the arson case." She said, glancing at the hard drive in his arms, "Is it the surveillance video near the building?"

Ji Feng said in a pleasant tone: "Yes, but it is not convenient for outsiders to see."

"Looks like we have a suspect." Jian Jing curled her lips, "What a coincidence, I have one too."

Ji Feng said "Hey", opened the drawer, and took out a Snickers bar: "Want some food to fill your stomach? Talk slowly."

"No need." Jian Jing pushed him away and went straight to the point, "I'll tell you, but you have to take me with you."

Monsoon: "This is against the rules."

"Hmm?" She squinted, the lenses reflecting the light.

"Okay." Once the killing move was made, the man surrendered quickly.

Jian Jing reported the person to him: "I want to know if Pan Guo has any relatives."

With the name and company, the police investigation was very simple, and they found Pan Guo's information in a short time. He committed suicide by jumping off a building in 2013. His wife divorced him and remarried. They have a son who is raised by his grandparents.

My son's name is Pan Jianli.

Twenty-three years old, no social security information, no idea what kind of job I do.

"How did you find this person?" Ji Feng was very curious.

Jian Jing: "Beauty salon."

"..." In order to avoid entering into an area of incomprehension and then being beaten by her, Ji Feng decisively changed the subject, "How do you plan to investigate?"

Jian Jing said: "Just sit back and wait."

Ji Feng smiled: "Interesting, where do you think his next target will be?"

She thought for a moment and said, "Resort."

"Because of the land owned by Jianxin Real Estate? That makes sense." He said, "But I also have a suspect. I think he goes to the theater."

Jian Jing raised her eyebrows.

Ji Feng spread his hands: "It's still not convenient to tell outsiders."

Jian Jing: “…”

She was silent for a moment, then smiled slightly: "Guess if I dare to hit you."

"..." Ji Feng leaned back and said sincerely, "Let's talk nicely if we have something to say."

If Jian Jing wanted to deal with him, she didn't even need to raise her fists, a slap would be enough. Then, tomorrow everyone would know that he had cheated on her and then abandoned her. This was called killing someone and destroying their heart. It was too much to offend.

"What's inconvenient for you to tell me?" Jian Jing went straight to the point.

Ji Feng suddenly said seriously: "The arson case overlaps with another case. Although I suspect that the two are related, it is just a suspicion. It will not be worth it to interfere with your thinking."

This is a reasonable explanation.

Jian Jing thought about it and became more curious: "Is he very suspicious?"

"The motive is so suspicious that we have to suspect it." Ji Feng confessed, "This is the main direction of our investigation, so we ignored other suspicious candidates, such as the person you are looking for."

"With the comparison option, it's not so easy to be the first to decide. Let's go on." She paused and curled the corners of her lips, "Otherwise I'll scream."

Ji Feng: "Are you happy to play a trick on me?"

"Yeah," she admitted.

"Tsk." Ji Feng shook his head and stopped joking with her. He directly flipped through the files on the table and said, "I won't make a fuss with you anymore. If you want to read it, go ahead. You can't take it out."

Jian Jing flipped through the pages quickly.

She read the text very quickly and finished it in a short time. She thought, "Indeed, this hatred is indeed great, but I don't think it's necessarily from him."


She said: "Peng Wei has been petitioning and has filed complaints many times. It can be seen that he is a rational person who wants to use the law to uphold justice."

"It's been so long, people have changed." Ji Feng sighed, "Three years ago, he failed and didn't try again. He may have given up and decided to seek justice in his own way."

Jian Jing retorted: "Then why burn down the kindergarten? I think this is the most unreasonable. How can a person who has lost a child bear to set fire to a place full of children?"

Ji Feng hummed and started thinking quickly.

Peng Wei was the one who met the most requirements among the most hated people in Fang's Group. But what Jian Jing said was not without reason. The mentality of arsonists was different from that of ordinary criminals.

"Peng Wei is very suspicious, and Pan Jianli is also worth investigating," she said.

"Indeed." Ji Feng made up his mind, "I'll go to the theater soon, and tomorrow I'll meet my colleagues and we'll go to the resort."

Jian Jing hesitated: "I want to go to the theater..."

"It's boring to be on duty. It's exhausting and tiring." Ji Feng took out a water cup, poured a cup of instant coffee, and made the final decision, "Go home and sleep."

Jian Jing didn't insist. Her bones were almost broken after staying in the small compartment for a whole night.

"See you tomorrow then." She said goodbye decisively.

Ji Feng waved his hand, seeing that it was still early, plugged in the hard drive, and watched the surveillance video while holding a cup of coffee.

What? Send her home

Didn’t she buy a car? The key to the new car is in her bag.

Ji Feng spent a whole day in the theater but returned empty-handed.

The next day, I went to the resort with Jian Jing.

"The first and second trips are ten days apart, the second and third trips are only seven days apart, and the fourth trip must be just around the corner." Ji Feng began to analyze as soon as he got in the car, "Teacher Jian, do you want to make a bet with me?"

Jian Jing: "I bet on the resort."

