The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 158: Escape


The attraction of gems is much greater than ransom.

The kidnappers' greed overcame their reason and they began to plan a robbery of the gems. They used coercion and inducement to try to pry the location of the villa out of Jiang Yuyan's mouth.

Jiang Xiyan was very young, and he didn't dare to hide it, nor could he pour it out all at once. He pretended to recall: "I don't know, Dad has many villas... He hired someone to renovate them to protect the gems."

This was a clear clue, so the kidnappers decided to investigate the chairman's villas to see which one had been recently renovated.

The time they were investigating was his chance to delay his departure.

At night, he turned on his cell phone and told J the news.

J praised him.

- Great job

- I am very obedient, please don't abandon me

- I won't ignore you, so don't give up


-How many people are there in total? When there are fewer people, how many people will be left to guard you

-6, keep at least 2

-Don't let them take you away, try to figure out the structure of the room and wait for news

-How long will it take

-Remember my story? You can be saved before the end.

- I believe you, don't lie to me

-I'm not kidding you, have you guessed the cat's name


-Amazing! You guessed it right, Pudding is the cutest cat in the world

He held the phone in his hand and couldn't help but smile.

Just like before, after a while, my chocolate rolled into the box, and inside it was not only a note with a picture of pudding, but also the sequel to my story.

This time, she wrote about the circumstances surrounding the theft of the gems, focusing on describing the structure and topography of the villa, as if everyone was a suspect.

At the end of the story, she asked: Among the three suspects, who is more likely to have stolen the gem

Jiang Yan didn't want to disappoint her.

During the day, he tried to please the kidnappers, taking the initiative to help them pour water and take things, taking the opportunity to familiarize himself with the environment. At night, he tried hard to guess the murderer and waited for the moment when the phone was turned on.

-Have you guessed who the thief is

-Yes, I'm too stupid to guess, sorry

- No need to apologize, you're not stupid

-But I can't guess. You must be disappointed.

-Not at all, because none of them are thieves.


- Of course, I won't lie to you.

As expected, the person she sent to the police was not any of the three suspects, but the owner of the grocery store suddenly became a suspect.

At the end, another question is asked: The enthusiastic and kind grocery store owner was arrested. Is he the criminal who stole the gems

Jiang Yan hoped he wasn't.

So, he was really not the criminal. When the boss's child was crying, he met a kitten who fell from the sky, and she promised to help him find the truth.

By this time, the kidnappers had already determined the location of the villa and began to figure out how to rob it.

Jiang Yan ruthlessly betrayed the chairman: "Secretary Gao beside Dad should be able to go in."

Note that the kidnappers were desperate criminals, not bandits, so they were too lazy to investigate the security system. Their plan was simple and crude, but very effective - directly kidnap Secretary Gao.

Tying one is the same as tying two.

And it's even simpler this time.

They issued an ultimatum, demanding that the chairman personally deliver the ransom, and at the same time, asked Secretary Gao to prepare a car to go somewhere.

In this way, even if the police are called, they will give priority to protecting the chairman's safety.

The kidnappers split into two groups. Two of them lured the tiger away from the mountain and pretended to collect the ransom, while the other three kidnapped Secretary Gao and robbed the villa.

At last, one person will stay behind to watch over the hostage Jiang Xiyan. If anything goes wrong, he can abduct him and run away.

This is also Jiang Yuyan's only chance to escape.

- I'll help you lead them away, and when you hear the whistle, find a way to escape

-Is it really possible? Maybe they took the gems and ran away.

- Before that, they will kill you, you saw their faces

-What if I can’t run away

- That's the problem. You're already familiar with this place.

- They always lock me in the room before they leave

-When you hear me whistle two times, one long and one short, you try to get into the bathroom. There is a window in the bathroom, right


-The toilet is on the second floor, so he won't be too worried. He can just lock you in the toilet, and then you can use the method I taught you to climb down from the window.

- It's too high. I can't do it.

-Didn't I give you a rope? Tie one end to the door and the other end around your waist, wrap it around one leg, and let the rope loose while you climb. No problem, take a good look at the diagram I drew for you.

-Okay, I'll do as you say.

-Wait until I blow three short notes, then you can get off the phone, okay

- I understand.

During the days when Jiang Yuyan was with the kidnappers, he behaved very well and never thought of escaping. The kidnappers also did not leave any air vents in the room.

The window was so small and more than 2 meters above the ground. It was impossible for a primary school student to climb out in the empty room.

They never dreamed that next to this rented house was another residential area, and the resident on the third floor at the edge of the residential area was a junior high school student who wrote mystery novels.

Unfortunately, she was hit by the flu in early spring and was recuperating at home. Out of boredom, she took a telescope and looked around.

This time, she discovered something unusual.

Most of the residential areas separated by a wall are self-built houses, ranging from two-story to three-story, and are mostly rented out to migrant workers. Therefore, although the turnover of residents is large, they have one thing in common: they all leave early and return late.

However, the family living next door to her was really strange.

There are a total of 6 adult males, and they always go out in pairs, while the others stay at home for a long time.

How can they get money if they don't go out to work

She became curious and watched them for two days in a row. She found that this group of people did not cook for themselves, but sent someone out to buy fast food at mealtime.

There is a problem, absolutely there is a problem.

