The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 107: Russian roulette


"No matter how your appearance and memory change, there is only one thing that is engraved in your soul, that is, your unique temperament..." Chu Tianshu said, "No matter what you become, as long as you can still operate, I will can recognize you."

Lin Huai: ...

Although Chu Tianshu's attitude is very sincere, Lin Huai still has no intention of telling Chu Tianshu what he saw in front of the photo.

This is not because of his cautious and careful character, but an intuition tells him that if he tells that matter, something bad will happen.

The 'map', the door, the ball of light and the bet, my rebirth, my wrong memory, and my body that has undergone strange changes, the howl I heard when I was on the verge of losing control—behind me, there seemed to be a huge chess game game.

At best, he's the player; at worst, he's necessarily a restless pawn, even at worst—

He also calmly believed that he could overturn the chessboard.

In addition, he also vaguely felt that Chu Tianshu knew far more than what he said.

"You left an amulet for Lu Xiaotian," Lin Huai said, "What are you guarding against? And... from the first time we met, you made up your mind to confirm my identity, right?"

"Because I'm worried that you will lose control." Chu Tianshu replied frankly, "'Civilized World' is like a turning point for you and me. I don't know what you encountered behind the door. What have you gone through to become who you are now. But the only thing I can confirm is that I want you to see a certain scene."

"What scene?"

Chu Tianshu opened the curtains, and outside the curtains was the square of the museum. The potential prisoners who had been imprisoned in the glass cage walked into the spaceship in an orderly manner.

They may be uneasy or fearful, but the only thing that can be confirmed is their smiles bathed in artificial sunlight and after the haze has been lifted.

It is true.

"I want you to see that, once again, you've brought happiness to this place. Whether it's called 'Nuclear Winter' or 'Civilization'."

Lin Huai stood beside him, quietly watching those people step onto the spaceship. At that moment, he suddenly felt that there was no need to ask many questions.

No matter what exactly Chu Tianshu knows, he thought, but what he can confirm is that his concern for real. And he could also feel that he subconsciously believed that this person could be relied on.

But what he didn't understand was that according to the facts stated in Chu Tianshu's words. They should at least be hostile, why did Chu Tianshu act like they were both enemies and friends

… Is it because a decent lab handyman is so hard to find

Lin Huai quickly suppressed this thought in his mind.

"So." He walked towards the photo in the newspaper, the young man next to the handsome young man turned his face sideways, but he could also see the straight and handsome face under the black hanging hair, "I used to look... quite nice."

Chu Tianshu nodded: "Although it's still a little bit worse than me."

Lin Huai: "...but I think it's me who looks better."

"Then the me now," he looked at himself in the mirror, "also looks pretty good, I remember the ghost version of me, and I also look pretty good."

He tapped his chin with his fingers, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Chu Tianshu," he said, "you care so much about me, is it because of you..."

Chu Tianshu pricked up his ears.

"Is it a face control?"

Chu Tianshu: ...

"But even though I have learned about my past identity, I still don't have much sense of identity with myself as a human being." Lin Huai sighed, "I still feel like a ghost..."

"There is no big gap between humans and ghosts. They are just two manifestations of creatures. People who become ghosts the day after tomorrow are like good friends who suddenly come out to themselves after ten years of acquaintance, even if their sexual orientation changes. The time we spent together in the past won't change. He'll still be my best friend...”

"With all due respect." Lin Huaixu rolled his eyes, "I don't think turning into a ghost can be compared to coming out of the closet."

"Being a human being during the day and being a ghost at night is also becoming a ghost—"

"Brother Lin, Brother Chu, the two of you are missing, hurry up and get on the boat—"

Downstairs, Lu Xiaotian, who was in charge of counting the number of people, shouted. Zhao Jingtian stood aside with his sword in his arms, silently watching the protective shield of the museum.

Outside the protective cover, black clouds pressed down on the city, and more and more spaceships and cannons gathered here.

"... It's going to rain." He said coldly.

Different from the optimism of Lu Xiaotian and others, Zhao Jingtian clearly realized that it is impossible for the upper layers of the greenhouse to let them go so easily. This is not a problem of more than a hundred potential offenders, but their behavior of fleeing is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the greenhouse!

Therefore, they will never allow these people to leave. When the spaceship leaves the range of the museum, it's time for them to attack!


"What I love most, Zhao Jingtian, is to attack people who are pretentious." He thought decisively, "If these people must stop us from leaving, I... Forget it, the person who drove the spaceship must have a way."

Thinking of this, he boarded the spaceship with a cold face. Lin Huai and Chu Tianshu were also walking out of the museum.

At the same time, they saw the densely packed spaceships.

The army is under pressure.

