The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 70: Direct postgraduate examination


At the end of November, there was a snowfall in Heping City.

The weather is getting colder, and it is very difficult to go to the school library every morning. Especially since my home is equipped with floor heating, I don't have the courage to face the cold air after turning it on.

Just then, Kang Mucheng came with revision suggestions for Devil 2, so Jian Jing stayed at home and started revising the manuscript.

Revising a manuscript is a thousand times more painful than writing it.

When the previous details are changed, the entire text has to be searched again. If bad luck comes, some of the plots do not comply with the review rules and the whole thing has to be started over again.

Jian Jing was so exhausted from revising that she felt deeply the taboo of Director Huang. She wanted to delay the manuscript intentionally or unintentionally, but Kang Mucheng called her every three days, more frequently than her period.

"The Devil's TV series will be aired in February. You must finish it all in January, just in time for the New Year promotion." He warned me, "Revise it quickly. After you're done, you have to pass three reviews."

Jian Jing struggled: "Actually, I want to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

"What time?" he asked.

"Next week."

The general postgraduate entrance examination is in mid-to-late December, while the direct postgraduate entrance examination is a little earlier, in early December, and consists of two parts: a written test and an interview.

Compared with the four examinations of general postgraduate study, direct postgraduate study only has one professional course. If not for this, Jian Jing would not dare to start reviewing in September.

Kang Mucheng said: "Then submit the manuscript next weekend."

She sighed, agreed painfully, and decided to talk about it on Saturday night.

On Sunday, the sky was dark. It had rained and snowed the night before, and the streets were wet. The clouds were thick and pressing overhead, and the cold wind blew in gusts, which was very refreshing.

Afterwards (crossed out), Jian Jing thought about it and always felt that everything had been hinted at long ago.

This is such perfect weather for that.

She arrived at the examination room at eight o'clock and looked around. Many faces looked unfamiliar to her. She glanced at the professional books he spread out on the table and found that they were not from the Chinese Department.

The school must have saved trouble by lumping applicants from several departments together.

Jian Jing found her seat and sat down. It was an internal school exam, so there were no test numbers, so she just wrote her name and department.

"Are you Jian Jing?" Before he sat down, the girl sitting next to him cast a glance at him with an unfriendly tone.

Jian Jing looked at her for two seconds and recognized four or five luxury brands, especially the bag which was a limited edition color of Chanel, a very girly pink - there was no doubt that she was a child from a wealthy family.

"Do I know you?" she asked.

"Jin Meixian." The brand-name girl nodded modestly, "Cheng Jiayou's girlfriend."

Jian Jing: "Oh." Jin's girlfriend.

But in this case, Zhao Xuan was not with Cheng Jiayou

She was indifferent, but her girlfriend insisted on chatting with him, asking, "You said you are a writer? Do writers make money? Is this book enough to buy a bag?"

Jian Jing: “…”

Jin's girlfriend's words are very annoying, but her face is so contented and naive, and the words "unworldly" are almost written on her face, making people feel that they are sick if they care about her.

"The exam is coming up." Jian Jing ended the topic.

Jin's girlfriend looked at her and snorted softly: "What's wrong with the exam? Oh, you have to study hard, but whether you can pass... humph, it's fate."

Out of some subtle sense of outshining her, the more she spoke, the higher her voice became, until in the end everyone around her noticed it and looked at her with surprised eyes.

Jian Jing was puzzled and didn't bother to pay attention to her.

Fortunately, the teacher came and announced the exam rules: "Look carefully at the department on the exam paper, and don't take the wrong papers from other majors. The exam time is from 8:00 to 4:00, and you can hand in your papers early after you finish."

He checked the papers one by one, and checked the information on the seats and the test papers. When he was done, he sat on the podium, crossed his legs and began to read a novel.

Jian Jing flipped through the test paper. Most of them were questions she had reviewed and were not difficult to answer.

