The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 180: Big event!


After booking the dress, Jian Jing's mission for this trip to Paris was completed.

However, since we are here, we can’t just order some clothes and leave. Even Kang Mucheng didn’t say he wanted to go back, and reserved a day of rest.

The next day, Ms. Kang Lei sent instructions, complaining that the domestic counters did not have the bag she wanted, and asked her son to buy one directly from the main store and bring it over.

The third day's itinerary naturally turned into shopping.

Si Yingjie also did not escape the clutches of the sisters and got a shopping list. He kept complaining: "Are you kidding me? A flight only costs a few dollars. Can't you come and buy it yourself? You have to ask me for help."

Jian Jing: "It's tiring to take a long flight."

"They are all frequent flyers, running around the world, what else do they need?" Si Yingjie said angrily, "They just want to torment me."

He really didn't want to waste his energy, so he stayed with her for half an hour and then ran away without any sense of loyalty.

Jian Jing's scalp tightened.

It was her first time shopping with Kang Mucheng, it couldn't be... well, it was just pure fun.

It took him 15 minutes to enter the store, explain his request to the clerk, take out his card and swipe it away.


Is this shopping? No, this is shopping.

"What do you want to buy?" Kang Mucheng asked.

At one point, Jian Jing felt nervous as if she was called by the teacher in class: "I... don't have anything to buy."

Kang Mucheng sighed imperceptibly and said, "Then just take a stroll."

Jian Jing nodded and decided to pick one that was similar and leave.

However, today they were shopping at a luxury department store in Paris, which had many stores and a wide range of styles, so it was hard to walk away without being tempted.

As Jian Jing strolled around, her shopping spirit was awakened. Although Kang Mucheng was not a good playmate, he was patient and waited with her without any complaints.

Before I knew it, a few hours had passed.

She was hesitating in her bag, considering whether to spend all her money to buy them all at once, when she suddenly heard a loud explosion in her ears.

"Bang!" Like a firecracker exploding.

Then there was the sound of glass shattering and hitting the floor tiles, crisp and terrifying.

Jian Jing was stunned for a moment, and her first reaction was "What happened?" Half a second later, her second thought emerged: Could it be a shooting

Yes, but it’s a hundred times worse.

[New mission released]

[Mission Name: Mall Hijacking Incident]

[Content description: A group of heavily armed gangsters suddenly broke into a bustling and luxurious shopping mall. They took hostages with unknown purposes, and everyone is in great danger! Please ensure your own safety and try to keep others alive.]

[Task rewards and penalties: Determined based on task completion]

Jian Jing sucked in a breath of cold air. Her confused brain calmed down a little under the blessing of concentration. She didn't look at what happened, and immediately recalled the floor plan of the mall.

This is the advantage of the [Survival Card]. No matter when and where you are, you will always notice the escape exit first.

She put down her bag, grabbed Kang Mucheng, and whispered, "Shoot! Go!"

Don't blame her for being cruel and not reminding others at this time. There were really too many people shopping, and once she called out, everyone got in a panic, which would not only block the exit, but also cause trampling.

This first second is the most critical.

Kang Mucheng was dragged by her and ran for a few steps before he reacted. But before he had taken a few steps, there was another burst of "bang bang bang" sounds of gunfire in front of him, accompanied by a muffled sound from time to time.

Jian Jing suddenly stopped.

This department store has seven floors, three atriums, and seven doors, as follows:

... ... backdoor... ... ... ... ... backdoor... ... .

West East

Side... .Left Atrium... Large Atrium... Right Atrium... Side

door... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .door

... ... small door... ... big door... ..small door... ...

The first and loudest shot was fired in the large atrium. Jian Jing and Kang Mucheng were on the second floor of the left atrium, so her first choice was to go downstairs and escape through the back door as quickly as possible.

But the criminals also knew that there was another exit here.

Next, gunshots rang out from the side door. The criminals blocked the other doors and used a stream of bullets to crazily harvest lives.

It was really like harvesting straw, with one cut of the knife, people fell one after another, and apart from the gunshots and the dull thuds of people falling, not a single scream could be heard at the scene.

Yes, only then will people realize that under extreme fear and pressure, people cannot scream, but can only stand there in a daze, unable to move or think.

In the hail of bullets, this is tantamount to death.

When Jian Jing saw the gangsters approaching with guns in the distance, she knew that she could not escape, so she immediately changed direction and looked for reliable cover.

When thinking, the brain starts thinking quickly.

There are two types of shootings. One is retaliatory indiscriminate killings, killing whoever they catch in order to drag more people to hell together. The other is purposeful, with the opening massacre just to shock the scene and force people to a designated location so that they can be taken hostage.

She closed her eyes and listened. The gunshots came from three directions. This meant that the criminals were numerous and familiar with the terrain of the mall.

They didn't do it on a whim; they chose this place intentionally to commit the crime.

"Thump, thump, thump", the green wall that was blocking the view was covered with debris flying everywhere, the customers who had just been so glamorous fled in a panic, and many corpses lay on the ground, no sound had been made.

Jian Jing had seen many corpses, but this was the first time she had ever faced such reckless killing.

She was terrified and did not dare to hesitate for a moment. Before the criminals got close, she pulled Kang Mucheng back quickly and looked for the next cover.

Of course, she did not forget to rescue others.

When I saw someone squatting on the ground with their head in their hands while running away, I remembered to grab them and throw them behind a cover. If there were people who could still follow my command, I would use force to call them over.

