The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 112: An explanation about the main line


Honorary Title: Joyful Clown

Current development: 0 (*)

Introduction: Some people say we are decent, some people say we are villains. Ordinary clowns bring joy to the audience, and we only need to entertain ourselves and turn the stage.

Currently open basic capabilities:

One: Role Playing (*)

"A good actor must learn to substitute himself, and those who are keen on fighting are the same."

Ability description: Imitate people I have seen, the more I know, the higher the degree of imitation. The basic time for the ability to take effect is half an hour, and the imitated person is stronger, and the time is shortened.

PS imitation range: appearance, thinking mode, skills.

Two: Chain Explosions (*)

"An actor says '1, 2, 3' when he can't remember his lines, and a buffoon says '3, 2, 1' when he has nothing to say."

Ability description: Every "dart" you throw can become an explosive. It may explode as dynamite, or as a water polo, or as chewed bubblegum... The content of the explosion is random. Of course, you can also turn any inanimate object into an explosive with enough touch.

ps Even through negative distance contact, humans will not become explosives due to this.

Three: Super Physical Technique (*)

"As a clown, you should not only have a superb performance on the stage, but also escape quickly under the siege of the audience."

Ability Description: Your physical abilities will be enhanced, especially speed and flexibility. Every time he is hunted down by a person, the gain brought by this skill will increase by 10%, and it will end when the increase reaches 100%.

ps There is a special speed bonus for mission identities such as reporters.

Four: Dream Stealing (*)

"Some say dream domination is Freddy's specialty, let's steal it quietly..."

Ability description: You can steal the dream of a sleeping person and mix into it, becoming a member of the dream. If you are in the dream yourself, you will be possessed by a spirit.

ps Don't steal the dream of spring.

"This introduction is very skinny..." Lin Huai's eyelids twitched, "Being a member of the dream... The 3P dream is fine, as long as I'm not the one at the bottom. The 2P dream... But how do I know, isn't that person in the dream?" Do you dream of spring?"

... Now he naturally has no way of knowing that in the next dungeon, he was severely cheated by this skill.

This is all a later story. Now, in his opinion, the four skills of "Pleasant Harlequin" are worthy of its own name. They are indeed playful and pleasant...

But what attracted his attention was the "*" symbol.

According to the description in "*", these four skills are the basic skills of "Pleasant Harlequin". With the increase of the development of the title, these four skills will evolve (Lin Huai thinks that if the ability to judge the dream of spring can appear would be even better). However, the system did not give a method to increase the development of the title.

"Ask Chu Tianshu after you go out, he seems to have a strong title development." He thought.

He closed the title information, sat on the sofa alone, hugged his legs, and looked at the white ceiling.

It wasn't until he was alone that he had time to think about his own affairs.

In the past, he always felt that he was a ghost trying to fit into human society. In his surviving memories, there is only the bloody Wen County, and the dry well that finally woke up in modern society after a hundred years of sleep. His body was poached by the history professor, and his ghost followed along. After terrorizing a history professor for a month, he finds just the right body. Later, because of this body, he received a black invitation letter and was drawn into the game.

But now, he felt that all of this... was too coincidental.

Why was his body poached this year? The crow entered the "gate" a year ago. After careful calculation, it was also the day when he woke up in the well in Wen County.

He should have had many choices about seizing the house. But why is it that this body bound to the game that jumped to his death is the most in line with his aesthetics, so that he can't help but blend into it? And the name "Lin Huai"... Huai, has a ghostly aura, and is generally not used in people's names. Why is it called Lin Huai

Moreover, there are too many children with both parents. Why did the parents of this body get divorced when he was young, and why did they just ignore this child? Since he entered this body, the parents of this body are just two names that exist in WeChat, one with "Dad" and the other with "Mom". Not to mention that they only called Lin Huai for living expenses on the 1st of each month, and there was no communication other than that. Even if it's just a simple and rude remark, people can't help but wonder if their existence is just a symbol, or... these two people...

Does it really exist

Thinking about it further, did this person "Lin Huai" really exist at S University in the past? Are there really four people in Lu Jin's dormitory all the time? He still remembered that the person jumped off the building the day before the report day. On the first day of the semester, when he walked into the dormitory for the first time and took the initiative to talk to Lu Jin, his shocked expression...

That startled expression, after all, is showing her love to her roommate, who has always been a loner...

Still because.

This person shouldn't exist in his dormitory

Then, the moment "Lin Huai" spoke to him...

Some kind of falsification happened to his memory, so "Lin Huai", who was alone and rarely lived in the dormitory, so that he needed him to temporarily help the other party make the bed and fold the quilt, appeared.