She grabbed her pen bag and took out her usual Montblanc Tolstoy fountain pen. She thought to herself, this is a bad idea. I didn't know I would meet a second-generation rich girlfriend today. If I had known, I would have brought that Hugo.

Then, I could have said, "I'm sorry, your bag is not as expensive as my pen."

Thinking of this, she laughed first, shook her head, and wrote her name.

Swish, swish, swish. The classroom became very quiet.

I don't know how long it took, but Jin's girlfriend suddenly stood up to hand in her paper. She was very handsome, slapped the paper on the podium, and walked away in her high-heeled boots.

It seems as if the spot is already in the bag.

—Perhaps, we should remove the word "as if"

Jian Jing pondered secretly, but didn't take it to heart and continued answering the questions.

The Chinese Department had more questions, and she was almost done with the exam. The teacher who collected the papers saw her name and reminded her: "The scores will be announced before 12:00 p.m., remember to check your phone."

Jian Jing was slightly surprised and nodded: "Okay, thank you, teacher."

Could it be that the quota was really reserved? She was suspicious, but she was not sure. Her family knew her own business, and she had never asked the teacher to clear the relationship, so it would not be her turn.

Maybe he just thought she looked kind to him, Jian Jing thought, and hurried to the coffee shop next to the school.

She needs coffee to survive.

After drinking a cup of hot mocha, the cold air she had inhaled in the classroom was almost gone. She thought about it and decided not to go to the cafeteria for lunch, but just have lunch in the coffee shop.

After ordering pasta and soup, Jian Jing started checking Weibo.

The aftermath of the extreme fans incident continues.

Jiang Baiyan's company issued a statement, hiding the location, listing the extreme behaviors of fans, and imploring fans to pursue stars rationally and keep their distance.

Fans were inevitably excited, but the previous rumors about his relationship with Cai Tong'er overshadowed it.

Jian Jing suspected that it was Qiu Lin's doing, and she didn't want Cai Tong'er's family to take advantage of her.

The entertainment industry is full of swords and sabers, and people kill people without shedding blood.

"The fruit salad at this restaurant is really good. It's the only restaurant near the school that has good food." The proud voice of Jin's girlfriend came from the door.

Then came Cheng Jiayou’s admonition: “Eating salad all the time is unhealthy.”

"I'm just losing weight." Jin's girlfriend has already walked over.

Jian Jing glanced and found that they were not eating alone, but were followed by people from the student union. There were familiar faces like Zhao Xuan and Liu Kai, as well as a stranger.

The coffee shop suddenly became lively.

He took the largest table and ordered quite a few things.

Zhao Xuan is usually good at chatting, and today she looks lazy. But Liu Kai is as cunning as ever, and he is not afraid to make jokes, which makes Jin's girlfriend smile: "Jiayou and I have been brothers since childhood. Let me tell you, he was so arrogant in high school. He would get up a few minutes earlier every morning just for his hair."

Jin's girlfriend was very happy and couldn't help but said: "So you have this kind of time."

Cheng Jiayou said, "That's all in the past," and was busy pouring her drinks, breaking chopsticks, and taking care of her meticulously.

Girlfriend Jin sat beside him obediently, her face full of smiles because of his care.

Jian Jing didn't take it seriously and continued to eat lunch. At about 6 pm, a text message from the school arrived, informing her that she had passed the written test and would go to a classroom for an interview at 2 pm.

It's cold outside and drizzling, so it's no fun staying in a cafe and playing with your phone.

Jian Jing also nestled quietly in the sofa and waited until two o'clock in the afternoon.

Needless to say, the interview process was more boring than smooth. The teacher hardly asked any professional questions and just chatted with her for a while.

Then it ended and the statement was clear. There was no saying "go back and wait for news", but it was directly said that professor so-and-so and professor so-and-so both thought you were good and that you should go back and think about it carefully.

He actually asked her to choose a teacher directly.

