The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 101: Tell you to shoot, do you dare to shoot?


The sudden change shocked all three of them.

Even though the three of them had already understood the madness and elusiveness of the man in front of them in the studio, Adam and Eva couldn't help screaming the moment he pulled out his gun. Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, it was not difficult for them to connect the many corpses that died under this person with themselves.

"You..." Adam suddenly realized what this person was going to do next.

… He was going to kill the three of them and leave!

Uncontrollable fear spread from the bottom of his heart, but despair was like a rooted thorn, entangled his ankles, and he could only stand there motionless—he had seen this man cut people like melons, And all kinds of tricks that he can't understand and don't want to recall, in front of him, where can he escape

Adam closed his eyes in despair. At the same time, he heard Lin Huai's voice: "You have two choices now."

"One, was shot by me, wounded, lying on the ground. Then, as a hostage taken by me, escaped from the museum, tearfully analyzed my atrocities to the major media, and then continued your perfect and boring life—— "

"I, I know what you are afraid of!" the red-haired girl said fiercely, "I will not betray you, and I am ready..."

"—Listen to me." Lin Huai smiled, "I'm not a soul mentor who will lead you for a long time to fight for the future you want."

"...But I've had enough of this life." The red-haired girl said slowly, "I don't want to go back anyway..."

Behind her, Eva showed the same expression. And Adam took a step back hesitantly: "I..."

It is self-evident what he chose. Lin Huai chuckled lightly and said, "Please."

Under his command, the blond youth stumbled away, and he didn't even dare to look back. It wasn't until Adam's figure completely disappeared into the darkness that Lin Huai looked at the two remaining girls again: "Then facing you is the second option. First of all, I have to say that Adam is a smart person, and a smart person understands Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, escape from death, and there is only one fate left for you—”

"Death." His thin lips uttered sharp words, "What gave you the illusion that I would leave two oil bottles?"

After speaking, he raised his gun and pulled the triggers on the foreheads of the two girls. Eva screamed and fell to the ground, while the red-haired girl stared straight at the muzzle of the gun and collapsed to the ground.

"Qiang Qiang." Lin Huai held a pistol without bullets, spread his hands, and made a magic gesture, "I lied to you."

He stretched out his left hand, dragged the red-haired girl's body from the ground, stuffed the gun into her hand, and with the other hand, picked up Eva who rolled aside: "This is a pistol without bullets."

"this… "

"you… !"

Facing the surprised or angry expressions of the two people, Lin Huai shrugged his shoulders and showed a bit of a nasty smile: "Seeing that your expressions are too serious, I will make a little joke for you... Okay, then I will Declare from now on!"

He raised the hands of the two people one by one, with a taste of a witness announcing their marriage: "I declare that from just now, No. 91 and Eva have died, and the new you..."

He let go of the hands of the two, walked to the front, turned around and bowed to the two: "I have gained a new life."

"Let's go." He said, pushing open the door in the corridor, "Let's find some weapons, and then go to the main control room—"

"What are you doing in the main control room?" the red-haired girl asked.

"Open the protective cover of the museum, which can only be activated inside." Lin Huai said, "And then, it's our turn to broadcast live to the world."

Adam ran along the long corridors until he passed through five corridors and the voices of Lin Huai and others disappeared completely. Then he had the energy to spare. He wiped his cold sweat while looking behind him.

"It's useless..." he murmured.

As a witness at the scene, he understood Lin Huai's strength better than anyone else—but what's the use of strength alone

He can kill all the people in the entire museum, can he kill all the people in this world? Even if the people in the greenhouse temporarily fear Lin Huai because of his strength, can he fight against the whole world by himself

What's more, there are more realistic problems... How to maintain the future order after a moment of resistance? Even if the rich and powerful of this group of greenhouses are now being held hostage, they are willing to sign regulations to provide potential prisoners with freedom and better living conditions... but who can say that this is not another instance of the massive rebellion a hundred years ago What about a reenactment

There are too many, too many, too many things to consider...not to mention, whether it is locked in a cage, or entered as a new citizen in the greenhouse as the top four of the voting event, it is the same for Adam of.

... nothing more than going from one cage to another. He thought, instead of gambling on an invisible future, it would be better...

