The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 129: Encounter in secret passage


Every second feels like a year.

My heart was pounding and my breathing was stagnant.

After an unknown amount of time, Octopus Face showed no signs of abnormality, and finally the sound of sticky footsteps faded away.

There was an extremely obvious sigh coming from the room.

Jian Jing lowered her voice: "The light of the grass should be green, and the light of the tree should be red. The most famous tree in the Bible is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, also known as the apple tree. Now the light has changed. When you see the light, you may come over at any time."

"Is this a sensor light?" Coco asked.

Jian Jing said: "Yes, you can feel the light strip next to the bed. If we get out of bed because of the strange noise, we will attract the monster patrolling outside because of the green light."

Han Bo: "But the sound is very close, won't it come over?"

"There should be a secret passage." Jian Jing said slowly, "Also, the door seems to be locked."

Everyone was shocked.

Coco was very agile, and taking advantage of the quilt to block the light source, she jumped down and hopped to the door. She stretched out her hand to push the door open, but it didn't open.

"Hey, how was it locked? I remember this door was not locked." She looked shocked.

Jian Jing reminded her: "There is a metal statue opposite the door, check to see if there is a lock."

Coco squinted his eyes for a moment and admitted, "It seems so. Someone locked the door from the outside."

"That means we can only leave here through the secret passage?" Cao Yu also got out of bed and listened attentively. "The sound seems to come from underground."

"looking around."

The guests got busy. They first blocked the door and glass windows with bed sheets, then pushed the bed away and half-knelt on the ground to listen carefully.

The sound lingered between the two beds of Jiang Baiyan and Han Bo.

Pushing the bed aside, in the dim green light, one could see that there was a tile on the floor that was slightly different in color, with a faint mucus seeping out of the cracks.

"This should be able to be opened." Cao Yu commanded, "We need to make a trap first, cover it with a bed sheet, and catch the bastard and get rid of him."

Jiang Baiyan handed the gun to Jian Jing: "I'll help hold it."

"You and Han Bo can use it." Jian Jing collected the real one and was not very interested in the fake one. "Remember what the coach said, keep your hands steady, don't point the barrel downwards, pull the trigger between your fingers, and hold it with both hands."

There is no boy who doesn't like playing with guns. Han Bo hesitated for a moment, but did not refuse.

Jiang Baiyan would not contradict her and nodded honestly: "Oh."

Coco said: "Then I will open the mechanism. How do I open it?"

"The monster is very powerful, but it has not been able to open the door. It should be the door that is being forced back." Jian Jing said, "Just press it and try it."

Coco stretched out her hand and pressed hard.

The mechanism door suddenly popped open.

The next moment, a foul smell came, and a huge monster rushed out of the passage and crashed into several layers of sheets.

Jian Jing, Zheng Keyan and Cao Yu each took a corner and wrapped it around the bed. The three of them quickly switched positions and intertwined the corners of the bed sheet.

Jiang Baiyan and Han Bo pulled the trigger and shot at the monster under the bed.

At such a close distance and with such a large target, even if the accuracy is poor, it won’t be that bad.

Bullets flew out and splattered all over the ground.

The monster under the sheets struggled a few times and then stopped moving.

When the sheets were untied, the monster rolled out, barely alive.

Jian Jing waved the flashlight to illuminate the tunnel below. This secret passage was wider than the previous one, barely allowing an adult to bend over and enter.

"I'll jump down and take a look." She jumped down first.

"Wait for me." Jiang Baiyan followed closely.

The next one is coco.

Han Bo looked at Zheng Keyan and Cao Yu and smiled: "Then I'll cover them."

"Ladies first." Cao Yu was quite gentlemanly.

Zheng Keyan was not polite with them and was the fourth to leave. Cao Yu was the next one, and Han Bo was the last. He carefully blocked the door with a hospital bed and a chair to block the passage before leaving.

The passage was narrow and dark, and it connected in all directions. The smell was a bit strange and not very pleasant.

"How terrifying." Zheng Keyan whispered, and echoes came from the surroundings - "How terrifying", "How terrifying", and it became even more terrifying.

Coco also said: "In this situation, if a monster rushed over, we wouldn't even have time to run away."

Cao Yu smiled bitterly: "It's too hasty. We should find the blueprint of the secret passage first."

What you fear will come to you.

While we were chatting, a familiar roar was heard from the fork in the passage.

"The monster is coming!!"

"Turn off the flashlight!"

"Sh ...


After the broadcast.

Under the infrared camera, the guests trapped in the darkness were like headless flies. They only remembered to turn off the lights and didn't care about the direction. When they saw a fork in the road, they subconsciously avoided it.

It so happened that there were many forks in the road in this area. Some people walked to the left, while others did not notice that the person in front of them had disappeared. They vaguely saw another person in front of them turning right, and thought they were left behind, so they hurriedly followed him.

The program team added a simple map in the lower right corner to mark the movement routes of each guest.

Jiang Baiyan and Jian Jing were at the front, following the original passage.

Coco, Zheng Keyan and Han Bo hid in the fork in the road on the right.

Cao Yu was alone, sitting at the fork on the left.

The monster gradually approached, crawling and wriggling.

Then, I chose the right side.

In the night vision state, the audience can clearly see that the monster is only ten centimeters away from the three people. Zheng Keyan hides behind Han Bo with her eyes closed, and Coco hugs her legs cautiously to reduce her presence.

Han Bo bravely stood in front of the two girls, although his expression was also ferocious.

Barrage 1: Han Bo's favorability is up

Barrage 2: After three seasons, I like small lakes more and more

Barrage 3: Brave and upright, great

The monster hesitated for a while, then walked straight towards Cao Yu.