"Did you know?" Lin Huai heard Chu Tianshu's voice, "Everything that can be connected to the Internet is something that can be hacked. Even if machines and networks are built to be indestructible, they also have their own loopholes."

"Let's play." Chu Tianshu patted Lin Huai's shoulder, "The triumphant return of a king should always be accompanied by the sound of gun salutes."

It was Lin Huai's smile that answered him.

"It's an interesting idea." Lin Huai said, "But I... want to go to the VIP hall to watch it."

"Even if it's a perfect plan, there should be more surprises, right?"

Under the eyes of everyone, the spaceship docked in the museum and carrying nearly a hundred people began to rise slowly. With the spray of blue flames, the protective shield that originally covered the entire museum is gradually opening.

"Don't act now." The officer ordered, "Wait until they are far away from the Upper East Side."

The Upper East Side is the wealthiest part of the entire conservatory, where the Capital Museum, the Consul's mansion, and the mansions of many wealthy people are located. What the officer has to do is to keep the danger caused by the fighting away from this group of people.

Other areas are within the range of "bearable losses".

Seeing that the spaceship was slowly heading towards the west region, the officer's hand that was originally raised in mid-air also began to tense gradually. The thousands of people who were ready to deploy did not dare to breathe. They stared at the red dot representing the spaceship on the screen, and their chests were beating like thunder.

'strangeness… '

In the corner of the monitoring room, a question flashed in the mind of the small staff in charge of the radar.

He clearly knew that the person who came to pick up this group of people was the general of the rebellion, Xiu. And what he was driving was the most advanced type of spaceship.

Such a spacecraft should be equipped with stealth and anti-radar functions. However, Xiu didn't seem to have the intention of hiding his whereabouts. He showed himself openly, and his behavior was arrogant and almost provocative.

What the hell is he trying to do? Could it be that he is confident enough to avoid all the bullets—no, it's impossible. Not to mention that the dense bullet screen made everyone have nowhere to escape, even if he found a way out in the bullet rain, the violent flipping operation was enough to make other passengers on the spaceship spit out their brains.

But what exactly is he trying to do

The little clerk was thinking in a mess, and at the same time, a little girl was lying on the window of a family below the west end, staring at the sky.

"Mom," she turned around and said to her mother, "Look at the sky, there's a handjob!"

"Don't watch," her mother ran over and covered her eyes with her hands, "the radio said, this is just a drill. Go back and watch your animation."

"Oh." The little girl pouted.

She jumped off the stool and returned to the soft sofa. I don't know why, but the programs broadcast by major TV stations today are very interesting. The marriage of a pair of national celebrities has attracted the attention of most people. For a time, the issue of gender antagonism between men and women flooded the entire Internet. Everyone was attracted by the problems provoked by these countless water troops, and fiercely launched a scolding battle.

The woman sitting on the other side looked at her daughter and sighed.

In another year, her daughter is about to undergo the test that will determine her life, and this carefree child still knows nothing about it. Thinking of this, she turned her head and looked at the house on the other side. In the dark house, there was silence.

Years ago, the owner of the house had twin daughters, and after that test, they were both sent to a nursing home—the thought crossed her mind. Soon, the woman stopped thinking about the family, but looked at her mobile phone that pushed the news of the marriage change.

At the same time, on the big screen, the red dot representing the spaceship finally arrived at the predetermined position.

Everyone's breath was suffocated.




"Fire!" the commander ordered.

At his order, countless people pressed the buttons in their hands. Dozens of pilots flew their planes, roaring towards the lonely spaceship under the projected blue sky.

Suddenly there was a lively sound outside the house. The roommate who was lying on the bed also took off the earphones and turned to Su Li who was sitting on the seat: "What happened outside?"

Su Li shook his head, he put down the book, rubbed his nose, and looked out the window.

I saw beautiful fireworks constantly exploding in the sky, and the colorful colors fell on the blue sky, like a sea of flowers in full bloom. In the sea of flowers, several small combat spaceships are accompanying the spaceship in the center, constantly separating and closing, and placing them in various shapes. They are like knights escorting the noble king, and they are like supporting dancers surrounding the main dancer in the middle.

"Oh~ surprise?" Chu Tianshu sat on the seat, closed his eyes, and danced his slender fingers flexibly, as if he was manipulating an invisible thread, "This is the public enemy of machines!"

"Fuck, what are you all doing?!" The main commander was furious, "Where's the cannon? Where's my cannon?"

"Sir, I don't know either!" The voices of other people came one after another from the reply device, "This cannon suddenly stopped working..."

"I can't control my plane!"

"This... this firework was not set by me! I clearly adjusted the attack mode—"

The sound of the machine reporting an error resounded throughout the control room, and the well-trained and high-ranking officials were helpless for a moment. They tried in vain to enter the control page, or tried to press different buttons, but the machine seemed dead and refused to obey their commands.

