The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 204: Vicious dog


The dining experience at the pet restaurant was very pleasant.

The ingredients are fresh, and the taste has been improved to suit the taste of Chinese people. The little ones are chewing the bones and meat while sharing the rice.

Jian Jing ate two bites by herself, then touched the knight. The knight looked at her, moved his ears, and continued eating. There was a warm and affectionate atmosphere between the master and the pet.


Jiang Baiyan protected his fried rice with one hand and held down the pudding that came over to eat it with the other hand: "You can't eat it. You are on a diet, so don't come over here!"

He was in such a panic that he almost spilled the delicious vegetable soup, making a mess.

Jiang Baiyan was unhappy and picked up a piece of salad leaf and gave it to Pudding.

It refused and slapped him with its fragrant paw.

There is happiness only when there is contrast.

Jian Jing: “Haha.”

The air was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere [doge].

Only Pudding was unhappy. He twisted his fat body and broke free from the collar and ran away.

Jiang Baiyan had no choice but to give up the unfinished pasta and chase after it - if it stole the food of other cats, all his efforts to lose weight would be in vain.

Jian Jing laughed at him and began to eat dessert leisurely.

However, after eating a portion of Napoleon cake, Jiang Baiyan did not come back.

A long-lost sense of vigilance rose up in her heart. She untied the leash and said to the knight, "Let's go find Pudding."

"Woof!" The knight jumped off the stool and ran straight to the garden behind.

The garden behind the villa has been converted into a pet park, with a plastic maze in the middle, a pool on the left, a sand pit on the right, and a wall of cat climbing frames.

Pudding was held in the arms of Jiang Baiyan, who was wearing a mask. He had a big face and a small question mark.

"Your cat scared my big baby." The arrogant lady put her hands on her hips and said angrily, "What's wrong with me hitting it?"

Jiang Baiyan was polite and reasonable: "Our Pudding is fat, can't fly, and has just had his claws trimmed. Your bird can fly and is not injured. Did you go too far by hitting my cat?"

Jian Jing glanced over and suddenly saw a shivering Xuanfeng in the hood of the royal sister's sweater. It flapped its wings and looked frightened.

The royal sister felt even more distressed: "Look how scared my baby is."

Jiang Baiyan looked at the fat ball in his arms, still not believing it would do such a thing: "Turn on the surveillance."

The waiter chimed in: "Miss, are you our guest?"

The royal sister said: "If he is not your guest, he does not have to take responsibility?"

"This is a private restaurant." The waiter immediately frowned, "Your parrot barged in and scared our guests."

The two were still hesitating when a startling scream suddenly erupted from the villa across the wall: "Ah!"

Piercing the clouds.

The royal sister was stunned for a moment, and without caring about asking for justice, she ran over directly: "What happened? Ah!"

She was stunned.

I saw a Tibetan mastiff rushing out of the villa next door. It was as majestic as a little lion and was biting anyone it caught like crazy.

It was huge, with a mouth full of sharp teeth covered in blood, and its throat was filled with threatening sounds, which was extremely scary.

It is not until then that people suddenly realize that pets, which seem cute and docile on weekdays, actually have a scary side.

The royal sister was terrified, and like all ordinary people who were frightened, her brain was telling her to "hide, hide quickly", but her body couldn't move at all, and she just stared blankly ahead.

The Tibetan Mastiff panted heavily and approached her step by step.

The royal sister's legs were weak, she was shaky and couldn't stand steadily.

This was the scene that Jian Jing saw when she came in. She was also startled, thinking that she had found a dead person, so she walked over slowly and handed the knight to Jiang Baiyan.

Who knew it was a vicious dog attack.

She reacted quickly, pulling the royal sister into the restaurant with one hand, and then she picked up a stone and threw it at the Tibetan mastiff, shouting in her mouth: "Hey!"

The Tibetan Mastiff felt provoked and immediately changed its target, using all four limbs to pounce on her like a lion hunting.

A strong beast may be more lethal than a trained human.

Jian Jing didn't dare to be careless, and immediately activated the white kitten state, relying on the speed of a cat to narrowly avoid the attack. Then she took out the stun gun hidden in the storage compartment, pressed the trigger, and turned to aim at its neck.

A blue arc of electricity flashed, instantly penetrating the flesh and blood and running through the entire body of the Tibetan Mastiff.

Its back was arched and its hair exploded, as if it had transformed into a three-headed hellhound in an instant, ferocious and terrifying, with its bloody mouth open, turning over to bite her hand.

Jian Jing used all her strength to hold down its skull, pressing its head to the ground, and wrapped her legs around its hind legs, forcibly suppressing its counterattack.

The two sides were in a stalemate for nearly three seconds before the electric current completely knocked down the beast.

It lay on the ground, breathing weakly, its muscles twitching and shaking, as if it would stand up and bite at any time.

Jian Jing breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked, "Is there a cage? Get up quickly."

One of the people who rushed in from the villa next door stammered, "No, I didn't bring it."

But a waiter from the restaurant who came to watch the fun said, "We have one here. Oh my God, is this okay? Will it wake up?"

"Yes, we'll call the police." Jian Jing asked them to bring the cage over, and found two strong men to stuff the heavy dog in.

‌When you put it in front of the door, remember to put a muzzle on it.

"Hurry, call an ambulance." While she was busy, the villa next door was also in chaos. "Old cat, hold on, the doctor will be here soon."

When Jian Jing heard something wrong, she hurried to the next room and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Old Cat..." Several people surrounded a person on the ground, covering his neck with their hands, blood seeping out, "What should we do, is there still hope?"