Jian Jing couldn't help but guess that this preferential treatment was probably related to her growing fame, and the school also needed a student like her who was already somewhat famous to add luster to the school.

It's a win-win situation.

After the interview, around 2:30, I went home early and went to the bookstore first. Morning Star was very quick, and the booths of major bookstores had already put up slogans such as "The last work of the sweetheart writer, the tears of the revenge girl".

Jian Jing thought of Xia Xing and couldn't help but sigh again, so she paid for the book.

There was a coffee shop in the bookstore. She drank coffee while reading, and before she knew it, it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

The counselor called.

She said, "Jian Jing, come to school right away."

Jian Jing was surprised: "What's the matter?"

"You'll find out when you come." The counselor's tone was a little stiff.

Jian Jing was puzzled and returned to the campus in bewilderment.

The moment I stepped into the school gate, the system appeared.

[System: New task has been released]

[Task name: Strange campus murder incident]

[Task Description: Jin Meixian, a second-generation rich girl, fell into the water and died. Anyone who had contact with her today is a suspect, including you. Please help the police find out the truth as soon as possible.]

[Task rewards and penalties: Success will reward 20 courage points, failure will reduce fame points]

[Note: The fame value is temporarily frozen, and the limited pool is temporarily closed]

Jian Jing was shocked: Why did Jin’s girlfriend’s fame value have to be deducted after she died

No. Girlfriend Jin is dead

Not only did he die, but his death was quite sensational, and many students saw it. The school responded quickly, immediately blocking the news and calling the police. And for this kind of case with a bad social impact, the police were extremely efficient and arrived at the scene in a few hours.

After the investigation, all the suspects were called to the school and gathered in the school classroom.

Cheng Jiayou, Zhao Xuan, Liu Kai, three new faces, and her, a total of seven people.

Everyone who knew her was surprised, especially Cheng Jiayou, whose eyes moved slightly and he seemed to want to say something but stopped himself.

Jian Jing didn't even look at him, and asked the old acquaintance: "What's wrong with me? Why am I also a suspect?"

Ji Feng squinted and spoke in an official tone: "Why do you think you are a suspect? I just came to ask you about the situation."

Jian Jing: "Get lost." She believed him.

"Have you seen Jin Meixian today?" Ji Feng was a piece of shit. He didn't recognize any relatives when talking about the case. He tried to get her to say, "Look, she's the girlfriend of that boy."

Jian Jing was not fooled: "How did the person die?"

Ji Feng: "You two have met today, right?"

"What's the matter?" Jian Jing asked.

"Tsk." His stomach ached. "Why have you become so difficult to deal with?"

Women are so fickle.

Jian Jing rolled her eyes at him. She really didn't understand what the circumstances of Jin Meixian's death were, and why she, who hadn't said much, was listed as a suspect.

"Well, officer." Cheng Jiayou didn't know what he was talking about, and hesitantly stepped forward to help, "I don't think Jian Jing has anything to do with what happened today."

Ji Feng kindly reminded: "Master, 'you think' is not a strong alibi. Do you have any other evidence?"

Cheng Jiayou was speechless.

Jian Jing lowered her head and browsed her phone for a while, and finally got the folk version of the story from Zuo Xin.

It is said that at around three or four o'clock this afternoon, by the lake on campus, Jin's girlfriend had a huge argument with Cheng Jiayou for some unknown reason, walked angrily to the bridge, and then fell headfirst.

A student passing by immediately jumped into the water to rescue him, but when he was pulled out of the water, he was already dead.

Cheng Jiayou was a celebrity in the school, so of course someone quickly spread the news to their friends. The school immediately arranged for a counselor to handle the matter and asked students not to spread rumors, but it was too late.

Everyone saw the police car and knew that someone had died.

What’s strange is that when the police arrived, they called away several students, and things didn’t seem that simple.

Zuo Xin: [There is no news now, I don’t know what is going on]

Jian Jing also felt strange and asked Ji Feng: "Why am I a suspect?"