The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 13: Confession


As soon as Ji Feng saw Luo Jun's expression, he knew that it was almost certain. This guy knew how to disguise the scene, but his psychological endurance was too poor, and he was exposed once he was exposed.

However, it also proved that Jian Jing was even better than he thought, and she did not arouse the other party's suspicion at all.

"Why?" Luo Jun's voice was much sharper than usual. "What do you mean?"

Jian Jing already had confidence, and said calmly: "There should be a garbage bag hidden in the shoe, right? I want to take a look."

Luo Jun's face turned pale: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Classmate, we have a recorder on. If you say something inconsistent, it will be recorded." Ji Feng said calmly, "I advise you that if you surrender yourself, you can get a lighter punishment. You are still young."

Luo Jun felt as if he had been punched in the face. He staggered back half a step, leaned against the desk, his teeth chattering, his hands clenched into fists, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Jian Jing pressed the issue: "The women's restroom on the fourth floor is not the first scene. Do you think you can hide it? The forensic doctor only needs to check to know where the fatal injury is."

"You have suspected me for a long time?" Luo Jun looked up at her in disbelief, "You said you suspected Hu."

"I lied to you." Jian Jing said expressionlessly, "What if you kill me too?"

She tricked Luo Jun into going downstairs to test him and also to steady him. When she revealed that she suspected President Hu, Luo Jun must have been relieved, and he unknowingly led her to the path behind the garden.

In short, they are all routines.

"So I'm just a fool." Luo Jun rubbed his face, looked at the police coming and going around him, and finally couldn't hold it anymore. He said dejectedly, "Officer, I plead guilty. I killed Tang Yuran."

He explained the process of killing Tang Yuran, which was exactly the same as Jian Jing had guessed.

A week ago, he signed a contract to shoot a commercial. An agent thought he had great potential and was considering whether to sign him.

Luo Jun really wanted to make his debut, even though the other party was just a small agent from a small company, he still wanted to give it a try. After in-depth communication with the other party, he finally got a contract of intent.

In the contract, the other party required him to remain "single" to avoid any unexpected situations after becoming famous.

Luo Jun broke up with Tang Yuran.

Tang Yuran disagreed. She felt that Luo Jun was unreasonable. He wanted to become famous before his debut. It was just like when he was in elementary school, he was considering whether to go to Tsinghua University or Peking University. He was just overthinking.

But she also understood her boyfriend's mentality, and told him that he might as well consider making a movie about the mystery agency, and she would find a way to make him famous on the Internet - this led to the subsequent "film within a film" plan.

However, Luo Jun did not believe in his girlfriend's ability, but was afraid that she would cause trouble, so he did not immediately refuse to perform.

Tang Yuran thought there was still hope and planned to prove herself with actions. After setting up the scene tonight, she called Luo Jun to the small garden downstairs and explained the whole plan to him.

Luo Jun, however, was not interested at all. He thought that Tang Yuran was relying on him and trying to hinder his career.

"Stop bothering me!" he said disgustedly, "We've broken up!"

"Trust me, I can help you. It's ridiculous to break up over something like this." Tang Yuran tried her best to save the relationship. "Is our relationship not as good as an illusory future?"

Yes, not as good as it could be.

What Luo Jun longs for is the center of the dazzling stage, the fanatical screams of fans, money, fame and status, not the feelings of a particular girl.

He believed he deserved a better future.

"Stay away from me." He pushed the girl away fiercely, as if he was pushing away a stumbling block on the road, without leaving any strength.

Tang Yuran fell unexpectedly, and her head hit a sharp stone, killing her.

Luo Jun was terrified. He was afraid of accidentally killing someone, and he was also worried that if the truth came to light, he would no longer be able to sign a contract and become a star.

He decided to keep the matter secret.

If the body was left in the garden, Wang and Hu might find it, so he took the path behind the garden and hid the body in the women's restroom on the second floor.

There is a women's restroom on the fourth floor. It is unlikely that Jian Jing and Zuo Xin will run downstairs, so they are safe for the time being.

After returning to the classroom, he found a knife in President Hu's backpack, so he came up with the idea of framing him and secretly hid the knife in his clothes when no one was paying attention.

When President Hu asked him to put on makeup, he quickly went downstairs and prepared to fake a murder scene in the women's restroom on the second floor.

But he didn't expect that there would be very little bleeding after a person died, and the expected effect could not be achieved. In desperation, he remembered Tang Yuran's plan, carried the person to the women's restroom on the fourth floor, and pretended it was a crime scene.

Finally, he threw the murder weapon under the trash can in the men's restroom on the third floor, and as he was afraid that the garbage bag stained with a little blood would not be flushed away in the toilet, he simply hid it under the sole of his shoe.

The whole process cannot be said to be strict, but luckily, Zuo Xin was on the fourth floor making a phone call, President Hu, Deng Daoju and Jian Jing were in the classroom, and cameraman Wang was wandering around downstairs taking pictures of the rain. We didn't meet anyone during the whole process.

He was full of confidence, thinking he had already fooled the whole thing, especially when Jian Jing said that she suspected President Hu, he couldn't help feeling smug, thinking to himself: What a genius novelist, wasn't he fooled by me anyway

Who would have thought that within half an hour, he would be exposed and had no place to hide.

The embarrassment at this moment caused his psychological defenses to completely collapse.

"It's all her fault. If she hadn't pestered me, I wouldn't have..." Luo Jun continued to argue.

