The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 4: A critical moment


Twenty minutes have passed since the system released the task.

Jian Jing's mind was in a mess. The more she thought about it, the more confused she became. In the end, she just stopped thinking about it.

Since it's the same whether you do it or not, then just do it. If you do nothing, you will regret it when it happens. If you do it, and it still can't prevent the tragedy, at least you have tried.

But she did not call the police herself. Instead, she quietly walked to the security guard and asked in a low voice: "Uncle, do you want to call the police?"

The security guard was in his forties, tall and strong. He shook his head and said, "No, they didn't do anything." He glanced at Jian Jing, thinking that the little girl was scared, and comforted her, "Go sit inside, it's okay."

"It's scary." Jian Jing pointed at a crying child and pretended to be a family member begging, "Can you persuade them to go somewhere else? My brother is so scared that he's crying."

The security guard couldn't agree to this. There was no free space in the hospital, so he said, "I'll call someone else. It's okay, girl. This kind of thing happens every few days."

Jian Jing couldn't convince him, so she had to find another way herself.

She went back to the stairwell and took out her cell phone, but she couldn't make a call. The security guard's words reminded her that calling the police when nothing happened would be a false alarm, and she would be the one detained, not them.

This doesn’t work, and that doesn’t work either. What should I do

Restlessness spread throughout my body.

"System, can you give me some hints?" She rubbed her forehead, "I really have no idea at all."

[System: Case occurrence countdown: 00:03:00]

three minutes

Jian Jing had not expected to get help at first, but when she saw the time, she was shocked instead of happy, and rushed out subconsciously.

There are still 3 minutes left, there must be some clues.

who is it

She quickly went through the suspects.

No. 1 is a sturdy father holding his child receiving an IV drip, so he is ruled out; No. 2 is a man paying the bills, playing with his mobile phone, and it seems that he has already negotiated the fee issue with the hospital, so he is ruled out; No. 3 is a group of people making trouble in the hospital eating outside, so he is ruled out.

Are they the new guys with tattoos

Jian Jing focused all her attention on him.

His hair is greasy, his yellowed white sweatshirt is stained with food, and his personal hygiene is not very good; his hands have calluses and his calves have scratches, which shows that he must be engaged in physical labor; his cell phone is very old and has buttons, which shows that his financial conditions are not very good.

Is there anything else

What about his expression

[Countdown: 00:02:32]

She has time.

Jian Jing pretended to make a phone call, walked quickly to the door, and eavesdropped on the tattooed-arm man's phone call.

He whispered, "Uncle, can you lend me some money? No, no, I don't gamble. I've changed. I don't fight with anyone... Oh, it's my little sister, she's in the hospital... Not much, not much, two thousand, just lend me two thousand!"

Even though they were separated by the phone, the man with tattoos still subconsciously acted humble, which was completely different from the arrogance he had when he came in.


His sister had been pushed into the operating room for less than ten minutes. The other party was not financially well off, so the most important thing she should have done was to raise money to pay for the surgery instead of hurting anyone.

Moreover, he was only wearing a sweat shirt and shorts, and he had no weapon at all!


She had a preconceived notion that they were the most suspicious, but they were not.

Jian Jing cursed herself for being stupid and looked around quickly.

The emergency room of this hospital has a tree-like structure, with the emergency hall and waiting room at the bottom, and several divisions such as operating rooms, diagnosis rooms, examination rooms, and infusion rooms on both sides of the upward passage.

Fortunately, there were only a few family members resting in the hall, and the only sound in the infusion room was the crying of a baby, so there was no point for conflict to break out.

Jian Jing walked in while thinking.

There was a doctor examining a patient in the diagnosis room with the door closed. There was a pregnant woman doing an ultrasound in the examination room, and further inside were two operating rooms.

There was a light on, and if I remember correctly, this was the room the female doctor just entered.

Another operating room opened.

A doctor in his forties came out. Judging from the positions of other doctors, he was at least an associate chief physician. He was talking to the family members: "The operation was relatively successful, but we still need to observe. We have already contacted the ICU..."

It was a bit far away, so Jian Jing couldn't hear clearly, but the happy smiles of the family members were enough to explain everything.


Who else is suspicious

She looked around and saw a man walking out of the small passage in the middle of the passage. He had a haggard face and dark circles under his eyes. He was holding his stomach and walking slowly forward.

I looked up and saw a sign for the bathroom, so it must be someone going to the toilet.

His steps are so unsteady, so he probably doesn't have the ability.

There was no one else except the nurses running back and forth.

[Countdown: 00:01:27]

Just over a minute left.

Jian Jing didn't dare to get too close to the hall. She wanted to save people and protect herself. It was not easy to defend in a very empty place. She moved to the side of the small passage to the toilet and took out her phone to pretend to be busy.

His peripheral vision shifted back and forth among the people nearby.

Strangely enough, the emergency room was very quiet at this moment. It was still noisy, but no one was arguing. Everyone was concentrating on their own work.

No sudden conflict can make a person develop murderous intent within a minute.

Jian Jing was almost certain that the murder was premeditated.

Since you have already made a plan, you won't be working hard now. You must be waiting for the opportunity.

Who is looking around like her

Very few, two people were watching TV, one was looking out the window, and the other just came in, looking around, as if looking for someone - could it be her

Jian Jing paid close attention to her actions.

Woman, high heels, Chanel classic small bag.

No, not her.

[Countdown: 00:00:59]

There is less than a minute left.

