The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 25: enthusiasm


The plot of Hide and Seek is roughly like this. It is a suspense movie with many exciting plots. For example, the confrontation between the male protagonist and his classmates is full of twists and turns. The girl's death is not smooth sailing, and the male protagonist is able to achieve his goal by improvising.

When the audience is watching, they are afraid of his success, but at the same time they don't want him to succeed, which is extremely contradictory.

Throughout the entire process, the director and actors were very restrained and did not try to discuss domestic violence, good and evil, or the psychological problems of teenagers.

The male protagonist's monologue is direct and simple, without any lengthy self-struggle. But beyond that, Director Ding uses the sky, which is either gloomy, bright, or drowsy, to silently explain the male protagonist's state of mind.

At the beginning of 2010, the sky was clear, blue sky and white clouds, and it seemed that nothing had happened. After the disappearance of my classmates, it seemed that a storm was about to come, and it was gloomy and dark.

When it comes to murdering the girl he has a crush on, the setting sun is as red as blood, the sea surges silently, and in this extremely beautiful picture, murderous intent and sin are hidden.

This coincides with Jian Jing's original text.

When she wrote this story, she was just a high school student. She had no deep understanding of life and death, good and evil, and no intention to explore or dig into them.

She simply portrayed the male protagonist from the perspective of a teenager, calmly and straightforwardly.

Some book critics thought that for her to write such a story at her age was too shallow, not profound enough in content, and even a bit indifferent, and gave it a bad review.

Director Dante chose this story precisely because of this point. There are too many adults analyzing teenagers, which is boring. Everyone can say four or five things about the mental health of teenagers.

Jian Jing was in the middle of it, and she took it seriously, which made her feel the same as everyone else.

Because of the closeness, we are indifferent and normal; because of the reality, we are torn and exposed.

The collaboration proved to be quite successful.

Jian Jing's words are straightforward but lack aesthetics, and the plot is also lacking in suspense, but Director Ding made up for it, and her indifference and purity also gave the film a restrained and calm charm.

Of course, Jiang Baiyan’s facial features are not good.

There is a joke on the internet that one’s values are determined by one’s appearance. If the villain is ugly, one will support the protagonist without a doubt. But if the villain is good-looking… The male protagonist played by Jiang Baiyan is not only the protagonist, but also a villain, and he happens to have an extremely unforgettable face.

He was no more than six or seven years old at the time, thin, with a little baby fat on his cheeks, but his handsome features alone were enough to make him stand out.

This is a face that deserves a close-up on the big screen.

When he pushed the girl off the cliff, he hesitated, hesitated, and worried, but he had no sense of guilt. So people suddenly realized that this boy had no respect for life and no sense of reality about killing.

The audience felt sorry for him, struggled for him, and hoped that he would regret it, but he himself didn't know it and didn't care.

The people who wrote the story were teenagers, and the people who acted in the story were also teenagers. Director Ding unearthed the most exciting moments of the story and the protagonist, and watched them with a lens that had experienced many vicissitudes of life.

At this point, the feeling of the teenagers teetering on the edge of a cliff seems to be ready to burst out, and it feels natural.

Jian Jing was deeply shocked.

The novel is sharp but thin, while the movie is gentle but profound.

She can understand the gap between herself and Director Ding better than anyone else. It is a gap of several years in life and a huge chasm in artistic creation.

No wonder the original work was controversial but the movie won awards.

She was convinced, and when the lights came on, she stood up and applauded with everyone else, giving her own applause to the creators.

The leading actors came onto the stage one by one, Director Ding stood in the middle and began to say his words of thanks.

Liu Baofeng turned around and said to Jian Jing, "What a ridiculous story."

Jian Jing reacted quickly: "Yes, I think so too. Even if a person can escape for a while after doing something wrong, he will eventually pay the price for it."

"Some prices are worth it. If the younger brother hadn't died, perhaps it would have been the older brother who died." Liu Baofeng was very patient and said with a smile, "He at least bought himself a few years."

