The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 14: Anniversary celebration


After the club meeting, the mystery club was completely disbanded.

Jian Jing had just been reborn, and she didn't have too deep feelings for this club, so her mood was quite peaceful. She was more concerned about the new round of settlement.

[Task name: Murder case of the mystery agency (completed)]

[Task Reward: 20 points of basic courage + 10 points of special contribution (lock down the murderer before the police arrive)]

[Note: Courage can be used to draw cards (normal), each time costs 5 points; Contribution can be used to draw cards (special), each time costs 10 points]]

[Do you want to start drawing cards?]

Jian Jing first drew an ordinary card. According to past experience, it was usually a physical fitness bonus card.

As expected, the system may have weights, and the first card is still a reinforcement card.

[Name: Enhancement Card: Stamina (1 point)]

[Content description: Using this card can enhance muscle and cardiovascular endurance, improve muscle strength and cardiopulmonary function]

[Note: Durability, all aspects are important]

After use, the value in the endurance column on the task panel changes from "4" to "5".

She did not use the remaining points immediately, but planned to save them and draw them when she needed them - maybe she could draw a card that she needed urgently by then

You still have to believe in metaphysics.

On Saturday, Kang Mucheng called and asked Jian Jing to attend the anniversary celebration of Jinwu Publishing House at the weekend.

"It starts at 6pm. I'll pick you up at 5pm." Mr. Kang reminded him, "Keep calm. Sales have recovered very well recently. Don't let people laugh at you."

Jian Jing: "Oh."

She was so exhausted from solving the case that she almost forgot that she was also a controversial novelist.

She hung up the phone and went online to search for book reviews of "The Devil Doctor".

The largest and most authoritative book review website in China is called "Bookworm". "The Devil Doctor" has been on the shelves for half a month, and there have been more than a thousand reviews, with more than five thousand people rating it. The current score is: 7.4.

Btw, when it came to "suicide", the rating was 5.2.

The top review for "Devil Doctor" is as follows:

The overwhelming negative reviews after the book was released made me curious about how low Jian Jing's level had fallen to make her so popular, so I immediately ordered the book to read it. I have to say that the publishers are now going too far in their criticism of each other. Marketing is marketing, but deliberately criticizing is disgusting. What's the point of picking on the weaknesses of "Devil Doctor"

Yes, "The Devil Doctor" is not a detective novel that excels at tricks. Most of the cases do not involve difficult methods of committing crimes, nor do they have sensational crime scenes. The problem is that the theme this time is not this at all!

The theme of "Devil Doctor" is good and evil, but not entirely. The devil did not understand humans at first and thought that those who killed were evil and those who were killed were good. In fact, it is not the case. Some killing is evil, while some killing is love.

The other party wrote more than a thousand words and received more than 1,000 likes.

Word of mouth is slowly recovering.

Although this book was not written by "Jane Jing" herself, they are actually the same person. This feeling of being recognized made her want to cry.

It was at this moment that she suddenly understood her own despair.

The work that she poured so much effort into was misinterpreted by others. She was denied and mercilessly ridiculed, as if she had no value in this world.

But humans are social animals. "Jane Jing"'s parents have passed away, her family ties have been severed, and she has few friends. Her biggest connection with the world is novels.

The writer Jian Jing is almost equivalent to the social person Jian Jing.

When the former is denied, the latter dies as well.

Feeling the same way, Jian Jing couldn't help but feel a little indignant: Kang Mucheng was right, she couldn't let others laugh at her.

She rummaged through the boxes and found a custom-made dress that she had never worn. The grey gauze material was dotted with tiny sequins, which refracted tiny star-like lights when light shone on it.

This cold gray color is not as good as the classic black and white. Although it looks good, people have to be able to bear it.

It's time for a new look.

Jian Jing took out her cell phone and went out, and found a styling design store that she often went to based on her memory.

Teacher Tony came over and said with a smile, "Miss Jane is here again? Are you going to do a repair and maintenance treatment this time as well?"

Jian Jing couldn't help but look at the oversized mirror in the store.

Nowadays, writers have to create some kind of persona in order to sell books. Kang Mucheng cast her as a young but talented teenage writer, so her usual image is that of a well-behaved student.

When parents see her image like this, they instinctively think that she is a good student and that the books she writes will not lead children astray. Once they loosen their control, sales will come.

"No," she said to Teacher Tony, "I want to dye my hair."

Tony teacher earnestly recommends: "How about dyeing it milk tea brown? It is a very gentle and intellectual color, suitable for writers."

"Gray." Jian Jing turned the page and pointed to a color and said, "Green wood flax gray."

Teacher Tony: "Uh, okay."

Aoki flax gray is a light color, which is more gentle than the cool tone of grandma gray, and more cool than the warm tone of brown. In order to neutralize this tone, Jian Jing did not cut her hair short, but curled her long hair into big waves.

In this way, the whole hairstyle is a good combination of sweetness and coolness, and it will definitely attract attention when you walk on the street.

Teacher Tony praised: "This hairstyle suits you very well, and your temperament is particularly good."

