The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 60: Describe the crime orally


"The death scene in the painting is very deceptive. The environment of the secret room misled many people, and the detective's thinking was first directed to how to crack the secret room." Jian Jing narrated and reflected on the whole process, "But in fact, the murderer's method is very simple - she was there the whole time."

"At about eight o'clock in the evening, she went to the room like everyone else, but actually went around the back door, sneaked into the bedroom behind the painting, and hid under the bed and waited.

"She waited until the painter came and saw that she had opened the red wine to sober up and that the painter had gone out again. Then she came up with an idea and put the sleeping pills in the decanter from the drawer. Then, if she fell asleep after drinking, she would just think she was drunk."

Jian Jing's finding of medicinal powder in the red wine glass was purely a misconception.

She usually drinks ordinary alcoholic beverages such as champagne, sparkling wine, and beer, which she drinks right after opening the bottle and never thinks about sobering up.

Therefore, it didn’t seem strange at all to see a decanter in the bedroom.

But Chang Huaxi drinks red wine, which needs to be decanted in advance, and there is a decanter hidden in the cabinet next to the sofa.

There is a little powder on the mouth of the bottle.

The murderer hid the decanter and successfully tricked her.

"It was past ten o'clock. Hua Xiao returned to her room, locked the door, drank half a glass of wine as usual, and prepared to take a bath and go to bed. But halfway through her bath, the drug took effect and she fell into a deep sleep.

"The murderer who was hiding under the bed quietly crawled out, covered her mouth and nose, and suffocated her."

‌, killing a person is so simple, just a few words can sum up everything.

However, the weight of life should not be so light.

Jian Jing said: "The murderer was very cautious. She was afraid that her motive for murder would be exposed. She went to the safe and took out some letters and memorized the password. After the murder, she opened the safe and took out the photos that would expose her identity.

"Not long after, someone sneaked into the bedroom and was shocked by the missing painting. But he did not say anything, stole what he needed from the open safe, locked the door, and left in a hurry, pretending to be a murder in a closed room.

"If someone knows the real murderer's motive, then no one would suspect someone who just met the murderer. She was perfectly hidden."

Xia Xing asked curiously: "Then how did you find 'her'?"

"In addition to the photos, there are letters hidden by her father in the safe, and on the divorce certificate, the ex-wife's name is Xia Ru." Jian Jing answered slowly.

Xia Xing suddenly fell silent.

Jian Jing added: "In fact, if we have these, we can find other evidence at the scene. She hid under the bed for such a long time, didn't she lose a single hair?"

Xia Xing smiled and touched his forehead: "My hairline doesn't seem to be very safe."

"Turn yourself in." Jian Jing looked at her, "You are still young."

At this point, Xia Xing no longer needed to play dumb. She sat down on the soft bed, supported herself with the quilt with her hands, and looked up at the chandelier hanging above the ceiling.

Chang Hua has great taste. This room is named "Iris" and the lamp he chose is also in the shape of an iris.

"I'm still young, but I decided to do this very early on." She fell into memory, "I hate her very much, she took my dad away."

When she was very young, she knew that her father didn't want her and her mother anymore. He fell in love with a woman, like a moth seeing fire, regardless of the consequences, obsessed, and determined to pounce on her.

I don't want the woman anymore, I don't want the child anymore, I just want that woman.

The mother begged and pleaded.

She made a fuss and cried bitterly.

"Dad, don't go!" To this day, Xia Xing still remembers how she stumbled out of the door and hugged her father's thigh to keep him. Her face was covered with snot and tears, and she was filled with great fear, as if the end of the world had come.

She was so scared and sad, but her father still pried her hands apart, ignored her mother's calls, and left the house without even looking back.

Then, there was no coming again.

Many people said that the woman was a few years younger than my father and married him just for his money.

They also said that their mother was pitiful. She got pregnant after more than ten years of marriage. She went to more than a dozen hospitals, big and small, and tried all kinds of folk remedies and Chinese medicine. She finally had a daughter, but she still couldn't keep her husband.

After wasting half her life, after the divorce, all my mother got was a bruised body and a young and ignorant child. In the end, she died early due to injuries and overwork.

What about the man who abandoned his wife? He wrote a book, became famous, married the woman he had always dreamed of, and became richer and richer.

