The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 203: Cats and dogs


The Knights are out of work.

The boss decided to cancel the dog breeding fund - wouldn't it be better to use the money to buy some security equipment? - and accidentally forced to commit the crime of theft.

When Manager Bu learned about this, he was speechless and issued a notice: "Send the dog away. We cannot let the owner complain to us again."

Property owner's dog steals owner's dog and sells it, scandal!

The security guard was reluctant to part with the dog, but he didn't dare to confront his boss because he had to keep his job. He had no choice but to post an adoption notice on WeChat Moments, hoping that someone would take it away because it was a German Shepherd.

Jian Jing couldn't bear it at all.

What's wrong for a dog if it doesn't want to eat moldy dog food? And what's wrong with a dog looking for food somewhere else if its owner tells it not to rummage through the trash

How could a dog have any bad intentions

"Woo woo." It was freezing cold, and the knight was tied in the storage room, trying hard to pry open the door.

Jian Jing, who came back from the gym with some dog food to feed the dog, couldn't help but ask the security guard, "Have you found someone to adopt it?"

The security guy said, "A lot."

She was surprised: "Why hasn't it been decided yet?"

The security guard was very worried: "I'm afraid I've made a mistake."

The knight was brought by a friend from the former security captain (who retired last year). He has a pure bloodline, a good frame, and was trained very hard when he was young. Therefore, although he accidentally did something bad this time, everyone thinks it can be forgiven.

How could a dog have any bad intentions x2

The property doesn't need knights, but there are plenty of people who want it. But there are so many people applying for it that it's hard to choose.

A family has experience in raising pets, but already has two cats and a dog. If they raise another one, will there be a lot of fighting over territory at home? Will the pet not get much love from its owner

B's family had never raised a dog and wanted to find a playmate for their child, but the child was careless and hurt the dog. They felt sad. Even if the dog was not hurt, but there was some friction or something, the parents would definitely give up the dog first.

Family C is a young couple with no children but a cat. They want to have both a cat and a dog, so they are a good family. But they go to get off work very late every day, so they don’t mind the cat, but they have to walk the dog.

The security guard was like marrying off his daughter in advance. He complained to Jian Jing and seemed to be dissatisfied with everyone.

Jian Jing: “…”

She fed the knight a large chicken drumstick.

The knight wagged his tail and stayed quiet.

Security guard: "Ms. Jian, you live alone, so it would be nice to have a dog."

With the mentality of a father-in-law, he tested the owners of the entire community and finally found Jian Jing to be a suitable candidate: she likes knights and will be kind to dogs; she is rich and can feed the dog well and send it to the hospital, so she will not give up on the dog because of a minor problem; she is single and is far from getting married, let alone being pregnant, so there is no reason to abandon the dog.

You are the one!

"The Knight is very well behaved. The last time was just an accident!" He was like an uncle or aunt at a blind date corner, trying hard to recommend it. "It urinates and defecates at designated places, doesn't bark randomly, doesn't chew furniture, and cooperates with wearing a muzzle."

After being persuaded by sweet words, Jian Jing was indeed shaken.

When she is not investigating a case, her stance is usually not firm. She will buy several pieces of clothing if the shopping guide persuades her, and will go all in if the lipstick color is said to be pretty...

"let me consider it."

Raising a pet is not a trivial matter. From then on, you will be responsible for a life, so Jian Jing couldn't help but feel conflicted.

She asked Jiang Baiyan: "Is it troublesome to keep a pet? If it makes trouble, would you want to beat it up?"

Jiang Baiyan was horrified: "Teacher Jingjing, they are so cute, how could you do that?"

Jian Jing said coldly: "I can." Then she warned, "Tell the truth."

Jiang Baiyan obediently changed his words: "It's okay. I just scratched a sofa, peed on the bed, bit your clothes, hid and scared you..."

Jian Jing: Alas.

"But they are all minor issues. If the sofa breaks, buy a new one. Prepare more sheets and change them frequently. As for clothes, they will go out of season anyway, so buy two more if you like them." When celebrities learn to do this, their lethality is also very strong. "Money is easy to make, but the happiness it brings you cannot be bought."

Jane is quiet and her heart is beating.

Jiang Baiyan continued: "Besides, I said before that Teacher Jingjing's house is too quiet and could use a little more liveliness. If there is someone waiting for you at home, you will have something to look forward to every day when you go home."

There was a trap in this statement, and Jian Jing could hear it, but what she was thinking was: "What you said makes sense. It's very annoying to have more people at home, and it would be much better to have more dogs."

Living under the same roof with someone will cause conflicts in values, habits, and life philosophies. It is undoubtedly very difficult to accommodate others, and it is easy to develop into countless unpleasant disputes.

Dogs are fine.

Who would be upset just because a dog’s living habits are different from their own

It's normal that it doesn't know how to wipe its butt, but if it does, then it's the best dog in the world!

Jian Jing made a decision: "That's it."

Jiang Baiyan stumbled a lot, but he had a good mentality and recovered immediately: "Then I'll go to the veterinary hospital with you. It's better to get a check-up first."


The next day, ‌ came over carrying Pudding.

Touch the knight's head first.

The knight dodged and looked at him with a vigilant look.

Jiang Baiyan was shocked: "I am disgusted by it."

"I'm not familiar with it." Jian Jing led the knight and directed it to get in the car. "Why did you bring Pudding with you?"

‌Smiling: "It's time to deworm it."

The two of them went to the pet hospital together, Knight had a physical examination, and Pudding had deworming. After that, they went to the beauty salon next door for a one-stop washing, care and blow-drying.

