The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 206: Repeat


Officer Liu fluently wrote down the key points in his notebook.

Jian Jing flipped through the previous pages and asked Xiao Nuan to confirm: "Did you scream at that time?"

Xiao Nuan clenched the paper cup tightly, her words a little confused: "I can't remember clearly, I think I screamed, I was scared to death, it was too scary."

She was so frightened that no matter how much she was asked for details, she couldn't give a clear answer.

The person who poisoned the animals proved this point. Perhaps people who raise poisonous animals have stronger psychological endurance, and he described the whole process calmly.

"I was sleeping upstairs and just woke up at 1 o'clock. I was going to the kitchen to find something to eat. I opened the refrigerator and heard Xiao Nuan outside calling 'Xi Ge'. The voice was shaking. I guessed that Yong had escaped the rope, so I went upstairs to call Lao Xi.

"He was awake, so we hurried downstairs, but Yong had already rushed out the front door. We followed him and ran into Xiao Xuan."

Officer Liu asked, "You didn't have lunch with the others?"

The poisonous man said strangely: "There is no lunch gathering at noon, why should I join them? Besides, my sleeping and resting habits are to sleep in the early morning and get up at noon, what's the problem?"

Officer Liu: "You don't feed your pets?"

"My little ones couldn't get on the plane, so I came alone," he said.

Officer Liu was surprised: "They all brought their pets, but you didn't?"

"Their filming content is different from mine, so there's no point in bringing them along." Du Ren spread his hands, "I'm just here for a trip."

"How is your relationship with the old cat?"

The poisonous man curled his lips: "They are just so-so, there is no intersection, we are not raising the same kind of creatures."

At this point, the statements of all five people have been recorded.

The results from the quarantine center came out - they had much more free time than the forensic doctors - and the urine test showed that there was some kind of central nervous system stimulant remaining in Yong's body.

No wonder it can't control its behavior and hurts people when it catches them.

"Since it was caused by drugs, it's not an accident, it's murder." Officer Liu said seriously, "We must investigate it thoroughly."

Jian Jing nodded and walked into the kitchen to check.

The few guests staying here were all casual people. They left plastic bags and boxes there without removing the labels. Most of them were bought from the nearby supermarket.

She asked Sister Xuan: "Who bought the things? Why are they all placed here?"

Sister Xuan answered quickly: "We went there together, and we bought a lot of things, snacks, drinks and so on."

"Are all the meals prepared for pets?"

"Well, give them to those who have cats and dogs." Sister Xuan said as a matter of course, "Who will cook? We just ordered hot pot takeout yesterday."

The reality of the world.

This means that everyone knows that food is for cats and dogs, but drinks and snacks are in the kitchen, so it is easy to find an opportunity to take them.

At present, the problem should be the lunch. After all, apart from the owner, it seems that no one can get close to the Tibetan Mastiff and give it a shot.

From the timeline, everyone has the opportunity to act - for example, if the poisoner says that he has been sleeping, does that mean he has been sleeping all the time? This time, the method of using the precise time period to screen the murderer is useless!

There are two things Jian Jing can be sure of now.

The dog was drugged. The old cat was bitten.

The former is something that everyone can do, and the drugs are also relatively easy to get on the market, so let’s not talk about it for now. The latter is rather bizarre.

How did the murderer get the old cat bitten

Yong first bit the old cat and then attacked Sister Xuan. Later, he was provoked by her and attacked her directly, which showed that he could not distinguish the specific target.

A mad dog is not a cute little dog to be loved by your family. Even the dog trainer may find it difficult to follow his orders.

A simpler approach is to just have the old cat at the designated location and then release the dog.

This poses a technical difficulty - how to determine the timing of the bravery and madness

Pharmacy is a professional discipline that requires professional knowledge to operate. It is easy for a layman to prescribe medicine, but it is not easy to calculate the time of onset.

From the timeline, after lunch at 11 o'clock: Brother Xi took a nap, Sister Xuan took a video, Brother Meitan edited the video, Xiao Nuan took a video, and Du Ren just woke up from a nap.

Everyone's behavior has a certain degree of randomness. No one can guarantee that when someone is being brave and crazy, others will not suddenly appear and destroy his plan.

Jian Jing had some doubts and talked to Brother Xi alone.

"Tell me about Yong, what kind of dog is he?" she asked.

Xi Ge smiled bitterly: "I bought this dog when I went to Tibet. I spent a lot of money on it. To be honest, Tibetan Mastiffs are really hard to raise. It took me two years to tame it, but it's just tame. It's really not as good as raising a golden husky."

He hissed and said, "When he pounced on you, I was so scared that I was stunned. Damn, it was so scary. I knew he was fierce, but I didn't know he was so fierce."

Jian Jing asked: "What things are Yong sensitive to, or do you like to catch things?"

Xige shook his head and told her confidently: "I pay attention to it. I always use a bowl when feeding it. I never throw food on the ground. You have to develop good habits when raising a dog. If it jumps around randomly, it may easily jump on people."

He is not a professional dog trainer, but he has had several dogs, so he has the basic knowledge and his judgment is relatively reliable.

Jian Jing believed it for the time being and asked again: "What are your plans for today?"

"Everyone is busy with their own things during the day, and they make an appointment to go to the secret room at night." Xi Ge said, "I don't know whether others have made an appointment or not."

I asked the same question to other people and the answers were similar.

As up masters, everyone’s first task is to shoot videos. We recorded the joint theme last night, but post-editing takes time, so, apart from the secret room activity tonight, everyone basically chose to record a short video of more than ten seconds to maintain the popularity.

In other words, this afternoon is free time and you cannot predict other people's arrangements.

