The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 209: New dog on the road


This school day was not a good one.

Jian Jing called Zuo Xin and complained about this matter: "We just met and haven't talked for a few words, but he decided to pursue me? This is too casual."

Thinking back to the old Cheng Jiayou, although he also pursued her, he laid the groundwork for a long time, chatting first and then getting along, and he vaguely revealed his intentions, and he knew the right measure and was not annoying.

But classmate Li... Alas!

Zuo Xin, an undergraduate classmate and former member of the reasoning team, has now graduated and become a glorious Chinese teacher. She commented bluntly: "He is not being careless at all. He just likes you. Hurry up and make a move."

"I don't see love at first sight." Jian Jing rolled her eyes. If it was love at first sight, she would be able to see what Li was thinking, but she didn't.

He automatically skipped the previous steps and suddenly proposed a date, which was inexplicable.

"What do you mean by love at first sight?" Zuo Xin spoke directly, which sounded bad to herself but pleasing to others. "He thought you were pretty and rich, so he chased you and saved himself twenty years of hard work."

Jian Jing took a deep breath and her blood pressure rose.

"We are all in graduate school." Zuo Xin said earnestly, "Everyone has to consider themselves, and they are very realistic when looking for a partner."

Jian Jing smelled something unusual: "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, but since I passed the civil service exam, I've been approached by many matchmakers." Zuo Xin also complained, "I think teachers have stable jobs, good benefits, and are particularly suitable for marriage. Oh my god, my teacher is a man who chooses his wife?"

The sarcasm was so sharp that it made Jian Jing laugh.

The two girls poured out their troubles to each other, and became more and more convinced of each other: for men, sincerity is not that important, and while they are still young, they should make money first.

Jian Jing sighed for a moment, opened the document, and made money.

Today's chapter was a bit stuck, and in order to find inspiration, Jian Jing visited the internal website.

On the home page, a new line of notices scrolls in red.

She clicked on it casually and found out it was a missing person case.

The missing person is named Wan Yuan, vice president of the College of Literature at Xiping University. He disappeared on December 3.

It is now the early morning of December 7th, and he has been missing for three days.

As the dean of her own college, Jian Jing couldn't help but be curious.

She read the police report carefully: On the afternoon of the 3rd, his colleagues at school saw him driving away from the school, saying that he had a cold and was going to the hospital.

At that time, his wife was away, but she couldn't get through to him on the phone for several days. She felt uneasy, so she arranged her things and flew back. But when she got home, she found no trace of her husband. According to the property monitoring, Wan Yuan had not returned home in three days.

He is gone.

The police investigated street surveillance and confirmed that President Wan left the school, drove to the mall, parked his car in the underground parking lot, walked into the mall, and disappeared without a trace.

Note that the cell phone, wallet, and ID were all left in the car.

There has been no recent spending record on the credit cards under his name.

They hope that people with inside information will come forward with information, and a reward of 10,000 yuan will be offered for anyone with important clues.

After reading the report, Jian Jing was very surprised.

First of all, when adults suddenly disappear, there are no kidnappers for ransom; most of the time, they do it intentionally.

Especially without a cell phone. Modern people keep their cell phones in their hands even when they go to the toilet. No matter what they do after getting off the bus, it is not reasonable to not bring a cell phone.

But if he disappeared on his own initiative, why didn’t he bring his ID? Nowadays, you have to use your real name to board airplanes and high-speed trains, and you can’t get around without your ID.

It's quite strange.

Jian Jing entered the school forum again.

The school has also issued a missing person notice, asking students to provide clues.

Comments were not allowed on this post, so students created a new thread and dug up gossip about the dean.

Person A laughed: "Good fellow, a man in his forties or fifties, how can he just disappear like that?"

B's comment: "They wouldn't pick Lao Wan for kidnapping. There are so many wealthy businessmen, who wouldn't be richer than him?"

C's connotation: "Mr. Wan must have millions of dollars in savings~"

Ding sarcastically said, "Did your sister-in-law run away?"

Other comments are similar. To sum it up, the teaching level is average, the research ability is average, but the means of making money are very sophisticated.

The College of Arts is a place with relatively little money, and the funding for projects is much different from that for science and engineering, mostly only tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. But Dean Wan drives a Mercedes, lives in a villa, and sends his children to study abroad, and you can't help but admire him.

It is said that some young teachers were dissatisfied and wanted to report him, but each time they failed.

Judging from the comments, everyone generally sympathizes with Dean Wan’s wife. She is a housewife who accompanies her daughter to study abroad and lives separately from her husband.

Now that her husband is missing and she has no job, life must be difficult for her.

Jian Jing agreed with their point of view and unkindly speculated that the money that Dean Wan embezzled was never taken home, and his wife had no choice but to call the police.

"Woof!" The knight straightened up and grabbed her knees.

Simple, quiet and low-key.

The knight walked to the bell with a click, stretched out his paw, and pressed the "Drink Water" bell.

She looked at the water dispenser and found that there was no water. She quickly refilled it, praised him, "You're doing well," and gave him a snack as a reward.

The knight was satisfied.

Jian Jing was also quite satisfied.

She bought a talking bell and trained the knight to recognize the pronunciation of "drink water", "eat", "toilet", "go out and play" and so on. Just press the bell when you want something, so you don't have to guess what "woof woof woof" means.

Now that she has achieved fruitful results, her ambitions have begun to expand.

"Knight." Jian Jing stroked the dog and smiled, "Let's learn some new skills."

Knight: "Woof?"

The next day, Jian Jing visited the Wan family again.

She was a student of the Faculty of Arts, so it was not unusual for her to visit the dean, and Mrs. Wan did not become suspicious.

