The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 208: Attend class


In December, Jian Jing finally showed up in class.

Graduate students' classes are mostly professional courses, and they are small classes with only a few students. Others have been attending classes for three months, so it is inevitable that it is awkward to see a student who has been absent for such a long time show up.

But no student said anything sarcastic.

There was no way. Jian Jing applied for "Contemporary Literature". Among her main research topics, many of the research subjects were either colleagues of her boss or colleagues in the same writer group.

They read other people's articles and analyze their mental journeys. She may have even had dinner with them and obtained first-hand information.

If she gives it a little more effort, maybe in a few years she would be able to write a paper on her own.

So, despite their envy, her classmates tacitly accepted that she had such privileges.

Jian Jing felt a little embarrassed. She didn't want to miss so many classes, but since the beginning of the school year, she had been running around to investigate Wang Shi's case, and then she was dragged to Paris by Kang Mucheng. After she came back, she was busy writing scripts and setting traps to lure people in, so she really had no time.

I finally settled the past relationship, but the weather is too cold...

There are only two or three graduate classes a week, and some of the big classes are at 8 a.m. I really couldn't get up, so I had to skip them.

But this morning, the knight was hungry and knocked at the door, waking her up. After feeding it, it was still early, so she was too embarrassed to make excuses and came over to fulfill her student duties.

Well, you must listen to the class carefully.

Jian Jing opened her notebook and pretended to listen attentively.

The class went by quickly.

There is a fifteen-minute break between classes.

Jian Jing hurried out to get coffee takeaway. After taking a sip of the hot mocha, she felt her chaotic brain come to life.

When I returned to my seat, two girls in the front row were chatting.

A said: "I was really scared last night. So many police officers suddenly showed up in the middle of the night."

Jian Jing bit the straw and pricked up her ears.

b asked: "What happened?"

A said mysteriously: "It seems that there is a corpse on the side of the road, frozen to death."

b immediately said: "He must be a drunkard. Alas, it's winter now, people like this don't want to die."

a felt sympathetic: "That's right."

Jian Jing continued to sip her coffee.

Then, the second class started. After the teacher finished explaining the content, he mentioned the homework: "Have you finished what you were asked to write last time? Take turns to talk about it and we will discuss it."

Simple and quiet: 0.0

What about the business? Her hips, which could remain calm even in the face of a murderer, moved quietly.

The anxiety of not having a completed homework is a nightmare that every student can never escape from.

Because there were few people, there was no need to go on stage. The chairs were moved into a circle and people could speak freely.

The teacher and students sat together and took out a piece of paper to write and draw.

Jian Jing was no longer calm, and poked the shoulder of the classmate in front of her: "Classmate, what was the last homework?"

The girl in the front row whispered, "A review of a literary work about the Northwest, regardless of age."

Jian Jing: “…” Over, reading blind spot.

The teacher’s requirements are not high. The book review only needs to be 1,000 words, and each person only needs a few minutes.

Quickly, all ten students have finished speaking.

The teacher didn't make it difficult for Jian Jing, and said, "Just chat casually, anything is fine, no limit on the subject matter, no limit on the era."

Jian Jing thought to herself, that being said, I can't just recite a frontier poem to fool people. Wouldn't people laugh at me if a graduate student recited high school poetry

But as a person who focuses on reasoning, she really didn't read this part of the work, so she thought about it and decided to betray her enemy: "I'll tell you a piece of gossip."

The students became interested.

"Do you know Wu Xing?"

"I remember that he was a writer of the older generation, a representative of local literature." The classmates were very flattering and professional, and immediately thought of his works, "Do you want to talk about The Lost Yumen?"

Jian Jing cleared her throat and said, "Last year, I visited Yang Guan's widow and found an unpublished manuscript in his home called Yumen Yishi."

Classmates: Oh wow.

"Which of the two works is better?" Everyone blinked their eyes excitedly.

Jian Jing said: "The writing styles are different. Writer Wu's is more rustic, while Yang Guan's is more elegant. However, the content is... quite similar."

Killing someone and destroying their heart.

She didn't reveal anything, but she said everything.

Jian Jing flipped through the photo album on her phone and found photos of her manuscripts taken last year when she was investigating the case of painter Chang. She picked two of them at random and shared them with her classmates.

As I was reading, the speaking time was gone.

get out of class is over~

Two classmates invited her to go see the tutor together.

Jian Jing asked their surnames. The boy's surname was Li and the girl's surname was Le.

Student Le has long hair and fair complexion, and looks very artistic. Student Li has a square face, dark skin, and ordinary appearance, but he is very enthusiastic and took the initiative to explain: "Teacher Yao is busy and is only free on Wednesdays. We usually meet for lunch today."

Jian Jing nodded and thanked him for his kindness.

When they arrived at the office, Teacher Yao was indeed busy, typing away on the computer. Seeing the three of them coming together, he gestured and told them to sit wherever they wanted.

After being busy for nearly ten minutes, he said, "You're here. It's great. Let's have lunch together." As he spoke, he nodded at Jian Jing, showing no surprise that it was the first time they met this semester, as if she came to report every week.

Jian Jing couldn't help but think that this mentor really knew how to behave.

No wonder he could become a director at the age of 40, he really has the skills.

The canteen was not far away and had a semi-open private room. Teacher Yao swiped her card and ordered five or six stir-fried dishes before asking, "How are the books I asked you to read?"

Student Li responded positively: "It's over. I feel touched."

Student Le gave him a covert roll of his eyes, with a flash of disdain in his eyes: "I'm almost there."

