The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 214: Identify the suspect


Unlike most of his male colleagues, Ji Feng never thought that women were troublesome (although Teacher Jian... cough). On the contrary, he believed that female compatriots had a special ability to discover problems from the details of life.

This may be a gender characteristic, or it may be a difference caused by the social environment. But he is not a sociologist and has no intention of getting to the bottom of it. It is enough to just know the reason.

At this time, he humbly asked: "What's the problem?"

"They have two combs, one is a regular flat comb and the other is an air-cushion comb." Jian Jing kept the secret and explained the secret in detail, "Flat combs are commonly used, but they are not very friendly to curly hair. I basically don't use them. Nowadays, girls all use air-cushion combs, which can massage and are also convenient for combing curly hair."

Ji Feng glanced at her blue-gray curly hair and nodded: "And then?"

"The air cushion comb is difficult to clean," said Jian Jing. "The hair will get tangled in the teeth, making it difficult to clean completely. There will always be a few strands of hair left behind."

Ji Feng understood: "But his combs are very clean? Wait, did you just say curly hair?"

Jian Jing nodded.

The two exchanged glances and immediately went to the security room.

The community's surveillance footage is kept for 15 days. The security guard looked through it for a while and recognized one of the girls: "This is Aunt Gong. She went back to her parents' home."

The surveillance video quality was a bit poor, and the face couldn't be clearly seen, but it was clear that it was a woman in her forties with wavy hair, a thin figure, and nimble movements.

Jian Jing was already suspicious, so she couldn't help asking, "How do you know? Did she tell you that?"

The security guard replied: "Her husband said that she went back to her parents' home and kept any express deliveries. He will come to pick them up after get off work."

"Well, do you remember when did she go back to her parents' home? What day was it?" Ji Feng asked.

There are so many people in the community and the security guards are on shift. It is hard to understand who would pay attention to a 40-year-old woman for no reason.

Jian Jing bought two baked sweet potatoes on the street, handed them to the person on duty, and asked, "What kind of person is she?"

People who eat the food are often grateful, but in the cold weather, even if the hot roasted sweet potatoes are not sweet and sticky, they are warm in the hands. The security guard hesitated for a while, then took the call and recalled: "Auntie Gong is very generous. Sometimes after eating the fruit dumplings sent by customers, she will give us some. But she has a bad temper and easily quarrels with others."

Jian Jing asked, "Is it noisy?"

The security guard scratched his face, staring at her with a bit of nerve, and nodded: "Very fierce."

"Do they quarrel with each other?"

"How can a couple quarrel?" Another security guard laughed. "As long as the husband hits the wife, they will quarrel."

After asking this question for a long time, the doubts only increased.

Ji Feng said: "Eight or nine out of ten."

Jian Jing was more direct: "How long will it take for the results to come out?"

"Tomorrow at the latest." Ji Feng promised.

Sure enough, after the clue was reported, they sent people to the university where Gong Lu's son was studying to collect samples for DNA testing. The next day, the results came out, and they matched the second body.

The case of the Snow Girl Corpse was finally solved.

As we all know, when a wife dies, the first person to suspect is the husband.

But Director Zhu's performance was impeccable. When he heard that his wife had died, he was horrified and denied it again and again: "How could it be? I don't believe it, it must be a mistake!"

When the police handed him the DNA report, he grabbed his hair in pain and said, "It's impossible. How could this happen? She clearly went back to her parents' home!"

However, the police asked: "Has she called you in the past few days?"

"There's no phone call. I sent two WeChat messages and they said everything is fine." Director Zhu confirmed again and again, "What happened? How could a healthy person die?"

The police retrieved the WeChat chat records and found a few casual conversations. The latest one was on the night of the 4th. It just asked whether the child had eaten, whether the family was okay, and whether there was a package to pick up. There was nothing unusual at all.

Search the house again.

This time, it was not only the comb that was clean. Every corner of the house was clean, especially the bathroom, which only had a few broken hairs of Director Zhu.

Director Zhu claimed that he "likes cleanliness", "messiness is comfortable to look at", and "I just love cleaning". Although the police extracted Gong Lu's hair from the corner, they did not find the physiological tissues of the other two victims.

Check his car again.

Fortunately, his car was sent for a thorough cleaning a few days ago. And the victims were all frozen to death, their faces and fingerprints were burned, and there was no blood, so reagents such as luminol were useless.

Things suddenly became difficult.

There is no evidence, it seems that it is really him. Besides, the deceased is only Gong Lu, Director Zhu has no grudges against other people, his parents are both there in his childhood, his life is going smoothly, and he does not show any signs of hating women in his daily life.

When asking around at work, I didn't hear that he had any opinion on other people's wavy hair. He even praised a colleague for having beautiful permed hair.

Not to mention the bed-wetting, arson and animal cruelty.

In other words, there is no trace of a perverted murderer.

Even Liang Yi became suspicious: "Could it really be him?"

Ji Feng was certain, "It's not such a coincidence." He listed, "What a coincidence, his grandmother was among the dead, and he appeared near the corpse dumping site in Wanyuan? What a coincidence, the car was sent for a major cleaning?"

Liang Yi thought about it and felt that it made sense, but he was very annoyed: "How do we investigate next? If there is no evidence, should we release the person?"

Ji Feng naturally didn't want to let go.

But we have to let it go.

"I'm sorry to have caused trouble to the police." Director Zhu didn't know whether it was really an injustice or he had a strong psychological quality. Not only did he not blame her, but he earnestly said, "We must catch the murderer who killed my mother-in-law as soon as possible. I really... Alas! I didn't expect such a bad thing to happen to my family."

Liang Yi was so angry that he asked Jian Jing to go out for hotpot to ask for help.

"I understand you." Liang Yi gritted his teeth, "If I were to face such a flawless guy, I would want to catch him in person."