Jian Jing comforted her and asked about the whole story. The content was consistent with the notice. She asked again: "Did the dean have any clues beforehand?"

It's hard to say directly that he's absconded, so he hints, "Is it because of too much work pressure that he wants to go out and take a breath and relax?"

Mrs. Wan said, "No, he was fine. He said that our daughter's birthday will be celebrated next month as a family. Alas, how could he disappear out of nowhere?"

Jian Jing observed her expression and thought that she was telling the truth—Dean Wan really didn't reveal anything—but the emotion at the bottom didn't seem so sincere.

There were limited clues here, so she excused herself and headed straight for the mall where she disappeared.

The police station asked for the surveillance footage, and Jian Jing followed the clues and found Dean Wan’s car.

The car is still where it is.

Jian Jing was the first to check the surveillance and determined that she was in a blind spot. She then lay down by the car window, turned on the flashlight, and tried to identify the scene inside the car.

This is an ordinary middle-aged man's car, with good configuration and brand, leather seats, a lucky charm hanging on the rearview mirror, a thermos cup, a box of tissues, a box of cigarettes and a lighter at hand.

The compartment for storing things was not closed, and through the gap, one could see the wallet and mobile phone inside.

Jian Jing glanced at the messy tissue box and the crooked leather cushion, all of which showed that the owner was not an obsessive-compulsive disorder patient and liked things to be tidy.

In this case, there are only two possibilities for properly storing mobile phones: either you have been away for a long time and are afraid of being stolen by passers-by through the window, or you have deliberately left your belongings behind and disappeared without a trace.

Looking up and down the seat, near the headrest, there was a faint lip mark on the light-colored leather.

Jian Jing: "Tsk tsk tsk."

"Knight." She pulled out a men's coat, which she had specifically asked for from Mrs. Wan. "It's time for you to show off."

The knight woofed, inexplicably excited. He sniffed the smell on the coat carefully and looked at her cutely.

Jian Jing ordered: "Follow this smell."

The knight tilted his head and walked around the car, not understanding.

Jian Jing repeated it patiently again, and it finally understood what she meant and began to lead the way.

The new dog was on the road and not very familiar with the business. Sometimes he went around in circles, and sometimes he showed great interest in other people's tires.

As a last resort, it had to roughly draw a route first, and then walk quietly at a distance and smell it for itself.

If you are right, you get a snack as a reward. If you are wrong, you get a chestnut.

After a long time of tossing and turning, I finally figured out a rough route: Dean Wan left the parking lot, went up the stairs in the safety passage, turned into the mall lobby, and went into the toilet. Then he left through the small door next to the toilet and lost his trace on a small road next to the mall.

Then it's time to get in the car.

Jian Jing looked around and saw a small shop nearby with surveillance cameras installed at the door.

She spent a hundred dollars to borrow their surveillance video.

During the calculated time frame, a total of three people got on the bus here.

The first was a couple, arm in arm, getting into a taxi;

The second one was a middle-aged man with a suitcase, getting into a black sedan;

The third one was a woman with wavy brown hair, also in a taxi.

Jian Jing took the surveillance video and went to the milk tea shop. She drank hot milk tea while taking a photo of the knight's dog. "Do you know who our dean is?"

Knight: "Woof?"

Jian Jing was very melancholy.

At this moment, she somewhat understood why Holmes valued Watson so much.

If she had Watson, she could say, "Watson, what do you think?"

Watson judged without hesitation: "This middle-aged man looked around from time to time and covered his face with a scarf. His behavior was sneaky and he was very suspicious. The suitcase might contain his luggage, and he may have escaped."

She retorted: "He was looking around for the pickup vehicle. The label on the suitcase was still hanging on the handle, which shows that he had just bought a new suitcase in the mall."

Watson thought it made sense, and said, "Then, they must be that couple. Wan Yuan and his lover made an appointment to meet, and then ran away with the money."

She continued to shake her head: "He pretended to be mysterious in the car, leaving his phone and ID card, but left openly with his lover. It's really contradictory. Moreover, the dean himself uses an Hermès belt, and the woman's backpack is a luxury item worth a few hundred yuan. Who would be willing to be good to him? This kind of man will buy fake goods when he is stingy."

Watson suddenly realized: "So it's that woman? He pretended to be a woman?"

She pointed out: "This can explain the location of the lipstick on the seat. The mark is on the inside of the seat, not the outside. It was not dropped by the woman in the passenger seat, but was accidentally touched by the driver when he turned the car."

Knowing the time and taxi license plate, it is easy to investigate.

Jian Jing asked Officer Liu to look into the matter for her (he happened to be in charge of this area), and he quickly found out the route the taxi had taken.

The answer is jaw-dropping.

When Dean Wan was leaving, he went to a bar in this city.

Jian Jing had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"Knight, let's go." She hurriedly pulled the dog into the car and headed straight for the destination.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the neon lights are on and the light and shadows are blurry.

The bar is called 2077, the exact meaning is unknown, but it is one of the famous nightclubs in the city. Girls are free, while men are charged 200 yuan, and the average consumption per person is high.

Jian Jing left the knight in the car and went in to investigate alone.

The security guard at the door looked at her several times, wanting to say something but stopping himself. The girls who came to the disco, even in cold weather, wrapped themselves in furs and wore small skirts and cheongsams underneath, looking as eye-catching as possible.

But Jian Jing came here to investigate a case, and she was wearing a sweater, jeans, a loose zippered sweatshirt, and sneakers.

Her dress was out of place and immediately attracted the attention of many people in the nightclub: Yo, here comes a pure and simple student girl. It’s obvious that she is here for the first time in such a place to broaden her horizons.

What are you waiting for? Go ahead!