Thinking of this, he even felt some resentment towards Lin Huai who caused all these consequences. If it wasn't for his intervention, the matter wouldn't be so irreversible, and he could also be a new citizen, surviving in the greenhouse world, not like now...

The footsteps of the guards sounded. As if seeing a savior, Adam ran towards them and shouted: "I am Adam, and here I am!"

"...a potential criminal!"

"... It's said above, shoot to kill."

"咻咻" bullets shot in his direction, Adam couldn't dodge, and an arm was shot through. He didn't have time to think about why these people shot at him, so he could only hold his arms and shouted while enduring the severe pain: "Didn't you hear! I said that I am..."

Halfway through, he regained consciousness.

… Yes, these men were ordered to kill him, to kill potential criminals, and it had nothing to do with who he was. The guards received orders to clean up the place, clean up the periphery of the museum, surround the museum studio, bury this eminent scandal, and then use other news to cover it up!

What's more, potential criminals like them have no value as hostages! The guards didn't believe that these potential criminals who fled around had any value as hostages to Lin Huai, who was insane in the studio!

Adam is worthy of being the best one selected by Dr. Lucier in consideration of brain power, physical strength and charm from many potential criminals. He quickly considered the joints and understood the only thing he should do—run away.

But it was too late for him to escape, and the guards had already followed his bloodstains to find him who was blocked in a dead end. The guard with the microphone seemed to say something into the microphone, while the other man raised his gun at him.

"what… "

Adam leaned against the wall, smiling hopelessly.

At that moment, he suddenly thought... If he didn't leave, but followed Lin Huai, it would be great.

At least he'll die as a human being, not a trapped beast.

It's just that now, it's too late to save everything.

He closes his eyes.

Warm blood splashed on his cheek, however, it did not come from his wound. He opened his eyes in astonishment, only to see two corpses that had lost their heads, slowly falling down in front of him.


Appearing at the same time as the corpse, there was also a young man in red. His demeanor was extremely cold, with a treacherous and cold temperament, and half of his face was covered by a deep black spell.

The boy's body was covered with faintly colored colorless threads, and the one controlling the threads was a girl with long chestnut hair and a sunflower on her head.

After killing the two, the boy returned to the girl without looking at him. Stared at by his cold eyes, the girl just smiled softly: "Hungry?"

The teenager nodded.

The girl then cut off her wrist and let the ghost in red suck her own blood. She raised her head and looked at Adam: "Where are the other three?"

"The other... three people?"

"There seems to be an order to clear the place here, but don't worry, my other companions will take care of it." The girl smiled, "You know where Lin Huai is, don't you?"

"I… "

"Take me to him," said the girl.

"You... who are you?"

For a moment, Adam felt that his brain was not enough, and he, who had been educated in science all the year round, became very confused about everything in front of him.

"You can temporarily regard me as his teammate." The girl said, the earrings on her ears flashed a little red, "My name is Xia."

"Ah... ah cut." Walking in the corridor, Lin Huai's nose suddenly itched, "Who is speaking ill of me behind my back? Could it be Xia Yuhe by the Daming Lake..."

Chu Tianshu on the radio: "Shall I turn up the central air conditioner for you?"

"No thanks."

The other two girls followed him in silence. After pretending to be aggressive, Lin Huai realized that it was not a big deal to keep calling them girls, so she turned around and said, "What's your name?"

Eva hesitated for a moment: "... Eva."

"I mean, your real name."

Eva shook her head: "I don't remember, it was... a long time ago."

"... That's it." Lin Huai said.

Eva stared at Lin Huai's back for a long time, and bit her lip.

"As you said, the old me is dead," she said. "I want to... give myself a new name."


"I would like to be named after you if I could," she said. "You gave me a second life."

She spoke sincerely, but Lin Huai, who was walking in front of her, rubbed her arms.

"...Brother Chu, you should turn up the air conditioner." He muttered, and then he turned to Eva, "Since this is your second life, you should learn to decide for yourself and name yourself,"

"...but you saved my life." Eva insisted.

"I'm not good at picking names." Lin Huai smiled, "Are you sure you want me to pick them?"

Eva nodded.

"...Since this is the case." She heard the young man in front of her say, "The Eva in the past is dead, now you... let me call you Niuhulu Eva."

Eva: ...