"Don't learn bad things from Teacher Jian, okay?" Ji Feng complained, "She caused so much trouble that time, I almost got punished, big sister."

Liang Yi glared at him: "You were not invited, so why are you here?"

"Free food." He said shamelessly and clearly, glancing at Jian Jing who was biting her chopsticks, "Master Jian, can you tell me something?"

Jian Jing put down her chopsticks: "When did Lili find the body?"

Liang Yi answered quickly: "The first one was on November 28, the second one was Gong Lu, on November 29, the third one was on December 3, and the last one was Suan Wanyuan, on December 7."

Ji Feng added: "Wan Yuan died on the night of December 3. Gong Lu has not been seen since the 25th."

"What about the time of death?"

"The temperature was low, so there was a margin of error in the autopsy, but the first and second were very close in time, roughly around November 27, and the third was November 30."

Jian Jing said: "Suppose Zhu is the murderer..."

Ji Feng clicked his tongue, shut up under her intimidating gaze, and gestured for him to continue. She then said, "There are two possibilities. One is that when he killed the first woman, his wife saw him and killed him. The other is that Gong Lu died first. After she died, the murderer came up with a way to cover up the serial killings."

"I personally think that the probability of the former is very low. People who commit crimes for the first time are usually cautious. Could he have brought the person home? Considering that the time of death of the two bodies was very close, it is entirely possible that it was the latter."

Liang Yi nodded.

Ji Feng just said: "That makes sense."

"November 27th, I remember the temperature dropped." Jian Jing thought, "In my opinion, if it was premeditated murder, they would not choose freezing to death - Zhu is so thoughtful, killing a few people to cover it up is the best strategy, I will just call it a semi-accident."

"Teacher Jian, you can name this a novel-style reasoning from now on." Ji Feng interrupted, "The topic is set, and the clues are long and narrow."

Jian Jing rolled her eyes at him and said, "Listen, is it easy for you to write mystery novels?"

"Listen, listen, please continue."

She then said, "Putting Gong Lu's body second will reduce suspicion of him, but since he specifically chose a woman with the same wavy hair, he must have some knowledge of criminal investigation and the existence of autopsies. Therefore, he must prepare the first scapegoat as soon as possible, which means that he is very pressed for time."

Liang Yi didn't care about the boiling butter pot at this time, and said, "You mean to find out the identity of the first deceased?"

"What's in the autopsy report?"

"Female, 20 years old, childless, had appendectomy, had pearlescent nail polish on her fingers, eyebrow pencil and mascara components were detected in her nail polish, and some food residue was found in her gastrointestinal tract."

Liang Yi finished reading and concluded: "Like a woman who just came out of a nightclub."

On a cold winter night, the most convenient women to find are drunk girls in bars. They are less vigilant and may leave with strangers, or they may have completely lost consciousness and been picked up by someone on the roadside.

The scope is greatly reduced.

Ji Feng called his colleagues and asked them to screen missing women who met the criteria.

With the exact time and the last place of appearance, it is not such a big deal to look for a needle in a haystack.

Based on the characteristics of the bar, nail polish, and young women, the police quickly found a woman who met the requirements. She was surnamed Tu, a 23-year-old woman, who was drinking with her friends in a bar. Her friend was seduced by a handsome man, and her whereabouts were unknown.

At first, her friends couldn’t contact her and thought she was fooling around again. She only said “something” in the text message, so they didn’t take it seriously.

It was not until the beginning of the month when she needed to collect the rent that her friend and roommate called her and asked her to pay. The phone went unanswered and the money went unpaid. She finally realized something was wrong and decided to call the police.

It's just that the time she described was wrong, which had not been noticed before.

We are now re-locating the person, testing his identity, notifying his family, and conducting an investigation and surveillance.

Unexpectedly, the surveillance camera on the street next to the bar captured Director Zhu’s license plate number.

Although he stated: "I had an argument with my wife, couldn't sleep, and went out to buy a pack of cigarettes."

But if it happened once or twice, it could barely be called a coincidence. If it happened the third time, no one would believe that he had nothing to do with it.

The task force locked on to him.

The trouble is the evidence.

The trace inspection technicians turned over almost the entire car but found no decisive clues.

"The crime scene is not at home, nor is it in the car." Ji Feng held the map in his hand and compared it with the scope of the power outage. "I don't believe that we can't catch him."

Liang Yi looked at him while holding the coffee, squinting happily: "Jingjing, you are so nice, this coffee tastes better than instant coffee."

"You're welcome." The coffee delivery novelist visited the place in a familiar manner, "This is the headquarters, I think."

Captain Wang turned a blind eye and asked Ji Feng, "What was the result?"

Ji Feng said: "Zhu Guoliang's work unit is responsible for the power supply, and he will be notified if there is a problem with the circuit. He should have used this to avoid the street surveillance and abandoned the body during the few hours of power outage."

He held a capacitive stylus pen and marked a range on the tablet. "It was the same on the night of the 27th. The sudden snowfall caused the high-voltage wires to freeze and the circuit was interrupted. He should have received the news immediately and moved the bodies. Judging from the power outage, this area is most likely the first crime scene."

Liang Yi was about to compete with his leader and said anxiously: "Projection, projection."

Ji Feng projected the screen onto the big screen.

Only a part of it is inhabited, most of it is factories, and there are even some abandoned factories.

Captain Wang said, "Go and take a look at the scene."

Jian Jing: "I brought the dog."

"Expropriate, expropriate." Ji Feng pulled her arm, "Let's go, get in the car."

Liang Yi was not willing to make a mistake and drank the coffee in no time: "I'll go too, wait for me."

Brother Zhao sighed: "It's great to be young."

"That's right." Captain Wang touched his beer belly dejectedly.