Jian Jing pursed her lips.

Director Ding's thank-you speech was rhythmic and drew applause from the whole audience. They also clapped and smiled along with the crowd, but their minds were all on the stage.

"Why?" Jian Jing asked. She knew that Liu Baofeng understood what she meant.

"You are the author, so you know why. What do I know? Miss Jian, I know nothing." Liu Baofeng smiled, and her eight winds moved, the clouds were clear and the breeze was light.

Jian Jing suddenly felt a deep chill.

She remembered the system's task description, releasing deadly gas in the villa and escaping. Does it mean that everyone at that time might be buried with President Qin

"It's a wonderful movie." Liu Baofeng took advantage of the crowd to walk to Jian Jing's side and said softly, "See you next time, Miss Jian. You are welcome to visit Yuhui Villa anytime."

At this time, no one knew what the person on the stage had said, and the whole audience stood up and applauded. Liu Baofeng took this opportunity to leave the stage.

The lights came on and the leading actors left the stage one after another.

Jian Jing was hesitating about whether to chase after him, but Kang Mucheng found her first: "Jingjing, follow me." He waved to her, indicating that he should go backstage.

There was no point in following him around, so Jian Jing simply gave up and followed Kang Mucheng instead.

After passing through the small door, there was a lounge next to it, where all the main creators were. Screenwriter Xu was the first to see them, and he raised his hand and called to the side: "Bai Yan, who are you..."

Before she finished her words, she saw a man quickly flash up to Jian Jing, handed over a book and a pen, and greeted her warmly: "Teacher Jingjing, I'm your fan, can you sign an autograph for me?"

Jian Jing: “… ah, um.”

You can't blame her for being slow to react, because the enthusiastic fan who rushed over was none other than the lead actress of hide-and-seek, Jiang Baiyan, who was so beautiful that she looked like a real person.

He curved his eyebrows, looking at her eagerly and eagerly. If he was not a drama queen who loved to act at any time, this kind of posture could only mean that he really liked her (a loyal reader).

Jian Jing picked up the pen and signed her name on the title page of the book he showed.

"Thank you, Teacher Jingjing." Jiang Baiyan put away the transparent cover of "The Child Playing Hide and Seek" and took out the brand new "The Devil Doctor" from the bottom, smiling obediently, "There is also a copy."

She couldn't help laughing: "Thank you."

"I really like the story of hide-and-seek," Jiang Baiyan said, pausing for a moment before asking with anticipation and shyness, "Um, does Teacher Jingjing like my performance?"

Jian Jing quickly praised: "Of course, very good."

"Huh." Jiang Baiyan breathed a sigh of relief in a slightly exaggerated tone: "Then I feel relieved."

Jian Jing was amused by him. She was not a very outgoing person, but she felt there was no obstacle in chatting with him: "I signed an autograph for you, do you want to take a photo with me too?"

"Is it okay?" Jiang Baiyan looked flattered. He walked to her side attentively and half squatted down. "Sister Chen, please take a photo for us."

His agent quickly took out his cell phone and took pictures for them from various angles.

Jian Jing had experience, and was not camera-shy, but she was not very confident either, and could only smile. However, Jiang Baiyan was experienced, and sometimes he made a heart shape with her, and sometimes he pricked up his ears, and he had mastered the skills of posing.

Under his leadership, several photos were taken in no time.

"Teacher Jingjing, please add me on WeChat." Jiang Baiyan handed over the phone. "I'll send you the photo. Do you post on Weibo? I'll post one too."

Sister Chen: “Ahem!”

"Don't worry, Sister Chen. I'll Photoshop it before posting." Jiang Baiyan said with a smile, and skillfully applied through Jian Jing's WeChat. He then whispered (not really), "Sister Chen is always afraid that I'll post a black picture. Really, I look like this, so it's okay even without makeup."

Jian Jing lowered her head and looked at the photo carefully, and agreed with him.

Sister Chen wanted to say something, but Jiang Baiyan glanced at her, and she remained silent willingly.

