The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 106: Take off Brother Lin's vest


The sound of a spaceship landing came from outside the building, and Ailian stood by the window and looked down.

"It's the sound of reinforcements coming." Eva said behind her. "Our reinforcements, our future, have arrived."

When she said this, the blue waves in her emerald eyes were like the new branches of a willow tree in spring. However, No. 13 behind her just clenched her skirt and said in a trembling voice, "Are we leaving here now? Where are we going?"

"On the ground." The door was opened from behind them, and the figures of two young people poured in at the same time as the air, "Let's leave the greenhouse and go to the ground."

"But radiation—"

"As early as more than a hundred years ago, the ground was completely suitable for human habitation." The taller young man put his arm around No. 13's shoulders, "You don't need to believe me, but you should believe the results given by the instrument—go Come on, let's go to the ground."

"But on the ground..." No. 13 has no concept of the ground, "where should we go?"

"That place is the place where everyone can obtain happiness equally. In the ancient Earth language, we call it 'homeland'." As he spoke, Chu Tianshu patted No. 13 on the shoulder, " Pack your things, and then we'll go to heaven."

Tears fell on the 13th.

The three girls left the room, and there were only Lin Huai and Chu Tianshu left in the corridor on the second floor. Chu Tianshu looked at No. 13 who was still crying before leaving, and sighed: "It's really easy for a little girl nowadays..."

"It's easy to be moved, isn't it?" Lin Huai stared at his admiral's face, "I can shed tears because of an unproven fantasy. It is this kind of moth that has been living in the dark that He threw himself into the flames without hesitation..."

"...It's really easy to be beaten and cried." Chu Tianshu looked at the hand he had slapped on No. 13, "It looks so thin, it should make you cry for a long time if you slap it... eh? Lin Lin, why are you holding on to the wall? ?”

"...I really want to say that I don't know you." Lin Huai complained.

The two walked through the long corridor and finally reached the beginning of the "greenhouse" history. A huge newspaper was quietly posted in the glass display window.

And in the center of the newspaper was the photo that Lin Huai had witnessed.

"...I saw 'The Crow' here a year ago. At that time, this place was already a greenhouse." Chu Tianshu quietly looked at the two youths in the corner of the photo, "At that time, he had just defected from Chenxing, And I am responsible for hunting him down."

There was a hint of nostalgia in his voice. Lin Huai didn't know why, but seemed to feel that he was a little sad, so he comforted him: "It's okay, aren't you also a traitor of Chenxing now? In your Chenxing, defecting is considered a tradition."

Chu Tianshu: "..."

Seeing that Chu Tianshu stopped talking, Lin Huai's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "His defection made you very sad?"

"Yes." Chu Tianshu said, "In a sense, I can be regarded as one of the introducers for him to enter Chenxing. Crow has always been a loner. Later, during a mission, he was appreciated by Chen Liexue. Chen Liexue privately invited him to join Chenxing. Chenxing's invitation to the crow was a private matter. In the whole team, only me, Chen Liexue and another old man from Chenxing knew about it. Even Du Chongshan, whom Chen Liexue trusted the most, also I don't know the inside story of this matter. After all... Crow's reputation in the high-end scene is not very good. Of course, this is not because he is dressed like a winery employee in Detective Conan, but because—he Weird and extreme behavior. After he left, the dungeon world has been greatly subverted. Most people have reservations about his unstable factors. At that time, I, Chen Liexue and another person were in A private vote was held, as long as there are two votes passed, the crow can join Chenxing."

"Betrayed by a trusted junior, is it sad?" Lin Huai looked at him quietly, "You... voted for him?"

"No." Chu Tianshu replied very simply, "I voted against it."

Lin Huai: "...then you still look like you were betrayed and injured!"

"Both the other two voted to pass. Chen Liexue believed that although the crow was unstable, it could be used. The other person had always had a good impression of the crow. So I made a request: I agree to the crow's entry into Chenxing, but he must be subject to my approval. regulation, which is—”

"Join my laboratory in Chenxing's territory!" Chu Tianshu said solemnly, "Be my assistant, and carry out research on ghosts and games with me—"

Lin Huai: "...Your performance like this always makes me feel that your voting against is just an excuse to let him enter your laboratory."