Who is it? Who is it

"Hmm." The man who came out of the toilet seemed to have severe abdominal pain. He walked a few steps and then stopped, leaning against the wall to breathe, groaning in pain from time to time.

He was very close to Jian Jing, and the observation instinct granted by the primary observation card made her pay attention to him for a while.


I felt something strange in my heart.

Jian Jing gathered her scattered thoughts and focused them on the other person.

He was wearing a white shirt, which was old-fashioned and had a button missing from the cuff. He was also wearing a black suit, which was made of cheap fabric and a little too big for his size, but was very new and must have been newly worn.

Ordinary suit trousers, brown leather shoes, the surface of the shoes was stained with mud, and the glue was faintly coming off, which meant that they had been worn more than once. There was a briefcase under his armpit, and the hardware was relatively new.

It’s really strange. The shirt, pants and shoes are old, but the suit and bag are very new. Is he trying to save face

Apart from that, there seems to be something incongruous.

what is it then

[Countdown: 00:00:44]

With such concentration, Jian Jing actually temporarily blocked the countdown and focused on thinking.

At this time, the man seemed to be feeling very uncomfortable, so he sat down on a chair outside the examination room, with his briefcase on his legs, his head down, his brows frowned, and he kept breathing in.

This is so exaggerated. Is it a stomach ulcer or appendicitis? No matter which one it is, why didn't you see a doctor

Once suspicion arises, any abnormality will be magnified.

The more Jian Jing looked at him, the more strange it seemed to her.

The other person's behavior was so weird. If a normal person was in a hospital and was in severe pain, shouldn't they just call a doctor or nurse to check it out? He was sitting there, changing positions from time to time, and holding his stomach from time to time. It just felt... fake.

Yes, it's too fake, just like the stars in idol dramas who only have good looks but no acting skills, and can't cry but can only stare.

Jian Jing had suffered from stomach problems several times. When the pain came, she would turn pale, break out in cold sweats, and lie motionless. She simply didn't have the energy to make so many movements.

This person is not right.

Could it be him? He was carrying a bag, and yes, this briefcase was very strange.

It was brand new and straight, and it didn't seem to have been used much. Was it a disguise? Looking at it this way, it seemed that the inside was too flat, with only a shallow convex mark, as if there was something rectangular hidden inside... Wait!

Knife? Could it be a knife

In an instant, Jian Jing broke out in a cold sweat.

"Director, there is another patient..." The doctor who had just finished the operation walked over here. There was a young doctor next to him who was reporting the case. They were still immersed in the mood of "the previous operation was successful, don't wait for the next one", and did not notice the man who was about to pass by.

Just then, I caught a glimpse of reflection out of the corner of my eye.

It’s a knife! It’s a knife! His target is these doctors!

He had planned it and was well prepared. He was waiting for the opportunity to strike and he also knew how to disguise himself.

In a flash, Jian Jing understood everything.

[Countdown: 00:00:12]

There is no time left. What should I do? How can I stop him

At the critical moment, let alone saving people, Jian Jing couldn't even run away. Her body seemed to freeze suddenly, and she couldn't move her legs at all. She just stood there stupidly.

[Countdown: 00:00:10]

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, take a deep breath.

She took two deep breaths, breathing oxygen into her lungs. Her body seemed to warm up and she was able to move again.

"Prop card." She muttered to herself, feeling her palm sink slightly.

Feeling a little relieved, Jian Jing saw the cart parked nearby. Without hesitation, she directly reached over and pulled the cart over.

"Hey, you can't move that." The nurse hurriedly stopped him.

Jian Jing ran out at the fastest speed in her life, pushing the cart and slamming into the man who was trying to get up.

The other party had a knife, so she didn't dare to fight him in close combat. She could only use this to keep a distance between them.

The man had been paying attention to the doctor and had not noticed her. He was suddenly hit by the cart and fell back into the chair. He reacted quickly and knew that his plan might be exposed. He immediately pulled out a knife from under his briefcase, pushed the cart back with one hand, and slashed at Jian Jing with the other.

Men are much stronger than women, and Jian Jing is a patient.

The other party pushed back, and the car hit her abdomen hard, causing her to fall to the ground. Fortunately, before she was hit, her left hand was ready and sprayed the anti-wolf spray.

The mist dissipated and she fell to the ground at the same time.

The instructions for use mention that it takes 5 seconds to take effect.

The man swung the knife, the light was cold and sharp. The others were either stunned like Jian Jing before, or they did not realize that something had happened here at all.

When a person is extremely frightened, he or she cannot even scream and can only stand still.

5 seconds is enough for an adult man to hack a young girl to death.

Jian Jing was terrified, her legs went weak, and the adrenaline seemed to have no effect, and she couldn't even stand up. Her mind went blank, and her instinct took over, and she crouched down and crawled under the cart.

"Bang!" The knife hit the cart, making a loud noise.

It was like an alarm clock, waking everyone up.

"Ah!!" the nurse screamed, then realized something was wrong and covered her mouth in horror.

Seeing this, the man stopped trying to chop Jian Jing and instead attacked the doctor viciously.

Jian Jing escaped the danger, but she was more frightened than before, and her mind was completely blank. Afterwards, she couldn't even recall the scene at all, and was even more surprised by her own behavior - she actually reached out to grab the man's trouser leg at this moment.

He was pulled and staggered, and the tip of the knife grazed and only injured the arm of a young doctor next to him.

"Damn it!" The man turned around and kicked the cart hard.

The protection above her head suddenly disappeared, and she was exposed to the other party's eyes.