In addition, Jian Jing also went to see the old cat's cat.

The guest bedroom on the first floor of the villa was turned into a cat paradise, with a cardboard maze on the floor, two cat climbing frames, and pet toys such as electric butterflies.

Lao Mao’s American Shorthair and British Shorthair, and Coal Brother’s Siamese, are all here.

The Siamese cat was napping in the hole of the cat climbing frame, the American Shorthair was chewing on a toy, and the British Shorthair was squatting on the floor basking in the sun.

Jane sat down quietly and activated the charm card.

"Mimi." she called.

The three cats were confused and came over with their heads tilted.

She rubbed their heads mercilessly.

Cat: “Meow~”

Weak, helpless, and pitiful.

She couldn't bear it, so she let them go and searched around the house, deep in thought.

A quarter of an hour later, Jian Jing left and found Officer Liu.

He had just come out of Lao Mao's room, his face solemn: "I can't find any clues about his presence at the scene."

Whoever asked the old cat to go downstairs would be the most suspicious, but unfortunately, no abnormalities were found on either the note or the electronic device.

He sighed: "This case is difficult to investigate. We have to start from the source of the drugs and investigate slowly."

According to the police's experience, if they can find valuable clues at the scene, the case will be solved quickly. If there is nothing indicative, it will be difficult to solve the case by slowly investigating, which is time-consuming and laborious.

Officer Liu couldn't help but feel like getting some koi fish, and asked expectantly, "What did you find?"

Jian Jing thought about it and said, "Can we let the suspect reenact the crime? The scene was a mess, maybe there were some omissions."

Officer Liu agreed.

The prologue to the reenactment begins with Sister Xuan looking for the parrot.

She didn't understand what was going on, and asked awkwardly, "Do you want to act it out exactly the same way?"

"Just let me know your route." Jian Jing didn't ask for much.

Sister Xuan began to wander around the second floor: "I was looking for the big treasure on the second floor. I didn't see it, so I went to the third floor. There was nothing on the third floor, so I went down to the first floor."

In the villa, there are three rooms on the second floor and two rooms on the third floor.

Jian Jing interrupted: "Are all the doors of everyone's rooms closed? Did you knock on the door and ask?"

"They were all locked up." Sister Xuan added the details, "The big darling was afraid of people, so I didn't ask."


Sister Xuan went downstairs and met Brother Coal.

"He told me that the big baby had gone to the next door," Sister Xuan explained, "so I just walked out the door."

Jian Jing: "Wait at the door."

Sister Xuan did as she was told.

Jian Jing asked Coal Brother: "What about you?"

"I'll go straight upstairs." Brother Coal walked to the second floor and pushed the door into the room.

Jian Jing asked: "Wait, didn't you say you heard Xiao Nuan scream? Where were you at that time?"

Brother Coal recalled for a moment and replied: "It's probably near the door."

She asked, “And then?”

He said: “I went into the room.”

"Didn't you go down to see?"

"She just yelled once, but I didn't hear clearly and didn't take it seriously." Coal Brother explained, "Then the poisoner came up in a hurry and went down with Lao Xi. I felt something was wrong and followed them down."

Jian Jing nodded and asked Xiao Nuan to repeat it instead.

Her route was relatively simple. She went downstairs to wait for takeout, heard the noise, walked over, witnessed the attack scene, and screamed loudly.

"Stay here and don't move." She told Xiao Nuan, walked around the room, and asked the poisoner, "According to your confession, were you in the kitchen at the time?"

The poison man nodded.

He heard screams in the kitchen and went upstairs to wake up Lao Xi, who came down with him and happened to see Yong Xi attacking Sister Xuan.

That's basically the process.

Jian Jing said to Officer Liu: "Yes, the murderer is obvious."

Officer Liu... Officer Liu was a little confused.

He frowned and sorted out the key points: "To complete the murder, we must call the old cat out. There is nothing found in his room or on his body. It is likely that it was a verbal agreement - who can be ruled out?"

"Your idea is correct. The difficulty of this case lies in how the murderer killed the old cat." Jian Jing glanced at everyone, "But if we follow this idea, we may find nothing."

Officer Liu was shocked: "Why?"

Jian Jing: "It is uncontrollable for a vicious dog to attack a person. If you want to precisely murder an old cat, why would you use such a dangerous method?"

Officer Liu was experienced after all, and his heart skipped a beat when she gave him a hint: "You mean..."

"From the confessions, everyone had a dispute with Lao Mao, so it seemed that Lao Mao was indeed murdered in a premeditated manner, but in fact, they were all in competition with each other."

Nowadays, the competition among anchors and up-loaders is fierce. People at the bottom want to move up, and people at the top are afraid of being squeezed down. The loss of any one person is good for everyone.

Jian Jing: "I think the murderer really hated the old cat the most, so he pushed it secretly, but it doesn't matter whether the old cat dies or not. As long as someone dies, even if it's just someone's pet, he can profit from it."

"Wait, if you say so, it is certain that the Tibetan Mastiff injured someone." Officer Liu tried to keep up with the train of thought, "The murderer wanted to get rid of the Tibetan Mastiff and I Love Tibet the most?"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Xiao Nuan.

"Why didn't the dog attack you then?" he questioned.

Xiao Nuan burst into tears: "I, I don't know."

"It's not her." Jian Jing was very sure, "Officer Liu, think about it from the murderer's perspective. If you knew that a Tibetan mastiff would go crazy, what would you do most?"

Officer Liu was just used to thinking from a police perspective. He was very sharp and his mind raced. Suddenly, he realized something and his eyes fell on the most suspicious person in the room.