Cao Yu was very calm. As the monster slowly approached, he slowly retreated, and the two of them started a guerrilla war.

Barrage 1: Hahaha, it feels like I’m dancing the cha-cha

Barrage 2: Arm in arm, moving forward and backward, making it impossible for me to sleep well tonight

Barrage 3: Damn, it’s sung out

The monster worked for a long time but didn't find anyone, so it slowly retreated, turned back to a straight line, and aimed at the group of Jian Jing and Jiang Baiyan.

Barrage 1: Did the NPC do this on purpose

Barrage 2: So much fun

Barrage 3: Brother, come and fight for it, look at Han Bo!

Barrage 4: Xiaobai: shivering.jpg

Yes, compared to Han Bo's bravery in protecting the two girls and Cao Yu's calmness in dealing with the monster, Jiang Baiyan's performance was truly inhumane.

He squeezed behind Jian Jing, as if he wanted to hide himself, with his face buried in her shoulders and his head so low that he didn't dare to raise it.

Fans were either disappointed or overwhelmed with maternal love, and the comments were filled with joy. No one had ever thought deeply: if he was as brave as Han Bo, would they still be indifferent to his intimate actions


Jian Jing shrugged her shoulders and bit her lips hard to avoid laughing out loud.

The monster is approaching.

This time he got particularly close, almost touching Jian Jing's face.

Her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

It's really amazing. I know clearly with my mind that it is fake, just a simulated robot, but in such thick darkness, logical thinking is completely useless.

Fear, very real fear.

It is so real that it makes people feel dazed. Is this so-called simulated NPC definitely fake

Maybe it's all true, and the haunted house is just a lie.

It’s terrifying when you think about it.

And in this boundless fear, there is also a sense of excitement. Both stimulate the cerebral cortex at the same time, just like sweet and sour popping candies bouncing on the tip of the tongue, bringing a wonderful pleasure.

In the silent confrontation, the monster finally retreated and slowly crawled in another direction.

Jian Jing covered the flashlight and only used the faint light that penetrated through to illuminate.

Seeing that the team was scattered and too lazy to reorganize it, he patted Jiang Baiyan's arm, pointed at the monster, and followed him directly.

The monster was very familiar with the terrain. It turned left and right, got out of the secret passage, and climbed down from a ventilation hole.

Jian Jing lay on the edge and looked around.

This should be a laboratory in the basement, with many large and mysterious instruments. Among them was a huge mouse cage, with nests of mice breeding and squeaking non-stop.

The monster hovered beside the cage for a while, as if inspecting something.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Baiyan whispered in her ear.

Jian Jing whispered, "I suspect he still has the same breathing habits as before he died."

Jiang Baiyan: “Ah?”

Jian Jing didn't say anything else.

After a while, the scene in front of me suddenly became bright.

A red light lit up in the room, and the monster seemed to have been injected with some tranquilizer and fell into hibernation.

Jian Jing raised her eyebrows, propped herself up and sat up, ready to jump down.

"Wait." Jiang Baiyan pulled her sleeve, "It's too high. Let me get down first."

The entrance to the passage seems to be the original ventilation hole, located at the upper part of the room, with a floor height of about 2.7 meters, and the exit is at least 2 meters away from the ground.

Jian Jing said "It's okay" and jumped down. As soon as he was in the air, he immediately changed his posture. When he landed, he rolled over to relieve the force and was unharmed.

Jiang Baiyan poked his head out pitifully: "What should I do then?"


She moved a few chairs over and stacked them together: "Come down and try it, with your back to me."

Jiang Baiyan did as he was told, half-knelt and stepped back to the edge, then put his legs down. This was when his long legs came into play, as he reached the chair and landed smoothly.

"It's good to be tall." Jian Jing said with some jealousy.

"Hehe." Jiang Baiyan touched the back of his head and said shyly, "This is the only advantage I have."

She said casually: "That's not the case. You are pretty too."

Jiang Baiyan: "How good is it? The best or the second best?"

Jian Jing: "… This isn't a contest, why do we have to decide who's better?"

"I'm curious." He said casually, without giving any clues. "Who is the best-looking person you know?"

Jian Jing: "Many people are good-looking."

He showed a disappointed look: "You are so perfunctory."

"No, it's the truth." She smiled.


After the broadcast.

Barrage 1: "It's me, it's me" is written on the little white face, so cute

Barrage 2: What’s the reason for this inexplicable desire to win

Barrage 3: These two people are weird

Barrage 4: No matter what, my brother is just so handsome!!!


Jiang Baiyan's topic came up abruptly, but he let it go as soon as he mentioned it, and got back to the point very naturally: "Here is an observation report."

Jian Jing leaned over to take a look.

Part of the report was burned, and the remaining pages can read the following:

"It has been observed that infected people prefer green light environments and tend to fall asleep under red light. The doctor guessed that this is related to the light... After discussion, the hospital decided to change the lighting settings. After the 9pm curfew, red light will be used from 9pm to 12am. The researchers must complete their work as soon as possible.

"After 24:00, it is observation time, all green light is irradiated... The attacker... has a small infection...

"… The results of the experiment are not optimistic. The insects in the green light environment are particularly active. To ensure the safety of the researchers, we must change the light settings. From 0:00 to 6:00, red and green light will be irradiated in turn, and the setting will be changed every hour… If you encounter a sudden attack, you can use the secret passage to escape…

"We were almost found, but it was worth the risk. We found that we still retain some of our original state... Is it true

"Oh no, this is a big problem!"

Jiang Baiyan scratched his face: "It says 'infected' here, and the hospital is studying their conditions? This is completely different from the previous clues."