Pudding doesn't like taking a bath and meows miserably in the pool.

However, its owner is an actor.

"Pudding, where is my pudding?" Jiang Baiyan pretended that he couldn't find it. "Pudding, where are you?"

Pudding: “Meow~”

‌: "Are you being naughty again and hiding away from me?"

Pudding: “Meow meow meow~~”

‌: "Then I won't pay attention to you anymore. I won't pay attention to you anymore."

Pudding: “Woo.”

Jian Jing was stunned: "Is it that serious?"

"Of course, they are very smart." Jiang Baiyan shared his experience, "So they also hold grudges."

She was speechless.

However, the knight was not so afraid of taking a bath. After a little restlessness, he soaked in the pool and enjoyed it, squinting his eyes in comfort.

The beautician follows the procedure and slowly takes care of the hair.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Baiyan and Jian Jing whispered to each other: "Rose Gold has been completed. If everything goes well, it will be released in early next year."

Jian Jing asked: "What do you think?"

"It's a good movie." He peeled off the candy served to the guests and ate one with satisfaction. "I'm already looking forward to winning the award."

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How dare you say that."

"Why not?" Jiang Baiyan also gave her a candy, "Don't you trust my judgment? I have a good eye for choosing movies."

Jian Jing: "Believe it."

"You're so perfunctory," he said dissatisfiedly, "Trust me a little more. Look, didn't I do a good job before?"

Jian Jing half admitted it and half joked: "That's right, that's great, I almost became a prostitute."

Jiang Baiyan remained calm: "My acting is good?"

She smiled and patted her head.

‌Turning his head away: "You have a goodboy."

Jian Jing stopped her hand: "Stingy."

"I have my idol baggage too." Jiang Baiyan said to the glass, fixing his not-so-messy hair, "You can touch it, but you can't touch it for nothing."

Jian Jing didn't respond, she turned away and didn't want to touch the head. When Pudding finished washing, she took the lead and grabbed the panicked big fat cat into her arms.

"Meow meow meow." Pudding was frightened and curled up in his arms and acted coquettishly.

Jiang Baiyan: "My cat."

Jian Jing stroked the cat's head and smiled: "Come and grab it if you can, I'll give it back to you if you can."

Jiang Baiyan: “…”

He got up, bought some snacks for the pet, and then strolled over to the knight who was trimming his fur and began to feed Dafa: "Good knight, it's time for lunch. Don't you want to eat? Good boy, smart boy, you are amazing."

The knight sat with dignity, his eyes like a pair of black grapes, bright and lively.

"Let me touch you." He coaxed the dog, "Just once, just once."

For someone who is so popular in the entertainment industry, it would be like using a sledgehammer to kill a chicken to coax a dog. Jian Jing didn't check for a moment, and when she looked up after sucking the cat, she found that her new pet had been coaxed away.

She: "Grass (a kind of plant)."

When I came out of the beauty salon, it was already past lunch time.

Jiang Baiyan said: "Let's have dinner together. I know a restaurant that allows pets."

"It would be bad if someone saw us." Jian Jing refused, "You are a big star."

Jiang Baiyan said confidently: "We are not two people, it doesn't matter if we are photographed. Besides, that restaurant has a pet meal, and Knight and Pudding also need to eat."

Jian Jing thought about it and it made sense: "Okay."

"It's my treat." He held her back with his hand and helped her to the car. "Come on, Pudding, Knight, let's go eat."

The restaurant is not far from the beauty salon, only a fifteen-minute drive away. It is a restaurant converted from a villa and has a lush green lawn.

Guests sit in groups of three or four to dine, pets have exclusive meal packages, and can also play with their friends.

"Welcome, how many people are there?" The waitress smiled sweetly.

Jiang Baiyan: "Two people, a cat and a dog."

"The four of you please come in."

It was Jian Jing's first time to visit this kind of restaurant, and she was surprised to find that people's pets were so diverse.

Call ducks, mini pigs, corn snakes, ferrets, chinchillas, budgies, Dutch rabbits... they were also treated as serious guests, with their own small tables and meals, which was very interesting.

"So cute." Jian Jing's hands were itching so much that she pinched Pudding's feet hard, "Oh, I really want to touch it."

Jiang Baiyan pretended to take two steps away: "You are such a hooligan."

Jian Jing glanced at him.

‌Shut up.

After we sat down, the waiter presented the menu and moved over two pet chairs for Pudding and Knight to sit on. He then buckled the leashes into the buckles to prevent them from running around and scaring other guests.

The dishes are all Western food, and there is a distinction between grain and raw food for pets.

Knights eat more raw food, so they ordered a set meal: steak, pork heart, chicken legs, broccoli, carrots, rabbit ears, and a bowl of milk.

Jian Jing: It’s time to write a good book.

Owning a dog is a bit expensive.

Jiang Baiyan ordered a diet meal for Pudding, and ordered a seafood fried rice, a pasta, and some fried food. He was salivating: "I'm going crazy for carbs."

Jian Jing: "Take the role of a fat guy next time."

Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and muttered, "I still want to make money."

"There's no end to making money." Jian Jing said sincerely.

Jiang Baiyan calculated carefully: "A little more is a little more. If it becomes outdated, I will have to rely on my savings. There are so many places to spend money."

"That's right, I spend money too easily." Jian Jing thought of the rose dress and still felt heartbroken. "I need to save more money."

The waiter who served the food pounded his chest silently, as if he had a heart attack.

If I'm not mistaken, one of you is a popular star and the other is a best-selling author, and your annual income is probably starting from seven figures.

Are you going to let people live