The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 3: Who is the suspect


Jian Jing shuddered.

Bloodshed in the emergency room? Meaning, bloodshed is about to happen here? What should I do? Run

The instinct for survival and the hidden fear took over her, and she moved her legs, ready to leave here immediately.

The system did not block it.

But she took two steps, then stopped for some reason and asked hesitantly, "Can I run?"

[Yes, the host is just an ordinary person, and protecting yourself is a responsible act, but the performance is poor, and only 1 courage point is awarded.]

It’s good enough to save my life, why do I need courage

Jian Jing was not greedy, but she asked again: "You issued such a task because you think I can handle it?"

[The crime has not yet begun. If the host can find the criminal and stop him in advance, there is a certain probability that this mission will be resolved.]

Jian Jing was stunned for a moment.

Of course she could run away and stay away from this dangerous place, but those who stayed behind would know nothing about it. If a bloody incident happened, how many people would lose their lives

When she thought of this, she couldn't convince herself to leave.

But it is extremely difficult to make up your mind to intervene.

She had already died once and didn't want to lose her life again, so why did it have to be her? She was just an ordinary person.

Jian Jing hesitated for a long time, but finally failed to turn around and leave.

Try it first, and run away if there is any danger, so that it is not considered heartless. She brainwashed herself for three minutes and tried to use the observation skills she had just acquired to pay attention to everyone.

It was hard to imagine that a person who was too sick to get up could cause such an exaggerated "bloody crime", so Jian Jing first ruled out most of the patients.

The doctors and nurses were very busy and didn't even look up. Although they were sometimes angry, there was no reason for them to kill people here.

After temporarily ruling out the two groups of people, the family members who were accompanying the patient became the most suspicious group. When a relative is seriously ill and has pent-up emotions, it is very likely that they will act impulsively and make irreparable consequences.

Therefore, Jian Jing finally locked on a few more suspicious people.

Suspect No. 1 is a father who brought his child to see a doctor. He is in his thirties, strong and with a loud voice. He just yelled at the nurse because the injection failed to go into the child's arms.

People who are easily emotionally excited are more likely to do stupid things impulsively.

Based on its characteristics, it is used as a nickname for a strong father.

Suspect No. 2 was a man who was arguing with someone at the payment window. He was furious and scolded the toll collector: "Why do you want so much money? Are you trying to take advantage of the opportunity to cheat us out of our money? I tell you, there is no way you can cheat me."

A crowd of people had gathered around, some of them were eager to pay and started arguing with the other party: "Let's move aside, if you don't pay, others will have to pay."

"Get lost. If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation today, no one can get anything done." The other party sneered.

As the conflict is about to escalate, special attention is paid to the person referred to as the payee.

Suspect No. 3, several suspicious people lingered at the door of the emergency room. They were men and women, each tied with hemp rope, holding a spirit tablet in their hands, and holding a banner with the words "Quack doctor harms people, give me justice" written on it.

The above two are still in the conflict period. This is obviously a medical disturbance, and there is also a major suspicion. Let's call it a medical disturbance group.

Who is most likely to commit the murder

The father of No. 1 is tall and strong, and has the strength to hurt people. The man who pays the bill No. 2 has already started arguing, and it seems that he is about to explode. And the people of No. 3 are well prepared...

Everyone looks suspicious, and everyone looks alike.

Jian Jing pondered for a long time but couldn't come up with an accurate answer.

As a last resort, she decided to change her thinking.

First of all, the premise of a bloody crime is that someone was injured. No matter how strong a person is, the damage he can cause with his bare hands is limited.

If the weapons can be dealt with, it may not prevent accidents from happening, but it can reduce the damage to a minimum.

Jian Jing quickly inspected the entire emergency room. To be honest, there were not many things that could cause strong lethality. There were almost no sharp medical instruments like scalpels. The most common ones were needles, scissors, and catheters.

The patient had a few fruit knives in his hands.

The biggest handful was in the hand of a girl who was peeling an apple for her boyfriend.

Jian Jing touched the sausage in her pocket, came up with an idea, and walked up to ask, "Hello, excuse me, can I borrow a fruit knife?"

The girl had already peeled the apple. It seemed that the person borrowing the item was a young and pretty girl, so she was not wary: "Okay, here you go."

"Thank you, I'll return it to you later." Jian Jing took the instant noodles and ham, walked half a circle, and went straight into the stairwell.

She planned to take shelter here.

The possibility of a bloody incident occurring in the stairwell is relatively low, as no one will rush here to grab the murder weapon. Even if it cannot be stopped, you will not be affected if you avoid the crowd.

But, is it really useful to take away this fruit knife

She sat on the steps, playing with the small knife. Among the several knives in the emergency room, this one was the largest, but it was only half a palm long. Not to mention that the blade was not sharp, even if it was stabbed into a person's body, how many people could it kill

Don’t forget, the system’s description is “inhumane” and “reducing casualties”, which shows that there is more than one victim.

It's too early to be relieved now.

Jian Jing bit her fingers and mobilized all her brain cells to think.

She has never studied reasoning and doesn't know anything about criminal investigation. The only thing she is good at is making up stories, so why not continue making up the story and see how it goes.