Zuo Xin was furious: "You were the one who broke up with us, and you lied to us that she was the one who broke up with us, and you even spread rumors that she cheated on you? Are you sick? Who do you think you are? You still want to debut? Bah!"

Jian Jing was also greatly surprised. Scumbags are common, but those as scumbag as this are rare.

But she no longer had the energy to argue, so she picked up the remaining Coke next to her, raised her hand, and poured all the carbonated drink on Luo Jun's head: "Garbage."

Luo Jun's face turned pale and blue, looking extremely ugly.

Ji Feng winked at the police officers and said, "Take the man back and verify his confession. Hey, we're lucky today. We can finish the work early."

Jian Jing subconsciously glanced at her watch: "1 a.m., is it early?"

"Good morning, I still have time for a midnight snack." Ji Feng was in a very good mood and even joked with her, "Do you want me to treat you? The police station provides special instant noodles, and I'll take your statement at the same time."

Jian Jing: “…”

"Some other time." She didn't want to go.

Ji Feng didn't say anything and started working step by step. Although the suspect had confessed, the investigation still needed to be carried out.

Luo Jun took the police to the first scene for identification, and the others went back to their homes, as long as they cooperated with the subsequent investigation.

But when they separated, Wang, the cameraman, suddenly raised a difficult question: "Tang Yuran is dead, Luo Jun is the murderer, what about our movie?"

Everyone's mood suddenly became complicated.

Tang Yuran arranged a "film within a film" for Luo Jun to create hype for her boyfriend, but who could have imagined that her death and his murder would be far more sensational than planned.

Art comes from life, and life is always more absurd than art.

Two days later, Jian Jing learned from Ji Feng that the case of Tang Yuran's death had been solved.

This murder case caused quite a stir in the school, with posts all over the internet. Due to various concerns, the school demanded the disbanding of the mystery club.

Everyone accepted it silently, and the plan to make a movie was completely scrapped.

Deng Daoju and President Hu cleared the accounts and returned various deposits and rents totaling more than 10,000 yuan. Together with the more than 10,000 yuan that was originally intended to be used for issuance, the total of 30,000 yuan was basically returned to Jian Jing.

Jian Jing accepted it and said she would treat everyone to a meal, but President Hu refused.

"Your money wasted and you didn't produce anything. I can't bear to ask you to treat me again. Let me treat you instead." He booked a private room in a party hall near the school as a farewell dinner for the club.

On that day, only a few people came and everyone was not in high spirits.

Come to think of it, liking mystery works is one thing, but witnessing the death of a classmate with your own eyes is another. How can you digest it in just a few days

Zuo Xin pulled Jian Jing aside to talk. After confronting the scumbag together, their friendship suddenly sprouted, and they started the essential part of girls' chat - gossip.

"Do you know why Wang Hao dislikes you?" she asked mysteriously.

Jian Jing was indeed curious: "Why?"

"Last year, when the mystery club was recruiting new members, he struck up a conversation with you and praised your good handwriting. You two chatted for a while and he even asked for your autograph. The next week during the club activity, he greeted you but you asked who he was." Zuo Xin spread her hands. The truth was so simple.

Jian Jing: “…” That’s it

Zuo Xin told her with her eyes, that's it.

"People often come to me for autographs," Jian Jing recalled. "Everyone says the same thing: 'I like your work very much, it's very well written...' But after so many comments, I can't remember who is who."

To be precise, it's not that she doesn't remember the fans' behavior, but that she can't remember the specific people. If Wang Hao thinks she is deliberately humiliating him, he is just overthinking.

Zuo Xin showed a look of realization: "I see, you are usually so cold, I thought..." She was embarrassed to continue, and said, "However, Tang Yuran is not familiar with you, but you worked so hard to help her find the murderer. I know that you are actually cold on the outside but warm on the inside, and you have a strong sense of justice."

Jane Jing paused.

To be honest, someone died an innocent person, and she certainly hoped that the murderer would be brought to justice, but if there was no system requirement, she would not investigate it personally. Solving cases is the job of the police, and ordinary people don't need to get involved. First, it is unprofessional, and second, it is too dangerous.

But Zuo Xin's words made her feel a different feeling in her heart.

"It was just a coincidence." She explained, "Luo Jun killed someone impulsively and left a lot of evidence. I was lucky to guess that he was the murderer."

"Oh, that's already pretty impressive." Zuo Xin said self-deprecatingly, "I've watched a lot of mystery dramas, but I couldn't even tell if it was the first scene. That's lame."

Jian Jing had no intention of showing off the knowledge she had picked up, so she just smiled and said, "It's good enough as long as the murderer is caught."

"I hope the murderer can be caught in all cases." Zuo Xin sighed, "I have heard a saying before that the longer a case is delayed, the lower the probability of solving it. But the crime rate is so high now..."

Jian Jing was stunned and suddenly fell silent.

She almost forgot that this was not the original world. In the past, some people might not have witnessed a murder in their entire lives, but she had been in this world for less than half a month and had already experienced two cases.

"Let's not talk about that." Zuo Xin cheered up and teased her, "You write mystery novels and can solve cases. Maybe you can become a novelist detective in the future."

Jian Jing: ( ̄_ ̄|||)

Did she change her name to Kudo Shizuko

While I was complaining in my heart, a hidden, new feeling slowly spread into my chest, just like drinking a cup of hot coffee in the cold winter, and the warm and comfortable spirit spread out.

Although the case was solved under duress, it was miraculously... not bad.