"I hate her." Thousands of words came to her lips, but only a few words came out. Xia Xing lowered her eyes and said softly: "I am still young, I am not worthy, but I hate her."

Most murders are caused by two words, "love" and "hatred".

She is the latter.

It's that simple.

"From the moment I knew that Mr. Tao was coming here, I was thinking about what to do. That day, I said I liked Xiaotian's paintings, and we talked for a long time in the studio. She was full of resentment towards the paintings, and I responded a little bit, and she told me a lot about the paintings, including that she drank every night, her lungs were not healthy, she often had difficulty breathing, and her sleep was also very bad, and she needed to take sleeping pills... I immediately had a plan.

"I have to say, luck can't be stopped. At this time last night, I was hiding under the bed and heard her quarreling with Wu Zuoyi. She was angry in the room for half an hour. When she opened the safe, I remembered that my mother had sent him photos. I remembered the password and took away the evidence that might expose me.

"On second thought, I might have done something wrong. I look quite different in the photo than I do now. If I hadn't taken it away, you might not have recognized me at all."

"The more you try to hide your flaws, the more clues you'll leave. The novel is honest." Even at this point, Xia Xing was still joking, although she knew it wasn't funny.

But if you don't laugh, crying is useless.

Xia Xing would rather talk and laugh: "You know what? When I read the book reviews about my novels, I can tell at once that they were written by someone who has been in a relationship. But you, who writes mystery novels, are no worse than the police in reasoning."

Jian Jing seemed to have a lot to say, but couldn't form any sentences.

"If you turn yourself in, you'll get a lighter sentence of a few years. I heard the conditions in prison are pretty good, maybe you can get the latest novels. When will you consider writing a romance? Love is also very interesting. I hate romance, but I like romance novels. Novels are all fake. No matter how grand and epic they are, they're just for self-entertainment. How ridiculous."

Xia Xing muttered to himself, not knowing who was listening.

At some point, Jian Jing wanted to ask her, "Do you know that Yangguan arranged for you to sign with Morning Star?" But she held back.

Crimes are judged by law, and the affairs of the world are a difficult sutra to recite.

Be silent, justice is in the hearts of the people.

In the thick darkness of the night, a siren sounded in the distance.

[Task completed, system settlement in progress]

The one that Killer often draws is Xia Xing, the first time she meets her.

This piece of news shattered many people's expectations. Mr. Tao even jumped up and down, suspecting that the police could not find the murderer and were looking for someone to take the blame.

Until Xia Xing admitted his crime and turned himself in.

Mr. Tao was stunned: "Xiaoxing, what's going on? Why are you doing this?"

Xia Xing was unwilling to admit her past, and only said: "She and I have a grudge, you don't know."

"Hey, you... Hey!" Mr. Tao stamped his feet.

Officer Liang took out a pair of shiny rose gold handcuffs and handcuffed Xia Xing's wrists. She didn't resist, but raised her wrists to examine them carefully for a moment, then smiled and said, "It looks like an Hermès bracelet."

No one spoke to him, and an eerie silence filled the place.

"Jingjing," Xia Xing held out her hand, "Is it okay?"

Jian Jing was suspicious and reached out her hand to hold it.

"If I had known you were so capable, I might have given up on killing her. Unfortunately, we met too late." She pursed her lips and smiled, then said to Mr. Tao, "I have submitted my final draft. You can promote it however you want, but remember to deposit the royalties you earn into my account."

Tao's eyes sparkled, and he had a rough outline of a publicity plan in his mind, but he sighed and said, "I'll ask you to find a lawyer."

"Okay, then I'll wait." Xia Xing said, looking up at the hotel, a complex expression flashing across his face.

No one knew what she was thinking at this moment, whether she regretted everything she had done. She did not tell anyone, and just followed the police away silently.

The next day, the weather was clear.

Wu Zuo woke up early in the morning, without even having breakfast, and wanted to leave as soon as he picked up his suitcase.

Before Keren got into the car, her cell phone suddenly vibrated and a message popped up.

He casually clicked it, and two seconds later, the blood color on his face faded away completely, his whole face turned ashen, and his chest heaved violently, with more than just anger in his eyes.

"Why are you leaving so early without even saying hello to us?" The culprit who angered him suddenly appeared, her pretty face slightly blurred in the morning light.

Wu Zuo stood up angrily, gritting his teeth and asking, "What do you want to do?"