"Perhaps it is because Chen Liexue and Wu Ya have reached some kind of agreement. Externally, Wu Ya still acts alone. Apart from the three of us, no one else knows that Wu Ya has joined Chenxing." Chu Tianshu continued, "Even if he Chenxing is also like a separate department, which is isolated from other people. Three months after he joined Chenxing, the crow never came to my laboratory again."

"At first I thought that he was just tired of scientific research and dissatisfied with the life of spending all day doing experiments in the laboratory. Until Chen Liexue told me that he had defected and would never come back again. He left with him, And what he stole, the 'map'."

"'Map'?" Lin Huai remembered what Xia Xingye said, "Is it the map that records the locations of all dynamic passwords?"

"Yes, that is the map left by Gu Chaosheng, the sage of the infinite world. After Gu Chaosheng disappeared, the map made by him was taken care of by Chen Xing's captain, Chen Liexue. Gu Chaosheng is Chen Liexue's best friend, and it is also Chen Liexue who entered the map. The reason for the game. After getting the 'map', the only thing Chen Lixue can do for the departed friend is to keep this 'map' well, and stick to what the friend left behind, and not let anyone enter this place. The entrustment of a door. Everyone has only heard of this map, but they don’t know that it is hidden in Chen Liexue’s hands.” Chu Tianshu said calmly, “Until this map was stolen by a crow. He The goal is to obtain all the keys through the map, open the forbidden door, and enter the door."

"Actually, I have been aware of his purpose for a long time." Chu Tianshu said lightly, "But I didn't stop him. He is... a very stubborn guy. But no matter what, I thought that at that time, we had already... Already …”

He paused.

"It's... friend." He glanced at Lin Huai, and finally said.

... Lin Huai felt that he was a little sad.

"...Because of his defection, Chen Liexue fined me all my research funding for half a year." Chu Tianshu raised his head and said angrily, "From that moment on, I knew that defecting should be the first to act... "

Lin Huai who was stuck in the middle: ... I don't know whether I should sympathize with you or Chen Liexue.

"However, defecting is indeed a glorious tradition of Chenxing. The first defector was Chen Liexue's obedient half-brother Xia Xingye. After his boyfriend died tragically due to Chen Liexue's decision, he left Chenxing. Talk about intelligence dealers. Alas, as the saying goes, if you don’t fall in love, nothing will happen... But what I didn’t expect is that even friendship can bring harm to people.” Chu Tianshu sighed, “The topic It's off, pull it back. In short, since the day the crow defected, I have left the laboratory. Bringing the crow back—at first, this was not only my idea, but also the task Chen Liexue gave me."

"... When we meet and talk again in a real sense, it is in this dungeon." Chu Tianshu put his hand on the newspaper, "Our first encounter in the game is also in this dungeon, then At that time, he had just been promoted to the high-level field, only with an alias, and did not have a nickname called 'Crow'. This dungeon was originally called 'Nuclear Winter', and the ground was full of monsters born due to radiation, cold and withered... We Created the Garden of Eden and moved it underground, we said, this is the hope of all npcs."

"... This time, he has obtained 25 keys and was hunted down by everyone. He had just entered the high-level field camp when he was assassinated by Gangfeng and left in a hurry. When I found him, he was standing in the Garden of Eden He knew I was going to come after him because that's where we first met in the game."

"We saw this brand-new copy, saw the orderly city, and the residents with happy smiles. And a new term, 'potential criminal'. Eden became a greenhouse, and nuclear winter became a civilized world. Event Not addressed, and he said - the virus cannot be eradicated unless the rules are changed."

"—So, you didn't go to kill him." Lin Huai said quietly.

"Yes." Chu Tianshu smiled, "I just told him, if there is one person who must enter that door, why can't it be me? Then he snatched the seven keys from me and returned to the high-level field. Quest camp, opened the door - when I woke up from the greenhouse and rushed back to the camp, he had disappeared."

"After that, I quit Chenxing. Later, I found him. Although his appearance is different, I know that person is him—" Chu Tianshu looked at Lin Huai, "It's you, Lin Huai."

"—You are, Raven."

Lin Huai's pupils shrank violently at that moment.

Although I had expected it in my heart... He thought, but I was still not ready to face it, I was reborn into a plot like myself—

"Although I don't know how you lost your memory, lived in another body, and possessed the ability of a ghost, and even your memory was replaced. However, no matter how many times you are reborn, I can recognize Come out of you." Chu Tianshu grabbed his shoulder and said seriously, "Because—"

"Such a coquettish operation, only you can do it." He said firmly, "My old friend."