Jian Jing was also very surprised. She had never dyed her hair this color before, but she chose a bold color just to change her appearance. Who would have thought that the effect would be surprisingly good.

At the publishing house celebration, there must be many people ready to laugh at her, and this new look may be a good counterattack.

Kang Mucheng came to pick people up on time at five o'clock in the afternoon on the weekend.

As soon as they met, he stared at Jian Jing's new hairstyle and looked her up and down for a long time.

"Doesn't it look good?" She picked up a strand of hair.

Kang Mucheng frowned: "Why did you suddenly change your hairstyle?"

Jian Jing's new look is not bad-looking. She has fair skin, and although the gray dress and flax-gray hair color are cold, they do not cover up her skin tone, but make it look even whiter and more lustrous.

Like a sword drawn from its sheath.

From head to toe, I am sending out a message: I am not easy to mess with, don't cue me.

Kang Mucheng felt a bit complicated, just like an old father who saw his daughter putting on makeup and dressing up. Whether she looked good or not was another matter, but he felt worried for no reason.

"You said not to make fun of yourself." Jian Jing said in a relaxed tone.

Kang Mucheng turned to look at her.

He has known Jian Jing for four or five years, and no one knows this girl better than him. She is a typical child who is gifted in some aspects and is very sensitive to the outside world. This perception is projected into her writing, giving birth to stories that are either fantastic and beautiful or gloomy and sad.

But she also became fragile and too sensitive. Negative comments are like a cold to ordinary people, but for her, it may become pneumonia, and in more serious cases, it may directly take her life.

"You have changed." Kang Mucheng said firmly.

Her strength came too quickly, just in the moment when he looked away. Was it because she was at the critical moment of life and death and finally realized that the right and wrong of the outside world had nothing to do with her, or was there some other reason

Jian Jing thought about it and said, "Maybe."

The two "Jian Jing" are two forks in a road. One is sharp and famous, but fragile and sensitive; the other is losing its talent and becoming increasingly ordinary, but tough and mature.

It is difficult to say which path is better, perhaps each has its own trade-offs.

Now, they are beginning to overlap.

"Well, the kid has grown up." Kang Mucheng didn't ask further questions. "He looks good."

Jian Jing: “?”

"Hair," he said.

Jane Jing smiled.

“I feel so,” she said.

As the night darkened and the neon lights came on, a car stopped in front of an old factory.

This was originally a textile factory. After going through ups and downs, it was bought by a hotel and transformed into a hotel with a strong historical and cultural atmosphere. Next to it is the river that runs through the entire city, and the scenery is excellent.

Today, this place has been transformed. The walls are still bricks from the last century, but after being rejuvenated by the designer, the old has become a historical sediment, and the mottled is the graffiti of nature. Coupled with the industrial style decoration design, the style is immediately improved, and it has become the first choice for the literary and artistic circles to hold various activities.

Publishing houses make money, but they are also involved in literature and art, so they certainly cannot choose luxury hotels. This place is undoubtedly very suitable.

It’s just… “A-choo.” The wind was cold by the river, and Jian Jing’s nose was itchy.

Kang Mucheng glanced at her and said, "Go in quickly."

There was a hint of reproach in his eyes.

Jian Jing walked in quickly without him saying anything.

At the entrance of the hotel is the publishing house's logo and signature board, with many names already written on it. They are all well-known figures in the literary and art circles, including book critics, writers, screenwriters and even directors, all of whom look familiar.

Jian Jing signed her name and drew a heart at the end.

"Hey, Mr. Kang's little princess is here?" A middle-aged man walked over. His expensive suit couldn't hide his beer belly. His hair was meticulously groomed, but it couldn't hide his slightly bald forehead.

Jian Jing glanced at him and nodded, "Teacher Wu."

Jinwu Publishing House has a long history and has collaborated with many famous writers, who can be divided into two categories: old-school traditional writers and young, cutting-edge writers.

Writer Wu is one of the old-school writers. He published a new book five years ago, but the response was mediocre and readers were no longer interested. He stopped writing in time and used his past fame to hold seminars and participate in several reading programs, and his life was very comfortable.

And it is also considered a "tradition" for the elderly to "take care of" the newcomers.

My impression is that writer Wu has a very bad impression of her, and he is sarcastic and seems to always think that she can sell books because of Kang Mucheng's support and his resources.

"You're just selling a few books, and you're already disrespecting your seniors?" Writer Wu signed his name in a flamboyant manner, his tone full of provocation. He shook his head and muttered to himself: "Young people nowadays..."

"You are really out of date." Jian Jing twisted the chain on her handbag and said lightly, "Young people nowadays are popular with their strength, not relying on their age and seniority."

Writer Wu was stunned for a moment, then his face turned pale: "Sharp-tongued."

"Why are you so anxious to put yourself in the shoes of others?" Jian Jing asked back.

The entrance was crowded with people, and two editors were busy registering people. It was definitely not a place for arguments. Writer Wu, who considered himself a senior, was unwilling to be laughed at. He sneered and walked away.

Jian Jing didn't expect him to stop so quickly and was surprised, but after thinking about it, she understood.

Some people are nothing to be afraid of as long as you are not afraid of them.