Assuming that the fruit knife was the murder weapon, how did this happen

The murder weapon was not a knife that the murderer had prepared himself, and it was most likely a murder in the heat of passion. The murderer had an argument with someone, and then grabbed the nearest fruit knife and stabbed him.

What happens next? He must be very panicked because he committed the crime on impulse. Would he still think of going all out and killing a few more people


So, that couple

Not really. Although they had only met briefly just now, with the help of the observation card, she was still able to quickly collect some information about them.

The boy who was receiving the IV drip was wearing four-leaf clover sneakers and came from a wealthy family. The girl's backpack was placed aside, revealing a corner of her textbook with a student ID hanging next to it. Both of them were college students.

Moreover, the girl was peeling apples for the boy, which seemed to indicate that their relationship was stable and there was no reason for him to commit a crime.

Then, she guessed wrong.

This fruit knife is not the murder weapon.

You have to go back to the emergency room and do further investigations.

Jian Jing didn't even bother to eat a mouthful of the mushy instant noodles. Her mind was completely occupied by her brain, and she didn't feel hungry anymore. She hesitated, gritted her teeth and walked back.

I first returned the fruit knife to the girl. It happened that the boy's IV had finished and the nurse was removing the needle. After the end, the young couple left the infusion room hand in hand.

She immediately looked at the three suspects she had identified earlier.

The father No. 1 has calmed down, his child is sleeping soundly in his mother's arms, and the couple are talking in low voices. Without the trigger point, the suspicion value suddenly dropped.

Man No. 2 who was paying the bill was still cursing, with the security guard standing in front of him and a nurse negotiating with him. Others continued to pay in line and everything returned to normal.

Keep observing.

The No. 3 medical dispute group remains the same and is also under observation.

Jian Jing used her peripheral vision to keep an eye on them, while at the same time paying half of her attention to observing other people whose suspicions were not so high. After all, her ability was limited, and a cursory screening might miss key information, so it was safer to check them one by one.

However, the opposite happened.

"Woooo-wooo--", the ambulance came with sirens blaring.

The stretcher was quickly carried down and sent to the emergency room, adding another layer of noise to the already noisy place. And the person who followed the cart in made many people frown secretly.

There were several drunken young men, one of whom had a tattoo on his arm, and two equally muscular friends beside him. As soon as they entered the room, they shouted, "If I can't cure you today, I'll smash this lousy hospital of yours!"

Jian Jing: “…” Psycho.

Do you think you are the emperor and I want your head

But even though she complained, her alertness had already reached its highest level.

"What are you bragging about? Who do you think you are?" Another tall and thin man who came in spoke out everyone's thoughts, staring at the man with tattoos with disdain, "If you hadn't gone crazy, this wouldn't have happened!"

"You think you're fucking right if you hit me?" the man with tattoos was furious.

The tall and thin man retorted: "I didn't push her. If you hadn't overturned the table, she wouldn't have been hit like this."

"You beast!" The man with tattoos took a step forward and threw a punch.

The tall and thin man held him with his arms and kicked him hard.

Just as the two were about to engage in a fight in the lobby, a hoarse and cold female voice rang out: "What are you doing? This is a hospital. Go to the police station for mediation."

"You old woman..." The man with tattoos was extremely angry and turned around to curse.

Jian Jing's heart suddenly became tense, fearing that she would accidentally see blood.

Fortunately, the security guard reacted quickly and stepped in front of the female doctor in advance to prevent them from getting close.

The female doctor seemed to have seen this situation before, and she calmly asked, "Do you still want to save the patient? If you do, the family members should come and sign. If you don't, you can continue to quarrel."

The tattooed man no longer had the momentum he had when he came, and only spoke toughly: "I'll sign! Doctor Hao Mei, right? I'll remember you."

Doctor Hao ignored it, took out the consent form, and pointed to the bottom column: "Sign here."

The man with tattooed arms signed his name clumsily.

The female doctor nodded calmly and called to the young girl who was following her: "Xiao He, come with me to perform the operation."

You could tell at a glance that the girl had just graduated. Her face lit up, she nodded repeatedly, and waited attentively on the female doctor as she entered the operating room.

The man with tattoos and the tall and thin man returned to their old ways and each occupied one end of the door. The stalemate continued.

"If anything happens to my sister, you'll pay with your life!"

"Don't blackmail me, she fell down by herself, what does it have to do with me?"

The two sides are at a stalemate.

Jian Jing stayed in the farthest corner, wondering whether to call the police: these guys seemed emotional and numerous, which fully met the conditions for a murder. If she called the police and had them all taken away on the grounds of "making trouble", could she avoid the tragedy

But she still had a few concerns.

After calling the police, the police would definitely ask who called the police. The other party looked very difficult to deal with and might retaliate against her. If they were indeed the instigators of the bloody case, she would just grit her teeth and do it.

What if it’s not

When the police come, will it provoke the real murderer? Not only did she offend people, but she also made things worse.

But then again, what if the police could calm the murderer down and make him give up

There are certain reasons for doing and not doing it, and both may lead to bad consequences. Jian Jing really can't decide how to choose.