"Teacher Jingjing." Jiang Baiyan handed her a glass of champagne and said in a low voice, "The director over there is screenwriter Xu's friend, Director Huang. He has made many crime movies and recently wants to try making a TV series."

Jian Jing immediately understood that this was the director of "Devil Doctor" that Kang Mucheng had been talking about recently.

"Director Huang has made a movie before and also bought the copyright of the novel," Jiang Baiyan winked and hinted to her, "The cooperation between the two parties was too pleasant, so he might be a little worried."

Jian Jing suddenly realized and was about to say something, but Kang Mucheng had already waved her over. Next to him stood a tall and thin man, who was Director Huang that Jiang Baiyan had reminded.

"I'll go say hello to Director Huang, too." Jiang Baiyan pulled himself away from Jian Jing's mouth and took the lead to answer, taking her over to greet him, "Director Huang, long time no see. I've been waiting for your movie so much that my eyes are red. When will good luck come to me?"

His compliment made Director Huang smile faintly. He glanced at Jian Jing and went straight to the point: "I'm negotiating a copyright. If the deal goes through, maybe you can get a role."

Jiang Baiyan made a "Wow, that's awesome" expression.

Kang Mucheng looked at him, then turned to Jian Jing: "This is Director Huang, he wants to talk to you about "Devil Doctor"."

"Okay." Jian Jing turned to face Director Huang and asked, "What can I do?"

Director Huang pondered for a moment and said slowly: "Lao Xu told me that "Devil Doctor" is suitable for being made into a series. I want to know your subsequent writing plans. This is related to our specific cooperation."

Jian Jing understood what he meant.

If Director Huang bought "Devil Doctor", according to screenwriter Xu, he does not plan to make it into a long TV series with several episodes, but to make it into a season-by-season production like American TV series, with about 10 episodes per season.

If she doesn't plan to write it as a series, she will need original works later. If there is a sequel, how should they cooperate

And this problem is exactly the most difficult one for Jian Jing.

The past belongs to "Jane Jing" and the future belongs to her.

White Cat, Hide and Seek, Devil, all the success and honor belong to the former, but she herself is still hesitant in her heart as to whether she can get the same recognition.

If she were to write a sequel to "The Devil Doctor", it would still be unclear whether she would be able to succeed.

She didn't answer for a long time, and Director Huang couldn't help but frowned.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. I think we should make an appointment to find a quiet place tomorrow and sit down and talk slowly." Kang Mucheng came to the rescue in time.

Jiang Baiyan also said: "Yes, Director Ding said he would treat us tonight, so we can't let him go."

Director Huang probably felt that his question was too sudden and did not get to the bottom of it.

Just at this time, Director Ding also said that he had reserved a table at the restaurant and would treat everyone to a midnight snack. Everyone stopped talking and joined the group of people who were looking for a free meal.

Kang Mucheng didn't bother with Director Huang any more, and instead started chatting with the media. I think in tomorrow's report, Jian Jing's name will be mentioned a little bit.

The hotel was some distance from the cinema, so everyone took separate cars.

Seeing Kang Mucheng chatting with someone, Jian Jing tactfully prepared to get in the car. At this time, Jiang Baiyan came over with a smile, clasped his hands together and said, "Teacher Jingjing, can I take your car?"

This request was a bit abrupt, but no one would refuse his plea, and Jian Jing agreed: "Sure."

"That's great." Jiang Baiyan said to Sister Chen, "Buy some midnight snacks for the fans, tell them I have something to do and can't come over, and give them some movie tickets."

Sister Chen hesitated for a moment before nodding and saying, "Then be careful not to be photographed."

"Hurry up." Jiang Baiyan raised his hand handsomely and put on a trendy brand cap to cover his handsome face. "Hurry up, hurry up. If you go too late, there will be no food."

Sister Chen had already left, but when she heard this, she stamped her feet and said, "Eat a lot!"

"I'll just eat three bites." Jiang Baiyan swore.