It is as if there are invisible threads running along every inch of cable, covering the sky and covering the sky, entering the network world. They entangle every 1 and 0, every control symbol and command symbol. The place that electricity can touch is the stage controlled by it and allowed to dance. It touches, its realm, its kingdom.

They watched the spaceship soaring in the sky, like a blue bird flying high, and like swimming in its divine kingdom. It spread its wings, leaping into the distant sky with the sound of wind and roar, fireworks and cannon.

That night.

"No matter what, we must find that spaceship!" The blue veins on the commander's forehead burst out, "If we can't find it, we will..."

He didn't say what happened next, but everyone knew it. None of them could bear the wrath from the consul.

But everyone knew it was impossible—that ship had flown irretrievably, it traveled through the entire greenhouse, from the northern boundary to the southern boundary, and then it crossed the crust and flew to the ground—what they couldn't touch. place.

"It's over, it's over." Throwing himself hard on the seat, the commander pinched his forehead, thinking desperately, "My path of ascension, my achievements, my future—"

All destroyed!

It's all because of those two people... that number 81, and that traitorous Admiral Xiu. Forget about number 81, that general, did he have cats and cats in his head?

And that power... that power that controls all machines...

Who are they

Just when he fell into despair, his secretary ran to him with a phone: "Your Excellency, this is the number of the Thirteenth Consul."

The commander took it tremblingly, but a familiar voice came from the microphone: "From now on, give up hunting them."


The commander is like an amnesty. After putting down the phone, he slumped on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, in the residence of the Thirteenth Consul on the Upper East Side, the Thirteenth Consul also put down the phone and looked at the uninvited guest sitting opposite him.

"The pursuit of the ship has been stopped in accordance with your wishes," he said.

Sitting opposite the consul was a young man in a red suit. He leaned on the back of the sofa, the corners of his mouth curled up, as if he had seen something interesting.

From the moment this person appeared in the room, the Thirteenth Consul did not think of rebelling. Like the other twelve people, he had already seen everything this man did in the studio on TV. He calmly realized that he did not have the ability to resist this person.

"You are the smartest of these thirteen people, no wonder you are in control now." The young man in the red suit said, propping his head with one hand, "Since this is the case, there is no need to repeat this game with you Once."

As he spoke, he shook the revolver in the other hand and threw it into the arms of the Thirteenth Consul.

"Russian shuffleboard is a game played in ancient Earth times. The rules are simple: put one or more bullets in the six magazine slots of the revolver, rotate the wheel at will, and then close the wheel. The players in the game take turns Point the pistol to your head and pull the trigger; of course, the one who gets shot will quit automatically, and the one who suffers from stage fright will also lose, and the one who persists until the end is the winner." The young man said in a casual tone, "This is what I did for the first time." As you know, for the game prepared by the two of us, for the opponent with a higher status, we must always play with him, so that we can be called sincere."

The thirteenth consul took the revolver and looked at him: "It sounds like you have already found the other twelve consuls."

"Yes, but some of them wanted to catch me as soon as they came up, and some of them passed out directly. Really, am I that scary?" The young man in red shrugged. His complaining voice was a bit nasal, it seemed a bit sticky, and he still had the taste of a bad boy acting like a baby: "So I had to imitate the jigsaw and play games with them, so that they can truly understand the meaning of life , After that, they will know how to cherish life more. How about you, at least we can have a good communication."

"So, what do you want?" The Thirteenth Consul looked at the man's face half covered by darkness and illuminated by moonlight. He looked beautiful and eerie, making it inaccessible and untouchable.

"Don't take me as an unreasonable person. I came here just to make a peaceful agreement." The young man narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"After we leave the greenhouse, we will not return. So you don't have to worry, we will return to the greenhouse to make trouble. And correspondingly, in exchange - you, you can't go up, of course, five years from now Within a year, we will accept unofficial fugitives going to the surface, and after five years, we will close this passage." The young man in red said, "How?"

The Thirteenth Consul did not hesitate: "Deal."

"Then it's a deal." The young man in red walked towards him. At that moment, the originally calm and calm consul couldn't help leaning back. He was grabbed with one hand, and the other hand fell on his palm, touching his palm lightly.

"From now on, the contract is concluded." The young man said, walking to the window, "You will be a person who keeps your promise—and it's time for me to go back."

The Thirteenth Consul looked at his back and opened the magazine of the revolver.

"With all due respect," he said, "I've seen videos of you and seen what you've demonstrated. Does that mean you won't die if you get shot in the head?"

His answer was a chuckle.

"Yes, so." The young man under the moonlight turned his head, raised the corner of his mouth, his dark pupils reflected the moonlight, "I am not a desperate gambler, but—"

"Always a winner."