Jian Jing couldn't help but let out a faint smile.

“You should retire,” she said.

What? Wu Zuo was extremely angry, his blood rushed to his head, and his ears were buzzing: "Are you threatening me?"

"Yes." Jian Jing said straightforwardly.

Wu Zuo said coldly: "Don't even think about it."

"Then, what you saw will obviously appear in the newspapers." Jian Jing said, "Retire peacefully and don't use your status and fame to harass others. You can still keep your reputation."

Wu Zuo said: "Just give it a try."

Jian Jing stared at him for a moment. This senior who had always been so arrogant used to act well, but in fact, even a child could see that he was weak at the moment.

"I'll wait for you for three days." She ended the conversation succinctly. "Either retire normally or leave in disgrace. You have a third choice."

Wu Zuo clenched his teeth, his cheeks puffed up, as if he wanted to swallow her alive.

"Jingjing." Kang Mucheng came out with a suitcase and immediately changed color when he saw the two people confronting each other, "Teacher Wu, is there something wrong?"

Wu Zuo sneered: "You are even more cruel than your mother."

Kang Mucheng raised his eyebrows and beckoned Jian Jing over: "I will remember to convey your compliments."

"Hmph!" Wu Zuo said nothing more, got into the car and slammed the door shut.

His expensive luxury car whizzed past them, raising a cloud of dust.

Kang Mucheng then asked, "What are you talking about? This is the first time I've seen him so angry."

Jian Jing sat in the passenger seat with familiarity, fastened her seat belt, and said casually, "When Xia Xing left yesterday, he stuffed a piece of paper in my pocket."

"What is it?"

"In Wu Zuoye's letter to Yangguan, he admitted that he used the 'inspiration' of Yumen Yishi." Jian Jing also thought that in addition to the photos, Xia Xing also took away this handle and gave it to her at the last minute.

Yangguan's "Yumen Relics" is used as evidence and will be taken away by the police for preservation. But if Wu Zuo is capable, it will not be difficult to find a way to destroy the body and eliminate the evidence. Once the manuscript is destroyed, the past will become a mystery and it will be difficult to convict him.

However, he forgot the letter he wrote to Yangguan.

Jian Jing said: "I asked him to quit the literary world and retire honestly."

Kang Mucheng asked: "Do you hate him?"

"It's not just me who hates him. Otherwise, why would Xia Xing trust me?" Jian Jing held her head up and stared at the scenery outside the car window. "You may not understand, but we all do."

Wu Zuo was just like a sticky caterpillar. Even if it crawled onto his arm or landed on someone else's body, he would still feel sick.

Kang Mucheng frowned and cast a worried glance at her secretly: "So, do you want to expose this matter?"

Jian Jing sighed and said regretfully: "I did want to do that, but it's of no use." Copyright lawsuits can only be filed by the person himself or the person who owns the copyright. Yangguan's wife is dead and his daughter is in prison, so no one can sue him.

Given Wu Zuo's character, if something happened, he would be desperate and might do anything. It would be better to leave him a way out. Although it was a bit regrettable, it would not have any hidden dangers.

She told Kang Mucheng her analysis.

He was silent for a long time, and then said, "Recently, I always feel like there is nothing I can teach you."

"That sounds quite resentful." Jian Jing couldn't help laughing and joked, "Boss Kang, do you know that you are very suspicious this time? I cleared your name."

Kang Mucheng didn't believe it: "I just met her once in the evening."

"Oh, others don't know." She laughed, "If it weren't for you, Officer Liang's guess would be very convincing."

"What guess?"

Jian Jing raised the corner of her mouth slightly: "Do you want to know?"

Kang Mucheng's tone was very casual, and he said, "Tell me about it."

Jian Jing then told Officer Liang about his bold guess.

When she mentioned suffocation, Kang Mucheng's face was so miserable that it was indescribable. He seemed to want to defend himself, but when he looked at her face, he couldn't say those words at all.

"However, I said to Officer Liang," Jian Jing made up a story in all seriousness, "I know Mr. Kang. He is a workaholic who doesn't even have a girlfriend. Talking about work is much more reasonable than 'playing games'. What do you think?"

Kang Mucheng took a deep breath, closed his mouth tightly, and didn't say a word to her until he sent her off.

Jian Jing: Hey~~