Or maybe, no matter which dormitory he walked into, no matter whether the person sitting in it was Lu Jin or Zhang Jin...

As long as there is an empty bed in this dormitory, "Lin Huai" will quietly integrate into their lives without warning.

Just like those students in the same department who have always thought that "Lin Huai" was taciturn and solitary, and only became lively when she appeared.

And after entering the game, all the changes that appeared on him indistinctly made him even more confused.

The puppet calling him "Father," the memory of being inspired to bet with colored bubbles, the tyrannical split that nearly rips the brain apart after that, the howl and the... Examiner.

Everyone's examiner should be Freddy. But his examiner was a shadow.

A piece of... blocked the entire piece of glass, silently watching him in darkness.

The shadow said, let him remember the bet, and want him to be a part of himself.

At the end of the memory, it is his blood that dispels the shadow. However, when he cut his palm in the system space, he didn't see dense golden numbers flowing in the blood like the moment he was shrouded in darkness.

And there was another thing that caught his attention—

The fat man said, the system is an old hag!

… No matter how you listen, his system voice is always a male with a cold voice, there is absolutely no reason to be called an old witch!

Yet if it were not for this coincidence, he would never have known about it. After all, who would communicate with other people in an infinite streaming game, and the system prompts for each other would be female or male

If you can't even trust the system sound that issues commands in the game, it's quite normal that you will end up dead. because…

It's entirely possible that it only issued death missions to him alone.

—Although, so far, the system has not carried out an act of assassination against Lin Huai. On the contrary, in some details, Lin Huai actually felt that the system was a little familiar and special when facing him.

But that doesn't mean he shouldn't prepare for the worst.

And the door that I glimpsed when I entered the system space for the first time. At that time, its body was covered with chains and hung with huge locks. But this time, when he returned to the system space, the thickest chain on it had already been broken.

He couldn't help but start to speculate and suspect that the breaking of this chain is inseparable from his awakened memory!

And he has a premonition... When his memory is fully awakened, the chain on this door will be completely broken, and now, he absolutely does not want to see what is behind the "door".

All signs indicate that he is indeed the crow that entered the "door", or that he was that "crow". Otherwise, he would not be able to explain his own existence and the various visions surrounding him.

However, "Crow" is a human being, and "Lin Huai" is a ghost... But what about himself

What is he himself

"...As a ghost, I would be scared by myself." Lin Huai sat on the sofa, holding his forehead with a wry smile, "But if that's the case, I'm too embarrassed to call myself a ghost..."

The question that he has been denying, and has been avoiding to think about, has finally been truly placed in front of him.

If identities are fake, memories are fake, everything is fabricated...

So what is he now

What three things are needed to make up a human being? Memory, body, relationships

A body of unknown origin, a memory riddled with holes, and now, even the composition of interpersonal relationships is within the scope of his doubts.

The special system that does not know whether it is an enemy or a friend, the "door" that is pressing every step of the way, the "shadow" in the monitoring room, and the "bubble" and "male voice" that made a bet with themselves, seem to face him with a friendly attitude "Freddy", the "howling" inside him that seems to be trying to split him...

Are his memories fake? But in Wen County... is there any secret hidden

"What the hell am I..."

Before being teleported out of the system space, Lin Huai murmured while looking at her body.

He suddenly felt that he urgently needed sugar supplements to keep him warm through the rise in blood sugar.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Huai had already returned to the toilet.

He stood quietly for a long time.

"Hey, Lin Huai, you can't get out!" Lu Jin knocked on the door outside, "How long have you been squatting inside! I can't hold it any longer!"

When he was about to pry open the door, Lin Huai finally came out from the toilet. With a cold and pale face, he brushed past Lu Jin. Although the urge to urinate was boiling in his head, when Lu Jin saw Lin Huai's side face, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"His face looks bad..." he thought.

Lin Huai walked out of the dormitory. He walked through the familiar corridors, the stairs, and the playground. On the playground, it was Wei Shao who was playing football.

Under the shade of the tree stood Lin Dangdang and her roommate who were cheering. Lin Huai stood by the playground and watched quietly for a long time.

Then he went to the library. In the library, Tan Xiruo is studying hard.

Qin Jiang bought milk tea in Fenghua Garden, Chen Shu forwarded the latest haunted house competition in Moments, Cheng Yuan chatted with Zhou Ming in the group... Everyone has their own affairs and destinations.

And he sat alone on the steps in front of the library, watching his own shadow being stretched by the setting sun, for some reason, he felt abnormally wandering and lonely.

Until a shadow fell on his head.

He looked up and saw an umbrella.

And under the umbrella - a familiar face.

For some reason, he suddenly felt like crying at that moment.