The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 110: Because I'm crazy all year round


Many years later, the up master will stand in the team who smuggled to the ground because of star chasing, and he will definitely think of that distant afternoon on the 81st when the live broadcast was held. At that time, he was still working as a ghost animal, and the wives on wenbo were still producing, and there was no idol team called ll in the world. And those men, they still love each other...

Sorry, stray words here.

After the live broadcast ended, No. 81 quickly cut off the communication and left a honeypot for the greenhouse network experts who heard the news. Many greenhouse residents stared at the dark screen in front of them, and after a brief moment of stupefaction, they all began to exhale fragrance.

"Number 81 made me laugh, and made Idol 101? This is really stupid."

"Speaking of which, why are they still alive? Greenhouse Capital, don't care about them!"

"Huh? What are you going to do on the 81st? Do you have any surprises that I don't know about. jpg?"

"Boycotting 101 and not transferring is not a greenhouse person."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L L Lv

... Ignoring the last comment that didn't match the style of the previous one, the comeback of No. 81 was indeed like a cockroach at the bottom of a cup of half-drunk milk tea, causing a big wave in the hearts of all the people in the greenhouse.

When everyone is questioning and wondering what the so-called Wasteland 101 is, Wasteland 101 has officially opened!

Countless live broadcast rooms have invaded the greenhouse network like viruses. They sometimes appear abruptly in the wenbo feed, sometimes appear abruptly on the website of Literature City, and some of them carry gorgeous greetings and appear abruptly in the mailbox along with the festival. These small advertisements in the live broadcast room are endless like the hair lost by college students because of staying up late, and finally, they are like a prairie fire.

After closing the live broadcast room countless times, the residents of the greenhouse were gradually attracted by the content in the video. What is shown in the live video is a natural and beautiful picture of life. 100 men, women and children, each with their own lives.

Those who are physically strong work in the fields, watching the golden ears of wheat flying at their fingertips. Those with beautiful posture stretch their arms and dance in the sun like a swan. Some people are good at painting, so they use a paintbrush to outline pictures of mountains and rivers. Some people like machines, so they use lathes to turn out the handles of hammers...

There is no upside-down posting, no blood-sucking, no CP speculation and posing, and no one claims to be a good-looking anchor. It's just like this, with fireworks, a secular family. It's just that all living beings have their own strengths and sorrows.

And the platform that broadcasts these live broadcasts has only one name—


Greenhouse Capital, East End.

Moonlight streams through the window onto the wooden table. The woman looked at the inspection report on the table and closed her eyes.

A tear rolled down her cheek.

"...the report informs us to take Xiaoling to the recycling center in three days..."

The little girl who was still in her dream was awakened by the voice in the living room.

She rubbed her eyes and crawled out of the bed. Stepping on her fluffy bunny slippers, she carefully opened the door and walked lightly into the living room.

Three days ago, she went through a criminal gene check that every greenhouse person would go through. Today, the family got a report. It was just that the envelope containing the report had just been opened, and she was coaxed into bed by her mother.

"We'll discuss it later when your father comes back."

Mom said so.

"... Do you think I think so! Isn't Xiaoling the child of the two of us!" The mother's scream came from the living room, "I watched her grow up, what kind of child is she? Isn't it clearer than those machines?! Why, just for a test, we... "

"An'an, keep your voice down." The man hugged the woman who was on the verge of collapse, "Don't let Xiaoling hear you."

Mother's sobs still echoed in the living room. Xiaoling stood in the corridor, the silvery moonlight fell on her small figure through the glass window.

For the first time, she felt the weight and "sadness" of moonlight.

"...Actually, it's not that there is no other way." The man's suppressed voice sounded from the living room.

"What way?" The woman asked eagerly.

"Go up, to the 'homeland'."

"You're crazy, that's defection!"

"...but so what? You don't want Xiaoling to go to that kind of place either..."