Teacher Yao did not rush me, but just said, "Submit your paper before next weekend, and write it well. Our college will hold a seminar in January, so you all need to pay attention."

The two students quickly agreed.

Teacher Yao asked Jian Jing with concern: "Is your sick leave serious? If you are not well yet, you don't have to rush to come to class."

Jian Jing thanked her for her concern and said, "It's okay now."

"Don't be too arrogant just because you are young." Teacher Yao advised with the tone of an experienced person, "Take your time to read the list of books I gave you, and hand me a paper at the end of the semester. Write it carefully. You all have a task to publish papers. Don't come to me for help when you graduate without publishing a single paper."

The three students nodded in unison.

Apart from assigning homework, overall, Teacher Yao was a good and understanding boss. After talking about business, he also gossiped with them about news in the entertainment industry.

But the boss is still the boss, and he will not be lenient when it comes to ordering students to do work.

Halfway through the meal, Teacher Yao looked at Xiao Li and Xiao Le and said, "You don't have classes today, right? Please help me deliver this information to Dean Wan's home. I'll send the address to the group."

Student Li interrupted as usual: "Okay, can you deliver it this afternoon?"

"As fast as possible." said Teacher Yao.

When she said that, Jian Jing couldn't help but think for a moment: From the tone of her voice, it seemed that Teacher Yao didn't intend to take away her labor, but being too partial and being arrogant were not conducive to unity, so she said, "I drove here, why don't we go together?"

Teacher Yao was a little surprised, but very happy: "That's great."

So, Jian Jing had an additional task, which was to drive her classmates to Dean Wan's house.

"Thank you." Sitting on the passenger seat, Le became more lively and said generously, "Otherwise we can take the subway, which requires two transfers."

Girls are always closer to each other, Jian Jing also smiled and said, "It should be."

Both of them sensed the other's goodwill, and the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

Boys are another species.

As soon as Li got in the car, he looked up and down at the decoration inside the car: "This car is really nice, a BMW. Do girls drive such a big car? I thought the pink one next to it was yours."

Jian Jing: “…”

Student Li was completely unaware and continued to talk to Jian Jing warmly: "I've read your book. I heard it's been made into a movie. When it's released, we'll definitely go and support it."

"Thank you." Jian Jing said politely and pretended to concentrate on driving.

The air was quiet for a moment.

Student Li looked at her secretly through the rearview mirror for a while, and then he livened up the atmosphere: "Jian Jing, you don't spend much time with Teacher Yao, right? Actually, she's a nice person. At most, she asked us to run errands."

"A boss who doesn't order his students around is not a good boss." He made a "humorous" joke, "I have a classmate who studies science. He is miserable. Not only does he have to pick up his boss's son, but he also has to buy groceries for his wife. Who has time to go to the market every day? We have to order takeout. Money-"

He drawled out his words, saying everything.

Although Le obviously disliked him, he had to agree: "Yes, Teacher Yao is a very nice person."

"I can tell." Jian Jing said.

Student Li continued to work hard and looked for various topics.

Jian Jing responded with "Really?", "Oh?", "Is this true?" from time to time, and quickly mastered the art of fooling people.

Vehicle speeds also soared.

She kept within the speed limit, driving faster and faster, and finally arrived at Dean Wan's house half an hour later.

Dean Wan, vice dean of the School of Arts, a dean with a bad reputation.

His family lives in a villa area.

After registering at the security office, Jian Jing drove into the residential area, looked at each license plate, and found a place in the corner. She parked the car and knocked on the door with two classmates.

The doorbell rang "Ding Dong" "Ding Dong".

No one answered from inside.

"Strange, isn't the dean at home?" Student Le wondered.

Student Li knocked on the door: "Hello, is anyone here? Director Yao asked us to bring something over. Hello?"

Still silent.

"It seems she's not here." Student Le turned her head and saw Jian Jing standing aside, looking at the express delivery in the yard. She couldn't help but wonder: "What are you doing?"

Jian Jing didn't answer, but said, "Call and ask Teacher Yao."

"Oh, yes." Student Li's enthusiasm was evident, and he rushed to report the situation to his boss. After a few words, he conveyed: "The teacher said that the dean was sick at home the past two days, so he should be here. If not, just go to the door of the east and west rooms."

Jian Jing frowned.

The note on the delivery box was wrinkled, obviously it had been wet and then dried. It didn't rain yesterday or today, so it was delivered the day before yesterday.

How could a person who was sick at home not even accept the express delivery from the day before yesterday? But it was strange, so she didn't investigate further. Maybe this person had more than one family and maybe he was hospitalized directly.

She turned around and said, "I'll take you back."

Student Li was very excited and asked eagerly: "We are out now. Today is the book fair. Should we go together?"

Student Le said coldly: "I want to go back and read."

"Jian Jing, what about you?" Li's eyes were bright. "My friend gave me two tickets. Do you want to go with me?"

Jian Jing... Jian Jing gave him a complicated look. He wanted to ask her out today when they just met for the first time. Who gave him the courage

She cut off the bad fate expressionlessly: "I can get any book at the book fair for free if I want it."

Jinwu has a library that displays all the new books from all over the country every year for reference. If she wants it, Kang Mucheng can send her a carload.

—Of course, other participants can also get it for free.

But Li didn't know. He just felt that he couldn't accept it and forced a laugh: "Really? That's fine." After a pause, perhaps because his self-esteem was hurt, he couldn't help but sneer, "Really? A great writer, huh?"

Jian Jing chuckled: "No prize, I only got one Dream Pen Prize."