"Let me see, where's the gauze?" Jian Jing pressed on the wound, trying to stop the blood flowing wildly, but it turned out that the man must have been bitten on the aorta, and the blood kept flowing out like crazy and could not be stopped.

After three to five minutes, his breathing became noticeably weaker, and by the time the ambulance arrived, he had no heartbeat.

The doctor performed emergency treatment immediately and worked hard for about a minute, then shook his head at the people at the scene.

Some people couldn't hold back their sadness and sobbed, "How could this happen? How could this happen..."

"What kind of mad dog did you raise? It actually bit someone to death!" Some people cursed, "This matter is not over yet!"

The owner of the Tibetan Mastiff feebly defended himself: "Courage has never bitten anyone before, and he doesn't look right."

Jian Jing nodded: "It's very manic, is it sick?"

"He was fine this morning, doesn't look sick." The owner was fidgeting. "By the way, where will Courage be sent to? The dog shelter?"

Others said coldly: "The man is dead, and you are still thinking about the dog?"

"You're not thinking about the dog, you're thinking about the money."

Everyone started arguing, which gave Jian Jing, who was watching, an opportunity to sort out the whole story.

The story goes like this: this group of people are pet up masters, who make money by opening pet accounts on short video platforms, attracting fans and selling goods. Half a month ago, the old cat who died proposed to organize a group, invite everyone to have a meal together, and shoot a few joint videos.

Although they were from the same group, it was common for them to take advantage of each other's popularity. Five people responded, and the location was chosen to be this villa.

Including the organizers, there were six people in total, and each brought their own pet.

The deceased, Lao Mao You Cat, was called Lao Mao. He was 29 years old and had two cats, one British shorthair and one American shorthair. He had 1.2 million fans and was a leader among pet up-loaders.

The owner of the Tibetan Mastiff is I Love Tibet, also known as Xige/Laoxi, three years old. He raises the Tibetan Mastiff Courage. He has 8 million fans and is one of the most popular people.

The queen who raises cockatiels, Miss Xuanfeng, is here. She is called Sister Xuan, 26 years old, has 2 million fans, and is considered a new up master. But she comes from a wealthy family, and has attracted many fans by showing off her wealth, so she has a good development prospect.

The one who cried before was the Golden Retriever, nicknamed Xiao Nuan, who is 22 years old. She has a very human-friendly big golden retriever and has 5 million fans. Although she is quite popular, there are many similar accounts competing with her.

The one being cursed was Coal, a coal miner, also known as Coal for short. He was 24 years old, had a Siamese cat, had 6 million fans, and was once a competitor of the deceased old cat.

The last one is quite special. His name is Xiqiguai, nicknamed Poison Man. He is four years old. He raises snakes, spiders and lizards, all of which are poisonous. He has 800,000 fans, but no competing accounts. He is unique.

Five people arrived at the villa one after another yesterday, and had a fight in the evening.

The poisonous person not only has poisonous pets, but also has a poisonous mouth: "Lao Xi, is it the old cat you asked Courage to bite?"

Xige was shocked: "What did you say? Don't talk nonsense! Why would I do this?"

"Because of your contract." Du Ren straightened his glasses, his motives were clearly visible. "You two are on the same platform, but he signed contract A and you signed contract B. The profit sharing and recommendation positions are very different, and you have always been unwilling to accept it. When you got the courage yesterday, the old cat said it was a large dog and would not let you into the house. You must have been very unhappy."

Xige was anxious: "Yes, this is normal. It's cold and you let Courage stay outside. I feel bad for him even though he's not your dog. But we just argued for a few words. I don't have to kill him, right? Why let Courage bite him?"

Sister Xuan leaned against Jian Jing, recovered a little, and said, "No, if Courage bites someone, he will definitely be killed. If he loses Courage, where can he make money?"

Xige nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I can't joke about courage."

Xiao Nuan hugged the big golden retriever and asked a question: "But why did Courage bite the old cat? The old cat is very afraid of Courage and would definitely not approach him on his own initiative."

"Could it be an accident?" Sister Xuan couldn't help but say, "Courage suddenly went crazy, and the old cat was unlucky and was bitten by him. It's so scary to kill someone or not. Who would kill someone for no reason?"

Xiao Nuan nodded hurriedly: "Yes, we didn't know each other before. We met for the first time yesterday. There is no grudge between us. It doesn't make sense."

Xige hesitated for a moment, then said, "Metal and Old Cat knew each other before, right?"

Coal Brother said indifferently: "So what?"

"It seems like you two have a grudge against each other." Du Ren seemed to be very interested in grudges and disputes. "Originally, you were the top pet account on the platform, but the old cat came from behind and kicked you out?"

Brother Coal curled his lips: "According to this, Miss Xuan and Old Cat are still a little unclear."

Sister Xuan jumped up: "What are you talking about?"

"You two yesterday..." Brother Coal sneered, saying everything.

It's really not a good idea for a group of people to bite each other.

Jian Jing saw the police car on the street and interrupted, "Stop arguing, the police are here, talk to the police." She hesitated, but did not leave. She subdued the mad dog, and the police would definitely ask her a few questions.

"Who called the police?" The police went to the restaurant first and asked the waiter to explain the whole story.

After understanding the situation clearly, the police officer in charge immediately grabbed the man and said, "Teacher Jian, isn't this Teacher Jian?" His expression was enthusiastic and his smile was overflowing, which was definitely not right.

Jian Jing was slightly confused: "Ah?"