He laughed and said, "Okay, then I'll bet on the theater."

"How much is the bet?" she asked.

"Ten yuan." He took out a ten-yuan note, "Is that enough for a cup of milk tea?"

Jian Jing said expressionlessly: "Forget it, all the drinks I drink cost thirty yuan."

Ji Feng took a breath with a pained look on his face: "Thirty dollars, buy me a drink, famous writer."

"If you win, you'll be treated." She took the ten dollars and threw it into the small drawer of the car.

Ji Feng felt a little depressed and took a nap leaning on the passenger seat.

Jian Jing asked: "Are you asleep?"

"I've been up all night, wake me up when you get up." He said this and closed his eyes. Within five seconds, he fell asleep with his head tilted to one side.

Jian Jing rolled her eyes, grabbed the blanket from the back seat and threw it at him.

Forty minutes later, he kicked the person next to him and woke him up: "It's over."

Almost at the same time, Ji Feng opened his eyes and sat up, his eyes bright, as if he had not slept at all: "So soon? Hey, the scenery is nice."

He looked at the scenery outside the window and marveled at it.

This resort of Fang Group is located in the suburbs of Heping City, adjacent to Qianqing Lake, with beautiful scenery. In addition to the hotel, there are various entertainment facilities, such as billiard halls, cinemas, artificial hot springs, barbecue terraces, and a few small boats floating on the lake in the distance, which is convenient for fishing enthusiasts.

"There are quite a lot of people." Ji Feng looked around, his tone quite incredulous.

Today is not the weekend, but there are not many guests in the resort. You can often see young couples chatting and laughing, or mothers with children and elderly people.

It would make office workers envious.

Jian Jing said, "I checked online. You can buy tickets to go fishing here, and you can also stay here."

"Are you planning to move in?" he asked.

"Only residents can move around, otherwise some places are not allowed to enter." She said, "What are your plans?"

Ji Feng said: "Is there any need to ask?"

He rushed forward, grabbed a waiter, and showed his ID. The waiter obediently took him into the hotel and introduced him to the hotel manager.

Jian Jing pretended not to know him and checked in at the front desk.

The front desk clerk handed her a check-in brochure.

Jian Jing looked through various areas and found that although this place was built by Fang Group, only the hotel was operated by their own people, and the rest were all rented out.

For example, cinemas, restaurants and billiard halls are all well-known brands and can often be seen in the city. Fishing, barbecue and the like are contracted out in cooperation with local people.

With so many places like this, where should we choose to start

"Ding Dong—", a new message pops up.

Ji Feng forwarded the news about his colleague's investigation into Pan Jianli.

Although Pan Jianli did not have a proper job, the police went to Pan Guo's parents' home to investigate and found that Pan Jianli was still living there.

There was no answer when I knocked on the door, and the neighbor said he had gone out to work.

The police visited the surrounding area.

Because this is an old residential complex, the neighbors know each other well. They said that Pan Jianli's grandparents passed away two years ago. He has been living alone at home, being a loner and rarely visited by people. He has been making a living by delivering takeout food.

The owner of the small supermarket next door revealed that Pan Jianli should have had a girlfriend before. He saw him buy hygiene products there, but they should have broken up recently because the number of times he bought hygiene products increased sharply.

When the police asked neighbors about their impression of Pan Jianli, they all said that he was a bit cynical and had had many conflicts with the property management.

Once, he parked his electric bike improperly and was asked by the security guard to move it. He ended up cursing and saying things like "other people's cars are parked here and they don't ask them to move, but I'm being criticized for riding an electric bike", "They just look down on me, they bully the weak and fear the strong", and "You're not a good person".

The property security guards in the old community are mostly elderly people. They were pushed and shoved by Pan Jicheng several times and almost broke their bones. So when they were talking, there was a lot of anger in their words.

An aunt who was exercising in the community said that the old couple Pan were honest people and were very tight on money. They had to calculate every penny when buying vegetables, but Pan Jianli was not like that.

"You're so young, but you're so clumsy." She said disdainfully, "You always buy expensive things, and the courier arrives at your door every now and then."

The police officer asked: "How do you know it is expensive?"

"It's all in English. The shoes he's wearing are also a brand, the ones with swooshes. They're very expensive." Auntie's eyes were sharp and she was very sure, "Xiao Pan, don't live like this."

Other neighbors said similar things, and Pan Jianli did not have a good reputation.

But when asked if he had done anything dangerous, no one could give a clear answer, as no one had ever seen him light anything on fire.

Ji Feng said: [Arson is definitely not a whim. It has never been done before. The possibility of a sudden outbreak is not high.]

Jian Jing did not give up. She walked to the window and observed through a telescope.

Although the resort is located in the suburbs, Heping City is developing very fast, and the towns around the city are also developing well, and are only about twenty minutes away from here.

If customers want to drink milk tea or eat fried chicken, they can also choose to order takeout from a nearby place. From time to time, they can see delivery staff wearing coats passing by.

Pan Jianli had the conditions to commit the crime.

As she pondered for a moment, a clearer idea already emerged in her mind.

Then night fell.