She changed several angles and used the telescope to peek into the room opposite, and finally caught a glimpse of the child. He was timid and short, and was called away, but his school uniform was very Western style.

As a middle school student, she immediately realized that this was not the uniform of any public school.

This is probably a style only available in private schools.

But the tuition fees of private schools are expensive, and migrant workers can never afford it. In addition, she had never seen the child go out on school days in the past few days, so she boldly guessed that he was kidnapped.

Using a slingshot, she successfully sent a message, confirming her theory.

But the rescue was not easy.

She considered calling the police, but unfortunately, she estimated the success rate was too low.

No one would believe a child's words, even if they did, they should send two more people to check. Maybe they could fool them and alert the enemy directly. If they fooled them, six tall and strong men would be able to kill them easily. When the time comes, once they run away, the safety of the hostages will be in danger.

If she's unlucky and it's found out that she was the one who called the police, her whole family might be retaliated against.

Due to various concerns, she decided to give up arresting the criminals and just save people.

Fortunately, the plan was implemented smoothly.

The kidnappers estimated that the best time to escape was at night, so they started their plan in the afternoon. They wanted to take advantage of the evening rush hour to get rid of the pursuit of all parties.

At around two o'clock, the first group of people left.

At three o'clock, the second group left.

There was only one person left in the room.

Jian Jing's plan was very simple. She carried her schoolbag and turned into the neighborhood next door. In the afternoon, all the residents here were working outside, and she hardly met anyone.

She blew two slogans with her whistle, one long and one short, then turned to a secluded place and looked out the toilet window.

Ten minutes later, a figure was reflected inside.

Then, he piled the waste paper collected in his schoolbag in the corner, lit it, and added two cigarette cakes.

A lot of smoke was burning.

She called 119, gave her address, and asked the fire brigade to come and put out the fire.

At this time, the expected situation occurred. The guard inside didn't know what was going on and didn't come out to check. She had no choice but to take the risk and knock on the door.

"Fire!" she yelled, finally calling out the kidnappers who stayed behind.

He was horrified and immediately returned to the kitchen to get some water.

Jian Jing ran away quickly, and at the same time, blew the agreed whistle again.

A length of rope was lowered crookedly from the window.

The second one came.

He couldn't climb down, and his movements were too slow. The kidnappers had already discovered the fire after they had poured two buckets of water down. The fire was quickly extinguished, leaving only scattered sparks.

Jian Jing had no other choice but to use the last method: "Stop!"

The kidnapper was not smart, but not stupid either. When he saw her sudden appearance, even though he couldn't figure out what was going on for a moment, he knew there was definitely something wrong with her: "It's you?!"

"I poured gasoline in the door." She held up the alcohol lamp that she brought from the laboratory and threatened, "If you move, I will throw it over the door."

The kidnapper paused for a moment, considering the truth of her words.

This bought her a minute.

"Silly girl!" The kidnapper quickly gave up trying to identify her. Relying on his tall and strong stature, he rushed over to snatch the alcohol lamp from her hand.

At this time, Jian Jing was 1.5 meters tall, had always failed physical education exams, and had not yet received the favor of the golden finger. Facing an aggressive adult, she had no chance of winning.

She made a wise decision, threw away the alcohol lamp, turned around and ran.

After all, the kidnappers were afraid that the alcohol lamp would ignite the gasoline and burn themselves, so their first reaction was to stop and reach out to catch the lamp to prevent it from falling to the ground.

That leaves another three seconds - just three seconds, and the kidnappers will immediately realize that this is not alcohol, but a prop filled with water.

Before that, Jian Jing seized the opportunity and circled to the side of the toilet window.

Jiang Yuyan was hanging in the air, clumsily unable to land.

"Jump!" she commanded calmly, "It's time!"

The poor hostage had a frown on his face, and after messing up everything, he still held on to his only advantage. He didn't want to be hated by her or abandoned by her, so despite being extremely scared, he still let go.


He tumbled to the ground.

The second floor was not high, and it hurt a lot, but I wasn't seriously injured.

"Run!" Jian Jing grabbed him and ran as fast as she could, using more strength than she had even in a 800-meter race.

The kidnappers knew something was wrong and quickly chased after him.

But at this time, Jian Jing's advantage was gone.

This was her home for more than a decade. She knew everyone in the shops on the street in front of the community. Without hesitation, she rushed into a nearby store and said to the owner, "Help! He's trying to steal my money!"

The boss was shocked. He looked at the kidnapper who had caught up with him in surprise and shouted angrily, "What are you doing?!"

"They stole my wallet." The kidnappers were also quite smart.

Jian Jing was very calm, and had the demeanor of the future: "I'm going to call the police now to see who robbed whom."

The kidnapper glared at her and hesitated for a moment, but the boss immediately picked up a broom and pretended to hit her. He immediately knew that the hostage could not be saved, and the best way was to withdraw quickly and get the gem.

The ransom has been paid and the secretary has been kidnapped, so get out of here quickly.

He turned and ran.

Jian Jing didn't dare to leave, so she bought some drinks in the canteen and waited until the fire truck passed by before she pulled him away.

When Jiang Yan thought that he could really escape, he looked dazed and didn't say a word for a long time.

"Where is your home? Ask your parents to pick you up." Jian Jing asked.

He came back to his senses and shook his head vigorously: "I won't go back."

She wondered, "What?"

"They want me dead." He said softly, "If I go back, I will die."