About two seconds later, the gunshot turned and headed in another direction.

The customers on the north side of the left atrium escaped the first wave of death sickles. As long as they survived the opening slaughter, the subsequent death rate would be greatly reduced.

A masked man in black came over, holding guns in both hands, and commanded them: "Descendre."


Someone stammered, "Excuse me?"

"go downstairs." The criminal changed it into English.

Now everyone understood. They held their hands high and rode the escalator tremblingly like a group of newly born chicks.

There was also a big man with a gun at the bottom of the escalator, pointing the gun at them.

Anyone who behaves abnormally will definitely not escape their shooting.

Naturally, Jian Jing did not dare to challenge the bullet with her body. Not only did she obey obediently, she also immediately used her acting card, pretending to be frightened to death. She hugged Kang Mucheng's arms tightly, tears in her eyes, and her face was pale, pretending to be a frightened little girl.

There was absolutely no way her acting skills could be detected. The criminal just glanced at her and didn't pay much attention to her.

The group was driven in terror to the large atrium on the first floor. The main door had been locked tightly with an iron gate. Three gangsters each took a position, guarding the hostages who were driven in.

Jian Jing made a rough count and found that there were more than ten criminals. If people from other places were included, there might be several thousand people.

This is not a situation that can be reversed by just a few people.

Let's wait and see.

She snuggled up to Kang Mucheng, sobbing from time to time, maintaining her fearful persona and observing everyone's actions imperceptibly.

Kang Mucheng was also very quiet. He held her arm and tried his best to remain silent.

They are right.

Among the hostages there was a young man who collapsed and tried to escape without a care in the world, but was shot in the head.

Another sturdy man slowly approached the guard, seeming to grab the gun and fight back, but was discovered by his companions, who shot him several times. Not only was he killed on the spot, but the girl next to him was also hit by a stray bullet and bled profusely.

Jian Jing moved, and instinctively reached out to help, but she held back.

Because, a fat man next to her was one step faster and took out a piece of silk and pressed it on her body to stop the bleeding.

The gangster warned: "ne fais paschoses superflues (Don't do anything superfluous)!"

"She's just a kid." The fat man pleaded nervously, "please!"

The other gangster said "forget it" in French, tacitly approving his action.

Jian Jing remembered this person. Although each criminal was wearing a hood, judging from their behavior, they should be women.

In the next two hours, all the people hiding in various places in the mall were pulled out and driven to one place.

Everyone was forced to hand over their cell phones, tablets and other communication devices, and were herded into the courtyard in droves, like fat pigs in a pigsty waiting to be slaughtered.

Jian Jing estimated that there were about several hundred people.

What are they doing taking so many hostages at once

The answer to the mystery was soon revealed.

The criminals found the manager of the mall and used his mobile phone to call the police, making several demands and demanding the release of one person.

Jian Jing didn't quite understand it, but just by listening she felt that it was not an easy thing.

‌Once the negotiations reach a deadlock, there is a high possibility of another killing.

We cannot pin our hopes on foreign governments, but how can we save ourselves

It is absolutely impossible for one person and one gun to turn the situation around, even if Bond is here.

Be patient and wait and see.

After about ten minutes of negotiations, the other party agreed to the criminals' first condition, which was to ask someone to come forward in person to further negotiate with the criminals.

Jian Jing guessed that someone should be a well-known figure, perhaps with important political significance, but it was not important, so she just called him the boss.

After agreeing to the criminals' first request, the local police immediately proposed their own exchange conditions, sending medical personnel in to rescue the wounded.

Of course the criminals would never agree to this. Who knows if the person sent in might be a policeman.

The police bargained and finally managed to send in a batch of drugs.

The fat man who saved the person before stood up and said he was a nurse in the hospital and hoped to help bandage the injured person’s wounds.

"(French) Let us handle it, and you can have more bargaining chips." The fat man's French is average, but his attitude is sincere and generous, and even if he is an enemy, it is difficult to have any bad feelings towards him.

The leading criminal had taken off his mask, revealing a middle-aged man with a full beard. He stared at the fat man with a fierce and sinister look.

The fat man shrank back, his voice weakened, but he still requested: "(French) Woman, child, is it okay?"

The big boss didn't say anything. The guy who seemed to be the second boss said, "(French) It's just the beginning. Don't make the negotiations awkward."

The chief then turned his head and ignored him.

The fat man was surrounded by soldiers, and one after another, more hostages came forward to ask for help.

But the criminals were very cautious and did not allow a man who claimed to be a doctor to move around. They only allowed a woman to come out to help.

But the wounded were far from the hostages' only trouble.

Among the hundreds of people, there were about a mother and more than two dozen children, including six babies.

No matter how naughty a child is, he can at least hold back from crying, but if a baby is hungry, cold, or uncomfortable, what else can he do but cry? Several mothers were so anxious that they almost cried.

"(English) Shit! Stop this kid from crying!" The grumpy old man next to him yelled, "What if he shoots at us?!"

The mother held back her tears, apologized repeatedly, and patted the baby in her arms desperately.

But the baby was very hungry and was still crying and gasping for breath.

"(English) He's hungry, you need to feed him." An elite woman nearby unbuttoned her suit jacket and loosely draped it over the mother to give her room to feed her child.

However, this action touched the criminals' cordon, and one of them shouted angrily: "(English) What are you doing? Loosen up!"

As he spoke, he rushed over, grabbed the woman's hair, pulled her aside, and kicked her.

The people around were suddenly silent.