"... there is a way to go, and there are not too many official roadblocks. When we get there, we are safe. The road is safe and there will not be too many dangers..."

The parents' discussion became more and more low-pitched and urgent, and Xiaoling couldn't understand what they were discussing, but she knew that it seemed to be a very important matter.

It's very important, very worrying, and makes parents give up everything they have now... things.

' Am I doing something wrong? ' She thought in a little confusion, 'Did I do something wrong that made Mom and Dad so worried? '

'Is it because I'm disobedient and I haven't been a good boy, so my parents quarrel in the middle of the night? '

As she thought about it, the floor-to-ceiling glass windows were blown away by the wind.

A gust of summer wind blew in along the window, blowing the curtains made of white gauze. On the other side of the window pane is another family's home.

The little girl remembered that her mother said that there seemed to be a pair of red-haired twin daughters in another family, but later, they were both taken away and sent to a nursing home by their parents.

She would know this because one of the girls had been sent back here—in the form of an urn—more than a month ago. The parents, who were avoiding her, buried the box outside the courtyard gate in disgust, and didn't even set up a tombstone for her.

She took a step forward, and vaguely saw a person standing by a deep pit in the night, picking up something with her hand.

He was tall, wearing a baggy red suit and a tall top hat. The top hat covered half of his face, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

A gust of wind blew by, and the little girl's long hair draped over her back rose together with the falling petals.

"you… "

Outside the half-open glass window, another young man appeared. He was wearing a baggy black suit with an open neckline and not tucked into the trousers. On his head is a white mask with long bunny ears.

Under the moonlight, he just stood there quietly, looking at the little girl wearing rabbit slippers.

"Hush." The man stretched out a long finger, "Keep your voice down, don't let others know, we're here."

The little girl nodded.

"You are a good boy."

A beautifully packaged candy landed in the little girl's palm. She raised her head and looked at the young man wearing a tall hat: "Who are you?"

"I'm a rabbit that only goes crazy in March," said the young man.

"Then... what about him?"

"Him?" The young man wearing a rabbit mask looked at another person who was taking out the black box from the pit, and the eyes under the mask softened, "He is a writing desk."

"… why?"

"Because he is the most unique lunatic in this world."

"Goodbye." The young man in the rabbit mask rubbed the little girl's head. "Next time when you are alone at home, don't casually talk to the strange uncle passing by. Of course, unless you are as handsome as me."

After saying this, he snapped his fingers, and a gust of wind blew by. When the little girl opened her eyes again, the courtyard in front of her was empty.

Only the candy lying in her palm proves to her that all this is not a dream.

On the way back to the ground, Lin Huai rolled his eyes at Chu Tianshu.

"After digging the hole just now, what did you do there alone?" Lin Huai leaned on the back of the invisible spaceship, staring at the profile of the person who was driving the spaceship.

"I saw a little girl who seemed to have lost her way on the road of life," Chu Tianshu said, "so I educated her in the past..."

"Tsk, I saw you gave her candy." Lin Huai glanced at Chu Tianshu's pocket, "Unexpectedly, you are quite caring...or are you a lolicon?"

"In the middle of the night, if a child doesn't go to bed, but instead chats with a suspicious strange uncle passing by, it is easy to be lured into a strange pyramid scheme." Chu Tianshu said, "So I gave her a key from the system dial I hope she can learn this lesson well when she is so sour that she wails and rolls on the ground, and don't talk to the strange uncle who breaks into the house that she doesn't know at night —Even if the other party is handsome and wears a cute rabbit mask... For this reason, I did not hesitate to use fairy tales to make a beautiful package... "

"You..." Lin Huai showed a rather contemptuous expression after a brief shock, "You will only leave a shadow of childhood on people, hey! Tsk, sure enough, you are worthy of the logic of God..."

"...For the second question," Chutian Shula raised the handle, "Compared to Lolita, I prefer small animals that can think and act, with teeth and claws..."

... Lin Huai quickly ignored his words, and told himself not to argue with a cat pie. He thought for a while, and then said with some confusion: "Why is it a writing desk?"


"Why do you say I'm a writing desk?" Lin Huai looked at his hands wonderingly, "Could it be because I look a lot like Lu Xun? No, I don't look like that at all..."

The blue flame was burning quietly, and Chu Tianshu adjusted the horsepower to the highest gear. The spaceship with smooth lines follows the beautiful streamline, passes through the earth's crust, and comes to the sky.

At this moment, he also stretched out his hand, flicked his finger upwards, and knocked off Lin Huai's hat.

Lin Huai's eyes widened as the pitch-black tall hat fell to the ground. For the first time, he felt the confusion beyond his control.

"Because, whether it was before reincarnation or after reincarnation, you never had a childhood." Chu Tianshu said.

Lin Huai: ...

The spaceship docked quietly inside the home. The two got off the plane one after the other.

Walking in front was Lin Huai who was still kneading her fists. Walking behind was Chu Tianshu who was rubbing his head.

"Brother Lin, Boss Chu," Lu Xiaotian saw the two coming, and began to wave to them, "Today, dozens of volunteers came from the ground today. According to the previous practice, they have been registered. "

Zhao Jingtian also came with a long knife on his back, and walked with a cold face: "The last nursing home has been liberated, and they have been brought into their homes, and we will start organizing production and learning tomorrow."

Ai Lian also ran over: "Today's trending searches are all for our cheap entertainment, although they have been withdrawn many times...but..."

Chu Tianshu gave Lin Huai a hammer, and went to take charge. Lin Huai only went to the part he cared about most. He sat on the grain pile, and Ellen sat beside him.

"How is today's general election?" Lin Huai said without forgetting his original intention.

"As you can see, the final 11 members have been decided." Ailian said, "This is the final vote list."

Lin Huai hummed, took the booklet and began to open it. He flipped roughly from the first page to the last.

Then, stop.

"Why are there 102 people?" he asked.

"Because," Ailian said quietly, "because No. you."

Lin Huai quietly turned to the penultimate page, and saw that the number of votes for No. 81 was—

101 votes.

One is not more, one is not less.

"...Although there is no way to participate in public voting, we have opened up internal voting. Each contestant has a vote, and they can vote for themselves or others." Ailian said, "The person they finally voted for—"

It's all you.

"... Tsk." She heard Lin Huai's low laughter, "It's really not that cool to get votes by relying on the backstage."

After finishing speaking, he threw the voting book aside: "Anyway, I won't be able to make a debut. By the way, here you are."

A small black box, together with a plush doll, was stuffed into the arms of the red-haired girl.

"Well, it's your sister. Rather than sleeping in the cold yard, let her be by your side." Lin Huai said, "As for this, it's a toy you and her used to have, one for each of you."

After finishing speaking, he stood up, patted the ashes on his trousers, and rubbed Ailian's head vigorously with his hands: "Don't cry before I leave, this is the manager's business order, and it should be used on the wine table The smiling face from above is facing me like it was when it was facing investors. Speaking of which, the writing desk... huh? Writing desk?"

The wine-red hair was messed up, but Ailian suddenly remembered the first day of the Eden Exhibition.

That day, she was curled up in the cage, and the person who could judge her life and death looked at her coldly and said, "Get rid of her."

… Maybe there is nothing wrong with just dying like this. she thought so. Like sinking into the deep sea, sinking into the deep earth...

Just like her older sister.

Then, she, who was already in despair, heard a shocking "Boom!" in the deep sea that was gradually drowning.

"Fuck you!" she heard the man laughing. "Who's going to be your good boy? What I'm going to do is..."

"The number one idol in the greenhouse!"

"Why?" She sat on the grain pile, and finally, only her own voice was heard, "Why did you take us to... home?"

Those who were about to leave stopped.

"Because I'm crazy all year round," he said.